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Worse than Hitler




Still better than Thatcher


thatcher did more damage to the UK than the blitz so yes


wrf thatcher based decolonialism???


Had no real authority unlike Hitler


Hitler used his authority to battle international finance-capital though.


>*captures the Rothschilds in France*
<*lets them go instead of shooting them up like the Tsar*


Replacing jewish bankers with german bankers would have changed nothing.


wtf based


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>Worse than Hitler
What monarchies need is their very own reign of terror.
We've been scared into submission with guillotines and shooting of the imperial family.
What needs to be brought back are public spectacles like to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.
Those were better times because they knew the monarch's life was vulnerable and there had to be a horrendous deterrent to keep people from committing high treason. After they were quartered, the limbs would be placed for all to see.
So that leninhat looks like a lil puppy in comparison!


>What monarchies need is their very own reign of terror.
monarchies were a reign of terror all the time though, especially in europe. how would you terror harder?


at least hitler killed himself


she doesnt extrude evil like hitler tbh


Why do people allow grace poster to exist on leftypol?



No he didn't. Hitler explicitly wanted to ally with the Anglo-American world system, or at least create a detente with them. The German dream is to establish itself as an equal stakeholder in the Capitalist financial system, with their own colonies to the east. Only after the failure of this strategy that NSDAP converged on full frontal attack on American financial hegemony.
If Hitler really wanted to target financial capital, then he would support decolonization, because Anglo economic power rested on its ability to subjugate the Third World, not on some shady Jewish cabal.


(This is not to say that there is no shady Jewish cabal. There is a Jewish influence network in Europe; there is also an Armenian, Greek, Chinese and Arab networks. People often put oversized importance on these ethnic lobbies.)



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>the queen of fucking england dressing as a leprechaun
cultural appropriation at its worst


bit character from the 8chan days. probably not even consistently played by 1 person


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>What monarchies need is their very own reign of terror.
Anon, I…

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