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take them




what would we do without big pharma?


Im sure some pharmacists would join leftism and make better drugs that aren't poison and it'd all be free!


or maybe pharmaceutical drugs are literally mind control chemicals that stop people from rebelling against the system and in a freer world they wouldnt exist


Oh is that why they're so expensive? Retard.


theyre expensive so that you buy more expensive insurance to cover costs for them


Kinda defeats the purpose of wanting to mind control the proletariat if most of them can't even afford it.


In european countries and canada there is national insurance which gives anyone with a diagnosis anything to shut them up


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receive actually effective treatment for mental health issues


Medication is bourgeois


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>you feel sad because you labor for some lazy slob that hasn't worked a single day of his life, you don't have any real relationships with the people around you because everyone is busy all the time and you find getting a partner difficult in this culture where the norm is to meet people in some shitty dating app where you judge and are judged on superficial shit that shouldn't matter?
<oh, must be le "chemical imbalance" in your brain and totally not the society around you :^) take these pills bro


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yfw psychiatry is blatant pseudoscience that relies on discredited chemical imbalance theories that lead to meds like antipsychotics being prescribed to schizophrenics that have a proven record of causing otherwise "sane" people to experience psychosis because their method of action involves just fucking decreasing the patient's dopamine


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>clean your room before you try to change the world


I took SSRIs once and it killed my libido
No wonder things dont get better for people


meds are literally class war. they are bourgeois mind control


That sounds excellent….but then I'm usually in my best mood when my sex drive is highest. But what's the point of having one if I can't have sex?


Smoke weed or bust


Well our libido is literally our life force, so it can also make you creative if youre not having sex, or you can waste it by masturbating and overeating which is what a lot of people do
In the past ofc you would get out a lot of your energy with violence, but today we exist in an increasingly castrating society that saps your soul away


>le retvrn
>le sovl
didnt expect anything from this garbage thread tbh


the drugs that acutally fix you and don't make you dependent on them (psychedelics) are all illegal. curious…


Mao and Deng literally practised semen retention. Mao used the I Ching to win his battles against the Japanese and KMT.


so being a fat porn addict is le good?
subhuman cope lol


what if i goon regularly but i diet and exercise


Then youre clearly lonely and have no gf so are coping


Fuck you that image scared me shitless


my berian brother i want you to know that there's nothing wrong with either of these and that you could start exercising and getting sunlight tomorrow if you wish


look at all these miserable normie mf with girlfriends and wives. wrecked relationships everywhere, the guys dont get to see kids, or drink them selves to death every night. gooning is better.


>violence is le based

Yea no thanks

But yea our society is spritually castrative


I've got a fever and the only prescription is more Alunya x Grace yuri!


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Psychedelics can potentially fuck you up if you're not careful. I used to trip on RCs, shrooms, LSD, DMT,etc.


Funny enough, I think a lot of gooners are unhappy and partnered.


chemical imbalance theory is not that mainstream anymore, it's actually stupider than that. It's just empiricism. "This drug reduces certain symptoms and we're not certain exactly why". It's the development of psychiatric drugs that lead to neurotransmitter theories of the mental disorders they treat, because an impact on neurotransmitters was noticed.

But anyways the point of drugs is just to abate symptoms. Good psychiatrists will be open about this. The real fix is psychotherapy and lifestyle changes generally. It's been understood (but constantly hidden by pharm companies) for decades that using psychiatric drugs will even hinder treatment and worsen prognoses in some cases. They're just another tool for our mental regulation. Who is doing the regulating, and for what desired state, and for how long or in conjunction with what other methods, should all be the areas of struggle we address when it comes to psychs.

unless you're hospitalized, literally no one makes you take them - in fact they cost money and require a prescription to access. The bourgeois mind control happens before, in making you need to conform to certain standards to be acceptable to the labor market, or to successfully maintain yourself, and so on. Meds are just another method of achieving the bourgeois standard that you're forced to accept either way.

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