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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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What's the best way to share files in a small group using a browser, like Google Drive, but not using Google?


Any file host + password on the zip.


just get a mega io burner



If you have an old computer, you can setup a nextcloud sever. Otherwise, if you have privacy concerns, you can use drive, mega, whatever and just encrypt your files.










That's not always reliable. A better way is to make a zip or tar file and then use gpg –symmetric to encrypt it. There is gpg4win, if you are on Windows (otherwise install gnupg package).


Forgot to mention that the effect that –symmetric has is that the same password will be used for decrypting and encrypting and you don't need to generate or manage any encryption keys.


Depends what you're trying to do. Are these shares mostly one off? Do they need to be retained for a long time and/or have a system of ownership/checking in an out/changes made over history? How large do the files need to go up to each?

>I need to use a service that is proprietary and has privacy concerns for one reason or another, be it GoogleDrive, Dropbox etc. Can it be safer?

Cryptomator is a simple way to use a big name service while also basically encrypting everything before uploading, without a lot of manual fucking around. Just something to keep in mind if for whatever reason you end up stuck on Google Drive .

>Files for immediate download with shared links and without account requirement

Something based on Pomf / Uguu (linked by anon above) or an instance of Send (like https://send.ephemeral.land/ ,) which is end to end encrypted. Note many of these have expiration and file size limits ,or the instances can often go down if the owner runs into some issue, can't afford to pay etc. Not for long term storage of important stuff.
>Account focused (if not necessarily required) hosts
ProtonDrive is almost exactly a drop in replacement for GoogleDrive, but not hosted by Google and goes along with Proton's expanding assortment of There are others; Mega is popular. Filen is up and coming and a nice alternative. There are many other end to end encrypted hosts with differing amounts of storage, costs, and features.
>Self-hosting or multiple host potential, FOSS encrypted solutions
All of these you can host on your own hardware, install it on a site you own/config, rent hosting with a pre-config instance, or sometimes use an existing instance. NextCloud has a ton of features that you can enable as you wish. CryptPad can do storage or collab stuff . There are others as well.
>FOSS encrypted Utility that's distributed, peer to peer, or require prearranged nodes/endpoints
Syncthing is great for syncing between known endpoints but you need to have storage, set it up etc. Can be used for collab but its not its main thing. OnionShare sends stuff through TOR among other features. RetroShare has a lot of features so long as you can invite the users you want to your rooms etc.

So ultimately its on your needs!


Don't you need a static IP for that? My ISP sells static IPs to registered businesses. It's what stops me from doing something actually useful with my rpi4


>What's the best way
impossible to answer without you detailing your requirements, metric of goodness etc
NextCloud should work well, but requires that you know how to host things


Any way of hosting my nextcloud instance on hardware I own if I don't have a static IP address? I mean can I use a VPS as a proxy for the server nextcloud is running on so the domain always redirects to my vps static addres, but that forwards it to my home dynamic address and somehow detects when it changes to a new one automatically? I have a 2TB HDD and a RPI laying around. Or maybe host next cloud on the cheapest VPS and then mount a network file system to it from my home, but I think I'd have to solve the same issue.

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