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File: 1692587249235.png (380.39 KB, 626x486, lovely-belarusian-feet.PNG)

 No.440715[View All]

Which group of people have the best/worst feet? The biggest/smallest, cleanest/nastiest. Whose feet would you personally smell and lick, whose toes would you want in your mouth? If you have feet, post them here. It can be your feet or someone else’s.

This is the official thread for feets.
266 posts and 219 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I appreciate some nice feet but these people are insane.


Found a video for some of these for Ekaterina


damn, these are some huge stompers. just massive heckin stinkers


Soviet ones too


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Belongs in the >>>/anime/ feet thread m8


Based Kojima-sama


I did not read the entire thread before posting, and drawn stuff seems like it's be the default.
Also /anime/ shows up in /sfw/, so my first thought wouldn't be to check there when the /paw/ thread spawned from this one, not that one.


File: 1712266923490.mp4 (44.09 MB, 720x1150, full.mp4)

Anyone got sauce on this?


Maybe Gina Gerson?


File: 1713198913625.webm (3.86 MB, 960x720, 1703802155939359.webm)

>I did not read the entire thread before posting, and drawn stuff seems like it's be the default.
NTA but the OP photo and almost everything else ITT has been live, are you ok?


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Every time I see this pic I think of the "Razzle Dazzle" photo and I cannot remove the association nor do I wish to


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chronic porn addict thread




No idea, probably OF posters.

Better than a lot of other retarded threads on this board, TBH.


>pics of feet are "porn"


Is this supposed to make him look bad? I don't get it.



Cry about it


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File: 1714323985946-2.webm (3.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1712534797022025.webm)

Another set of streamer girl foot pov


File: 1715439691871-1.webm (2.33 MB, 1280x675, 1712557027289180.webm)

Final pair


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>Anon posts about oiled soles in the anime feet thread
>laugh but look it up
<Rabbit hole into a new dimension of foot fetishism


those toe-flexing videos of when theyre oiled is fascinating isnt it


Post examples!


Something just occurred to me and I figured this is where to ask.
Do women have a thing for feet or is it just men?


It's more of a men thing or a lesbian thing. Most people aren't into gnarly male feet. Truly women are built to be worshiped.


>gnarly male feet

Theres plenty of male feet pics that arent gnarly.

Male bodies arent always cartoonishly vulgar.
Im a cishet amd I watch vids of mating press amd the guys have nice looking backsides



why youtube?


>Most people aren't into gnarly male feet
Homosexual are. I think its safe to conclude that feet are a male thing.

>Im a cishet amd I watch vids of mating press amd the guys have nice looking backsides


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Gay people do not make up the majority of the population anon, the point stands.

>Theres plenty of male feet pics that arent gnarly.
NTA but regardless female feet on average are daintier due to how female puberty develops musculature and bone differently to men. Besides More foot-worship of women exists than men.
>Male bodies arent always cartoonishly vulgar.
Nobody said that, but rugged looks are masculine, which comes with less delicate soles and feet usually.
>Im a cishet amd I watch vids of mating press amd the guys have nice looking backsides
Nice bait. 8/10


Why? It's on topic… precisely on topic.

How the hell are these not even 18+'d up LMAO. Someone's gotta save and upload these before they get deleto'd.
Excellent compilation


I'm going to need sauce for every single one of those.


Part of female feet being "daintier" is due to cosmetics and lack of heavy exertion.

If women were socially conditioned to be as physical as men they wouldnt have such "dainty" looks.

Also "rugged" isnt universally masculine.

Also complimenting male physiwue isnt bait.

Death to gynocentrism in beauty


ive seen enough people on 4chan being attracted to huge women with huge feet or bara men feet to know what theres all kinds out there


File: 1715903722204.png (50.99 KB, 685x552, ClipboardImage.png)

>huge women with huge feet
It's not the size, so much as the shape: female feet generally develop with higher arches and different shapes to men.
Also those are outliers. The majority of foot-fetish content since porn became widespread (1990s video-tapes to now) have been female focused and consumed primarily by males, male foot fetish is far less common and less in demand.

>Part of female feet being "daintier" is due to cosmetics and lack of heavy exertion
And the other part is puberty and sexual dimorphism.
Also your spacing is ass to read.
>"rugged" isnt universally masculine.
It generally is for male humans, great apes and hominids, it's part of sexual dimorphism.
>complimenting male physiwue isnt bait.
<'just' complimenting
<focusing on male ass in mating press porn


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Goddamn her soles are pale



>tfw ive got "female feet"
transvestigation moment


just discovered this youtube channel and can someone explain wtf is going on here


>Bible Reading Channel with foot-focus
I have no fucking idea but goddamn, nice find.
>Novena to Jesus Feet - Day 7
>Foot Missionary Queen

Someone needs to download and save this shit. Lady has a site too: https://holy-feet.mozello.de/


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File: 1716949095069.mp4 (26.79 MB, 404x720, 1716330098569.mp4)

God her face is pretty. Also I never realized how abstracted they went with ardvarks. Like they probably just used ardvark as a unique example of a mammal, but still.


that's a hilarious animal. i can't believe these guys exist


File: 1716961101172.png (979.84 KB, 640x856, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice but belongs in the Paw thread >>482007

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