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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.941093[Last 50 Posts]

A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ge/benjamin.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blq9sCIyXgA

>The Culture Industry from Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944) by Theodore Adorno & Max Horkheimer

📓 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/adorno/1944/culture-industry.htm
📖 • https://libcom.org/article/dialectic-enlightenment-philosophical-fragments-theodor-adorno-and-marx-horkheimer
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hSLdd8R8mY

<One-Dimensional Man (1964) by Herbert Marcuse

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/one-dimensional-man-studies-ideology-advanced-industrial-society-herbert-marcuse
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZCoLbEkAqs

>Discipline and Punish (1975) by Michel Foucault

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/michel-foucault-discipline-and-punishment
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFbywfzu-jI

<Simulacra and Simulation (1981) by Jean Baudrillard

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DBF3E860993373223D72E98FADF0F2DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S96e6TdJlNE

>Manufacturing Consent (1988) by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/manufacturing-consent-political-economy-mass-media-noam-chomsky-and-edward-s-herman
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34LGPIXvU5M

<The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989) by Slavoj Zizek

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=054E022C8BD24EE2C5595B575BCED7DC
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtIckkHsUQ4

>Postscript on the Societies of Control (1990) by Gilles Deleuze

📖 • https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/gilles-deleuze-postscript-on-the-societies-of-control
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY

<Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) by Fredric Jameson

📖 • https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=5BD20E0E22FC8BC2CB4F8A7760D57027
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RtV0oO8Pmg

>Spectres of Marx (1993) by Jacques Derrida

📖 • https://libcom.org/library/specters-marx-jacques-derrida
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJr0NwXWb6Q

<Capitalist Realism (2009) by Mark Fisher

📖 • https://libcom.org/article/capitalist-realism-mark-fisher
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cb5XJH4NMI



>Precursor Material to Post-modernity and Critical Theory

📖 • Karl Marx - Book 1, Chapter 4 of Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844)
📺 • Why Marx Was Right: Alienation - PlasticPills

📖 • Antonio Gramsci - Book 1, Chapter 1 of Selections from the Prison Notebooks (1929)
📺 • Hegemony: WTF? An introduction to Gramsci and cultural hegemony - Tom Nicholas

📖 • Louis Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (1970)
📺 • Althusser's Concept of Ideology: A Discussion with Anthony Gavin - Acid Horizon

<On Neo-Liberalism and Post-Fordism

[Work in progress]


The Society of the Spectacle (1974) by Guy Debord

Manufacturing Consent (1992) by Mark Achbar & Peter Wintonick, with Noam Chomsky

The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006) and The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012) by Sophie Fiennes, with Slavoj Zizek

HyperNormalisation (2006) by Adam Curtis

<Easy-Bake Breadtube (for absolute beginners)

We're All Fake Now - Wisecrack

Are Cell Phones Replacing Reality? - PBS Idea Channel

The Cultural Significance of Cyberpunk - Cuck Philosophy


I Don’t Want to Be an Internet Person by Ginevra Davis

Pluralistic: Tiktok's enshittification by Cory Doctorow

Facebook's Threads is so depressing by Jason O. Gilbert


social media destroyed everyone's self esteem. Now imagine the young who had access to it as soon as they were little.


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>bald avatar
>advertises baldness cures
makes sense. but why would someone want to pretend they are low-T, hairloss being associated with high testosterone?


Folks, don't buy the hairloss scam.
Hormones are tricky things and without a prescription based on testing you, you're not going to get something worth a fuck. A lot of people experience worse hair loss when they use these products, and especially if they stop using them after a while.


just use fin instead of buying specific products lol, it works for literally everyone


Excuse me, are you doubting the advice of a licensed medical professional, hm??


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what the ACTUAL fuck


brace belden is actually such a crazy guy there is no way he is real


The malding mullet will eventually set their minds right.


>Trump is also watching and cheering for his girl.
I like the nonbinary Swiss guy.


Yeonmi Park is 100% the type to get punk'd by Brace.


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Well, he just won.



>jesus embracing satan


Thanks for capturing that. Lovely moment.
Fuck the zios. Love will triumph over hate.

That crown of torn was actually from the person on the left. They "crowned" the winner.


dutasteride is better, it blocks DHT more effectively




Ireland left, Switzerland right.


/our guy/

Castration also stops hairloss…


>Hormones are tricky things and without a prescription based on testing you, you're not going to get something worth a fuck. A lot of people experience worse hair loss when they use these products, and especially if they stop using them after a while.
Yea, this. Something i was considering recently as my hair has been thinning out with age but have not because exactly this, You're not getting a doctors feedback or anything like that so you're really just guessing dosing and compatibility with other medications and things like this as well as obviously just taking them based on guess work, not actual blood research or urine samples or wtf pointyhead doctors do.


man old timey newspapers are a trip (technically counts because I saw it on the internet)


Went from 5mg to 1mg, from 1mg every day to 1 mg every 2 days, from this to topical fin.

Kept having ED issues unfortunately and now I have to accept future baldom. The -steride is potential stuff. Don't take it without controlled medical supervision.


>now I have to accept future baldom.
Lol, what? Do they make you 100% go bald?
Is it like a trade off thing? so you will have nice hair for a bit but when you stop taking it or the time runs out you loose your permabald?


well they don't make you more bald than you would be naturally but if you stop taking them then your hair falls out yes.


>>1852085 was balding, took fin to stop it, couldn't deal with side effects, stopped taking it and is now going bald again.


Male pattern baldness can stop any or start any age but it's terminal in the sense that there is a certain point where a hair follicle has been terminally destroyed and won't come back to live under any treatment.


>take hair pills to not go bald
<forget to take hair pills / cant afford hair pills
>go bald
Lmao. This is obviously a scam. Glad i didn't fall for it.


enjoy going bald sooner then


I mean how is it a scam? I'm happy to pay like £8 a month for the rest of my life if it means I get to keep my hair.


He just had the better song / performance. I suppose that's why Eurovision has a mixed voting method so the judges tilt the balance when people are spamming the vote for political reasons.


me and news anon fr fr


the idiot thinks the pills are what makes you go bald


Stop being a grug, there's plenty of research on effective hairloss treatments.


This is how it's supposed to be in theory but half the time the jury vote from most countries is more political than the public vote. Or are you telling me the Israeli jury gavr 12 points to the in the bottom third-placed Luxembourgois entry because of her act instead of her being a dual citizen?


well they kept the israeli from winning, which would have destroyed eurovision lol


bro has to sandwich his residency between seppo-pissraeli terror bombings I appreciate the hustle.


>I mean how is it a scam? I'm happy to pay like £8 a month for the rest of my life if it means I get to keep my hair.
Yea, until you can't afford 8USD a month anymore because of more pressing matterns then you're fucked genius..



>I mean how is it a scam? I'm happy to pay like £8 a month for the rest of my life if it means I get to keep my hair.
Yea, until you can't afford 8USD a month anymore because of more pressing matters then you're fucked genius..


Motherfucker it times out twice, then triple posts. What the fuck.


>why do skincare if you're going to get old anyway
do you actually think youre smart for pointing this out lmfao


It usually goes through on those fuck ups. Just give it a minute.


how am I any more fucked than if I didn't take the pills in the first place?


I am gonna be honest here the state of class unconsciousness and quality of people is getting so bad that I strongly suspect we'll enter another dark age possibly accompanied by nuclear hellfire.


>response video to a response video to a response video
>4 layers of people arguing
brain hurt


>"anti-woke" socialists should not be allowed in da movement
Good to know these guys are actually retarded. Nothing connects to the masses more than a fat lesbian on a scooter, screaming at people to get rid of their cars.


>the masses


All depends on the form of the critique

Labor aristocrat wannabe detected


Scam is probably too strong a term but the marketing surrounding it ignores or down plays side effects. Also it's trying to create insecurity about normal hairloss and sell a magic pill to "fix" something that is just a part of aging. It's the same for Botox and temp getting rid of wrinkles and crows feet.

nta but taking meds with side effects isn't the same as putting some moisturizer on your face


>nta but taking meds with side effects isn't the same as putting some moisturizer on your face
depends on the moisturizer, there's some bad shit on the market. but in principle yes.


>uses liberal buzzwords like "the masses"
>calls me a "labor aristocrat"
keep digging that grave deeper retard


regardless of whether hairloss is 'natural' it's certainly unattractive, and not everyone suffers from it.


All radlibs are wreckers.


I have four words for you: Oppose stereotyped party writing


>basic marxism is "party writing"
youre beyond retarded


Maybe read a book but Marxism isn't just discussing transgender theory with your NEET fbi.gov friends. It's about actually getting shit done. You libs are just poison.


I can't believe you still haven't figured out that the other anon was speaking glibly and sarcastically. Laugh or face the wall


>it's certainly unattractive
Sometimes. Attraction depends on a bunch of stuff including if the other person has a type. A handsome guy is still handsome even when bald. Maybe they lose a point or so but that doesn't change the fundamentals.

Also by the time most start balding their youthful looks are already starting to fade. Men who focus on the balding are ignoring everything else.
I think part of this is because your face/body isn't seen as easily changeable as your hair. Young people have the option to change their hair style just by letting it grow and getting a cut but now they suddenly have real physical limitations to that process.


Cool, so you admit balding makes you less attractive. Now fuck off.


>basic marxism
>step 1: alienate everyone with an actual job from "DA MOVEMENT" with stupid gender politics


this was already solved 100 years ago: Basic Marxism is the electrification of the country.


so everyone but north korea?


Age makes you less attractive.
Please don't become obsessed with your looks and end up bogged like Madonna or get roided out in pursuit of perpetual good looks.
Everyone should aim for aging gracefully not buying shit because of insecurity and marketing.


Man, you're delusional. Nobody is going to pat your ass for 'aging gracefully'. Shockingly enough the people who are perceived to have 'aged better' are the ones who still have their hair.


>t.like 20 and cringes at the thought of old people fucking


Old people fucking can be hot-ish… yknow, if they're attractive.

If you deny that balding makes you less attractive (as perceived by the average person) you're just clowning.


up until 1990 north korea had more electricity than south korea and china


Young'uns are endowed with "static" hotness: smooth skin, tight breasts and buns, genitals in optimal condition, near insatiability and curiosity. People depend more on "dynamic" hotness as they get older: wardrobe, flirting and seduction, foreplay, pacing and technique.
All else being equal, I will concede that head hair is widely considered attractive and virile in Western society, but see also the military for a counterexample that sometimes radiates outward into civil society.


mate "anti-woke" socialists are retarded. I was pointing out the liberal concern trolling by inventing a brocialist straw-man to beat down while they tried to shed "libtard". if you wanna keep trying to push reactionary and homophobic talking points you're gonna find yourself excluded.


The status of sexual minorities is not something that a party should be split or some members excluded over. The matter should be settled according to democratic centralism.


