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im afraid to die


that's normal


life's funny isn't it?
you spend your time alive, fearing death
but once you're dead you're not afraid any more.


how do i overcome the fear while i'm still alive



Then kill carry on, carry on, carryalion


I'm afraid of never getting to live.


Death isn't scary at all decades of suffering and misery without any self actualization that's terrifying. I love mortality with all I have I just don't want to waste the time I have. Probably is we get stuck in cycles of poverty and hopelessness. We get cornered with no way out and before we know it the clock comes to our ends and that's all we know.


We die infinite deaths, for we are ships of Theseus. Even in the continuity of our entities, we can die before the true death. If a man wakes up with amnesia, has not a great part of him died? Aye, in the silent chambers of our souls, pieces of who we once were lay to rest, replaced by the passage of time and the ebb of experience. But fear not the specter of death, for in every death lies the seed of rebirth. From the ashes of our former selves, we emerge anew, reshaped by the hands of fate and the whispers of destiny. So let us embrace the ever-changing tides of existence, for in the dance of life and death, we find the rhythm of our truest selves.


I fear that I'll die a death of indignity before achieving any of the goals I have set for myself. I also fear that I'll bring unnecessary death and suffering to the people close to me. Other than this I don't really fear death.


Go to 26:00. You'll get the answer you need.

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