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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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I love my electronic reader, I must have read hundreds of books on it, all free thanks to the pirate comrades and websites like library genesis, mobilism or archive.org.

Picrel is a Kobo Aura with Plato as OS. I hear KOreader is also good.

So fellow anons, do you live fully in the current year? Do you own an e-reader? Do you love it? Are you still hesitating to get one?read_a_fucking_bookRead a Fucking Book


We have a dozen similar threads but fuck it, based

I have a kobo libra thing (the 7 inch one). I love it a lot. I think the extra screen space is wornh it, however the smaller one would be nice for portability (but that isn't so important these days). I would say it doesn't actually go dim enough, for when I'm in bed and don't want to wake the misses. The buttons that come with the bigger size are great too. Why Plato OS OP? How is it better than the default? Was it an easy install?

A moment of silence for the libgen comradesslavojSlavoj


Didn't know there was custom firmware for e-readers. How do the different custom OSes compare? I have a Kobo Clara HD, the hardware is nice but the stock software is seriously lacking. I hate how I can't highlight passages between pages, and one time the whole system seemingly bricked itself for over a week before miraculously coming back to life.


>How do the different custom OSes compare?
You have KOreader and Plato, both are opensource and free.
Plato is coded with Rust, it's really fast and simple. I didn't try KOreader but it's the OS with most features so it may fit your needs.
The best thing about those OS is their superior capability to handle pdf files.

It's really easy to install so don't hesitate to try them if you have 20min, you can find a guide here.

You can also find a good rundown on reddit:


Isn't KOreader merely an application rather than an OS? That's partially what made me overlook it (I want to rid the device of proprietary networked access to my Wifi etc.).
Looks good for people with Kobo devices. Wish they'll support more chinese hardware (the ones with microSD) eventually since western e-reader brands seem to abandon mSD for greedy planned obsolescence.


If you're not buying digital books when possible and sharing them on Libgen are you even communist?


I would love a service where you "donate" money and "suggest" a book, then they do all the buying, ripping, and uploading for you.
I'm too chicken shit to rip e-books.



Better than physical books


Ok botnet.


Bro just keep it offline. Pirating books is safer than ordering them to your address.


I use a vita and the Bookr app to read books.


Just use your phone at that point.


Why do you say that?


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Just got my stimmy check
Pls help me find a top quality ink ereader
Preferably with custom firmware :)

From reading the thread so far I might get a Forma with Plato.
The SD card issue is concerning though..


I like going to bookstores and talking to people. :(


what the fuck is wrong with you


What's the best DRM lock cracker tool, nowadays?
Do the proprietary ebook formats have secret watermarks?


The two popular FOSS ereader firmware OSes:
On the most expansive list, that of Plato, only the following come with a microSD slot (needed for us five-head piracy chads):
Aura H2O: yes
Aura: yes
Glo: yes
Touch: yes (Kobo Touch)
On this list Aura H2O has the best specs overall.

Out of the above, the following are also supported by okreader (which either way has a smaller set of supported devices to begin with):
Kobo Aura
Kobo Touch

/tech/ & /edu/ recommended ereaders:
Kobo Aura and Kobo Touch
Honorable mention: Kobo Aura H2O as the best specs overall, but is only supported by Plato.


Are these like rockbox but for ereaders?




>What's the best DRM lock cracker tool, nowadays?
DeDRM Tools by Apprentice Alf https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools
>Do the proprietary ebook formats have secret watermarks?
Some do, mostly from European e-bookstores. So far only one of the books I've bought and cracked had a watermark. You can easily check by analysing the epub on Sigil and seeing if there's any random strings of text in the html pages or if your name or e-mail are listed. If not, you're most likely good to go.
If you buy from an e-bookstore in the US you're most likely going to be fine.


Oh by the way the easiest e-bookstores to rip from are ones that use Adobe Digital Editions for DRM. I would recommend Kobo and Google Play Books.


Just ordered an Aura o7


Living the dreamegoismEgoism


Are there are any big (circa 11 in) e-readers? I want to be able to read PDFs without glasses.


I mean I know there are but what are the good ones


You can download this book as an epub to read better from The Anarchist Library. The PDF version is shit in comparison.


Do those of you with Kobos still sign in with an Kobo account? Does it conflict with pirated books?


Back in 2019 I bought a Pocketbook Inkpad 3 that was re-branded by Vivlio (European bookstore) and flashed the original Pocketbook firmware on it. There are builds of KOReader available but I prefer to use the stock OS with wifi turned off. The Inkpad was cheaper (even after shipping and currency conversion) than buying a similarly spec'ed Kobo.
Loading books is easy since Calibre recognizes the device.
More info at https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314657


why are e-readers so fucking small god damn


How the hell do I open a Kobo Aura? I think I was removing the screen instead of the bezel and now I'm scared of breaking it.