>Nobody is going to pat your ass for 'aging gracefully'.
Never said they would. But we as a society should think of aging naturally as the norm (because it literally is) and not pretend weird plastic alien freaks capitalist media throws on TV are the norm.
>Shockingly enough the people who are perceived to have 'aged better' are the ones who still have their hair.
Ok? Do you treat old people with hair better than those without? Because they are both old to me and I would treat them the same in either case. Hair on an old guy doesn't magically make me respect him and hair on a young guy does nothing either.

Chemically castrating yourself because you want to look more attractive is a bad move. People just need to come to terms with not being physically perfect instead of doing medically questionable procedures.


They aren't. There are just more treatments now that prevent/delay hair loss. Hair pieces usually looked bad so it was felt more dignified to accept baldness over a bad hair piece. No man has ever been okay with going bald while young.


>Folks, don't buy the hairloss scam.
No point fighting for looks with dubiously effective when there is still plenty of looks left to gain, guaranteed, through fitness. Finish your plate of fitness, then you can have all the hairloss snake oil you want.


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Plot twist I just learned about: Eden Golan is on the Myrotvorets list (the Ukrainian "kill list"). I don't really know what she did but she performed in Crimea. The list says she has engaged in:

>Deliberate violation of the state border of Ukraine with the aim of penetrating the territory occupied by Russian invaders.

>Illegal commercial activity in the territories of Ukraine occupied by the Russian invaders.
>Participation in requests for legalization of the occupation of Crimea by Russian invaders.
>Participation in anti-Ukrainian propaganda activities of Russia (the aggressor country) against Ukraine.

Kind of funny though because the official narrative carried by both establishment and self-styled anti-establishment influencers (many whom have themselves been included on the list) is that Israel is aligned with Ukraine, and that Russia hates Israel. But if this was true, Eden Golan wouldn't be on Myrotvorets. It does indicate some level of Russia-Israeli relations that people on either side of that equation don't want to admit exists.



This warms the heart I thought I no longer had.


disgusting advertisement


When you share opinions on social media, when you share articles that affirm your opinions, when you “amplify voices”, you are not engaging in public debate. You are engaging in a simulation of public debate. Social media are not the public sphere. They are a public-sphere-themed video game, just like Grand Theft Auto is a car-chase-themed video game.


Market for cosmetica targeting females is saturated.
Thus the 15 in 1 male product has to be broken down into 15 products and those 15 products have to be shilled for.

>sharing opinions is not debating
wow, you noticed this on you own?
>well actually it is when done offline


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Almost r/OrphanCrushingMachine vibes


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they're finally making austin powers 4


Betting a million dollars and my heart that it's gonna be dogshit or at least subpar.


I 100% guarantee you that the first sentence of that movie if it makes it into production will be some shit like
>"Groovy baby!"
>"Uh Mr. Powers you cannot speak to women that way anymore!"
>*Records scrath*


Something along the line of the latest OSS 117?


I believe that poster just made a joke about how the photo of Brace Belden with Yeonmi Park looks like, anon.


mutahar finally released his video on keffals


The Ukrop one is literally called Jerry Heil.


Did she get plastic surgery. She looks so uncanny


Looks like botox'd cheeks.


i dont think garbage men not having donuts counts as orphan crushing machine.


she's more plastic than person


Now, this is content.


Both are feds


only thirty mins in an this individual seem to b a disgustin crook who switches her story left an right, y does anyone defend them?


"If it weren't for discontent I wouldn't have any content at all"

A defense of the realized potential to do the same thing themselves.


how is brace a fed


>1h30 vid about Kffals
The Internet should be banned.


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>We've moved from celebrity drama to even dumber e-celebrity drama
Wish everyone who is involving themselves in this shit would be put in Gulags


>Wish everyone who is involving themselves in this shit would be put in Gulags
I feel begrudging respect (or perhaps it's envy) for Unruly Pierogi for passing on the reaction/e-drama as a career.


I think that's what Keffals wants


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People ALWAYS compliment my hair which fucked me up because I really cannot think of another feature people like about me physically and it really makes my face with weird shaped head.
Maybe i'll start wearing hats.
Getting old sucks.
>People just need to come to terms with not being physically perfect instead of doing medically questionable procedures.
<Everyone should aim for aging gracefully not buying shit because of insecurity and marketing.
Yea that's true. Think i'm just going to wait until i go bold to force myself to just fucking deal with it. I'd feel more honest to myself as a living humans in that i think.


>A non-binary Irish person named Bambi Thug carried an old Irish piece of writing precipitating a crisis
Well, okay. Confession: few things make me feel more American than Eurovision


I swear finding eurovision extremely cringe but finding it kind of irreverent fun as you get into middle aged is a right of passage for most Europeans.


It's only good for the memes.


But that's the point, no? It's supposed to be fun and not take itself seriously.
Honestly, they should just remove the whole 'competition' part of it and it'd all be much better.


Zoomers who comment "OMG so ahead of its time" on every YTP from 2007 because they think the concept of making silly and absurd internet videos was invented by TikTok are the some of the worst scum on Earth.


>Maybe i'll start wearing hats.
>Getting old sucks.
One of the few good things about getting visibly old is that you can get away with wearing cool hats.


>It's supposed to be fun and not take itself seriously.
That's what made the Israeli singer cringe, she's all like "I'm in a hurricane oh noooo." Yeah, okay lady. The Swiss guy wearing a skirt and rotating around on a discus while there's an epic Bond theme in the background is fun.


I'm still laughing that there was a contestant called "Windows 95 man' who only lives by one rule, the rule being; there are no rules!


See him slay.


I miss flash and animutations.



Fuckin' porks


But how would that sell Western competitive society as superior and cooperation as dreary?


>It's supposed to be fun and not take itself seriously.

That's impossible when we're talking about a highly publicised billions of dollars event.


No wonder you burgers are homeless.


Dutton is supposed to be a stereotype of a wealthy rural white conservative american


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>That's impossible when we're talking about a highly publicised billions of dollars event.
Yes, but it's an attempt.


>10 million views for some racist ass sketch bullshit

And now you're giving it more views, cool


>unironically believing liberals and democrats are "leftists"


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Are you a part of the 'Cocaine Left'?


Literally who is this dumb cunt referring to even, probably some ex boyfriend or some retarded shit


Self-esteem culture makes people write like this


Duh being anti abortion puts you firmly in bed with the right


Idk why but I love hate watching cheesy inspo Jordan Peterson compilations people put together. It’s surreal how rudderless people will use him like a guru. In the twenty-teens people would do this with old Alan Watts recordings and it almost functions as satire to me.


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Mucho texto


Of course careerist slime that live off the system think the system is fundamentally good. Kingdom of conscience moment.


>careerist slime
That's the best way I think I've ever heard Wu described.

It summarises literally everything they have done since they first became relevant with GamerGate.


>And now you're giving it more views
Yeah we should be posting invidious links at least

It's amazing to me a Jungian psychologist somehow captured the right's positive attention. Before Peterson they would attack anyone even vaguely associated with Freud but it's okay if you talk about dragons I guess.


The music and editing of the video turns it on it's head making Dutton the hero


Someone seriously needs to ask her what she thinks of Decree 770.


It's funny reading some old tech journo stuff to see how different things were back in the 2000s, like this article talking about viewers swatting the owners of justin.tv (the precursor to twitch) and they're covering it like it's harmless fun: https://techcrunch.com/2007/03/23/police-raid-justintv-more-pranks-on-the-way/


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Today the posts per day average of 4chan (sustained posting rate of the past few days) has dropped below 800K.
It was around 900K post-captcha change (red line) as you can see, and was still like that only a year ago.


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get their apartheid asses


time is running out for israel to finish their genocide before more countries join egypt and south africa in accusing them of genocide at the ICJ. the objective is to conquer all of gaza and the west bank before any international observers can inspect the country on behalf of a war crimes tribunal. whether khamas can survive long enough to prevent israel from sweeping evidence of its crimes under the rug by eliminating all witnesses is the question.


The ICJ tribunal doesn't matter, I mean yes it's good for anti-Israel PR but it's not like international institutions can actually force Israel to stop when America is backing them every step of the way.


nobody cares about that rotting carcass of a site anymore, zoomers don't care and life is catching up to the millennial oldfags who propped up the site.


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More /isg/ than /prc/:
>For any men’s rights people here, thankfully most of your comments got ate by YouTube’s filter.
literally chromazonal genocide by (((diverse)) ) big tech


Who is this loser?




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>men's rights advocates


>cocaine left
Interesting take, but holds no candle to my favorite Brianna Wu tweet (the one about America's need to protect itself against evil people throwing rocks down from the moon).
Guess what haters, Wu will be forever be remembered for making one of the greatest titles ever in gaming: Revolution 60 (I mean title as in literally the name, game is ass).

Jung wasn't as sex-obsessed as Freud, so if you are a conservative and you get exposed to both at around the same time, you take Jung (if you don't yeet both).


Whoever eric garrison is




If you have side effects then you can change the treatment. Also finasteride is a very common use drug that typically doesn't cause major side effects and is something many men are on for their prosate. If anything being on it to prevent hair loss prior to needing it for that therapy is a good thing. Furthermore "putting some moisturizer on your face" comes with the some possability of side effects as any other drug or therepy.

You're not as smart as you think you are by chastising other people's medical choices in an effort to be a contrarian. Even if that medical treatment is simply cosmetic.


>If anything being on it to prevent hair loss prior to needing it for that therapy is a good thing.
Why would you want people to take meds for a problem they don't have? wtf
>moisturizer on your face" comes with the some possability of side effects as any other drug
Beyond potentially having an allergic reaction, what are the side effects of moisturizer? Honestly never heard of any.

Anyway, taking unnecessary meds is bad and ED is not fun.


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Is this twitter account really Paul Cockshott, or is it someone posting under his name to make him look bad?


what exactly "looks bad" in your screenshot other than your crop out of the context from the previous tweets that we won't get to read?


Figure it out for yourself. Is it the real guy or not?


its the real cockshott


I see. That is disappointing. The account interacts also with that "magacommunist" fellow as well.


I mean… He has some point. The US was an apartheid state at that time that lynched people based on race for fun. Taking in refugees after getting attacked by the country refugees are coming from isn't exactly to be expected.

Regarding whether the US should or shouldn't have done x or y is beyond my interest.


>Should they have favoured foreign whites over their own black citizens
They did neither. Helping Nazis get into power even after Hitler died and overhthrowing the soviets was their greatest priority


Based block them.
Fuck dem bourgeoisie


I like a banger Paul wrote about revenge coming and what happens to Israel when USA gets its Suez moment. But cant find it.


The claim literally does not make any sense. There is nothing about it to defend.


