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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Who wants to do some infosec crash courses, anon? Where I, or others, help you learn information security for either attack or defence or both.
I would like to gauge interest for this, and would teach even only one person if that all who is interested.

Lesons will be short and hands on, users will be expected to understand how to use tor.


Hell, I'm down if you say it only takes one person. I'm fairly novice if it's relevent.
Sage to not bump a potentially dead thread, but hoping you deliver, OP


>sage not to bump necro thread
>one month
You are like little baby. Watch this


infosec is by far the most overrated field in IT


yet probably the most useful in everyday life


If by infosec you mean "not falling for phishing" and not "staring for endless hours at disassembly hoping to make sense of it", sure.

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