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What happened to the time honored leftist tradition of fucking prostitutes? Being motivated by a hooker was the norm for intellectuals in 19th century France, yet now it's largely frowned upon


Here in america we're not allowed


Biden's ameriKKKa


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Prostitutes should be unionized and employed in legal, regulated, tax-paying firms. Criminalizing sex work forces prostitutes into the black market, where they're liable to badly mistreated, abused, and raped. Even worse than that, they're not paying taxes! Every time there's a sector of the service economy which doesn't provide revenue to the government, a Finnish angel loses his unemployment check.
And what's even wrong with prostitution in the first place? It's not inherently harmful. There's nothing shameful about sex. If someone wants to sell sex, and someone else wants to buy it, why can't they? Sex is good. Prostitution prohibition is conservative.


You definitely can, but if you're in Texas I'd advise against it because they do stings.


why do i keep seeing pictures of the second lady and other hippy women with dreads. thiel anon, i need a vibe reading pronto


because they are hot


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>what's wrong with participating in institutionalized rape


prostitutes today are mainstreamed so its no longer part of the underground
but i agree with picrel that psychedelics are cringe and we need more cocaine and nicotine in our blood


she's not hot, she is like all of those e-girls that act like children to attract weirdos


I don't know how she acts because I only ever saw like three pictures of her that was posted here.


she is used goods with a fatherless child that acts like a hippy and does cutesy rap


It was a pretty well known fact in the time before the 1920s that Marx got his energy needed to write all of Capital and the manuscripts of the subsequent volumes due to constant visits to London Brothels. He was such a regular that he started to get in serious debt and had to ask Engels for money in order to continue seeing his favorite prostitutes.
With the betrayal of the Russian Revolution by the Bolsheviks, prostitution was made illegal in order to stifle the intellectual capacity of the proletariat, to make them easier to deceive. Ever since then, prostitution has been erroneously thought to be incompatible with Marxism. This is wildly false! Without prostitution, there would be no Marxism! Prostitution is what allowed for the birth of Marxism and is a key and crucial element for any Marxist future.


>used goods
She's a person not a commodity.


sounds like she's made another simp lol


lmao little incel doesn't like that cute girl make his peepee hard, admit it man we know, we see you


no, my misogyny makes me mad at her for being girly, and when im angry i dont get aroused. my emotions are very compartmentalised.


Isnt it more fun when its illegal?


Nta, but I don’t find white women attractive so it’s possibly more than that. I probably wouldn’t describe her as “used goods”, however both of them seem really obnoxious to be around.


misinformation by bourgeois historians to portray Marx negatively. Marx was celibate and practised semen retention while writing Capital.


prostitution is legal in new zealand. its pretty great tbh


belgium now too


aren't sex workers still liked and supported by a lot of leftists? i mean literally they like using that term over prostitutes

also mushrooms way better, more flavour, must, way sexi- i mean better.


you are not a communist,
assessment - kys


>What happened to the time honored leftist tradition of fucking prostitutes?
That's not an especially leftist tradition. Pretty much the whole spectrum used to buy women's body


buying sex is rape. kys


So you're saying I should rape violently without payment of any kind then?



I'm saying rape is bad. Both rape of the violent kind and the rape of the "coerced with money" kind.


>not a commmodity


anon why are you answering them in good faith. they're clearly an edgelord. also all sex is coerced due to the inherent power asymmetry between any two beings. this is why we must all be revcel antinatalists


>also all sex is coerced due to the inherent power asymmetry between any two beings.
Andrea Dworkin, I know this is you

Andrea, return to the afterlife, your ghost friends are missing you. I'm sure they'd love to hear another story about why there should be an Israel for women.


Its not bad faith though. Im not a sex assaulter, but I gotta smash sometimes one way or the other, but I have 0 game. Other men aren't as reasonable. By repressing the far lesser "evil" of prostitution, you're only making things way worse


Why don't you just jerk off?


based and correct though. sex is inherently fascist



We should bring back the gentry practice of holding balls for debutants


Its comically easy to fuck porn star looking prostitutes. Just have sex incel.


up the 19th century, it was common for an older relative or an uncle, to take a young lad to a knocking shop, to have his cheery popped by a prostitute. bringing back this time honoured tradition would cure the incel crisis.


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this never went away in the american south. the bourgeois creeps down there have an infamous yearly debutante ball called the veiled prophet parade. It's some eyes wide shut type shit. rich southern bourgeois creeps in their 50s descended from the plantation slave owning aristocracy basically date and fuck each others' teen daughters at those things.


in borat 2 they go to one of these btw


Fucking women of the oldest profession is based but careful with psychedelics.


looks like a vestige of weird masonic shit



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Society ran better when intellectuals were able to be DRAINED on demand by hookers at their neighborhood brothel, seriously.


Alllende was a Mason


Different history in LatAm obviously.


There actually exists a schism between LatAm countries and the ones in the U.S. They judge a lot of them as "irregular".

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