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"4chan was never good" or w/e but the fond memories I have fond memories of that site back in the late 2000's early 2010's. I was there for gamergate and gamergate legitimately made the website more annoying. I hadn't even comprehended that gamergate was set up specifically to hate people like me and just found the overflow on /v/ annoying but I think that's when the site began its unironically racist era and left its ironically racist era


>>1853561 (me)
I have since realized that complete anonyminity selects for two types of people mostly: esoteric nerd types and BPD assholes. the male BPD assholes become racist goblins and the trans BPD assholes post about 'passoids' on their lgbt board but it's the same type of nasty critter. the sad thing about imageboards is that the BPD asshats who want to launder away getting a bad reputation attached to their name are attracted to the esoteric nerd types and will eventually follow them around and crowd them out in any anonymous imageboard environment


she IS Korean


Yeah, GG was around the time I dropped out too. After a while the userbase just got too irritating and up its own ass while constantly engaging people in bad faith. kind of like what's happening here


>whore cares about the holocaust when there's black people being oppressed?
hey I've seen this one before


>OMG Feynman had to SETTLE, why do you hate SETTLERS so much


That's the equivalent of naming your kid John Wisconsin. What a strange people. Israel is like a parody of Israel itself



Speaking about Internet Spectacle, is it just me or is the Israeli government's media branch the most inept institution on Earth? You don't see them making feel good tiktoks about wholesome smolbean IDF soldiers helping wounded Arabs and shit or all the other type of propagandas like what the US produced to cover its ass during the whole War on Terror shit. In fact they allowed soldiers to record themselves doing warcrimes and somehow there are no PR experts in Tel Aviv that think that this is going to reflect badly on their image.


>and somehow there are no PR experts in Tel Aviv that think that this is going to reflect badly on their image.
They all left for America and USA. Both after 7oct and before, The current government is not very popular with factions the professional tel aviv types.


They're mostly correct that the bourgoisie is on their side but they didn't expect their propaganda to not work this time for the working class when it has been working for +70 years. Not to mention more and more people are getting fed up with their government after Corona fucked them them over.


Nothing is more bleakly comical to me than the undermining of Israeli propaganda - mediocre though it is - by the simple expedient of Twitter's translate feature. The figure delivering little quips about the most moral democracy in English takes on quite a different light when you click that little button beneath a hebrew tweet and find them declaring that once the last arab is dead, Israel should build a marina from their bones in the casino-settement that was once Gaza.


> they allowed soldiers to record themselves doing warcrimes and somehow there are no PR experts in Tel Aviv that think that this is going to reflect badly on their image.
This. Israeli information war capabilities are known to be among the best in the world. If they wanted to keep the warcrimes off tiktok it would happen. The question is why they are deliberately allowing warcrime videos to get to international eyes?


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Given how Haz, Hinkle and the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin's love to reach out to le wholesome overall-wearing conservative proles, why don't they try to reach out to Israeli proles regarding their government's treatment of Palestinians, or Indian proles regarding Kasmir and Manipur, or Pakistani proles regarding Balochistan, or Indonesian proles regarding West Papua, or Turkish proles regarding Kurdistan? Are American and European proles uniquely positioned to oppose imperialist war waged by their own country by invoking national chauvinism? I'm sure they, with all their knowledge and wisdom, must have thought this through.


>The question is why they are deliberately allowing warcrime videos to get to international eyes
Natural experiment. They would like to learn how these leaks are happening so that they can disconnect them better when they do the West Bank next. And, when you have both sides of a moral dilemma in your grasp, you can carry and wield it much more skillfully.


>The question is why they are deliberately allowing warcrime videos to get to international eyes?
I don't agree that it's deliberate.
Israeli intelligence and etc apparatus has been drastically altered and damaged over the last few years. October 7th is a great example of this.


Miscalculated. They thought westerners would also celebrate the destruction of the barbaric hajji junglers.


as >>1853696 said, they are probably just so disconnected that they are out of touch with what the rest of the world considers normal since they've been desensitized and no longer see palestinians/arabs as humans.


>They would like to learn how these leaks are happening
They're not leaks. Israeli military made a deliberate choice not to impose a social media policy or penalize soldiers that discredit the military and the campaign. The Russians have an _almost_ full compliance from soldiers because they care about the opinions of the global majority and don't want to discredit their campaign.
>I don't agree that it's deliberate.
It's absolutely deliberate. It would be trivial to implement a lockdown on soldiers posting warcrimes. They are still allowing the posts, even 7 months later. They want to be hated.
>They thought westerners would also celebrate the destruction of the barbaric hajji junglers.
Come on. The entire world is disgusted by these videos. They want Jews to be hated globally and feel like there is only one place that they are safe.


>out of touch
Liberal rightoid cope


they know there aren't any real consequences, and if its bad optics, then it just confirms their belief that everyone hates them and wants them dead, justifying Israels existence


>It would be trivial to implement a lockdown on soldiers posting warcrimes.
How so?


If you don't have discipline, are you even a military force?


The same way all military do it: serious consequences for posting shit or carrying a phone. If you want to take it further: they own the cellphone network in the region and could cut comms to soldiers phones. Even further: they could exert control over social media companies in the country and internationally to delete these videos.
<They have made choices that enable these videos to exist and reach international eyes.


What do you think we're looking at?
It's mostly teenage conscripts being ordered by a group of young and green ultra-right officers in a war that was not planned and which was started the same day the Gaza Division HQ was totally wiped out. Legions of older and dual-passports have left, those tel aviv professionals who would do such things, and have been leaving for years.
Tel Aviv is in shambles, they can barely keep up and are in reaction only mode. The bar has moved significantly than the rest of our lives reading this conflict.
It's a failing project, anon, they 'wish' they still had that image of 'most moral army' and the immaculate PR. Those days are over.
The Zionist entity is nose diving. Don't make the mistake of reading control where there is none.


Fair enough. However, the Zionist entity won't simply go down; I'm worried that they will simply pivot to colonizing the USA they have been shaping to serve them.


The explanation for Israeli soldiers who self-publish their war crimes and the failure of the army to defend civilians on 7 October have the same explanation. The purpose of the infantry is to dispossess, murder, and humiliate the Palestinians. That is why they couldn’t defend against hang gliders and why they film themselves blowing up hospitals and universities.


>The purpose of the infantry is to dispossess, murder, and humiliate the Palestinians.
Yea they were all in the West Bank doing exactly that instead of defending the boarder.
They got complacent as to think robots could do it also, fools.


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>It's absolutely deliberate. It would be trivial to implement a lockdown on soldiers posting warcrimes.
I agree with Joshua Landis here. The primary purpose is a demonstration towards the Arabs that Israel isn't weak and will inflict violence.


Plastic surgery is extremely common in South Korea. Some studies suggest at least 1 in 5 women get it and up to 31% of women in their 30s have got it.
Poor woman got tricked into ruining her face because it's so normalized in South Korea.


wtf is this “trauma” that internet people particularly “leftist” people bring up all the time? Are there just that many shitty relationships?


People tend to become leftists when bad things happen to them, typically police brutality or government overreach. It shouldnt be surprising that many if not most are traumatized to some degree. You dont become a communist because things are working out great in your life.


Their shit only works on Boomers and evangelicals though. They might be able to hold onto the American upper classes for longer but their entire position is untenable.


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>Their shit only works on Boomers
And the institutions they have taken over. Do you even entryism bro


Apparently the 4chan dating app had its userbase leaked.


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>4chan dating app


Am I just schizoing, or is there a concentrated effort to get sexual minorities into middle management positions under capital?


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We lost the pillars of our movement comrades. How will we do with the progressive left's strongest soldiers


destiny was associated with the progressive left?


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Is he not aware that different parts of the world, like Yemen for instance, don't have the American age of marriage (or age of consent which isn't even a concept there) of 18?

>According to a nationally representative survey conducted by the Yemeni government and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 2006, 14 percent of girls in Yemen are married before reaching age 15, and 52 percent are married before 18.

>In 1999 Yemen’s parliament, citing religious grounds, abolished article 15 of Yemen’s Personal Status Law, which set the minimum age for marriage for boys and girls at 15. Yemen currently has no minimum age for marriage. Boys or girls can be married at any age, but in practice it is girls who are most often married young, often to much older men.
>Yemeni law prohibits sexual relations outside marriage.


Such a tired routine


90% of the time somebody online references "pedophiles" they mean "d-generates" and more than half of the time they specifically mean LGBT+.


did destiny's "i am literally israel" rant get posted here yet


How recently? Last I heard, DEI professionals as such were having a pretty bad career time, BUT the busted Silicon Valley diaspora was expected to fan out into office IT positions, cottage software companies, etc. around the country.


First that guy shredding the UN charter telling us we were doing it, and now this guy telling us he is a state? Why do they have so much trouble with ontology lately


he read a wiki pedia article


Like last ten, twenty years.


g*mergate vindicated


Well no you aren’t really. But only really for the last 5-10 years and especially the last 5. And as the other anon pointed out the long awaited backlash seems to has actually arrived. The metropole perceives a threat from China and Palestine and all the other mass of benighted, non-white humanity not included in the International Community, and it has caused it to re-entrench reactionary positions, because liberals don’t really believe diversity etc is a strength, actually


Pop psychology speak. Conservative types still use religion to deal with personal problems so they are less likely to use it.

They'll still selectively use allied countries workers to keep prices down and pretend to be inclusive. Maybe the backlash will get rid of DEI in whatever is left in middle management but they will still populate lower ranks and a few will be put into top executive positions for diversity points


>90% of the time somebody online references "pedophiles" they mean "d-generates" and more than half of the time they specifically mean LGBT+.
That's true but looking up the sauce, the guy apparently raped and murdered an 11-year-old, which… well…

I was curious about the photo (the uniforms didn't look "Houthi" to me), and considering Jackson posts things out of context all the time… and it turns out: the execution occurred in Sanaa in July 2009 which is before the Houthis came to power there. This was done by the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh.


Can yall report this shit for being misinformation


What's the difference?


Well there are footages of Houthis doing live (public!) execution via firing squad avaliable in youtube of all places. Which becomes less shocking once you realized that the previous government also did that


You are either delusional about what life for African-Americans was like back then or you don't know when the Holocaust started, which one is it?


>90% of the time somebody online references "pedophiles" they mean "d-generates" and more than half of the time they specifically mean LGBT+.
let me guess, this is 100% vibes and you don't have a single thing to back this shit up?


Yeah I assumed that Hinkle was talking out of his ass because he always is. More importantly, his target audience isn't interested in the truth here and will project their own ideas onto the picture and tweet. Insofar as it functions as propaganda the actual truth is not the point.

Also, you can have a legal marriage age of 15 or something but also execute people for raping a child (even though in this case it's also for murder). The same political party in the US who are screaming about pedophiles are also defending child marriage.

that's not gonna do anything, they can just pay youtube to get put in the priority queue. they seem to do it in batches. i notice from time to time my youtube shorts feed gets polluted with this kind of heritage foundation think tank content.


It's mostly the schizos who never shut up about it and lump it in with jews, marxists, etc.


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i meant pic related lol (read from bottom to top)


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It's because reactoid ethnonationalists really are that brazen. They think that acting like a hostile maniac online is an own. Woman in tweet is a good example.




This is funny shit. In almost every line she basically confesses to some wrong doing. That journalist got everything he wanted.

Also, I looked at the site to see what this donations thing was about and at the end of the articles is a section asking for monetary support/contributions. Just saying it's totally legal in your FAQ doesn't change that lol

Can't believe she emailed this and then put it on twitter herself.



