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Great memories




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Children 😍👧
Here's my favorite.


I read this book that was told from the point of view of a camel when I was about 8 or 9. The camels mate and the female camel gets pregnant- that was the first time I remember masturbating. I didn't understand any of it at the time.


deviantart cgi


tentacle hentai


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Why did they make this bat whore hot lmao. Didn't even pay attention to her until I saw the jiggle physics of her bust in Sonic Adventure 2.


This thread is classic si/b/eria lmao

For me it was DyE Fantasy


that's such a twitter reply


That's a bigger insult than being called a redditor


>Why did they make this bat whore hot lmao
Furries in the industry


>Why did they make the femme-fatale whore hot
You've answered your own question.


Not me, but a lot of people were into a toothbrush ad from the early 2000s


I was always an exhibitionist as an early teenager so would jerk off by getting naked in open spaces
When i was older i would go out at night and get naked in parks and jerk off
Almost got caught one time
Very scary to look back on


I didn't think exhibitionists like this were real.


Why not?


why not


Have you had sex in public spaces? It feels nice.


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It was one of those things that got depicted in movies but sounds so cartoonish that it doesn't seem real.


No im still a virgin (kinda)
I am not really that attracted to the idea of having sex with someone else, but i still jerk off everyday (i dont watch porn), so ive decided that i am not just an exhibitionist but also a voyeur of sorts. One of my dreams is making porn films but with very good plots. Just because it interests me to be obscene, but out of an inherent pathology in me to be excessive, vulgar and so on. That plays into my exhibitionism. I used to be a class clown too.
I like upsetting social codes. Embarassing people and whatnot. I still like to watch gore out of sheer juvenility for the same reasons. I think i have stunted emotional development.
Lol ikr. I used to watch these outrageous videos of guys cumming on women in public without them knowing it. Its as hilarious as it it is erotic.


Meh, at least you want to put your desires to good use.


I wouldnt say "good". Just fun. Ive also been writing short stories lately too. But they get so childishly edgy and controversial that i worry if i shiuld ever publish them under my name. Although i would love to be known as an author. It seems like a great mark of distinction.
Ill make my films one day when i save up for actors


Test the waters by posting them on AO3 first.


lots of good proper films have long scenes of sex that still make audiences uncomfortable


When i finish a few i was thinking of posting them on /lit/ and then i can compare with some other indie anon works
One anon posted his novel on there once and i didnt like it
But i find most novels to be contrived anyway
Its just philibustering to give an excuse of why theres 300 pages


I think homosex in particular
I remember watching moonlight with my mum and it was funny to feel the tension since she is homophobic anyway
We didnt know what the movie was about lol




this except SA2 is a good game actually



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this painting of venus from my school's history books


Incredibly based


>SA2 is a good game actually
It's mid, SA1 was better. It's good with a few fixes though.


>that's such a twitter reply
I think it's more of a Pleroma response.
That's not really innocent. But I guess it isn't straight-up DOA.


>this painting of venus from my school's history books
You are a man of culture.


As it would turn out much later, not so innocent…I remember one of my first orgasms was probably to the memory of this scene right when it came out.

I remember when I discovered from typing "Asian Girl Feet" into the web browser of my flip phone as a 12 year old in 2008 that there was EROTIC images of women's feet available and over the years I realized that "liking feet" was an actual established thing and slowly got into foot fetish porn (which was all I looked at for years and years, almost all solo girl stuff) and then when I reflected back on this scene I realized how much of the stuff that was on iCarly and later Victorious had the same visual and audio framing as a lot of the stuff I would see on Clips4Sale or fetish sites

I think the first time I ever got a boner was when I was like 5 or so watching the Disney Tarzan film and Tarzan grabs Janes foot

I hate feet
I hate women
I hate sex

also embeds on this site no longer seem to work properly



>I think the first time I ever got a boner was when I was like 5 or so
This is very, very early for puberty.


The chad gestures this madlad's doing, lol.


idk memory is weird, maybe I just confused the feeling but I distinctly remember it making me feel kinda "weird"

>A baby boy can start having erections from a very early age, while they’re still in the womb to be precise! So don’t be shocked if you see your newborn with one when you’re changing his nappy or having a bath. Then as little boys grow and become more mobile, they’ll naturally explore their body – including touching their penis and maybe even trying to make it erect.

Therefore, it’s quite common for both babies and toddlers to have frequent erections. However, unlike adult erections, they won’t lead to ejaculation. This doesn’t happen until puberty, which on average is around the age of 11 or older. Phew!


What's so strange about it? She has a cute butt and a nice figure.


