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one day it will be real


isn't mike myers like 70


inb4 they do Shrek: the next generation and they keep the franchise alive with shrek and donkey's kids


they will use AI






bra(shrek)vo, well done


Is Shrek scottish??


No he's an ogre.


What's the difference?


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>As Shrek’s nemesis Lord Farquaard (John Lithgow) spoke with a posh English accent, Myers revealed in an interview that he wanted Shrek to seem “working class” in comparison.
>"Fairy tales were about the class system," he added. "You had worker people, and then you had this people who were, for no reason, the king and queen. They weren't elected or anything. So I always thought that ogres were working people, growing up as a working person.
>Scottish people are… working people. It's a working people accent"




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these are the reasons


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it's mostly obvious jokes then there's "union decline" but I dont get it
>The fall of communism will deal of major blow to the trade union movement; labor relations will revert to industrial revolutionary social-Darwinism


woops meant to type a not of


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Because the fall of communism was a massive loss for worker morale? The prediction didn't seem to pan out though. It looks like it was more of a slow decline probably spurred by the New Deal policies that made unions less obviously appealing.


>that shift to uncomfortable silence and a single weird laugh


I think the joke is that with the preceding "industrial revolutionary" he sets you up to expect "socialism" before pivoting mid-word to "social Darwinism" which introduces a lot of ambiguity. Is he shitting on socialism by calling it social Darwinism? Is he saying what you suggested? Did he just want to skirt right up against the edge of saying something radical while bailing himself out at the last second? After all if he had followed through on our expectations there no joke there he's just straight up saying the fall of communism will radicalize the workers and turn them away from opportunistic trade-unionism with the joke being that this is a "bad" thing. Am I overthinking it? probably
lol Myers has to salvage it with that "okay then" response which brought the audience back I think they assume the joke is just vidrel




>Am I overthinking it?
Yes cause I'm pretty sure he's saying it will revert to the social darwinism that existed in the mid-1800s prior to the rise of socialism where the bourgeois thought it was okay for poors to starve to death like during the Great Irish Famine


just realized I gave myself a you instead of >>532242

That seems like a reasonable interpretation but idk im getting hung up on the "industrial revolutionary" qualifier


but I guess capitalism was revolutionary in the mid 1800s so maybe you're interpretation checks out. Good post


>Scottish people are… working people. It's a working people accent

>Even if they are working class, they are still reactionaries, after all the British would have never ever managed to make their overseas empire prosper without Scottish and Irish 180cm tall soldiers in their army to conquer it for them


My bad I greentext the bottom


No, he's saying that before laborers developed union consciousness (and once again if unions fall out of fashion) the "state of nature" so to speak of the working class in capitalism is ruthless competition (social darwinism).


y is tha cia suppressing shrek v?


Literally gorge Orwell's 1917 farm


WTF SNL WENT WOKE?????????????????????????


the joke there is that they slipped one non-joke into the joke. It's a meta-joke. Arson, murder, and jaywalking type shit.


> idk im getting hung up on the "industrial revolutionary" qualifier
industrial revolutionary as in the era of the industrial revolution, not literally "revolutionary" in the political sense. the era when machinery started to be used is called the industrial revolution.


Shrek's Latinx dub>>>>>>>


Yes because Shrek is a socialist


burgers literally didn't get the joke except 1 guy; sad



we're so breaking back bros


Whats the movie the Hank Schrader scenes are from?


Scanning Dean Norris's IMDB: Seems like a lot of stuff. Hard to tell. Probably a mixture of:

He plays a guy named "Uncle Daddy" in Claws and he also did a Funny or Die sketch in 2013 where Hank Schrader comes back to life.


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>wayne's world recognizes the blackest reaction:

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