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"No chin, no right to speak."
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File: 1715729616357.png (870.1 KB, 2054x694, 1715661306447111.png)


what went wrong?


from no chin to 2 chins


twink death


It's a glow-up actually. Finally learned to smile, use a properly configured camera, and grew some facial hair.
Wonder what they're up to these days.


>Wonder what they're up to these days.
being a rightoid on Twitter


stopped shaving his patchy ass facial hair, possibly started balding
>Finally learned to smile
his fake job being the kiwifarms of youtube probably made him miserable as shit


He looks awful now


It was always going to end this way


what time does to a mf


no hrt


Day Trading: Not Even Once


is that even the same person?


He should shave his head. It’s obvious he is trying to hide his hairline. His skin isn’t taken cared of and his clothing is still immature. Honestly his issues all lies in his inability to taking care of himself. Really doesn’t surprise me, as I can see some of my worst qualities in him. Although I haven’t kept up with him, I can already guess he is trying to get back his old status, and hasn’t changed whatsoever since then. Probably to get a quick check, and follow the easiest route possible.


boy he got fat


i see people calling the 30s the second puberty for men. how do i avoid turning into a caveman?


His entire existence is contrarianism. If conservatism and reactionism were popular and dominant with the masses he would be the most leftist person in the world.


He got cancelled for making fun of an autistic person in, like, 2016. It all went downhill from there.


idk, workout everyday, meditate everyday? to be who you want to be requires discipline, if you lack discipline you'll become like leafy.


He hasn’t even hit thirty yet.
Leafy is a 27 yo zoomer.


The 2023 pictures? There's no way he's over 25.


>autistic person


>how do i avoid turning into a caveman?
master a martial artI recommend capoeira


whenever i search for info on hormones and drugs i get swarmed by a bunch of anecdotal evidence or poor understanding of medical studies with people being more sure of their opinions than researchers themselves. just keep in mind getting rid of T without replacing it with E will give you osteoporosis as your body starts raiding your bones for calcium


File: 1715817704334.png (1.44 MB, 1440x810, ClipboardImage.png)

he looks like a bitcoin enthusiast, like he's going to convince me to buy Goatse coins


He allegedly made a fortune off of Bitcoin, so yeah you're right.

The story goes:
>Make low effort content
>Get called out by insecure assholes for being an insecure asshole
>Leave platform
>Return like 6 or 7 years later and do the same thing
>Get banned within days of returning
>Now just sit on twitter grifting retards out of their money and virtue signalling right wing politics

He is the base model for rightwing anime pfp archetype.


Take care of your skin and hairline, eat eggs, get sun but not too much.


That's not twink death this is coke bloat


Would you like some anal sex???


File: 1715825534039.jpg (76.83 KB, 1280x720, CHECHENECA.jpg)

He spent 3 days in Bulgaria…


>just drop weight and shave bro


I know. You're looks are entirely determined by genetics. Theres no changing it or hope.


Genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Yeah it's over for a lot of dudes, Leafy looks like a depressed drunk.


how is this a glow up?
Although he isnt ugly but a bit unkempt. His chubby face is very cute


It's a glow up to people who are attracted to adults instead of children.


Claiming "twink death" and it's just a person not being a teenager anymore.

>get sun but not too much
Sun damage on your skin is accumulative.


Umm you sure this isnt a strawman?

I like both pics but I prefer the previous pic more.


if youre attracted to the wrong adults youre a pedophile donchaknow


I think op pic on left is better looking.

But if you gave me a choice between op pic on right vs Donald Trump in his thirties amd foeties I would choose Donald Trump in his thirties ans forties.


>being unkemt and ugly is a sign of adulthood

This is why things are going to ahit.
Maturation is too tied to aesthetics especially the negational kind.


Who are you even quoting?


Do not reply to Newgene dumbass


>Claiming "twink death" and it's just a person not being a teenager anymore.
yeah that's what twink death is


You can’t, your skull keeps growing until you’re 27 on average, and your cartilage never stops growing.

Unless CRISPR cell regeneration research finally fixes the sudden shock death from turning cells younger you’ll have to hope for the best.

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