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i rarely watch americans in their natural habitat on social media, what's about them muricans talking about bears and feminists lately?


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just the latest outrage bait, "would you rather run into a bear or a man in the woods?" most women saying bear lol


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White women found a bigger dog


makes sense since they don't leave their suburban jails that they would spend their time imagining retarded outdoor scenarios


tbf i'd also be pretty wary of a man in the words
he might be a skinwalker


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statistically speaking youre more likely to die if you find a man in the woods than a bear.


That assumes you know how to survive, which in the case of brown bears is also not guaranteed. There's like 1 person on record ever being killed by a black bear though.


Idk why its so controversial when even historically women would never just be alone with a strange man in the woods, since they would be married and on their own property
Like, part of civilisation itself is in "arranging" or sorting out marriages so theres no dispute over sexual rights, where in the case of a man and woman stuck together, the man will obviously take advantage. This is also why you dont get men working with children in the same capacity, and historically, again, men have more commonly than not been "pedophiles" than guys settling down with a 30 year old professional like todays western norms. Women didnt even work with men proper until the industrial revolution.
Like, the controversy is just guys not being self-aware about their own gender, and women being hyper aware. I wouldnt want my wife or daughter or sister alone in the woods with a man either.


gay bears are still men wtf stop being homophobic everyone


>Women didnt even work with men proper until the industrial revolution


What do you mean "statistically speaking"?
What is this troon yapping about? Around here women meet strange men in the woods multiple times a day and nothing happens.
It's amazing how many basement dwelling libs have come out of the woodwork to declare they side with tiktok women saying they don't want to see """bears""" (🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️) in the woods. Should remember this is tiktok and their chief pastimes are making fun of Somali and Mexican men.


>no you stupid incel!!! not in the ACTUAL WOODS!!! women mean the SCARIER WOODS!!! the women you are seeing hiking alone in the woods are NOT REAL WOMEN, they don't even have COCKS 😝


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>it it's White
>you're going good night


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The kind of women posting this shit on twitter have never even been innawoods anyways lol.

The difference in size between bear and man mace lol.


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Post your girlcock I want to compare anon.
I know you don't go in the woods.
I know you don't actually think these women checking their car door handles for zip ties makes them safer.
I know where you heard about this, too.


1. bears have bigger eyes, thus more powerful mace is needed to mace the entire eye.
2. who doesn't just use bear mace as the default? Like there's no law saying you can't bear mace a human. Even seen homemade mace with a bit of poison ivy in it.


why have you seen homemade mace? that seems like a horrible idea considering half the reason why people use bear spray is to ensure the person isn't half-incapacitated and pissed.
you going to one of those "self defense bookstore/gyms" that mysteriously never gets harassed by police despite having a fuck 12 sign lol? I guess that's stupid, they'd try to get you to buy a hot piece


I see blogs about it, not irl lol. I live in a poor walkability city in the desert.


Yeah they're just bigger in general. Point is regular mace for people doesn't work for them. How big of a purse would you need to fit a can of bear mace?


purses can be very large unless you're just buying a shitty fanny pack type thing made of polyester from target
oh god now i'm the one troonposting


honestly we should normalize backpacks / wheeled suitcases. I used to use a lunchpail as a purse and that thing damn near destroyed my spine.


Casual misandry is revolutionary.


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normalize fanny packs 🤓


they were "normalized" a decade ago, youre supposed to wear them crossing your body


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Not fanny. This is the only correct way to wear a fanny pack.


wearing them differently doesnt make them less of a fanny pack?


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Is it still a jock strap if you wear it on your head?


I'm glad feminism is back to being considered stupid thanks to all the transphobic and misandric bullshit they can't shut up about.


Both cases are just thinktank psyops tho. Just first time was trying to portray them as cafe hippies, which didn't really do much, now they're trying to integrate them into reactionary spaces. Which isn't really doing much either since you see a clear divide between terfs and actual feminists, same way you see a clear divide between gamers and /v/ users.


>since you see a clear divide between terfs and actual feminists

90% of feminists in positions of power are TERFs.


>in positions of power
That's the kicker


Real feminism has never been tried.


