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 No.531642[Last 50 Posts]

can't tell what the fuck his politics are anymore


He hates Jews more than he hates Muslims


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he's sorta semi-based as well


> Second pic
steven universe lol


why are you trying to?


>Pic 1
>Behind both is the enemy of mankind
<White Supremacy
Radlib take


I think he agrees with the MAGA hat guy, but his politics are an incoherent blend of radlib and TERF/rightoid.


No, it's an attempt at implying that /pol/ has the same anti-establishment ideas as "leftists" but refuse to see it as "muh whitey" rather than the actual socialist conclusion of it being the capitalist upper class.

The Steven Universe Fed one was pretty on point though, LMAO


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Never heard of this guy before, thought it was that Gprime guy at first. That's some funny shit that the millenioid right wing comic artist guys all draw with a tumblr american anime style.


some chvds are getting on pro palestinian stuff
makes sense considered palestinian natlib itself is composed of islamist chvds despite zionism being much worse of a strain of chvd-ism, and also the america first types want america to become some isolated fascist utopia again


I would say its anti-israel not pro-palestine
Very big difference


he was never a chvd he was a not to uncommon case of someone who didn't care about politics getting really into feminism and liberalism during the 2010's, but unlike basically everyone else he devolved further into being shitlibs, he was a rare case of a male feminist ally who followed the right-wing shift of certain radical feminists, who are now allied with conservatives and now have embraced conservative views


the steven universe shirt lmao


Guess he got bored of Q-anon and is trying to swing back to something his viewers don't expect of him. Hopefully he follows the tides of conrarianism instead of pandering to a found audience like the last two times.


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i'm starting to realize that the main problem with politics is that most people agree on the problems, but they don't agree on the root cause and would rather argue over the root cause than organize effectively to fight the problem. If three groups want to fight the same thing, despite calling it by different names, then they should make a broad coalition and just fight it instead of engaging in this blind men touching the elephant game


>i'm starting to realize that the main problem with politics is that most people agree on the problems, but they don't agree on the root cause
you realized that now?
>If three groups want to fight the same thing, despite calling it by different names, then they should make a broad coalition and just fight it
are you unironically advocating for a red-brown alliance


Going schizo when his mind cant take all the images of violence.


Normally people with the colored hair are feds


Fash aren't fighting the same thing by a different name tho.


>you realized that now?
yes anon. not all people are the same age nor do they learn the same things in the same order.


Easily a rightwing account pushing at MAGA's zionism.
& like >>531643 this anon says.


Ishida started as chill guy who poked fun at machismo then get more preachy radlib to terf and now antizionist stuff. His constant use of traditional jewish clothing to signify zionist is at best unfortunate and might be actual antisemitism. (Used to read him regularly over a decade ago and I'm not following him closely anymore so I dunno.)


i'm pretty sure he's done several very explicitly antisemitic comics, i mean the first one in >>531644 is one example


how the fuck is that antisemitic ?


the implication of the comic is that the jews are the real enemy of mankind


you're reading it backwards. they're saying white supremacy is behind israel and zionism


If you're an animator or comic artist who was internet famous in the 2000s then there's a good chance youre mentally ill


being based


yeah and the implication is that the purple haired liberal woman is wrong. the comic is titled "so close yet so far".


are you media illiterate? the good looking slick young woman is correct (remember this is a TERF radfem-nazi but even if you didn't know that the good character looks identical in three of the comics) and the unkempt ruralite is wrong


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no but i'm pretty sure you are. tatsuya ishida is an antisemite.


damn ok, I admit you might be right, it threw me off that the good guy characters looked the same and the redneck is drawn scruffy


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Third pic is factual and correct.

>I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe “the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,” down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

>How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah.

>The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.)

>The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.

>As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you’d be flipping between “The 700 Club” and “Davey and Goliath” on TV all day.

>So I’ve taken it upon myself to re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood by launching a public relations campaign, because that’s what we do best. I’m weighing several slogans, including: “Hollywood: More Jewish than ever!”; “Hollywood: From the people who brought you the Bible”; and “Hollywood: If you enjoy TV and movies, then you probably like Jews after all.”

>I called ADL Chairman Abe Foxman, who was in Santiago, Chile, where, he told me to my dismay, he was not hunting Nazis. He dismissed my whole proposition, saying that the number of people who think Jews run Hollywood is still too high. The ADL poll, he pointed out, showed that 59% of Americans think Hollywood execs “do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans,” and 43% think the entertainment industry is waging an organized campaign to “weaken the influence of religious values in this country.”

