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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Google is dedicating a huge portion of their IO conference to code automation and job automation. It's no coincidence that this comes just mere months after huge downsizes in both Google and the rest of SV. Tech bros, is it over?


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do NOT believe IN made-up ELECTRONIC BRAINS


if you cant do anything more complex than a programming pop quiz then sure


based google automating away webshits


I mean no but I don't think a lot of jobs demand much more than that


What's the point of this? It's not like the main problem of most programming is that it takes too long to type shit.


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The same happened to translating jobs. Translators still have to check the original text which means they work the same if not more for less pay.



It's still less effective than a google search, there's absolutely no reason to use this over traditional methods.


why do you think google search sucks so much these days


>it changes the way you’ll experience search, especially on mobile, where that AI snapshot often eats up the entire first page of your results
Google just wants to serve you Google from now on, not actual search results.


You'd also have a headache trying to optimize even if OpenAI makes working code. OpenAI has less concept of the programming language then the compiler. OpenAI just statistically predicts what string of text would come after, OpenAI has no concept what functions and argument do and what the compiler wants for syntax other then what comes from its statistical data.

Further improvement in computer languages would have far better results in reducing labor time in software development then AI.


From what I understand the AI is just word completion except at a higher scale, the probabilities are pre-calculated so instead of predicting the next word the AI can predict the next 1000 words accurately.
For anything non-technical this shouldn't be a problem, it can write stuff that sounds like it was written by a human, but for programming it's gonna give you code that was already written and can be found on the internet, code copied from stackoverflow is gonna work 100% of the time so chatgpt still can't compete.


I tried to become a programmer a decade ago when I was in my late teens/early 20s but a large number of factors caused it to not work out. Looking at things like this I'm glad I ended up in some shitty engineering gig even though the money isn't nearly as good.


>but for programming it's gonna give you code that was already written and can be found on the internet, code copied from stackoverflow is gonna work 100% of the time so chatgpt still can't compete.

Okay, but that is already what happens on a large scale tbh


But programmers understand code, if you ask ChatGPT to make firmware for hardware that only exist in prototype it will only give you garbage as ChatGPT has no understand of coding, hardware or even you are asking of it. All GPT knows is statically is the correct response for a give input.


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How can we help these poor people
Should we set up a chatline?

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