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crocodilians thread




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it's so cute how mother alligators will carry the babies in their mouths


U liek dinosaw?


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They fell off hard.


not the best animal in my most humble opinion


ur wrong


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>Crocodiles have a V-shaped snout
So basically, crocodiles look cooler?




This absolute dad joke made me laugh, thanks, that's a new one for me doc.


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>most populous species on earth
>highly organized social structures
>collectivistic as hell, willing to sacrifice themselves for the common good
>very little inequality, essentially devoid of class divisions
>able to punch way above their own weight due to their cooperation, some ants can take on even small animals
>their cousins, the termites, have built some of the largest feats of proletarian architecture on earth, making the first commieblocks in history
ants won



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Gators are always stylish


Motherhood never rests.
And yes its cute and wholesome.


Why is this thread about crocodilians infested with ants?


Wtf? Is that real. I thought like most reptiles they just make a nest and ditch


>very little inequality, essentially devoid of
class divisions
what about queens?



"ant queen" is an anthropomorphic term used to describe a biological difference present in ants with no human equivalent.
the queens are just fertile females responsible for laying eggs so the colony can reproduce, while the majority of ants are sterile female workers. its a simple division of labor


What about gamergates thought?


> In gamergate species, all workers in a colony have similar reproductive potentials, but as a result of physical interactions, a dominance hierarchy is formed and only one or a few top-ranking workers can mate (usually with foreign males) and produce eggs.
This does not sound very communism to me.


holy shit i thought that was a filter at first but apparently that is an actual ant type
well it still doesnt seem like a class division to me, a better example would be the slave making ants who capture foreign ants in raids to bring back home as workers.


We truly live in a society


Watch some Steve Irwin.




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Anyone remember this?


I wonder who got the triple 3 GET >>500333


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Curses, wasted GETs


i want an indian gharial to stick their voluptuous, lengthy snout in my butt


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There used to be gators who could gallop allegedly (kaprosuchus).


That's not Kaprosuchus and most crocs today can Gallop, it's just not for very long compared to long-legged terrestrial crocs


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I was researching Sarcosuchus and kept seeing information about them supposedly being not Crocodilians but Pholiodosaurs… however further research on the termin has brought me middling to poor results and no solid source for this information. Anyone got something concrete like a study or whatever to confirm/deny this?


Damn, are crocos so underrated now that a thread about them barely gets responses? Irwin would be disappointed.


Thread theme 1


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>>513455 facts


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So true!


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I miss this guy like you wouldn't believe.


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>Is that real.
I thought this was one of the most widely known factoids about these animals.

>most crocs today can Gallop
Found a video compilation of Cuban crocs galloping. It's pretty cool.


>a video compilation of Cuban crocs galloping. It's pretty cool.
Based, and definitely. Funny thing is Alligators can only trot.


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Prehistoric memes are underrated as fuck


birds are awesome, it's an improvement


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They're all awesome.


Considering the animal election theme this month, I'm surprised nobody nominated the crocodile considering >>500332


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What's everyone's favourite species of crocodilian? Mine's the saltwater croc. Look at the size of these things.


>Look at the size of these things.
Okay Nigel, lol.

For Extant species I think Nile crocs are among my favorites.


>SuperCroc (Documentary) ♦NatGeo♦


Ever since I saw that illustration of that crocodile a few years ago, it's the image that lives in my head rent free every time I read the term Gallup Poll. I don't know why.


In Soviet Russia…


The bright side of climate change is it might bring back this size of megafauna. Maybe the crocs will RETVRN to this status.


Did you read that in some Ballard novel?


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related sorta


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This is what crocodilia looks like on hind legs. This crocodile is not your friend but alpha predator eating you.


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Someone sauce me this alligator, found it in my files and can't remember where its from.

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