>That’s a sinister canard, Foxman said. “It means they think Jews meet at Canter’s Deli on Friday mornings to decide what’s best for the Jews.” Foxman’s argument made me rethink: I have to eat at Canter’s more often.

>“That’s a very dangerous phrase, ‘Jews control Hollywood.’ What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood,” he said. Instead of “control,” Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry “happen to be Jewish,” as in “all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish.”

>But Foxman said he is proud of the accomplishments of American Jews. “I think Jews are disproportionately represented in the creative industry. They’re disproportionate as lawyers and probably medicine here as well,” he said. He argues that this does not mean that Jews make pro-Jewish movies any more than they do pro-Jewish surgery. Though other countries, I’ve noticed, aren’t so big on circumcision.

>I appreciate Foxman’s concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York/Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semitic cocoon has left me naive. But I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them/


I mean Jews are highly overrepresented in powerful positions in America, true, but being like 'it's all DA JOOZ' is unhelpful.


Porky propaganda won


I was just more referring to the point that Jews are allowed to gloat about their dominance of certain industries but if you say it you're an antisemite. Racial cartels are nothing strange either and yes they do keep it business within their own ethnic community. It really wouldn't matter except for the cartels they have, having so much influence on the course of the country and world at large.

But people trying to gaslight, like:
>Sure all the Mob bosses are Sicillians
>But really any guy of any ethnicity or background's got the same chance to succeed in the org!


To be fair I remember the person who wrote that article was heavily criticised for it and forced to apologise for 'spreading antisemitic conspiracies' (ie. breaking omerta).


They made pepe a twink


There have always been ethnic lobbies and cartels. This was why in every empire ever the business or military communities were usually dominated by a single ethnicity (i.e Greek merchants in the Ottoman empire, Jain moneylenders under the Raj). Jews just have a huge cred right now because the particular empire they are nestled in, that is America, also happened to be the most powerful empire right now. That is all there is to it.
It is also pretty absurd to abscribe all powerful status to these ethnic cartels. Empires are composed of hundreds of different shadowy networks of interests; for a policy to take course multiple of these networks have to converge, including, above all, class interest.


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OG pepe was a twink
pic related is the first time he was ever drawn


yeah I get, but it's a lot of Jews influential position


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i actually thought some of these comics were kinda funny, but this is straight up-jew hatred


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like bruh


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It's my belief that his comic is written by two people, one leftist, and one chvddie.


Where's the leftism lol.


The pro-Palestine stuff is a identifiably more leftist than the usual generic rightoid shit he pumps out


I mean I guess, there's plenty of liberals and even alt-rightoids that sometimes criticise Israel though.


Yeah, but there's a notable distinction between the way leftists and some of the liberals criticize Israel and how the alt-rightoids criticize Israel.

Most notably that the alt-rightoids aren't actually criticizing Israel.


I guess Tatsuya is a weird animal yeah.


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Is there a word for the phenomenon that leads a person from creating a "Calvin and Hobbes" meets "Bevis and Butthead" comedy strip to becoming a full-blown unironically man-hating feminist that makes the strip entirely about the patriarchy to becoming a TERF to becoming a "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion made some good points" guy?


Feminist to TERF to zionist makes complete sense to me tbh.


He's not a Zionist. Quite the opposite actually. And as this thread shows, he probably thinks Mein Kampf made some good points.


the absolute state of leftypol


Gonna cry?

>he probably thinks Mein Kampf made some good points.
Just like Israel.


Simping for your gf's beliefs then going 180° out of spite when she leaves.


the book that calls jews subhumans and relates to specifically german jewish relations is totally applicable to a settler colonial state built by european and middle eastern jews


If you swap Germans with Jews and Jews with Palestinians the underlying logic stays the same.


in that case, the palestinians are famous for their involvement in fiancee and capital and I guess germany was the native homeland of the jews originally
like I get the point your trying to make, but it fails to address unique the circumstances of Israel


i miss kerzy? the clown guy from leftpol


idk who this guy is, but very bad right-winger
i could barely tell he's anti-semitic, i thought this was an average left-wing comic


I get the feeling that author of Sinfest was a huge TERF advocate and people calling him a bigot or regressive despite being a feminist made him snapped, just of like how Rowling gets pissed that people call her a Nazi because she's also a TERF.


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Doesn't get much more nazi than this.


>living in peace
Lol. Lmao.


ah yes, peaceful raiding and pillaging


Americans doing kvltvral äppröpriätiön smh


By that criterion, isn't Israel good? Or should they be more strict still? I understand that an artist can be incoherent in relation to their view from like five years ago, and Ishida has a massive amount of that sort of incoherence, but this here is incoherent relative to like five minutes ago.