Actually do I need to crack it open to gain access to the microSD and flash it with okreader?


damn shame most of the books I read are only available at old book stores


I think I opened my e-reader wrong and fucked its waterproof properties.


You can get ones that are 10 inches. Remarkable or Onyx Boox comes to mind, but those are somewhat less libre.


Thanx to my ereader i can read so many books, for free! I almost forget what it's like being poor!


will anyone be buying this? I might once it becomes more developed


just give it a burner email and forget about it, I just put pdfs on with a usb cable


I'm running LineageOS on a friend's Kindle from 2012 and using KOReader which has OPDS support.


Dude, only the Kindle is available in my country, is it advisable to get it, with all the spooky shit Amazon does?


There is an Amazon de-bloat tool for some of their tablet and kindle models, that removes at least some of the crap Amazon puts in these tablets, but i can't vouch for this because i don't have personal experience with it.

Amazon once removed ebooks that people bought, they claimed it was an accident (but why would they include that functionality)
Some authors also have said they get statistics about how far into the book their readers get before they give up on it, so it's definitely spying.

Some of the amazon tablets and kindle readers apparently can be rooted. I guess that if you are willing to do the research about what specific model to get and go through the technical steps of rooting and debloating it, it might be fine.

It seems strange that you would only be able to buy a reader from a single vendor, have you considered looking around, many online shops claim to ship world wide.


You can never hook it up to your wifi, use calibre to move files over, I think there's some 3rd party firmware you can install too.
i personally don't care, i get a petty enjoyment of using amazon's email servers to send over my pirated copies of texts


>You can never hook it up to your wifi
The Amazon Echo devices make a mesh-net, other Amazon devices in the vicinity might connect to that. I don't know if their readers are part of this, but eventually it might not need your wifi to phone home.


Wait what


I've looked over a lot and only pocket book sell here other than kindle and I have no idea if they're good. Can you suggest some decent models totalling about $150


based on your given constraints (budget / must be pocketbook) I would go for the Pocketbook Touch Lux 5, use a sd card to side load books and not hook it up to the internet.


I'd rather get free books from the library than spend 100$ on some pseud tablet.


libraries are more for browsing for something interesting "oh this looks worth reading" where as online pdf reading Is more for "I want to read this specific book" let me see If the pdf is on the internet


that pseud tablet can get way more access to books pdfs or etc than your local library could

and before you say muh computer, the problem is your eyes burn and your brain gets headaches when you read over 30 mins on a computer

(and flux i only barely solves the problem(well for me)

with the e ink e reader theres no light pouring into your eyes and causing you eye strain and mental pain


thinking go trying to do this just to try it, only reason I hesitate is that any mistake will brick the device (with no survivors )


spoken like a retard who never held one, who prolly wouldve shat on personal computers


Comrades can you tell me the best e-reader for reading scanned PDFs of textbooks that doesn't cost a ton? Preferably a FOSS one?


the real question is, which e-reader has the best battery quality and life


I use a 'remarkable' tablet. I like it. I have the previous model.
Battery is good for my purposes. I bought it since I like big screens. Adding books is ez pz.The folder system kind of sucks and navigating through large books is a huge pain in the ass. I mostly use the pen for highlighting and writing small notes on pages. That's nice.


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So half a year later… what's the best e-ink reader + firmware these days? Besides KOReader, Okreader (abandoned?) and Plato I also found out about Inkbox (https://github.com/Kobo-InkBox/inkbox). Are any of these worth it?
For the record I'm mostly interested in battery life, I'd remove the wifi chip if I could and I'm also not big into feature creep.


i own an e-reader
i got it as a present so it's cuckdle but i was pleasantly surprised to see that i don't have to hand over my money to the great satan and i can just put as many pirated pdfs and mobis as the storage allows me to
the only problem is that it has no epub compatibility which is unfortunate considering the amount of ebooks that are in this format, its a pain having to convert them
other than that i use my amazon bugpod kindle and i am happy


What is the advantage of an electronic reader over an old Android Tablet?


better screen


Battery will last weeks longer.