Realistically opinda is probably some shitty Indian tabloid owned by Indian rupert murdoch, but some anglo doing "journalism" in India makes me automatically assume he's making shit up and being an annoying little shit. It's not racism if you have literal centuries of examples of Anglos doing racial libel to everyone 24/7.

I can show this email to the world's most racist Chinese nationalist and the world's most extremist Pakistani nationalist and they'd probably both go "lmao anglo owned".

Israel is different since they're a western country and half the journalists in the west are Jewish anyways. If they get pissed at western reporting it's just an Israeli Jew whose parents are from Brooklyn getting mad another Jew who still lives in Brooklyn.


Some right-wing rag gets caught lying and breaking the law and your first instinct is to attack the journalist's race. And you think her seething and ranting about America is an "own" of the journalist…

How did a Indian nationalist find this website, anyway?


>Gets approached by a journalist from a sizeable media company for her side on the controversy
>Starts seething and hurling racist insults instead of doing damage control
>Posts receipts on social media so now she can't even deny it
>Could've used the opportunity to garner pity points posing as a heccin' beanie wearing independent journalist
>Anglo owned
Real life isn't an imageboard fight. Good PR matters. You can act as deranged as you want in your own little bubble, but the moment you leave it people start noticing your behaviour. The reason why many ethnonats can't control themselves is because they're groomed into believing they're right and they lack discipline.


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on the surface the libshits who wrote this want you to think:
>EU has cool policies, let's adopt them!
what it really is:
>fucking hell, I never know what to tip to these poors, can they just fuck off already?


That's an interesting take that I don't think is wrong.
Whatever their motivation though getting rid of tips would be good. There would at least be clarity in knowing how much you will actually be paid instead of doing a monkey dance and getting fuck all or randomly getting a big tip. That's literally random reinforcement as described by BF Skinner, essentially turning the customer into loot boxes and worker into gamblers chasing the next big win.


i don't care if someone holds some secret disdain for baristas, tipping culture needs to go. as a eurofag i'm surprised anyone would defend a system that puts the burden of paying an livable wage away from the owner of a business into the hands of random customers whom the staff has to entertain to get some pennies thrown at them. nobody benefits and everyone feels shittier except for the capital owner


It's disgusting to have to give tips. Even more so when it's based on performance/entertainment or variable. They should be abolished, simple as.

It also opens up the doors to rip off customers (where the porky gets the money), and porky stealing tips is even more ridiculously common.


I don't get BadEmpanada. He hates the likes of Haz, Hinkle and the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, but he employs pretty much the same demeanour.
>making fun of his opponents looks
>going into a ragefit when someone even slightly criticizes him
>me me me me me
>being edgy as fuck that gets him suspended all the time


he's just a clout chaser, disregard him


Relying on tips is not even proper capitalism is it? It's like a form of feudalism. As a European who went to America once I was served very poorly compared to everyone else because "hurr durr foreigners give barely any tips". Things should be like in Asian countries were the wage of the service worker is solely the responsibility of the owner.

Also, America is the only country where the owners of restaurant chains are one the of biggest of porkies, they also usually support Republicans. Sure, there rich owners in other Western states as well but they are nowhere near that level of importance outside petty scandals in the yellow press.


>widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin,
Isn't he a russian shill


Restaurants and bars themselves are feudalistic, as is all service work, none of it will exist in socialism


because he dislikes them for their opinions and not for the way they act?


it's a wordfilter lol


He got one question to Putin, who gave a pretty bored bog-standard politician answer, and he went bragging about it for days. Meanwhile Hinkle managed to interview Lavrov. If Caleb is a "Russian shill" he is not nearly paid enough.

Service work in its social form under capitalism will be sublated, but of course services will still exist, as well as the physical locations of restaurants and bars.


Caleb is too low on the rungs to interview Putin.


Caleb is literally an employee of Russia Today. He is literally a paid Russian shill, he’s just not a very good one. Putin has a little bit more self respect than the president of Iran, for example, whom Maupin did respect. Putin isn’t going to let a closeted homosexual trans chasing spanking enthusiast interview him. For President Raisi, all those traits make Maupin much more like the average Iranian, so of course he felt comfortable with the interview


>>1854268 (Me)
Whom Maupin did interview*


how is the average iranian a "closeted homosexual trans chasing spanking enthusiast"?
is this just a lazy attempt at westoid humor?


Beating women to death in the street for showing their hair while simultaneously providing trans women with free sex change surgery seems like the behavior of a society that likes trans women and hates real women. Also Persians have a long history before and after Islam of homoerotic poetry. Also ever Persian I’ve ever met has been very gay whether he identified that way or not
>inb4 it’s a punishment for sodomy!
In some cases it may be but this does nothing to change the fact that trans women are allowed to completely transition in Iran.


What breed of imbecile still watches this crap? I can imagine the sort who watches Family Guy and its spinoffs but I cannot see for whom The Simpsons is now made.


kids and boomers who aren't very picky about their TV content


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>I don't get BadEmpanada. He hates the likes of Haz, Hinkle and the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, but he employs pretty much the same demeanour.
Marshall McLuhan explored the impact of advertising and communication in "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man." He suggested that content is irrelevant, it's how the media stimulates human beings that should be studied. "We become what we behold. We shape the tools and then our tools shape us." Maybe it's less the individuals but the click industry where influencers shape ideas and drive opinions and reactions so quips, infotainment, outrageous lies and bipolar arguments (what we used to call tabloid news) are stickier than calm, unbiased analysis. The modern media also emerges from different technologies now than how information was transmitted in the 1930s, but with mass produced commodities you have mass produced ideological commodities.


>fucking hell, I never know what to tip to these poors, can they just fuck off already?
nothing wrong with this. "what the fuck do i give this guy for perfectly average service so that it's neither construed as an insult, nor a reward, nor - god forbid - gauchely showing off my higher income?" is an utterly moronic social problem to face. there are cases where one can problematise the de-humanization of interactions under capitalism (like having food delivered instead of buying it face-to-face) if you want to play sociological games, but in any culture this would be a moronic integration of the social with the commercial, and in our culture (where, as noted, tipping too much may be insulting, embarassing, or awkward, rather than being read as a kindly noblesse oblige type of voluntary wealth redistribution) it's intolerable.

your logical flaw is that you are imagining transition as a "reward" rather than a technical procedure. (the trans woman beaten to death in the street for showing her hair is privileged over the cis one, the state clearly loved her by giving her surgery before turning a blind eye to her death!)


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>Fight between catboy enthusiast and schizo hinkler
Happened yesterday, no idea if it will continue. 4chan partly sides with hinkle


why does he TYPE like a BOOMER ?


that's his target audience


More like his CIA handler is a boomer
>Alright Danny boy, you have to type every noun with BIG letters, that way you sound like Trump and right wingers will think you are one of them
>attaboy, BIG letters, like REALLY BIG, Good, that's how Trump would do it


Have we considered the possibility that hinkle is a boomer wearing a zoomer skinsuit?


I think we all know he is older than 24. His face is too old. Theres no way that guy is 24. Hes at least 34.




I can't believe Cuba/China would do something like this


Who gives a shit, really. RT is one of the platforms that features voices outside the MSM. He calls himself a journalist, so he obviously wants to be paid for his job. Please stop with this "Russian shill" nonsense, Zizek, Richard Wolff, Abby Martin, Varoufakis are appeared on RT, I guess they are all Putin trolls.


No way his account isn't run by a chatbot.


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>And then my own fanbase (Israeli citizens like Haaretz and B'tselem) come down on me for every single fucking thing I do holy fucking shit
lol he can't even please his tardwranglers, what a useless chode


>Real life isn't an imageboard fight. Good PR matters
Some people believe society needs more indignant, entitled sulking and perform it diligently, and those people tend to gravitate toward reactionary ideologies. Good PR is in the eye of the beholder, and the toxic optimism of the middle class doesn't sell to everyone.

Tip culture trains people to behave in a servile fashion. The money is but a symbol of servility.


I find it funny how Destiny became a raging arabophobic zionist over being cucked by 3 arab guys


Being a gusano is in his blood after all.


Terrisa Bukovinac is seething on Twitter right now.


>being cucked by 3 arab guys


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>why does he TYPE like a BOOMER ?
<Born 1999
You can't convince me Jackson Hinkle was not grown in a vat


Dude that picture looks like a guy from the 80s, replace the Bernie shirt with a Metallica shirt and you got it


As much as I oppose prisons I would love to see that cow get her pussy ripped apart in the slammer.


>as much as I oppose prisons I get off on the idea of prison rape


It’s jarring watching old episodes of this show and then this. Old Simpsons would have Homer and Bart disliking Europe for asinine reasons while Lisa and Marge would be ambivalent. Typically Lisa would be the most enthusiastic about the surface-level progressivism until becoming jaded. That was the original formula for a lot of episodes.


Homer sounds AI generated and Bart sounds old.


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< I hate prisons but …


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tom on the right is based on zoot suits from the 1940s


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>we show ????

she says "we show awooga"


Theres pretty compelling evidence that Zizek is violently opposed to Putin, despite his show on RT. Caleb is a Putin dickrider and he is LITERALLY paid by a Russian state corporation


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Back to your cucktainment thread, Ztard.


>Back to your cucktainment thread, Ztard.
lol this is 2022 tier NAFO whining breo. Westoids criticizing Russian state propaganda while implicitly accepting western state propaganda, the most sophisticated and comprehensive in history, is pretty sweet. The world is dropping the dollar and Europe is cucking itself to the US. Ztards understand this and RT covers it, what the fuck are you offering?


Z's and NAFO's go back to the containment thread. You have to both be there to feed eachother's debate addiction. Once you're bored of debate you can come play in the news addict thread.


> news addict thread.
Hinckle v Fuentes isn't news, it's spectacle
>t. spectaclist


perfect representation of keyboard warriors:
it also reminds me of people who stare at you when theyre in a car or on a bus, or people who put on sunglasses to act like hot shit
if you need a filter to talk shit then youre a coward like this dog
TL;DR fight me irl


>Apartheid Defense League
I can't believe this was right in front of us the entire time.

I'll second this. They do it because facism and adjacent forms of barbarism are about normalizing anti-humanist and anti-civilizational behavior, like >>1854042 said. And given that a) they have the MSM of the entire fucking West on their side and b) the informational shitshow that reigns nowadays, they can afford to play the victim and the psychopathic ubermensch simultaneously instead of having to constantly alternate between them like fascists used to do.

>the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst


this video proves that exposure therapy is bullshit. If i was forced to interact with this thing i would literally go insane.


exposure therapy is about giving you small amounts of exposure that you can tolerate and build up to something scary. people with arachnophobia (similar) often have to work up to looking at pictures of spiders.


>apartheid defense league
absolute banger

also, keep reminding people that Hamas agreed to the ceasefire, including releasing the hostages, and then Israel went back on it.


>Hamas agreed to the ceasefire, including releasing the hostages, and then Israel went back on it.


