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furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
197 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Another old-furfag; Xpray


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>As a reminder, this is the guy who worked on laser-guidance systems on the A-10 ground attack aircraft
>Also a big futa/herm fan as you can see
Finally, proof futa is imperialist.


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>futa is imperialist
Nein, take back the means of reproduction! Make futa communist again!


is bug porn furry???


I'd say it applies even if not strictly "fur"ry


Pretty much any fauna / most flora count


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I'm starting to think you actually jerk off to cockroaches.
Moth girls are barely furry to me. Like, if I wasn't into furries at all I would be into moth girls. Probably.


>Moth girls are barely furry to me. Like, if I wasn't into furries at all I would be into moth girls. Probably.
What about bees?


then is literally any non human living creature furry? if so, then is benjamin netanyahu furry?


Furry is kinda used as a catchall term for anthro…. so yes?


>What about bees?
This is terrifying.
Why not just say "anthro?"
Ah, the last surviving member of Australopithecus. I wonder if this can be considered a furry or just a really hairy woman.


>This is terrifying
Why? Bees are sweet, figuratively and literally.

>Why not just say "anthro?"

People do, but furry is the original term used for the crowd and has become synonymous with anthro within the community context. Thus a typical /fur/ thread can and will include scaled creatures for example like dragons and dinosaurs and snakes and whatnot. Only if it's thread specific is when terminology is specified, or when tagging.
>the last surviving member of Australopithecus
Don't think so chief.
>I wonder if this can be considered a furry or just a really hairy woman.
Technically included in furry, since it's a non-human animal.


I'm somewhat of a teratophile but she looks freaky even to me.
Yeah, you're right. I don't think rudimentary tails can grow that long.
>Technically included in furry, since it's a non-human animal.
I was joking.


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>I'm somewhat of a teratophile
<but she looks freaky even to me.
My dude, that's pretty vanilla for an anthropomorphic insect. That cockroach was less anthropomorphic. You might be more of a monster-girl-'phile' tbh.
>I don't think rudimentary tails can grow that long.
Not without genetic CRISPR intervention anyway
>I was joking
Ah, well now you know anyway lol.


🎨: Snowskau


>>538756 i'd splooge in my underwear if i was the monkey


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Nice, very nice





Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent furry game? Doesnt even have to be pornographic, Ill take a dating sim. I am new to the genre so even basic suggestions are welcome.


Mice Tea
Tooth and Nail
Mixed Feelings
Tsuki's Adventure / Odyssey
Hollow Knight
Indigo Park chapter 1
Undertale / Deltarune
Minecraft with Figura mod


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that's not even furry, that's dangerously close to zoophilia lmao


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They're speaking english, so they're sophonts. Should probably be spoilered when /that/ feral tho.


I understand why would you say that, but I dont think cartoon animals are analogous to real ones. I mean I find these pictures hot (hence why I posted them), but I dont feel sexual attraction to actual animals.


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Pic rel

>Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent furry game?
See >>483372
CoC, CoC II and TiTs are good, they now have pics too.


Stupid picture, relying on body language is for the most part more reliable assesment of enthusiastic consent than words. There are many reason why a woman might say "yes" to sex, but only one for desperately grinding her crotch on your thigh.


>There are many reason why a woman might say "yes" to sex, but only one for desperately grinding her crotch on your thigh.
A HUMAN woman. A dog will also hump, mares in estrus will unironically try to get you to fuck them if there are no males around and I've had one pin me with her rear end against a barn wall, grinding her self into me because she was particularly horny that morning. That doesn't mean they can 'consent' the way a human can, hence the harkness test.


>the dogs and mares clearly wanna fuck you, but it doesn't count because reasons


You ever done a keto diet before? It'll make you consantly horny even if you've already rubbed one out for the 16th time that day and didn't really wanna do the 4th through 16th rounds. Heat and estrus are like that, they might feel compelled to fuck you, but not because they desire you carnally, but because it gives them a migrane if they don't.


Teraurge. It's an adventure game with pornographic characteristics.


fat furry tits r best


so in other words they do want to fuck you and you'd be doing them a favour by doing so?


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>they do want to fuck you
No, they're forced to want this by the hormonal state they're in, and unlike fully conscious sentient beings like humans, they don't have the self-restraint to not act on said instincts. A horny teenage girl isn't going to automatically jump on someone's random dick, they can make the choice to do so. Animals cannot.


Cool it with the anthropocentric remarks.


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so are animals allowed to fuck each other or is that rape too?


>le humans are special meme


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You can call it a meme all you like, doesn't stop making it true.


Goalpost shifting nonsense. Animals cannot make rational conscious choices, humans can. So in a situation where a horny animal is acting on instinct, a human should not reciprocate, because they know better. That is not the same as two animals acting on the same level of mental capacity, you dumb closeted zoophile. Go to gulag.


Completely offtopic question, what did you have for lunch today?


Home-made chicken soup and a ham & cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes with some apple juice and a beer after wards. Had a French-press coffee black with a spoonful of sugar half an hour later. Why?


How interesting, you think animals somehow consent to be reared in concentration camps and slaughtered, but can't consent to having sex.


"animals" can't be in "concentration camps", they are not like us humans, people want to eat meat, and that is ok. I don't care about the animals.


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Why do you care about zoophilia then? Just some moral grandstanding to make yourself feel good?


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That's not even the same anon you dumb zoophile moron
>U-ur grandstanding!
<Not indulging your shitty bait is "grandstanding"
Inb4 "so kidz can consent!"

>fallacious argument
>"lol you eat meat"
Humans are omnivores and eating is a necessity to live, fucking another species is not and unlike an animal you know better. You can choose to eat vegetables, but that is a choice you can only make if you have the money to be a moralfag. I don't kill animals if I can help it, I've saved the lives of more animals than I can count. By your metric of argumentation you can't eat plants either because plants also are living beings with some limited 'minds' that can even communicate with other plants and animals and respond to stimuli, according to recent research, guess you'll have to starve or eat rocks dipshit. Either way, take this slippery-slope false equivalency and shove it up your ass.


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>Establishing who was the superior furry waifu


Why did someone make this??

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