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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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The STEM student -> defense contractor pipeline is a serious issue in this country. In many places and some fields, a greater majority of available jobs are like defense contractors. That shit is bleak and horrifying man. They'll be like "assist in creating autonomous ai for delivering payloads towards targets" and knowing exactly what they mean lol. I took a robotics software class where we discussed "efficiently tracking multiple moving targets with distinct trajectories" as like an academic problem and briefly wondered if I hadn't chosen the wrong field of study.



Yeah. i majored in aerospace engineering because I was going through a pilot phase in highschool and wanted a "backup" degree before doing piloting; plus thought planes were cool as shit. turns out that (i) piloting is an objectively shit job and I'm not crazy enough about flying boats emitting tons of pollution to do that shit and (ii) a majority of jobs in the aerospace industry are for the military industrial complex. I fucked up bad bros.


People would probably not care about some random queer failsons fifteen years doing IT work for the weapons manufacturer if they didn’t position themselves as some poor put upon marginalized personality who jockeys for social power on Twitter. Pretty important context!
A fairly common issue within queer “spaces” (and if we are being honest plenty more ‘marginalized’ leftism-as-aesthetics social groups) is that people aggravate the most for social power & woe-is-me clout consistently end up, uh, being full of bullshit affectations.


most surreal shit is that the asshole who tried to cancel and dogpile the attack helicopter book author works on actual attack helicopters



just do a new 9/11


These people should be socially exiled from online spaces.

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