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Historically speaking which sengoku jidai clan was the closest to being /our guy/


ZOMG Is that the Triforce???


Clearly, all of the ones with red logos were AES and everything else was imperialist, just like modern day countries.


ikko ikki obviously


This. Like there is not even any debate here.

peasants' war Germany :|
peasants' war Japan :0


peasants' war china >:(


Whats with Japan and designing everything like It was some company logo since feudal times?


perhaps it’s a result of the language and writing system.


You've got it the wrong way around, the question should be why are corporate logos designed like japanese feudal heraldry.


Maybe it has to do with the impact the japanese had on graphical design? Company logos looking like japanese emblems.

I instead see linux distros there


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At least it's memorable, euro shits always put le sophisticated symbols on their old flags like an eagle, a crown, a knight, or an egg, or a cross, or an egg with a cross, and the Chinese just put letters we can't even read

But for me, my favorite old flaggerino is cvme ovt yov cvckold


Feudal structure similar to Europe results in the importance of heraldry which is what gave birth to flags and logos.


Can someone educate me on the context of all of these clans?


are those the sharingans?

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