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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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A thread for posting PDFs related to software, IT, programming, hacking, networking, math, technology, engineering, and science in general.


Looking for pdfs related to these in particular:

Ideal “CS” curriculum:


Linear Algebra
General Physics Mechanics
Gen Physics Elec & Magnetism
Ordinary Diff Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis
Probability Theory
Math Statistics


Discrete Math for Computer Science
Intro to Programming
Computer Organization & Assembly Lang
Data Structures/Algorithms
Computer Architecture
Database Internals
Database Systems Design
Operating Systems
Programming Language Theory
Software Engineering
Theory Of Computing
Networks & Data Communication
Ethical Hacking
Artificial Intelligence
Compiler Theory
Distributed Systems


discrete math book


hardware book (Computer Organization & Assembly Lang/Computer Architecture)








algorithms in java


algorithms book with answer key


books on database internals and design


operating systems books


programming language theory


discrete math book with solutions


Software Engineering book


theory of computing (djvu in zip, pdf too big). you can convert to pdf online easily




covers tcp/ip and ipv6 in detail


hacking: see pdfs in >>2934


artificial intelligence


File: 1629666572610.pdf (1.01 MB, 200x300, compilerbook.pdf)



distributed systems (tannenbaums book as djvu in zip, pdf too big at like 191 mb), second book good also






Thanks, grabbed a couple of these. For Calculus I, my instructor used Active Calculus and I liked it, the structure is good, I think. Apex Calculus seems a lot more brief and dense, so maybe useful for reference. https://activecalculus.org/single/frontmatter.html



another x86 assembly textbook that also teaches fundamental C


should probably start with Perl 5 first




any cryptography stuff? preferably outside of the scope of computing, even


thats going to be highly mathematical


I hate hackers so much bros


These were freely available at some special event of an ebook site.


File: 1660359721855-0.pdf (7.99 MB, 197x255, Starting-FORTH.pdf)




File: 1663649196401.png (59.11 KB, 964x718, ClipboardImage.png)

Not PDF but TestOut Exam


Textbook used in some intro to mathematical logic courses


mathchads, i kneel


thanks anon this should be helpful

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