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Back in my day, words meant things.


The size crickets would be if they were added to minecraft


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>50% OFF
Mao Tse-Tung Hour moment


I don't know either but /soc/ exists and there are many cases of people meeting over 4chan and forming IRL relationships. Probably more of a nerd-board thing, like fa/tg/uys.


I met my boyfriend on leftypol and we are going to Paris in July :3


hasan just covered a leftypol twitter post on stream


Sounds like BPD women galore.


nice, clip it?


>proceeds to give no further information


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just have this screenshot


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The promotional image Ubisoft has released, ahead of its announcement tomorrow regarding its latest Assassin's Creed game which is set in medieval Japan.


Hard to feel sorry for such an awful human being.


There was a black samurai retainer to Oda Nobunaga.
Assuming it's him athat means it's set during the 1580s roughly.


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Thoughts on Lillypichu?


There needs to be a leftist twibber personality who isn't so fucking stupid. Watching fuentes run circles around people is painful


I think i remember her being retarded in league, good times. Man I miss video games.My old friend group kinda just collapsed in on itself and fizzled out because everybody is either losing their fucking mind or too depressed to function. I miss…I miss better days honestly, things feel really hopeless and isolating rn frankly. I cant play games anymore for some reason. I don't feel depressed or anxious about the state of the world, all I have left is a smoldering rage that feels more difficult to douse every day.


>Good PR matters.
if youre an electoralist cuck sure.


Every organization uses PR to get people on their side. "Peace, Land and Bread" is the Bolshevik classic.



Stop giving this retard attention. Forget he exists.


So he's not friends with Daniel Burke anymore? Sad. I still think it was Haz's fault for freaking out on stream after lying that he saw Caleb's video before the stream. Really sad.


Impossible because Nazis only care about hearts and minds instead of winning the argument or truth. They coordinate off site to boost their leaders. Nazis are super cohesive and have a very simple ideology while communists always infight and have massive disagreements over petty things. Nazis only care about 1 objective, to kill commies. Commies will fight each other if one is too religious or conservative or said the wrong things. If the soviets were like modern commies, they would have lost ww2.


>back in that guy's day, to "prove" something meant to challenge it

Bolsheviks are just another shitty management consultancy whose rise would be reactionary according to current history. We really need to take all these people who establish parasocial relationships with historical figures and turn them into energy


I just realized this place isnt obsessed with the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, it's just one schyzo always posting about him.


idk who that is but i like the teddy bear thing


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I thought this was a pretty interesting example of the claim made that Capitalism simply produces an ideology of individuality.

Social issues such as euthanasia are reduced to the dimension of personal opinion (the context of the validity of whether euthanasia should be available, as an acceptable ethical alternative to simply providing free healthcare, doesn't even enter into the discussion).

There's no reconcilliation in this person's understanding of the contradiction which has lead to this state of affairs: that the aging crisis is a social issue, and yet what the liberal state simply adjudicates on are the legal rights of the bourgeois individual.

There's no mistake as to what this person is assenting to: voluntary mass murder. 70 years ago this position was untenable because democracy was still held as a vestige of the west and there existed a social fabric which posited a common consensus on certain inalienable values (the right to life).

Voluntary euthanasia is a question that needs to be discussed, but the terms of its discussion in the present political and economic framework strip it of the centrality of the right to die. The implicit question in euthanasia, the right to a quality of life, is dominated by the context of what is essentially Malthusian necessity. It's one from which even the most hardened of Racists would flinch, because in their ideal of supremacy they stand for the preservation of the life-being of their race.

What the question eventually degrades into is one of resource division, which the poster in the image has completely foregone; the political order is seen as unable to even mount a defence against what could swiftly become a genocide of the poor.

Take it with a pinch of salt, this is just one community on reddit. But already you can see the framework through which the wider population and the political establishment will construct the issue. If a euthanasia bill does pass, it will be heralded as a socially progressive move and a victory for civil liberties. In reality, it will simply stand as a clear and visible sign for those who choose to view it for what it is: death.


I'm a big proponent of euthanasia of the prepubescent.




>I thought this was a pretty interesting example of the claim made that Capitalism simply produces an ideology of individuality.
Define "individuality". My prediction is that it includes anything short of total self-mortification in the Pauline fashion.
>voluntary mass murder
No, the point here is to take disgruntled actors out of the game, and prevent them from being weaponized. Stop being a sentimental bitch and post materialism.


I'm a big proponent of euthanasia of people who create institutions and other imaginary friends.


I thought euthanizing was making someone younger


I can't claim credit for creating prepibescent people.


An ideology which premises the centrality of the individual as the final determinant, as a rational agent, for the proudction of value in society.

That isn't a provocative definition, that is quite literally the Marxist criticism of the bourgeois state.

>No, the point here is to take disgruntled actors out of the game

Legalising euthanasia as a solution to the aging crisis, in place of collectivising the wealth produced by society and redistributing it in order to provide an adequate level of care, quite literally is mass murder.

I know there aren't many Marxists left on this site, but have you ever heard of the line "From each according to his ability to each according to his need"?


Again, in socialist state, euthanasia would be permissible. But with a guarantee for each individual to the product of their labour: the healthcare necessary to support their conditions, free and at no point of charge, housing to support them with accomodations, and the social care if necessary.

The prevailing direction of euthanasia under a capitalist state would literally centre around the division of surplus labour between the classes.

You are arguing for euthanasia in a world in which there are coming into existence trillionaires. Bear that in mind.


I'm more concerned with how you are upholding the marketing copy of a long-dead political movement whose conditions have been feeding the worms for a hundred years. Are you doing some kind of true believer bit?
Also redscarepod are anti-materialist reactionary whiners who think their emotions shoudn't be crushed and take Thiel's money. They should all partake of euthanasia posthaste.
>as a solution to the aging crisis
Submission to someone else's intentions isn't "materialism". It's the purest of idealistic cuckoldry.
>in place of collectivising
Yes, it's all a nice genteel little competition where distribution is just a choice. In fact, Roman culture simply doesn't value other people's life very much.
<In the shallowest conception, distribution appears as the distribution of products, and hence as further removed from and quasi-independent of production. But before distribution can be the distribution of products, it is: (1) the distribution of the instruments of production, and (2), which is a further specification of the same relation, the distribution of the members of the society among the different kinds of production. (Subsumption of the individuals under specific relations of production.) The distribution of products is evidently only a result of this distribution, which is comprised within the process of production itself and determines the structure of production. To examine production while disregarding this internal distribution within it is obviously an empty abstraction; while conversely, the distribution of products follows by itself from this distribution which forms an original moment of production. Ricardo, whose concern was to grasp the specific social structure of modern production, and who is the economist of production par excellence, declares for precisely that reason that not production but distribution is the proper study of modern economics. [18] This again shows the ineptitude of those economists who portray production as an eternal truth while banishing history to the realm of distribution.
>but have you ever heard of the line "From each according to his ability to each according to his need"?
Political slogans are meant to be taken literally? My brother, you are either stupid or have a poli sci degree to pay off. The number of rightoid Karens quoting Marx for self-entitlement is too damn high.
<The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best; and bourgeois Socialism develops this comfortable conception into various more or less complete systems. In requiring the proletariat to carry out such a system, and thereby to march straightway into the social New Jerusalem, it but requires in reality, that the proletariat should remain within the bounds of existing society, but should cast away all its hateful ideas concerning the bourgeoisie.


>They should all partake of euthanasia posthaste.
the only good post you've ever made.


>The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom.

Love that you've quoted this, disguising Malthusian ideas as socialist. Not only is the remainder of that quote completely irrelevant, but I know for a fact that posters like you are unable to actually situate that criticism and hence properly understand its usage in context.

It's amazing that you could read this:
>The prevailing direction of euthanasia under a capitalist state would literally centre around the division of surplus labour between the classes.
and still go to bat for its liberalisation.

Why don't you stop pretending to be a leftist and fuck off to somewhere that might suit you better. Say, Stormfront.


Euthanasia isn't causing the abject poverty of the lower classes. But I agree it shouldn't be available for just being poor.


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bro he looked 30 in HS, he has to be a fed.
the kid from terminator 2 had an adult stunt double. that's what he looks like


>Euthanasia isn't causing the abject poverty of the lower classes

That isn't even the claim being made.

The entire point of contention is over how the social crisis of an unequal age distribution will be met by capitalist society. The bourgeois state will simply exist to rubber stamp the approval of euthanasia as a solution.

This moron >>1855366 thinks that actually the end result of this is desirable, because any notion of a just distribution of resources in socialist society is someone desiring "bourgeois socialism".

It's an endless fucking circle on this site of people who claim to have some knowledge of basic Marxist theory being met by the stark reality that they know, in fact, nothing.


Again take this line:
>The entire point of contention is over how the social crisis of an unequal age distribution will be met by capitalist society
and read the beginning premise of this post >>1855293
>I thought this was a pretty interesting example of the claim made that Capitalism simply produces an ideology of individuality.

The point being made is that the entire manifold that structures one's understanding of this situation is derrived from the fact that the ideal bourgeois individual is the unit of production, both in a legal and material sense.

The poster in the original image is typical for that of the population: they cannot begin to form the issue in its scope nor understand or determine the reason for it occuring. An aging population appears as if by natural course of the world, i.e. as if by magic, when its function is entirely determined by the system which is responsible for the reproduction of labour: capitalism.

This moron >>1855366 again has misunderstood the purpose of why the reddit post has been quoted in the first place and dismissed it because it makes them feel upset.

That poster is quite literally the typical view you will encounter on the issue, because it is the general form that will structure the debate on the issue. The 'progressive' left will defend the right to Euthanasia, again, as a civil liberty. The right will defend without even bothering to place it under this rubric, but simply rub their hands with glee at the profit they stand to make by selling suicide kits en masse.


Stay tuned, it gets better

>disguising Malthusian ideas as socialist
Speaking of situation, this reheating of 19th century electoral drama makes you no better than a It's Her Turn fangirl, and just as out of time.
Who's going to bat for its liberalization? Far from it; I'm disappointed to see people who might revolt more effectively having that much less to lose, subdued into a quiet, safe, industrialized passage to the underworld.
Have you considered deconstructing your anachronism and treating your religious impulses with a higher dosage?


Have you considered writing a coherent post?


>thinks that actually the end result of this is desirable
Actually, my only objection is that pathetic whiners like you should find treatment for their sentimental illnesses and historical reenactionism.


Bruh, this is the spectacle thread


I wonder what the larouche people are up to? Has doesn’t appear to promote them anymore either


>whole podcast is criticizing reactionary feminism, liberal feminism, white feminism, bourgeois feminism, lifestyle feminism, etc
>says nothing about what the "good" intersectional Marxist feminism is supposed to look like
Is this like having your cake and eating it too, calling yourself a feminist but all you're saying is anti-feminism? Not that it's unwarranted criticism, but where's the part where she says something pro-feminist? What's even the point of calling yourself a feminist then? Just so people listen when you criticize other feminists?


