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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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If the world is just the representation of the will and everything is merely an illusion and suffering being inevitable in samsaric life, why would I want to become a socialist?
Wouldnt it be more rational for humans to deny the will and become extreme ascetics instead of wanting to improve material conditions through technological means?


pb thread


Public broadcast?


Philosophy is not objective scientific truth. You may have an opiniões on what is reality, but that is basically It. You may interpret the world in various ways, the objective, however is to change It.


>Wouldnt it be more rational for humans to deny the will and become extreme ascetics instead of wanting to improve material conditions through technological means?
Communism is a necessity for the dispossessed worker. They don't even have a choice in whether to be """ascetic""" or not.


He could practice mental ascetism.


>why would I want to become a socialist

Typical American individualism nonsense


>everything is merely an illusion
But it's not so kys

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