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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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In my "software engineering" job, during the past 6 months, I wrote approximately ZERO lines of code.


im in a similar predicament and i dont know what im going to tell my boss lol


Uhh just write some code…


How do you even get away with that?


Do a personal project, they probably hust need you in a chair in case something goes wrong and needs to be engineerified.


My job is pretty much just running benchmarks and then putting the results in PowerPoint.


You do nothing and get paid. That’s essentially the dream. If I were you I would fuck around, read books, and do some kind of art project while I’m there.


I have to do tons of stuff, just not programming.


some contracts assume ownership of anything you make on the side


my job used to be like that and i got overemployed but suddenly i'm stuck with a literal dumbass who is an "architect" who basically does nothing but increase my workload just because he exists and is in my team and now i want to drink bleach.


This is true, however you can probably get around it by just open sourcing your work, with Apache or GPL licenses. Your work will still own it, but the source will remain open, and apparently Apache protects it from patent fuckery or something.


That's nothing. I worked several years in a plywood factory watching the drying machine for problems. Only ever had to press the emergency stop button four times, that was all the work I ever did. No relevant education btw.


I have been in a similar situation and it was a rather soul crushing experience. you don't have anything to do, but it is still work so you can't really engage in non-trivial entertainment
I don't know how people cope with those workplaces where, on the one hand, everyone snitches on you and you have to install corporate spyware, but on the other, there is no real work to be done

I don't think you can license company property. imo the best strategy is simply not telling them about your side project


I think this how a lot of nominally professional jobs go for people.

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