>bro he looked 30 in HS, he has to be a fed.
I wonder if his "classmates" even remember him or if he was a "transfer" in the last few months of senior year.


seethe. alice is literally the marx of feminism


>alice will never be my wife
>she will never cuck me
why live


in a way, you are cucked by this very fact. pls jerk off now


>not understanding bourgeois feminism is not real feminism
>not understanding that proletarian feminism critcizes and deconstructions bourgeois feminism


>it wasn't REAL feminism
lmfao feminism was petit-bourgeois from day 1

<"proletarian" feminism

theres no point in having separate communisms, all proletarians have the same goal


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>seethe. alice is literally the marx of feminism
What's her position on sex work?


>not understanding the post
I was asking where's the positive contributions from intersectional marxist feminism? If proletarian feminism is just criticizing bourgeois feminism what distinguishes it from anti-feminism? And the reality is that "feminism" was always bourgeois and in conflict with women's liberation movements, including communism. "Feminism" is just a label used by liberals to try to gather any movement for women under a liberal framework to co-opt them.



>Organizations are reactionary
Anarchists will never accomplish anything.
And who is this "we" you are talking about? Any group you manage to throw together will fall apart immediately and you will forever live in the history others make.


Marxist leninists have never achieved anything that couldn't be done by liberal democracy


>If proletarian feminism is just criticizing bourgeois feminism what distinguishes it from anti-feminism?
It's a feminism that extends the proletarian condition instead of abolishing it I guess


lenin shut down the stock market


lenin was an "ml"?


And, in many cases, has not in fact already been achieved by liberal democracy and whose repetition has nothing more than ritual value.

r/WallStreetBets almost did that


was marx a marxist?


you could make the case that lenin was a leninist, not an ml


>r/WallStreetBets almost did that
damn, and China isn't even trying to. r/wallstreetbets confirmed more communist than the CPC


Everything positive "achieved" by liberal democracy only happened because the MLs very existence put external pressure on them to give their workers goodies as bribes. Anyway, ML is not perfect and has problems but they actually accomplished a lot in raising the working classes because they were organized.

Isn't it strange someone is saying organization and using things like PR is bad? It seems clear that Individualist Anarchism is one of the easiest ways for glowies to ruin leftist movements because it attacks their very foundations.


>Everything positive "achieved" by liberal democracy only happened because the MLs very existence put external pressure on them to give their workers goodies as bribes.
Where were the MLS putting pressure on the French or American revolutions? Where were the MLs in 1848?


>because the MLs very existence put external pressure on them to give their workers goodies as bribes
Do you hero cultists ever stop whining about your historical dramas and expecting favors for it? Stfu Karen


>Stfu Karen
Burmese ethnic nationalism violated board rules


bout to roll up that fetus


I was talking about the American division that split off of them and was subsequently entryized by reactionary middle-stratum Northeast USA women


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People have been making Disco Elysium references about Charles' portrait but Dishonored fits more appropriately to the art style.


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I feel like more people have been making dishonored references TBH


The painting is pretty epic ngl but this is my favorite royalty portrait style.


>French or American revolutions
Those revolutions put the bourgeoisie on top of the aristocracy. Not really a working class movement.
>Where were the MLs in 1848?
Non-existent. That's why 1848 sputtered into nothing.

I know your point is that classes are always been struggling against each other, but there is a reason why MLs have dominated workers movements since the 20th century. Simply put, they are highly cohesive organization that is not afraid of using state power. Left-libertarians' and anarchists' organizational philosophy just can't handle facing the capitalist ruling class state power.

>hero cultists
ML is a system of government not a collection of heroes. The heroes are merely for people who want the personal touch, giving the movement a face. If you want to argue against it them you should recognize that first.
>historical dramas
It's just a fact that MLs were the dominant leftist faction of the 20th century and they were the predominate reason why western "democracy" gave into their worker's demands.

But it's not just history. They still are the dominant leftist faction throughout the world. Maybe you should try to understand why instead of complaining about it.


>Left-libertarians' and anarchists' organizational philosophy just can't handle facing the capitalist ruling class state power.
eh, can't it? direct action concepts like antifa have had their success in the west, and there's been successful examples of left-libertarian (to the extent that we distinguish that from the liberatory aspects of all socialist movements) abroad in the form of the zapatistas and the pyd. i'm not saying marxism-leninism doesn't have its successes, but generally speaking, it's not like it has to be the ruling ideology as long as the basic principles of socialism and anti-imperialism are realized. the soviet union and the prc were both semi-feudal failed states, and the strategy of m-l was adapted for them. in a potential 21st century socialist state, conditions would look even more different depending on the place we're talking about. socialists in different countries and regions already have different organizational methods and the people there have different preferences. it's fine to be a marxist-leninist because it's an proven mode of political organization, it's another thing to reference it as dogma.


he looks like hes burning in hell. he wants out of the monarchy. its a cry for help. all that red. I think he may be a secret comrade


>Non-existent. That's why 1848 sputtered into nothing.
>the soviet union and the prc were both semi-feudal failed states, and the strategy of m-l was adapted for them.
Really it seems to me that ML was adapted to do an insurrectionary, build-the-barricades revolution that shifts into a civil war in the tradition of 1848 but win, and that's what it did in these societies.. It's a fascinating history for sure with a lot of drama and heroism, but looking at these societies at that time from my own in 2024 is like looking at an alien civilization.


>Left-libertarians' and anarchists' organizational philosophy just can't handle facing the capitalist ruling class state power.
Also I might take some issue with the notion that the MLs primarily defeated capitalist ruling class state power if we're talking about semi-feudal societies. Capitalist ruling-class state power seems much better organized. It was precisely in places where capitalism was uneven, poorly developed, and where there were a weak bourgeoisie not strong enough to make a modernizing revolution like what occurred in France, that MLism won out.


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>But already you can see the framework through which the wider population and the political establishment will construct the issue. If a euthanasia bill does pass, it will be heralded as a socially progressive move and a victory for civil liberties. In reality, it will simply stand as a clear and visible sign for those who choose to view it for what it is: death.
Case in point: Canada's discourse and implementation of MAID lel

But I don't think there's going to be a big malthusian push for eugenics. The first world is always going to need supplementing their domestic labor with an underclass of poor migrants, to keep the labor market controlled. And as the cold war and environmental issues aggravate they'll make larger flows of migration, possibly larger than the first world could accommodate, even if willing. A malthusian drive to get rid of the "unproductive" poor would see them replaced by migrants, which I can't see the rightoids consenting to either.



Damn, memes from 2017 just arrived


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The incel revolution is coming soon!


It's like travelling into flatland with these people.

Labour migration, with the relaxing of some western nation's stringent visa requirements for the sole purpose of suppressing the cost of Labour, are compressed into racial narratives.


Have a cookie.


>Least deranged pro-abortionist


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Materialist implications of this?


Mega-royal butterfly taming guy


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why are there so many feds and pedophiles on reddit ?


> Non-existent. That's why 1848 sputtered into nothing.
Most anons here really are such idealist Great Man History fags
I hope a real communist revolution were to happen because so many of you would be horrified to see the outcome


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cringe flashback to 2017 or whatever
(twitter cdn glitching out rn)


>he was making child molesters look bad
That's a sentence I didn't expect to read


<Communism saved Eastern Europe
Has anyone watched Balkan Odyssey new video yet? It' like an fucking hour long but he's usually very good.


>he was making child molesters "look bad"
what the fuck, makes me want to stop reading the post.
>raped, skinned alive and ate two 6 year old girls
oh ok, yeah I guess that would do it
>over the course of a couple of weeks
what the fuck
how did he ever think anybody wouldn't want him dead?
honestly kind of shocked nobody vigilante killed him before the trial, I guess the victims were wards of the state or something? Because otherwise I would expect somebody, parent or otherwise, to have taken matters into their own hands.

r/jailbait used to be a popular subreddit, and there have been others that were sharing similar content. There are currently a bunch of subreddits like r/combatfootaged dedicated to sharing the grisliest content people can find. Its nature as a content aggregator makes it very useful for people who have some kind of niche interest, because if there's a subreddit for it you can find a lot of stuff you want without having to do much looking for it (that part has been crowdsourced for you). Even more than 4chan reddit's nature would attract people with some taboo interests. It's also a big site which makes it harder to police the content.


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In this lecture (Why the 2008 Financial Crisis Is Still With Us - Bailouts, Austerity and the Crisis of Democracy
) this guy bashed neoliberalism, and then basically pushed for Democrats.

I especially like what he says for basically the internet. It's kinda "Its time we tell you what you believe if you ever are to fix things"


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The butterfly symbolism is particularly worrying, given what we now know about royals' ties to Epstein and his ilk.


>socialists in different countries and regions already have different organizational methods and the people there have different preferences.
People might want to have looser organizations and be more "free" and autonomous but that does not necessarily mean it will actually work in achieving their goals.
>it's another thing to reference it as dogma.
I agree. But it is the most successful model so far so it makes no sense to completely throw it out because of idealism. Whatever new model successfully emerges in capitalist countries will probably have many similar "authoritarian" features that anarchists and left-libertarians don't like.

>Capitalist ruling-class state power seems much better organized.
True and that means communists in capitalist countries will have to be even more organized and specifically tuned to the current capitalist society than MLs of the past. Doesn't mean we throw out everything that has worked and hope for the best.

No "Great Man" was mentioned. And I don't see how your "real" revolution will just happen. Does everyone everywhere spontaneously with no coordination magically overthrow capitalism through positive thinking?


Loona isn't vidya, you filthy casual.


Where was that? I never seen this pic/dialogue in the game?


>35 seconds in
>"Informational distortion"
Screaming with absolute delight.

The end result of what this term implies is a central body for the administration and verification of truth.


yo yo yo wtf the painting was copied from a description in DE?


the meme was made after anon. lol.


She even cloaks with the lovely little phrase, "empowering to restore public trust and confidence in Democracy".


Ten years ago I was telling conservative relations to stfu about death panels and that euthanasia would only ever be allowed for people dying of cancer or something. What's being trialed in Canada on other western countries now is fucked.



>That's exactly what he ends up trying to sell them


No it doesn't? It simply imply there is a truth.


Oh i didn't see what it was in reply to sorry.
I don't pay attention to all that royals shit, I have self respect.


You've completely missed the argument then.


Watch the clip again. His answer is simply a reptition of her question.

She, her, the person asking the question, is a journalist. Her entire career is entirely inline with his solution. If his plan were to be implemented as an actually existing solution tomorrow, it would explicitly promote a form of media control that favours parties who have shared interests in reporting that overlaps with the state.

This is already a reality; the major news companies and networks have an accountability process that subjects the content they produce to their stakeholder's whims.

What he is arguing for is:
a) a process of credentialization, in order to control who can become a reporter
b) bureaucratic oversight so reporters can be removed if necessary
c) corporate licensing, so that the state can decide which companies are news sources

Her phrasing lets slip the truth: there is no central body capable of commanding total control over the narrative.

