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The eurovision eurofinal eurothread for all your 2024's euromusical needs


So who won? Shouldn't this be over by now?


For better or for worse, none of my friends really wanted to see it this year. I don't have the interest of watching it alone, but I am a hungry bitch for drama.
Please post any highlights.

Also, the Joost dutch guy that got disqualified, on one hand, it's nice that he was a sacrificial lamb to increase the chaos, drama, and hate for the sionists. On the other hand, their song was a pro-EU song. I'm sorry but I can't support people who support the EU. So on both of those sides, I think it was nice he got disqualified.


>talmudic slopfest


The whole drama made it the only interesting Eurovision since ever.

Still didn't watch. The music is so fucking dogshit everytime (except Ukraine 2007)


What was the drama?


>>532534 dutchie here, i agree that this is a pro EU song but knowing the lyrics, its important to understand why he likes the EU.

he's basically saying that he can travel to all countries neighboring him without a visa. i dont know about you but i agree with him that this is a good thing, this world without borders hes singing about.
change a few of the country-names within the song and it could have been about the soviet union.

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