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I wonder how different my life would have been if I never came across imageboards.


sometimes i wonder how much better my life could have been if i got kidnapped by a groomer as a teen and forcefed estrogen and kept in a cage underneath his/her bed


if you are autistic then it was meant to be. the normie life was never for us. even if you did go down that route, chance are it would have fallen apart. so many of these boomers who didn't know any better ended up in drink, debt, failed marriages, partners that hate them, and kids they never get to see


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I honestly don't think things could have gone any different, imageboards just feel like "my" kind of website, from the memes and culture right down to the format of the site.
I do think it was more positive than negative, I mean I've learned a lot and had a lot of fun on /leftypol/, there are some negatives, I feel a lot more cynicism than I used to, but it is what it is.
>if you are autistic then it was meant to be.
Yeah, I think even if I hadn't found imageboards I'd be on some obscure forums posting basically the same stuff as I do on imageboards.


Based, same


Same. I'm just sad the format has been so fucked over for the past decade. I still love all the time I spent on Futaba although I have a lot of things I hate about old 4chan I still have some fond memories from that place. Western imageboards are so much more cynical and nihilistic and nowadays they are just filled with awful human beings and its ruined an entire culture.


this. Alot of boomers have fuckedup lives due tp ther own vices.
They prematurely went into marriage and drimking and even into high stakes industries and got serious injury.


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>nowadays they are just filled with awful human beings
I don't even know who the average user on a lot of imageboards is anymore.
If you go on 4chan a lot of the users on there sound like Facebook users, they talk like they're in a Facebook argument and post Facebook memes.
These are people I would not want to be around under any circumstances and it certainly surprises me that they're on sites like 4chan of all places, which used to attract nerds/outcasts in their 20s.


Once 4chan got popular with the mainstream it was all over for that site. Maybe some of the niche boards that appeal less to them are okay but its just the same Twitter Reddit garbage on there. I never used Facebook so I have no idea about that. 4chan in 2024 is just boring as fuck.


4chan is down, try open it, it doesn't even appear anymore


RIP /prog/


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>Maybe some of the niche boards that appeal less to them are okay
This was what made 8chan so good, sure the popular boards were full of retards but there was an infinite number of niche boards where you could avoid that stuff.
Now 8chan is gone, so a lot of these communities are gone, and even the ones that migrated to a different website appear to be dead.
It's kinda sad.


I was never around for 8chan. I only started using the internet again about a year and a half ago when I became a NEET again. Saw a couple of boards on anon.cafe but what happened happened. I wasn't around. I did not live to see the beams of light from the ass of 8chan. I just wish we had a leftypol usenet group for effortposters only so we can finally ascend from this place. Its turning into revleft.


>Its turning into revleft
Always has been.


You'd be a liberal normie


Nah, I was already autistic and disillusioned with liberalism.


liberalism is autistic. individualism, selfish behavior, obsessive fixations on select things like property and the free market, hatred for others, obsessing on rationalism and making everything rational. liberalism is ideologicla autism.


> obsessing on rationalism and making everything rational.
What is the problem with that


I don't wanna live in a world run by fucking soulless autists


You'd be better off


No they actively slow down IPs on their list actually.


There is nothing more beautiful then the truth. We humans are slaved by technology. The dictatorship of the future is the dictatorship of reason, and the manifestation of reason will be the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is a circle from which no one can escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge. Precision and efficiency, to all, that is Utopia.


And the thread has been derailed.


I would probably hate china and russia if i never came into this place


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Yeah, same.
I was initially a big supporter of Ukraine and now I realize how completely incomprehensible that position is.


i wish i'd gone to tumblr. i understand imageboards too well. i see plainly that there is nothing here for me, but i'm too habituated. i can't use a site that i have to register for, i can't hold a conversation when i'm lumbered with an identity that i can't extinguish at will. i'm stuck with imageboards, but i can predict the disappointment that almost any imageboard conversation will bring before i hit post. i've trapped myself in the most boring world possible, locked myself in a slowly decaying house where i must spend every day confronting its failure to live up to its potential. i want it to fall down and crush me.


I think imageboards can be quite fun, and they sure used to be, however it is true that in recent years they've become quite boring for reasons I'm not quite sure of.


>>529758 (me)
Actually, not just imageboards, but the entire internet has become quite boring, there's not very much fun to be had anymore.


>manifestation of reason

Most of ur politicians are on drugs and medications to stay rational but most of the time th3y just do fucked up stuff, the drugs just make them not care and keep the system going

Bureaucrats are zombies, literally


I think imageboards gave me more life of the mind, before then I was just a normalphag who lived to play vidya.


If only there was an imageboard for us, for leftist queer people who want a fun moderately active and tolerant imageboard….


same lol
but remember you can just walk away


fate of the www was sealed when the iPhone was released.

be glad you were there when 'social media' wasn't MK ultra glowslob but obscure forums, image boards, IRC…


Generalky unhappier, hanging around the fediverse, angry for meeting only reactionaries or shitlibs, and getting kicked off innumerable servers, as there isn't an instance that both isn't pouring with reactionaries and allows to tell them to kill themself


i once saw a guy outside who looked just like me except he was normal and was talking to his friends and laughing.
kind of looked like me from an alternate reality. really weird stuff

Unique IPs: 18

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