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Thank you!


It's cycled again, can we make up our minds on this?


It will stay cycled as I understand


That is to say, absolutely not, fight me.


What was the reasoning behind cycling or making differents threads?
What were the advantage and shortcomings of both options?


As I see it the advantage of non-cycling is the threads can be put in the archive for later enjoyment, some people find it easier to just use the same thread though




mods can we have a Putler flag?


Cycled threads sucks, it only works in internet Gen cos that is all just day to day gossip that is mainly topical shitposting specific to internet drama. For anything else you lose a bunch of posts, if the thread is fast it means you miss chunks of discussion. It is a tried and tested chan tradition to have generals and links to old archives of the forebear generals, this is the best way.


I hate to agree with sage, but I agree with Sage




Man, pay attention


Yeah, not a fan of cycled threads as well.


File: 1646728746340.jpg (141.35 KB, 1440x1080, among us.jpg)

I believe we've learned nothing from the old "Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies" as forum sliding and topic dilution are very much present in these threads.


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know etc. etc.

Unique IPs: 6

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