>it wasn't real feminism
>it's all a psyop
Holy fuck lmao. Do you even Marx? A largely middle-class movement is doomed to be reactionary.


a less viral example was right as the Drake/Kendrick drama started cooling down, somebody did the old "ladies are we dating bi men?" for the 195631302th time and got quote tweeted into the shadow realm by black twitter

it's not just TERF shit, The Discourse is infested with all manner of bigotry


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Feminism is stupid because even if they say it's about equality it's really just a FDL(Female Defense League) in practice. You can say you are about fighting for equality, but of course, you're going to fight for the group in your title pretty much exclusively. They're fighting against sexism against women, but never against men. Mobilization law being the most obvious remnant of legal sexism still on the books today.


At least queers have the excuse that they're impoverished and miserable. Feminism is mostly women living cushy lives.

They'll bring up that "patriarchy" affects men negatively too and not once mention capitalism or communism.


I feel indifferent to feminism due to my praxis not having compelled me to read any feminist theory, but I can tell when someone's misrepresenting it. We shouldn't need to rely on thinktank psyops to be critical of a theory.


>They'll bring up that "patriarchy" affects men negatively too
And it's always done as a thought-terminating cliche to make people stop talking about how men are affected lol. Like bruh if those things are part of patriarchy, the people complaining about them are complaining about patriarchy. Why are you telling them to stop?


Fine, let's disregard how 90% of feminists act (lmao). It's still an interclassist movement that has nothing to do with communism.


>90% of feminists act
You removed the kicker
>It's still an interclassist movement that has nothing to do with communism.


This clickbait shit made me find out a LOT of people think bears are part of the canine family and never even heard of "ursids".


Roughly dog shapes, as many mammals are.


Let's see those statistics.


>They'll bring up that "patriarchy" affects men negatively too
because it does
>and not once mention capitalism or communism.


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don't expect morons on here to be historically literate


>>men are statistically more dangerous than bears
>>history shows men and women had minimal contact before the industrial revolution
>doesn't elaborate, leaves
it's got to be a bit of some kind, nobody is this dumb


men: why the fuck would women rather meet a bear in the woods? they're crazy!

also men:


sorry man, but we don't generalize all males around these parts
that's not a man, that's a ukrainian man, it's different


you might get more attention on social media with this weak outrage bait


This is social media. Imageboards are social media.


don't you think it's kind of retarded to 1.) copy and paste other people's videos from a relevant thread to another one 2.) downplay ukronazi sexual violence against minorities as "classic male behavior", even as some kind of low-effort baiting joke?


not the same anon


"I'm not taking your bait" -person who replied


well it's either a lame joke or you're retarded imhobbqtbqh famalam


the best numbers I could find were from the national park which had 25 homicides (10 were listed as women) from the five year period of 2014 to 2019. this does not include state parks which would no doubt increase the numbers. there are about 11 bear attacks every year with half of them being fatal in the US. So, the death rate is about the same, but only if you include men and women (although state parks might make it even when excluding men) and that doesn't account for nonfatal encounters either which probably skew heavily in favor of humans.

in summary, gun to my head i would not go with the bear, but i'm not positive that the numbers are accurate due to a lack of data for nonfatal encounters and state park numbers. the bears are definitely deadlier per capita though. allah forgive me for bumping this thread.


why would anyone fight agaisnt sexism agaisnt men


Because that's gender equality?


well i guess but sexism mostly affects women. its like centering communism on fighting for middle class people


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Getting killed in a war is a pretty serious effect of gender inequality. More serious than mansplaining and manspreading for sure.


I think "gender justice" is a better term since the genders arent equal


then just be anti war instead of wanting women to die too


This discourse is so dead and even the mold gowing on it ran out of energy.


>why would anyone fight agaisnt sexism agaisnt men
Because sexism is a holistic system that affects everybody, and due to its binary inclinations a bias against one "side" has its counterpart bias against the other?

>sexism mostly affects women
Sexism affects everybody, and it's all one system in the last analysis. If you pick and choose what parts to get rid of, like you're at a buffet, then the parts that remain constitute the basis of the ideology to remain as well, which is that the sexes/genders ought to be treated differently.