I don't get distracted with other bullshit because it's only for reading.



you can also get a Kobo Clara HD which is even better than those models and around the same price and open it up to change its internal microsd card, it isnt even that difficult
later models have the microsd fucking soldered lmao


my kindle is running 5.13.4, in other words i can't hack it


actually no i found this: https://inknowhere.wordpress.com/2020/07/01/new-kindle-jailbreak/
but it looks kinda weird, i'll look into it more


Meh, it's kinda underwhelming that both plato and koreader run on top of the default OS, and okreader which is a standalone OS hasn't been updated in years and only runs in a few of the oldest kobo models.


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e-readers are another example of how much of a blight on humanity IP laws are

>If you pay attention, some of the patents listed are sheer rubbish, like “construction of a transistor” which, if researched properly, is most likely devoted to retaining Intellectual Property over one particular silicon doping agent.


i have an old i think kindle from around 13-14 and was thinking if i could use zathura on it? would i be able to put a linux os (maybe something extremely minimal) and use zathura on it


yeah if you want your battery to die very quickly
you could jailbreak your kindle and install debian but idk if it still works https://github.com/kathamer/DebianKindle
theres also koreader https://koreader.rocks/
some guys are already working on getting koreader on the latest fw https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/8856


i have koreader on my phone and don't really like it, much prefer zathura


Pocketbook Inkpad 3 Sucks. I've had one till it broke due to a fall of my bed. Kobo Forma is much faster in processing regardless of having worse specs and running android. I can preload the King James Bible in less than a second. EPUB, it never got to do that on the Inpad.

Also Kobo Forma supports .kepub, which makes processing even faster. I can't go back to epub format now.

As for Koreader, might be good but no humane tutorial has been made for it. You'd think it would come with some preloaded settings to easily adjust. I don't understand how to edit options for it. I've already installed it.

Another example of FLOSS being inferior to Android. Forma now also fully supports sideloading as in no need to connect to the internet anymore. It still has flimsy cheap buttons and no sd-card and apple-tier storage limits.

Pinenote looks good if it had a dpi of 300 at that price. I would just use paper though. Funnily how it advertises itself as friendly, when it doesn't come with an OS.

Foldable is a meme, color e-ink is a meme. 10 inches are overpriced. Why does no company actually improve the ereader's resolution/price? All this color shit ain't got no purpose.


is there a manga downloader app for any cfw on a jailbreaked kindle?


cant you just download them to your computer


i mean i can, but i don't wanna :(


I fucking love my e-reader, it was a saver when I had to move as all my library is compressed in that tiny thing.


anyone else sold all their physical books after getting an ereader


my mind was kind of blown when I first got an e-reader and started loading it up with content ripped from pirate comrades

more so than any game or TV show the internet had made information completely free and now I can store more books than I could possibly ever read in my life on an e reader. it's incredible and I wish more people realized how easy information is to access for free


I've had an e-reader in my hands since I was 9 (t. zoomer), barely have ever had physical books outside of school and still don't

I was considering buying the Manifesto at 16 when I was getting initiated but thank god I didn't, that shit puts you on a watch list


>that shit puts you on a watch list
Uh oh…


I have an ereader but I like physical books more tbh. I like to be able to flip back and forth, I can highlight stuff physically, make scribbles, and when I'm done I have a physical token I can display. But to save money of course e-readers are better. Good PDF support is the only remaining problem.


ya think im on a list if i searched a couple marxist authors on glowie platforms but didnt end up buying anything from them?

>Good PDF support is the only remaining problem
koreader is pretty decent


>ya think im on a list if i searched a couple marxist authors on glowie platforms but didnt end up buying anything from them?
>that shit puts you on a watch list

your motherboard has spyware on it running constantly. you already are on a watchlist for shitposting on leftypol.org my uyghurs. you're safe unless you do outright praxis though, unless you live in burgerstan then an nsa agent can knock on your door for posting a youtube video about the sins of the great satan like second thought. they shouldn't shoot you unless you're doing something more based, but still


>ask for a cheaper kobo
>get the new kindle
this is why i don't bother with birthdays
can the new kindle be jailbroken? don't want to be giving money to amazon just to get books


I heard that there are some android e-ink tablets.


you can just connect it to a computer with calibre installed and running and upload books through it


also turn on airplane mode except for the occasional update, the background internet services will drain your battery


that's coo, i still want to deamazon it since i don't trust them with my data




>can the new kindle be jailbroken?
There are a lot of kindle jailbreak instructions out there, so without knowing your exact model and firmware version, i would say: probably yes.


I would also say if your kindle is not currently jailbreakable, it's a good idea to just put it on airplane mode all the time and wait to see if a new jailbreak comes out. I did this after missing a jailbreak and my kindle updating itself to a newer version, and now I can jailbreak since there's a new one out and it hasn't updated since.

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