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me on the top


i fucking loved this show as a kid, but both of my parents thought it was the weirdest shit ever. i would steal the remote to change the channel and occasionally i'd watch this show if it was one of the options, with the other options being adult swim, nicktoons or how it's made, or animal planet, or the history channel, or a spooky conspiracy theory show, or natural disaster tv shows which were cool to watch because of the carnage


i think this show played on animal planet alongside stuff like meerkat manor and shit like manswers or 1000 ways to die were on mtv at that point in time alongside it being the era when nickelodeon was autistically fixated on replacing all cartoons with live action sitcoms for some stupid reason and there were also education connection commercials on at that point aswell


based. I miss most extreme also


There's no way the actual show said "refuses to elaborate" about an anglerfish. I wish OP posted the original not this meme garbage.


well duh, they didnt have AI generated voicelines in 2009 or whenever this weird shit was on


>I wish OP posted the original not this meme garbage.
relax man, the reason I made it into a meme (like 2 years ago) is because the only clip I could find of the original on youtube had no sound. try getting less mad




The Most Extreme is honestly an untapped meme gold mine.


>>530369 is this real


male anglerfish really do bite (much larger) female anglerfish and melt and die and turn into a gonad that deposits reproductive material, yes.


Imagine what anglerfish incel rhetoric would be like


forget the incels, think of the femcels. male anglerfish LITERALLY become scrotes



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