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Ambiguous endings really are the best and I’ll never understand the kind of person who craves a clear cut answer.


there's enough unsolved mysteries in real life… i want conclusion


One sure sight of dumbing down of culture is any sort of ambiguity being exorcised from art. Instead of inviting the audience to participate by leaving space for subjectivity, it exists purely to be consumed without any input whatsoever on part of a viewer, constructed out of played-out tropes and cliques.


Like anything, it depends entirely on how it's done, but I've noticed a trend in people who despise stories that are written like the audience is a child while also despising any story that expects you to put some work in to understand things.


People are fickle.
This is why we have fanon


Pop cukture nowadays wants things to be as grey/dark as possible. Anything simple and straighforward is pathologised.


The ending a story should get is the one that fits the story best. Sometimes that's ambiguous. Sometimes it seems to cut off before it should. And sometimes it is clear. Sometimes it goes on and on exhaustively showing you how everything ended up.


>Pop cukture nowadays wants things to be as grey/dark as possible
That has nothing to do with what I talked about, and also its wrong, how is contemporary pop culture dark?


Do you find yourself confused on who the good guys and bad guys are when watching a Marvel movie? You may be retarded.


I mean in the sense of plotlines not morals/motives of the characters.

Havinf a buch of side quests and whatnot and endless twists.


Because they are collections of market research approved set-pieces, end result might be hard to follow simply by virtue of its disjointness, not intellectual complexity.


I dont have a problem with a few side quests or a coiple twists but it can get to be a bit much.

Then throw in philosophical takes into the mix.

But whats even worse us the fanbase that further philosophise it and whining about any pandering.


i ag


it's no wonder there's a glowie-curated cottage industry of reviewers who tell you fiction is bad when it's "unfocused" or "doesn't move the plot forward" or "tells instead of shows" or "tries to tackle too many subjects". It limits the ability to make a political statement with a work of fiction. How dare you bash us over the head with your class conscious message? It's supposed to be buried under a mount of implications that can be selectively ignored by a viewer who disagrees with it!


I was wondering when someone would arrive and say that engaging narratives are actually the work of the FBI.


>inb4 glowie
I'm not the one pretending to do a heccin communism with fucking media under capitalism!


I love card captor sakura



Media doesn't shape reality, lib.


>It's supposed to be buried under a mount of implications
I would like to hear what the examples of that from contemporary pop culture are.
Its all about feeling and individual experience, but not in a sense that it expects audience to introspect their own psyche, but rather dictate it to them. Virtually all mainstream media is constructed around evoking specific feelings in its consumer. "This is a scene where you should feel sad, this is a scene where you should feel afraid, this is a scene where you should feel happy."

Undialectical, its part of reality.


>post "How the cold war shaped media"
<reply "media doesn't shape reality"
can you read?


File: 1714831016148.png (280.36 KB, 768x512, ClipboardImage.png)

media is a superstructural element


ok dude the ussr fell because american feds gave funds to films with ambiguous endings lmfao


File: 1714846224428.mp4 (2.04 MB, 856x480, youfuckingclown.mp4)

That's not what I said or implied. You are trolling or stupid.


I prefer endings where the hero and all the le good guys die. More realistic.


This is why I stopped watching capeshit after Infinity War Part 1.


No, USSR fell because many people in it believed they would have better life if the country was more like the west. Thinking subjective factors dont matter (or even that there is a strict separation between subjective and objective) is pure vulgar marxism.


Fuck all these limp-dick rappers and chicken-shit gossip chasers. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck celebrity culture. Fuck the media! Fuck all of it!


The USSR was dismantled against the will of its people tho.


Which part of the "people"? Some wanted it gone, others stay, most didnt care much, wasnt dismantled against the will of the majority, but merely not in accordance with it, important difference.


>the USSR fell not because of its flawed non-marxist program in its inception and leaving the DotP behind but because "many people believed in something"
Holy fucking shit lmfao.

Communism isn't about "the will of "the people".


this isnt restricted to endings, most people just really don't understand directing or different ways of story-telling that aren't just 'beat the viewer over the head with every detail' in general

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