>"gender justice"
The main ideological basis for sexism in the west is that it's justice for Eve eating the forbidden fruit.


>This discourse is so dead and even the mold gowing on it ran out of energy.
Swap it for female hiker, bear/man encounter discourse. It's all so retarded.


>It's still an interclassist movement that has nothing to do with communism.

This is such a repetitive copout. True feminism is Communist and bourgeois feminism isn't real feminism. Feminism is essential to the liberation of the proletariat, because the women must be proletarianized and not mere unpaid domestic servants of their proletarian husbands even in situations where the husband makes enough money for it to be a "single income household". And Communism itself isn't about "not being interclassist" It's about getting rid of class society. If some bourgeoisie (like Engels) want to help us, then good! Most of them won't. If a bourgeois woman gets beaten by her husband, she would benefit from feminism, real feminism, proletarian feminism, because she would be better off in a Communist society than she is under bourgeois society. The liberation of women is part of the liberation of the proletariat. In fact the proletariat will unite against the bourgeoisie once there is no other forms of oppression left for them to fight. The complaints about "idpol" always miss this.
Bringing up that men are effected negatively by patriarchy is a thought terminating cliche to make people stop talking about how men are affected by patriarchy?


Just went hiking again today and none of the women out there jogging seemed aware of any of this


>Bringing up that men are effected negatively by patriarchy is a thought terminating cliche to make people stop talking about how men are affected by patriarchy?
That's how thought terminating cliches work. The point is to assert that feminism already covers these issues so it's unnecessary or even problematic and anti-feminist to talk about them outside the feminist framework. But then feminists do not discuss these topics of their own accord and if someone else brings them up, they drop the "patriarchy hurts men too" line and the cycle repeats. It's just a way to shut down talking about the subject. There's no interest in dissecting or combating this aspect of patriarchy, because as pointed out before feminism is more of a special interest movement for (usually bourgeois) women than a movement to abolish sexism.

>True feminism is proletarian feminism

>we have to protect the bourgeois women from abusive husbands [vastly more an issue for working class women who are less likely to have support and more likely to be economically dependent on the abuser]
jesus fucking christ almighty lol


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bears are cute. i like them


Liberal feminism is good actually considering the most pressing womens issue in developed world are reproductive right.


>posts someone being racist
>"this is a man problem!"


women get to vote for wars that they don't have to die in. if you want to prevent wars from happening, you will give women consequences for their political positions.


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The weakness of liberal feminism is exactly why reproductive rights are in the situation they're in now. Where was the energy to get abortion protections enshrined into law? Where were the liberal feminists to support a democrat who would protect women's rights? Where were the liberal feminists to stop someone like Trump getting elected who could nominate these SCOTUS justices? Where were the liberal feminists getting Ginsburg to resign so Obama could nominate her replacement?


both sexes deserve the right to abortion but suggesting such is insanely outside of the overton window. the only two options are liberalism (hell for men) or conservatism (hell for both sexes)


Men should be able to get legal/financial abortion.


You are right that financial abortion is way outside the overton window, but by the time it wouldn't be, we'd probably already be at the "abolish the family" stage where the basic social unit has been so fundamentally changed that it would no longer be relevant anyway. In the meantime, abortion rights for women is popular and worthwhile and is also a partial solution to the same problem since it reduces the child support burden.


>financial abortion
tf does that mean?


>Liberal feminism is good actually
>the most pressing womens issue in developed world
yeah its good for the petit bourgeois, you said so as much


japan lets you get an abortion legally if you are poor


>replying is falling for bait
trollface is more popular than ever yet nobody knows the original comic


No child support




Not even remotely close lol


It's bullshit distraction created by the FBI


>trollface is more popular than ever
do you live in 2011?


It's the only "rage face" that survived and is still constantly used even by zoomers.


Now that school's out I wanna make a hobby of de-wojakifying memes, replacing them with rage faces, animals and such.


>>532281 (me)
like I know that memes back then had a different spirit to them and weren't so whedonistic, but like thinking about how to redesign memes would probably be an interesting graphins design excercise.


The only thing that can scare a lone man in the woods:


They were being friendly. Motherfucking incels strike again.


we did it guys, we found the most alienated from nature person.

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