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I woke up this morning to find that my thread (the e-girl facial abuse one) had been deleted.
That was a good thread, we had done praxis and exposed some Wall Street banker's whore daughter. There was good banter about junko and her chicken farm. It wasn't a bad thread by /siberia/ standards.

However, my main concern isn't about my thread in particular. I want to know what the mods want /siberia/ to be. 3-6 months ago my type of thread getting deleted would've been unthinkable. Posting porn in /siberia/ was the norm. Being 'edgy' was the norm.
Now it seems that porn threads have a 50% chance of getting nuked and the mods are still unclear as to whether porn has to be spoilered.

My two questions for the mods are:
What do you want /siberia/ to be?
Are all of the mods in agreement over what /Siberia/ should be; have you all reached an understanding on how it should be moderated compared to the other boards?(Spoiler nsfw in /meta/)


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it wasn’t a porn thread, it was you rambling on about your incel fantasies. actual porn threads stay up


I don't recall rambling about incel fantasies, could you give an example of this?
Regardless, I only posted maybe 10 or so times in that thread which had 100+ replies. Even if I was breaking the rules, it would be unfair to nuke the entire discussion because of a few posts made by one person. That's just lazy moderation.


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this may or may not have been funny in 2017


I assure you it was extremely funny




>What is Siberia?
a miserable little pile of schizos

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