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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Which adblockers would you guys recommend? I'm using firefox btw


uBlock origin. Decentraleyes. Those two are my main workhorses. I recently started using mullvad adblock DNS service too. It's not as effective as an adblocker but it's nice that at least some ads get blocked at the DNS level.


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ad nauseam actively feeds junk data to the ads in addition to blocking them


Thanks for the recommendations


I use uBlock and noscript.


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umatrix offers the most fine-grained control.


i just use adblock if i want privacy i just use tor


In uBlock Origin, if you enable "I am an advanced user" in the dashboard settings, you get dynamic filtering which is basically what uMatrix does (they were both developed by the same person before he merged uMatrix's features into uBlock Origin and stopped developing the former)



This only applies to scripts though. Blocking iframes in umatrix lets you open them separately and I often disable images, media and css when I'm on a slow network link.


Depends, if I want to mess with advertisers I use Adnauseam and Trackmenot, if I have a need for speed I use ublock origin.

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