These people quite literally wish to set up their own personal versions of Truth Ministries.


To add to this, they believe that they are 'restoring', in their words, 'a democratic culture'.

Literally all they wish is for information domination. The reporters, such as her, yearn for this because it would provide a degree of career protection.

This is doubly so, because journalists will be under threat of replacement by Artificial Intelligence. What you have before you are a group of very nervous individuals are deeply aware about the uncertainty of their meal ticket.


who are deeply aware*


I didn't watch the video, I just judged what you said, sorry. The term by itself does not imply some ultimate arbiter.


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dats right gabacho


You give the impression of imagining that this is atypical. That, say, 20 or 40 years ago, we had a free press, and now unfreedom will seep in with regulations and truth-bodies and all the rest of it. No, 20 or 40 years ago the truth body was the media-system. The problem that has arisen - that any such awkward regulatory attempts might try and fail to contain - is that the current system slaves reporting not to the desires of those in power, but to the desires of an algorithm designed to maximize your attention. The result is that while boomers 20 years ago believed that Saddam had WMD, today boomers believe that the sun has been replaced by a big LED bulb by satanic deepstate paedophiles, but it's okay because Trump is going to root them out soon. The problem with this is not strictly the political content - Trump himself is perfectly in line with the system - it is the additional algorithmic insanity, the QAnon element, that poses difficulty for the construction of reality. If the consensus view is that Saddam has WMD a coherent dissenting position is that he did not - if the consensus view is that QAnon is nonsense but a substantial minority of people believe that it is gospel, no coherence is possible. "No it isn't, no it won't" is an inadequate response.

(I am wasting my time typing this, my analysis will inevitably be read as something so banal as being "for" or "against" "censorship", rather than as an attempt to take a big picture view - censor, don't censor, i don't care, i don't think it'll work! Consensus reality is a product of media-forms like the book, the radio and the television that we've long since abandoned for the incoherent dissensus of Twitter!)


Because the conditions in every country isn't the same, you fucking moron. The MAGA shit is a symptom of a growing discontent among American working class and there is a clear contradiction between funding endless wars while infrastructure is in shambles. You on the otherhand are irrelevant because you nonperson 80% of people for pointless shit like being religious or not.

They also only speak English, genius. Hate having to defend Haz and Hinkle since they're culture warrior grifters but your "gotchas" are trash.


Yeah. the only thing that happened is that social media temporarily upended the normal capitalist control of the narrative and they are starting to clamp down just as they have already done decades ago for tv, radio and newspapers.
But I wonder if it's a little too late though? Will anyone except liberals ever believe these new truth ministries? Media manipulation can only go so far when everything is crumbling around you.


I know that we can't trust a 'truth ministry'… But it really pisses me off how we live in a total post truth era where social media is full of right wing insanity and ancient aliens tier shit.


Sometimes when I see right-liberals on the internet I am consumed with the temptation to call them a burger obsessed retarded hitler worshipper like a maoist but I've managed to hold my tongue


You know, why the hell is there such a undercurrent of puritanism coming from the internet nowadays?


the internet is ashamed to be itself because the current state of the internet is shameful


people aren't having enough sex and they feel the need to inflict their unhappiness on everyone else


Wut you talking about


>muh puritanizm
<contraceptives should be free and people should be fucking at every opportunity
<porn should not be everywhere or served without consent
<7% THC natural strains of weed should be legalized
<50% THC products should not be available to teens and restricted
It's simple logic anon, apply it to everything. Zoomers understand this. Why the fuck would they want lame sex scenes in movies? Real porn is a click away. Let me guess, I'm a puritan.


>total post truth era
It's not really post-truth, there are now just lots of little groups asserting a truth that no longer conforms to mainstream liberalism. Think about the litany of lies liberals give to everyone and people instinctively know something is wrong.
>ancient aliens tier shit.
People want to believe in something bigger than what we currently have. And again why would they just trust the authorities on the topic?

> Why the fuck would they want lame sex scenes in movies? Real porn is a click away.
This line of thinking is confusing why sex scenes exist in movies. It's supposed to convey relationship development in an artistic way. So the real problem is that sex scenes in modern Hollywood are lame.


pedoCHADS drawing the line at flaying


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Lame sex scenes shouldn't be in movies. Put in good sex scenes instead. In every movie.


I think the real buzzword that applies, but it's too scary to mainstream is "The gaslighting era". But that puts the onus on the communicators rather than on the recipients of information, so it will not catch because it steps in all the wrong toes. But yeah, what's most salient IMO is not the sad state of the discourse, but the *enormous effort* to subvert it.


Define “lame.”


1.Because younger millennials and zoomers share a big flaw with the boomers, which is that they have a consumer-brained attitude towards art where if it’s not about them or what they want it’s EEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVIIIIIILLLLL

2. Censorship algorithms trying to sanitize everything


Because hedonism and sexual libertinage actually isn’t popular among the working class, and the more ordinary people are forcefully exposed to the depravity of the bourgeoisie the stronger the backlash will be


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You are a puritan, because you jump to “the only reason to have sex in movies is to turn people on,” which is an incredibly puritan thing to say insofar as it assumes the worst of everybody except you while telling on yourself

The idea that sex in movies is only there to make you horny is dumb as shit and anyone who thinks it is bad at critical thinking


>depravity is what I don’t like

LARPer detected


>um actually there’s zero difference between good and bad things you heckin tankie!!!
I’d be inclined to compare this to clockwork, but clocks actually have their uses


>uhhhh heckin lib

It’s getting to the point where I can tell who on here is a dumb kid who’s never had their ass kicked by the real world


>all sex is about that and nothing else

Yeah you proved my point for me.

Watch movies about grown adults that are not anime


I’ve never had my ass kicked because unlike you I actually work out and don’t subside on a diet of seed oils and corn syrup laced with chemicals. Guarantee I could snap your skinnyfat arm like a twink if I wanted to. You wanna keep losing or will you concede defeat?


>Boomers: self-centered psychopaths
>Gen X: apathetic nihilists
>Millennials: neurotic narcissists
>Zoomers: puritanical anti-intellectuals

Prove me wrong


>muh defeat because I talked shit on an imageboard

LMFAO ok kiddo


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>because I say so
>hurr losing


You’re losing still


post arm


>muh losing

Post your arm :)


Sure thing Langley let me doxx myself for you


>im too scared to do anything other thank talk shit because somebody poked holes in my Puritanism


Given that you have yet to actually debunk any of my points it’s reasonable to conclude you have no argument. Whether you admit this or keep doubling down and embarrassing yourself in front of the whole world is up to you


uyghurs are growing up constrained by the algorithm and censorship on youtube and tiktok, shit's about as morbid as feet binding in pre-communist China.


because the internet (the internet that the vast majority of people use) has become more sanitized than cable tv, hell the biggest platform on the internet for video uploading promotes shit that may as well be blues clues for adults


because the algorithm gives you attention for starting arguments. any attempt to derive an actual coherent morality from it is doomed to fail. most "anti-puritans" are playing the opposite team in the same game.

even if the purpose isn't to make you horny, a lot of sex scenes are facile nonsense. take any bond film at will. how do we show he's a ladies man? 10 seconds of screen time and that bitch is fucking him. wow, bravo broccoli!
(obviously bond films themselves are facile nonsense, but that doesn't diminish the point. these arguments always imagine that they're dealing with art rather than consumer nonsense.)


A lot of things in movies are facile nonsense. What makes sex scenes so unique?

If the egregious sex appeal in Bond disgust you and not everything else in the movie like the egregious action scenes, cool one liners, imperialism and red scare, then yea, you are a puritan.


actual answer: the internet is more popular amongst the general population see you get to see shit boomer opinions on it now.


they don't disgust me but they do bore me (save for when they tip over into the surreal) - the egregious action scenes and imperialism are why you watch a bond film (which if you're in the market for nonsense you should do: they're not really red scare films save, iirc, for one instance of China working with the bad guy - the USSR are usually just shown as "the other team" doing basically the same job, mutually interested in not letting some madman end the world.)
puritanism is far too high minded an accusation to throw around in such low-brow discourse.

Tumblr died as a culturally relevant site when it banned pornography. If puritans were as dominant as you say the site should, if anything, have become more popular. you may also remember the time Twitch tried to ban softporn and then rolled it back. the internet is not run by puritans, it is run to maximize your attention. 50% porn, 50% discourse about taking away your porn is one of many ideal mixes for doing so.


>because the algorithm gives you attention for starting arguments. any attempt to derive an actual coherent morality from it is doomed to fail. most "anti-puritans" are playing the opposite team in the same game.
yup, it's all individualistic outrage bait focused on online personalities saying dumb shit. no, you're not going to see a decline in this sort of behavior as long as the internet remains a privatized vehicle for gameified media gig work, advertising, and data collection. there's not much you can do about it other than look for communities and people who aren't as annoying or interested in monetary gain.


I feel like this sort of shit is only really consistently claimed by stuffy conservative academics with no real connection to impoverished communities or much of working class culture. I’ve rarely met workers that are prudes and fear sex.


Nowadays, you know what macguffin from sci-fi and utopian novels I find myself yearning for the most? The capacity to know the facts about any given subject on some internet analog. Not so much the facility with which these facts can be known, but the simple fact that the undisputed facts are there, in a reliable and universally accepted source. Nowadays, that seems even more far-fetched than more usual macguffins like a post-scarcity economy or biological immortality.


reminder that Whatifalthist is brazilian.


To the Lulags he will be send first


Meu Deus…


Whatifalthist is a subterranean mole creature pretending to be human, not “Brazilian”



How could Khumus do this?


This isn't some great revelation. Back in 2017 Nick was with his aussie lover Catboy


I don't think Tumblr was ever culturally relevant beyond being part of the more niche internet back then.

>the internet is not run by puritans, it is run to maximize your attention. 50% porn, 50% discourse about taking away your porn is one of many ideal mixes for doing so.

Advertisers disagree with you, and they're the ones affecting the decisions behind major platforms.


>I’ve rarely met workers that are prudes and fear sex.
I mean if they were a bunch of prudes in America, then Howard Stern wouldn't have ever become popular with his raunchy jokes. The average Stern listener in New York would be, like, the guy who drives the sewage truck.

I think generally speaking most people in my country are pretty live-and-let-live in their attitudes, and what they really don't like is having things "shoved down their throats." That can go for annoying and excessive "woke" people who want to lecture or command people to change their ways, but it also goes for Biblical fundamentalists.

Here's a surreal thing from the 80s when American and Soviet television audiences interacted, and an American woman asked about homosexuality in the USSR and people were like "that does not exist in the Soviet Union" and you see this American woman's reaction.


<Revolutionary Communist vs. Tory MP Suella Braverman on GB news
Very based.


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>I don't think Tumblr was ever culturally relevant beyond being part of the more niche internet back then.

This isn't remotely true. What's more remembering the friendships I had when I was a teenager, it was predominantely used by females who simply wanted to share their fandoms and media obsessions.

Here's an absolute gem from that era.