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>Jap in America
>Whining about immigration
I wonder what he thinks about the strict immigration law: Immigration Act of 1924?


>strict immigration laws
this mf is aware vikings are famous for invading foreign lands and interbreeding with the local populations?


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>this reactionary suddenly hates capitalism and colonialism when its jews doing it and is suddenly "trying to find common ground" with leftists


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Holocaust denial


>suddenly for no reason at all
Not denial, justification.


>america toppling the nazis
>put on glasses
>jews oppressing albania



Someone do an edit of the bottom one where it's the Soviets liberating the concentration camps.


>Whats his deal
Hes a right wing muslim. Many such cases.


See? Hes an albanian reactionary. Albanians are muslims.


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He's a late Gen Xer/Early millenial anarchist who is slowly becoming reactionary as institutions of authority continue to adopt progressive policies such as transgender rights and mandatory vaccination. His politics are authority bad, and anything that authority supports must be bad as well.

Someone you see shopping at organic food stores but wearing oakley glasses and possibly with a CC.


I knew it couldn't have been drawn by a white person


>mandatory clot shot


Before any Anarchists come after me obviously real Anarchism is a lot more consistent and respectable than that. But he's like your version of a magacom IMO


>Japanese Albanian Muslim Reactionary Holocaust Denier with Tumblr Art Style
Globalism won



This is not right anarchism at this point, it's full blown neonazism.


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>Japanese Albanian
man the sex between his parents must've been legendary

>b-be gentle Enver-kun, i love you but please be gentle

<mos u shqeteso me pelqen anali


Yet he still seems to believe that trans-anything is part of the overall evil pornography plot to ruin women. Is it that he's just a segregationist TERF?


>be vikangz
>violent to other people
>violent to themselves
>the last pagans in europe
>loved to immigrate everywhere
>loved to rape and pillage
>loved to get drunk
>(some, I assume, are good people)
>forcefully brought people from outside society to do unwanted labor (i.e. slaves) which is technically a form of immigration
>did not adhere to any kind of modern notion of a nation state, or westphalian sovereignty, let alone an ethnostate
>loose confederation of clans and tribes living in roughly the same way and worshiping the same pantheon and speaking kinda sorta related languages

nazis: is this a heckin based natsoc ethnostate with anti immigration laws?


don't forget the whole danegeld thing


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Are you guys just retarded? Albanian Muslim from America named… checks notes… Tatsuya Ishida?
>Tatsuya Ishida is a Japanese-American[4] cartoonist, the creator of, and a character in Sinfest. He is known for his irreverent and satirical humor, often tackling topics such as American politics, organized religion, and radical feminism.[5] A biography can be found in "Historyfest: A Comprehensive Look at Tatsuya Ishida".[3]


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Idk if I'm wrong, but while white supremacy (America) supports Israel, is seems like Israel has alot of power/influence (a 2 decade war was started because of 9/11 and Israel), especially with them having nukes.

It's like with the Indonesian genocide, America enabled it, but the country is still worse since they could've just not do it.


This is the explanation: >>538483


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Is it bad that as a trans person I feel kind of relieved when a transphobic reveals their prejudice against other people?
Like I should feel bad that he's making literal Goebbels-tier propaganda but I also feel kind of less alone.


that's literally what Jews believe though. same as Christcucks who believe pretty much the same thing but with Jesus returning


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He has to be getting off on this.
He fucking LOOOOVEs drawing these men getting sissypilled in the most humiliating way possible.


no you want to have a single balloon with two tails with the word FED inside if you want to imply that they're saying FED at the same time you hack, ugh


wtf is this even a reference to lol


that's a nice city you've got there, Angloid. would be a shame if something were to happen to it
>Engelsmännen utbetalade mellan åren 991 och 1018 en lösensumma på cirka 97 000 kilo i rent silver, bara för att undslippa främst danskar
<the English paid a ransom between the years 991 to 1018 of around 97 000 kilos of pure silver, just to get rid of Danes
same tbh


>Third pic is factual and correct.
imagine taking a piece of comedy writing as proof that Jews control the world, nazis are extremely dumb and too much soulless NPCs to understand satire lol
>if you say it you're an antisemite
"I'm just pointing things out, I'm just noticing things" - conspiratard who has never opened up a book in his life and whose entire worldview revolves around blaming some magical Other as causing all problems in the world


>what, you disagree? umm well you see if you look at the demographics of specifically hollywood that's le technically correct!
>anyway now for my comic about how hitler was the good guy
great thread


Remember how Saruman whore a rainbow dress in the books?


