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Like how do you find political organisations, events, likeminded people? No idea where to look, no idea how to join, what could I bring to the table.


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>what could I bring to the table.
Nothing, Marx already said everything we need to know.
Worst thing you can do to yourself is get involved with opportunists and other liberal fascist scum.
You should self-isolate like a monk in a cave and read Bordiga.


Already doing that, would like to stop.




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Palestine stuff is a good start for making contacts


Shooting cops


Start praying to Allah (SWT), make friends with the bourgeois police/military apparatus, read the Quran and the Green Book, and hopefully coup your country.
Obvious /s


the hardest thing about activism isn't getting involved, it's

1. finding the free time in between work/family/free time (especially if you're a parent and/or take care of elders/disabled)

2. not getting in the way or accidentally being a wrecker


Political activism is separate from the class struggle and refers to shit like veganism. At least under marxism, I don't know if anarchists make this distinction too.


>how do you find yadda yadda
one of the main reasons to read theory for me is to be able to recognize pb parties that only want liberal reforms instead of strengthening the proletariat as one united force against capital

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