Advertisers are a fairly mild force in the face of horny simps with deep pockets, as the case of Twitch demonstrates.


tumblr kino


Kinda crazy that conservatives decided to make them the state enemy number 1 just because they were cringe.


What is that reaction meant to convey? Also, I find it interesting that the USSR was (arguably) the most anti-gay society in history, despite ancient Slavs being pretty tolerant of it.


I'd say the internet wasn't truly massive back then. I mean fucking everyone is online now.


This has already been pointed out, but it's clear that Tumblr was nothing more than a scrapbook in the development of the LGBTQ alliance.

Another gem from that era.


Yup. Completely anecdotal but I've worked both shitty warehouse jobs filled with proletarians and not so shitty office jobs having to socialize with management and it's always the proles who have no issues going to strip clubs or telling dirty jokes while the ones with more or less cushy lives tended to be scolds, religious, puritans. Hell, the richest families in my country are all fanatically religious incestuous nutsos.

Obviously I'm not going to say you aren't le true prole if you're a prude, but the tendency is definitely there. Even centuries ago it was already stated that the immiserated worker has no country, no religion, etc.


twitter, more than any other site, is the root of this. the people who grew up on the tumblr of this era, the people who grew up on the 4chan of this era, the people who grew up on athiest blogs circa 2008, they are all primarily on twitter. sites that are not on twitter orbit twitter discourse.
and naturally, twitter is about the most horrible medium devised by man, structurally designed to invite misinterpretations, arguments, and dumb 140 (280!!) character takes. the medium is the message and the medium is speaking loud and clear: we're fucked.


oh, crucially i left out that politicians and your mom are also on twitter. the point is that while not everyone is on twitter, everyone is on twitter. if your mom does not have a twitter account she'll still be watching a journalist on TV who spends half his day tweeting.


Which is funny because when Tumblr banned porn most if not all their worst puritans moved on to Twitter and started rehashing Tumblr drama there which didn't go unnoticed by old Twitter+Tumblr users.


I was expecting Nick to be smarter than this.


am i crazy if i think twitter is more influential, at least if we focus exclusively online and not irl, than their more popular alternatives like instagram and tiktok

kinda like how sa or 4chan werent the most used but still were the beginning of the online content river flow so to speak


From The Culture Industry:

>The step from the telephone to the radio has clearly distinguished the roles. The former still allowed the subscriber to play the role of subject, and was liberal. The latter is democratic: it turns all participants into listeners and authoritatively subjects them to broadcast programs which are all exactly the same.

The final part of this criticism does not even change when one talks about twitter: the political views one sees on twitter are simply seperated by their content, which is no real meaningful division, because they are all fundamentally derrived from the same system which produces them. Reading Adorno's criticism backward here, even when one is given the ability respond as a subject, it is in a form conditioned by central forces which preclude the ability to form a response different to any other; you are simply presented with statements on facts on which you agree or disagree. It is democratic.


>you are simply presented with statements or facts*


>while the ones with more or less cushy lives tended to be scolds, religious, puritans
Maybe they should start wearing blue party uniforms and dream about murdering their spouse


> Here's an absolute gem from that era.
But these are all shit


>Implying that 'the right' aren't just cuckolds of capital that will betray their voters and ideals at the drop of a hat.
Regardless of the intentions the result will be significant demographic changes in countries mostly inhabited by Whites.


>But these are all shit

>>1857523 may as well be a fucking fossil. There is no cynical skepticism, you are not being sold a narrative, it is simply an optimistic expression of the relation the individual has with themselves with these companies.


fucking deviantart is in that pic. tumblr is definitely part of the old internet and cant be compared to any of the big platforms that dominate today


>you are not being sold a narrative
This isn't entirely true in reflection.
You are still being encouraged to consume a personal identity, but the picture does not make explicit epistemological claims to some sort of subjective social truth which most images today do.


Part of that is the fanfiction network. Fanfiction would make its way onto tumblr where users would share their fandom and artists would create images for it.

I imagine they too have moved to twitter.


>I imagine they too have moved to twitter.
Yeah, because of the popular platforms it's the best, or least bad, for uploading art. Instagram has a lot more censorship and Tiktok is obviously an awful format for fanart and fanfiction.


I'm not clicking a Twitter link. Screenshot and/or summary plz.

It's hard to remember now, but Tumblr really was popular, or at the very least highly influential, back in its day. A lot of the culture you see in "fandom" spaces today can be traced back to that site.

Individual social media platforms have grown as much as they have because of userbase consolidation. As an example, LiveJournal and Blogger were absorbed into Tumblr, which in turn was absorbed into Twitter.

The internet as a whole had more-or-less the same usage per-capita now as it did in the 2010s, at least in the West. Remember, by the summer of 2012, smartphones as we know them today had been around for four years (technically five but the ios app store didn't launch until 2008) and the internet as a whole had been widely available on home computers for well-over a decade.


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even poljak managed to get a qt3.14gf, why haven't you?


It was the Joooooooos


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>Yup. Completely anecdotal but I've worked both shitty warehouse jobs filled with proletarians and not so shitty office jobs having to socialize with management and it's always the proles who have no issues going to strip clubs or telling dirty jokes


>talk like an asshole to person who is wrong about something
>other person replies politely, sometimes even apologizes
>immediately get humbled and feel bad about it
why am i like this


hand placmnt's too high 2 b datin, i'd reckon their cousins kek.


Dude you're tripping. I'm a third-worlder but I have a hard time believing this is true even solely in the US. I had to look this stuff up because I didn't want to respond just with vibes but:

>Looking at broadband access, in 2000, just half of Americans had broadband access at home. Today, that number sits at more than 90%.

>This broadband expansion was certainly not just an American phenomenon. Similar growth can be seen on a global scale; while less than 7% of the world was online in 2000, today over half the global population has access to the internet.
>Similar trends can be seen in cellphone use. At the start of the 2000s, there were 740 million cell phone subscriptions worldwide. Two decades later, that number has surpassed 8 billion, meaning there are now more cellphones in the world than people

Smartphones and data plans are cheaper than ever too. What was once restricted to almost exclusively the middle-class is accessible to almost everyone today. Like a good number of the most piss-poor workers are glued to their phone too nowadays.


socialists should start a movement to get proletarians to switch to laptops rather than trying desperately to use cell phones to text even though they suck at hitting a high post-per-minute number
laptops are far better for smaller sized game files and for texting/typing than cell phones are but for some reason everybody wants to pretend cell phones are all they need. they're mainly useful for calls but if you arent calling anyone on your phone and only use it for mobile gaming then you should upgrade your gaming setup


>Smartphones and data plans are cheaper than ever too.
also free wifi spots everywhere + wifi at work


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>What was once restricted to almost exclusively the middle-class is accessible to almost everyone today

I was going to make this argument about tumblr. The political content it generated appealed primarily to the socialised tastes of the middle class (used in the loosest terms). Looking back, you would call this content what it is: Bourgeois.


And again, once this link is made you can see the political content the site's users primarily fixated on, the representation of diverse sexual, gender, and racial identities for what they are: the highest expression of the ideal of the bourgeois individual.

The incipient pride movement was a coalescing of the legal and material reproduction of this ideal.


>The incipient pride movement was a coalescing of the legal and material reproduction of this ideal.

Within the context of this site's content. The history of the pride movement obviously did not begin with this site. But it was a major inflection point in the development of the spread of its appeal.


The middle-class feeling guilty about themselves can only reach liberal conclusions informed by their own position, but that doesn't make issues like sexual expression strictly middle-class. They ARE interclassist issues and thus not solely concerned with the proletariat alone and hence don't advance its class interest.


>but that doesn't make issues like sexual expression strictly middle-class

I mean you are correct, but in the same way in which racism is still today an interclass issue. Ironically the liberal bourgeois retort to these two issues has occured under the same banner: the contemporary pride flag.

Rather than liquidating the categories altogether these identities are explicitly reproduced in the social and economic fabric. The absolute hilarity of this is best expressed by individuals claiming to be transracial; they are, in a way, correct. They are simply expressing the universality of these categories. The Bourgeoisie do not want to do away with them because when you move from the legal ideal of this freedom of expression, which is really the claim of the pride flag (to the ideal bourgeois individual) into the world of the market, these identities appear as marketing categories.

The entire issue of the question of sexual, racial, and gender identities becomes one in which political and economic power overlaps: it encourages those who identify under this system, becasue they have been sold their very existence back to them, to set out in its defence. But this overlap between the corporate enterprise and the political body is exactly what you think it is: Fascism. It is ᴉuᴉlossnW's ideal, because it does not engender Nazi sympathies for racial purity, but for one objective only: profit.


i would be very, very skeptical of putting too much weight on "political content": much of the "Political" discourse of tumblr is not "properly political" at all. arguments about the race of the homestuck characters are not "political", they are not about representation, they are and were mainly interpersonal disputes and clout-seeking using politics as cover. ("this person is racist" hits a lot better than "this person is annoying", does it not?) the emphasis on individual identity may well be bourgeois, but it is not inherent to Tumblr - it is inherent to the internet.
for the mirror image of this: take a twitter leftist who decries the emphasis on identity issues from "the left" - superficially, this too is "political content", but it is very common that what this person is doing is constructing an identity for themselves, one that uses the red flag instead of the rainbow flag, but one that is also just about clout and interpersonal disputes - not changing the world, not "politics". the aesthetics change but the game stays the same.


Women are bourgeois.


I mean again I can see this, I've tried my best to express it >>1857549

The system of commodity production has penetrated through the integration of these identities some boundry which at least formally divided the social from the political fabric. What these individuals on twitter are consuming are essentially their own lives.


its not like rejecting those categories by itself is necessarily "revolutionary" either. like yea there shouldnt be divisions nor prejudice among the proletariat for communism to be an effective movement but outside the context of organization then rejecting identity and doing nothing else with this action just becomes another identity. sorry for any bad phrasing

what you said applies to the majority of protests and riots too tbh. everyone focuses too much on form and not on content


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Now that furries aren't getting shot on sight on 4chan for quite a while you get this interesting phenomenon of (mostly straight) furries wanting to present themselves as "one of the good ones". Like I saw this image today that I found funny and agreed with at first glance but then realized it's basically the poster distancing themself from the "degenerates" as all they want is a family with an anthro girl. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it?


"hmofa" covers a good chunk of this phenomenon and it is one of the most pathetic things i've seen develop. the most embarrassing parts are when it takes cuck-adjacent elements ("she looks like she fucks [x] men") and substitutes "human".


It's just a meme, bro.

>cuck-adjacent elements ("she looks like she fucks [x] men")



people never speak so seriously as when they speak in jest.


this phenomenon also happened with bronies


the internet became people's real life instead of an escape from (and rebellion towards) it.


not to justify puritanism, just that people are puritannical by default because they suck


Yeah, you're reading too much into it.


I think it's simply just a narcissism of small differences mostly and failure to reckon with the context for a lot of ever-faster cultural shifts (gentrification of the mind type beat plus the complete deference of safeguarding in online spaces and creation of Four Websites).

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