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File: 1714741293142.mp4 (60.14 MB, 408x720, uygha.mp4)


Xi Jinlore



this is what the capitalist fears


is this what socialism with chinese characteristics looks like


i cant tell if this is boomer or zoomer humor


half-life 2 was so good they made gmod animations real


I don't see the "humor" in this documentary of Human Rights violations.


File: 1714752710832.png (759.63 KB, 900x506, ClipboardImage.png)

in china, uyghurs who don't litsen to the chinese communist party, are forced to watch and recreate Elsa x Spiderman Youtube kids channels for 12 hours a day



Why are you guys so obsessed with boomers amd zoomers?


I’m a zoomer imprisoned inside the body of a boomer.


its no different from classic slapstick movies


Yeah yeah, that's what they all say


I must say, I was not excpecting the Lil John "WHAT" soundbite from an old chinese man's comedy tiktok



How would Salahuddin react to this?

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