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I knew it reminded me of something


I think you should watch The Eric Andre Show


NTA but how is that relevant?


>embeds on this site no longer seem to work properly
Embeds never really worked properly on this site. The 4chan UI's auto-Embed of posted links was honestly better.


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Does anyone remember a weird fruit ad that resembled the MnM ad horniness but, like, with fruit?


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Found it


Saying "mid" is "mid".


Midception essentially then


>Hooch Fruits
I remember this, surprised more rule34 was never made.


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maybe because it's horrifying


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>it's horrifying
>implying that's ever stopped people
My sweet summer child


>implying that's ever stopped people
Can confirm, that doesn't stop me either.


literally me


If you're cool with that go for it.



Honestly, E-girls on OnlyFans also do breast examination too. For profit.


>Turn on Camera to film yourself
>Start groping your breasts on camera
>Make sure you're healthy
>Post video on Internetz behind paywall


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This gal


This gal's acrobatics


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All of Maleficent's scenes (the OG one, not the Live Action shite)


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The Egyptian Robot lady from Teenage Robot


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Dunno why but this episode always got me feelin' things… I think I'm attracted to crazy looks


actually innocent

overtly sexual

overtly sexual but in a "family friendly" way

probably meant to be sexy but as a secondary concern
>>480501 (Tarzan)

literally a fetish of the producer(s) that they made children indulge in, there's a whole investigation discovery series about these people called Quiet On Set
>>480501 (iCarly)

>5 or so
>This is very, very early for puberty.
You don't need puberty to get an erection. It's a routine bodily function that happens for maintenance purposes to keep the erectile tissue healthy. That's why morning wood is a thing.
Consciously associating sexuality with an erection usually starts in puberty, but before that sexuality is latent, not non-existent. Why do you think so many people talk about developing a fetish based on stuff from their childhood? A lot of impressions happen even if you're not consciously aware of it.
It might actually make more sense for a foot fetish of all things to already be active before puberty, because some of the research suggests it's due to a quirk of brain wiring rather than something socialized.
<Foot fetishism may be caused by the feet and the genitals occupying adjacent areas of the somatosensory cortex, possibly entailing some neural crosstalk between the two.[16] Neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran proposed that an accidental link between these regions could explain the prevalence of foot fetishism.[17]


>Botticelli's Venus
I'd question that. It's a female body and that's obviously somewhat erotic, but it's not overtly sexual since she's standing there and mildly covering herself up.


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queen sexus


Don't mind me I'm just testing in production (again)




Ok it should work now


too thick, shes supposed to be an insectoid robot


sthiccbug my uygha.


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I'm partial to season 3 Vexus


Venus's domains include sex and fertility, not just aesthetic beauty.


I'm aware, but that's for someone familiar with who she is, and that's not everyone.


The classification was about the intent of the content, not what you could expect a kid who doesn't know the context to get from looking at it. Botticelli intended to depict Venus as representing the mythological figure, which includes being a sex symbol. The post referencing it also said it was in a textbook, so it's likely that this was stated or implied there (like only explicitly referring to the fertility aspect).


I know that but that's kinda counter to the OP itself as a kid's understanding/lack thereof is implied.


It's a shame Vexus is pretty forgotten nowdays.


The OP image is actually innocent though, not just something that an innocent kid would fail to recognize. This is an interesting question though. Where does authorial intent end and interpretation begin?


I'd reckon there are levels to this innocent image thing.


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bruh they censored it


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>bruh they censored it
They did the same to the Starbucks Mermaid. There was a version (fucking hard to find on the internet because of browser fuckery) that had the nips on the tits visible. I know it was real because I used to see this shit on the Starbucks all over the place in the early 2000s. It was a version of the 1992 version of the logo (pic rel but with 2 dots as nipples).



Eh. Not quite what I meant.


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>bruh they censored it
Probably because of memes… or just because they're retarded


Should have posted this earlier but Prime Arcee made me feel things, her and Airachnid


For some reason that even today I can't explain, every time I saw this image as a child I always blushed and got it up. Pointing out that I'm not even a furry.


>Pic is from 2013
>Some obscure shit called Transformice
>"For some reason that even today I can't explain, every time I saw this image as a child I always blushed and got it up."
>"Pointing out that I'm not even a furry."
Is this supposed to be bait?


2013 was 11 years ago. Someone who was 7 at the time would be 18 now.


Transformice isn't that obscure. Last time I checked there was still plenty of players any given time.
You can tell this artist plays AdventureQuestWorlds by how they draw the face.


>Transformice isn't that obscure
I guess it's obscure to me, because in my decade(s) on the internet I'd never even heard of them.

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