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>imagine taking a piece of comedy writing as proof that Jews control the world, nazis are extremely dumb and too much soulless NPCs to understand satire lol
It was humorous not satirical you idiot. It was a jokey-brag.
>proof that Jews control the world
Also not the point of the post.

Whether they do or don't is not the point. Many Jewish people make the same claims about their overpowered influence with impunity.


your point was to spread nazi ideology


>Many Jewish people make the same claims
>cites ADL
do you think zionists represent the jewish community?


>do you think zionists represent the jewish community?
They represent the majority of them according to polling.



plenty of rwers are pro-Palestine, that whole lot of andrew tate and shit. the funniest thing is when you look into Palestine interviews they point at Israel and label them as leftists lmao


and do you think the specific ADL organization accurately represent jews?
that anything they say is automatically true? or might they have an alternate motivation to present themselves as more influential than they are?


<proof that Jews control the world
>Whether they do or don't is not the point.
>Many Jewish people make the same claims about their overpowered influence with impunity.


Don't you have black dick to fantasize about


>things normal people say


Except not because a lot of people have left the ADL because of Greenblatt's shit.


The white supremacist nation of Israel, which imported millions of Middle Eastern and Asian Jews who are now the majority and promoted a policy of race mixing between these groups, classic white supremacy
like I'm anti-Zionist, but Israel is a very unique case that cannot be classified by conventional means


>wtf is this even a reference to lol


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>oh neat a talented leftist artist entering the scene
>why is he drawing jews like that?
>it's nazi propaganda


But Sarumon?…


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I'd really like this guy to actually lay out his reasoning for why the bottom pic is an accurate representation of WW2. Even though I know it would just be a regurgitation of David Irving.


actually the americans didn't defeat the nazis, the soviets did


Yes true but obviously that's not his issue with the story lol


Also I think he missed a trick by not having Germania's skirt hiked up suggestively and the Jew buttoning his pants, that's just me though


I literally don't know what the heck is bottom pic supposed to mean or represent


>I literally don't know what the heck is bottom pic supposed to mean or represent
>bottom pic
Do phone posters really?


All of that stuff was already posted: >>537963


Basically David Irving (and some other people probably) has a whole series of books and 'documentaries' where he elucidates why actually the Allies were the ones that started WW2 at the behest of (Jewish) bankers and financiers and actually Hitler loved Jews but they just kept false flagging him and making him look like an antisemite. And also the holocaust isn't real or at least is highly exaggerated.


I mean the 5th pic
oh lol, so basically these pics are goebbels level of propaganda except no one falls for it


Well some people do fall for it but definitely much less than at the time, still enough to be dangerous though.


yep still dangerous, except for communists


no seriously what's with the albania flag. what the fuck


It's supposed to be the Prussian eagle lol


where did the trope about vikangs carrying horns on their helmets come from?


Some Wagner opera


he thinks dylan mulvaney looks like christopher lee, that's it, it's just transphobic noticing


I wish all fascists a very stop appropriating my nation's history for your reactionary bullshit


I see, I literally can't see any similarities but thank you for explaining. The only thing I could possibly think is that the Saruman guy is gay but that's also not related


It's not complicated, Saruman is evil and tricking people he thinks Dylan is evil and tricking people


There's an old Foreign Policy article that is about antisemitism in Russia and there's an interview with an anarchist in it. He said something to the effect of "if you ask me what the problem is, you'd call me a leftist. If you asked me who the problem is, you'd call me a fascist." Or something to that effect.


If he actually thinks the answer to 'who is the problem' is 'Jews' then yes he's a fascist.


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>giant transphobia
>draws trans women having fun and accepting them


*cis women


i always thought they were a white woman, so a little shocked it's a Japanese guy. male rad fems are weird as shit


I don't know why people are so surprised the TERFs turned out the way they did. Anybody that looked at these people knew from the outset that they would become rightoids. When you lean into biological essentialism as hard as they do, it never ends well.


<one person proves a trend
Shitty lazy argument. Even worse than the "trot-to-neocon pipeline" (at least that one comes with three or four examples).


>Political minority emerges and begins advocating for their rights
>This minority disturbs you, you make up a bunch of baseless rumors about them
>People don't listen to you, and broadly move towards acceptance and allyship
>Impossible! These people are freaks! How could anyone ally with them?
>(((Someone))) must be behind it…

This is the way of all reactionaries. It's been proven time and again.


🙄How many TERFs are like Ishida? Come the fuck on.

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