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 No.1516[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What is your favorite Soviet tank?

mine is the t80
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This thread has existed since before Bunkerchan became a .net service, let alone before it becoming leftypol.org, /tech/ needs to do some coding shit to transfer the thread.


Embedding error.
>the t80


Embedding error.
not really a tank but the Kharkovchanka cruiser is based as fuck


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One of these three
T-35 (just because its so much of a monstrosity it’s kind of grown on me)


>Tank doesnt do well in urban combat

 No.9164[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why does it make evreything feel fine?
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No they mean exactly 1 Liter (2x0.5l)


>Bitter isn't a good flavor
that's how all of the good drinks are flavored




I disagree.



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A thread for the best scifi on TV atm, aka "21st Century but in Space" simulator.
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Fuck the Telltale game, I want someone to finish this shit. What series finale ends on a fucking cliffhanger.

Also why the fuck didn't they recast Alex and instead edited in a weird death scene


TV Miller wasn't bad but in the books he's much more connected to the main crew and the adaptation falls flat in that regard. Like when Holden assumes he's going to join the crew and Miller is so surprised by this he has to hide his tears from the sudden acceptance. You also miss out on all his internal monologues, but that comes with the medium.


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Average Belter: I want self-determination for my people, who endure so much Inyalowda oppression

Average Earther: I want to prevent the total economic collapse of the majority of the human race

Average Martian: just saw the UN giving poor people free food, billions must die


You can still use voiceover for internal monolgues

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David Foster Wallace
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Is steeply the best transsexual in the american literature canon?


I really like DFW but I usually don't tell women that I'm afraid they'll laugh at me


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It's a fine meme anon, really


Wavid Doster Fallace


I don't think most people know who DFW is


Is he the next literally me character?
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You believe that napoleon was good? Why?


he killed a lot of anglos, castillians, and prussians


He is literally me.


this comment from 6 months ago was comically accurate. capital has decided to switch common sense from liberal to chvd. even if the average person isn't like that, they still feel like the mainstream is average to bad, and non-whites feel out of place in normal movies


This whole movie seemed like fear porn to motivate the ruling classes to hate the citizenry. The way that any group of common people was portrayed was horrific.

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 No.16960[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I’ll start:
Pan’s Labyrinth
Blade Runner
Starship Troopers
The Thing
The Matrix
Pirates of the Caribbean
Paths of Glory
The Devil’s Backbone
Return of the Living Dead
Grave of the Fireflies
Princess Mononoke
Come and See
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Alright fam time to prove your convictions by getting into the pod.


I dont remember Matrix working like that. But in all seriousness, if there was an actual option to join a cyborg hive-mind, I would take it, why not?


Thea von Harbou, author of the novel and wife of Fritz Lang, later worked for the Nazis and wrote a bunch of propaganda films for them. The extent to which she was really a Nazi gets disputed, but I'm not trying tl dispute it. The thesis of the film, how the heart must unite the mind with the muscle, seems pretty clearly more fascist than communist. It's not about the destruction of class, but the process of getting classes to work towards a common aim.


You're correct, but that's what it was. The Borg were written near the end of the cold war, and they were a metaphor for the soviets. You can find TNG writers talking about it. The fact that Star Trek as a franchise has earlier positive portrayals of collectivism doesn't change this.


The borg are (or were) about consumerism and yuppie culture.


The On Cinema cinematic universe is a hilarious satirical cycle/storyline about 2 extremely egoistic faux movie lovers in an exurban Inland Empire town clashing with each other and the various hijinks and mediocre attempts at producing media that result in between
You can follow it here https://www.oncinematimeline.com
It's genuinely a very deep metatextual satire of a weird kind of zeitgeist in the YouTube era
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Seeing this graphic is the hardest I've ever laughed in On Cinema, the way it gently slides into view right after Tim explains to Gregg how his feeding tube supplies him with a constant flow of milkshake. It's the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen.


I love the extremely underplayed references to marijuana sprinkled throughout the show, guaranteed to freak you out when you least expect it, e.g.
>the TCH vape system
>The HEI Network
>"I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm HEI"

It's like he's pointing his finger right at you


yeah does anyone have public access to the stuff since they moved to the website?


It's sadly hard to find, however as a current subscriber you're not wasting any money subscribing. The only unalienated streaming service.


I fucking cannot with Tim's characters anymore lol
He's blending together so many different people into one character, Bill Maher but also JP but also Steven Crowder maybe? It's surreal, like one of those DJs that plays with 4 decks at once.

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 No.9437[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A thread for the Hiking, Hillwalking, Mountaineering, Camping, Randonneuring and other comfy /out/door pursuits involving time in the wilderness

>Ask questions

>Get Answers
>Ask for advice on getting started
>Do trip reports
>Bitch about your poor navigational abilities
>Post Non-Identifying photos (i.e. Don't post your face you idiot)

I've been doing a fair bit of mountaineering the past few weeks and I'm really getting back into the swing of things, might join a club again soon
99 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Fuck I really need to take that trip to Canada I was planning, you're making me jealous of all


Thanks, and it’s just an iPhone, nothing special. I’m sure I could get much better shots with a dedicated camera, but I prefer hiking without anything bulky.


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Tolmie Peak, WA

Very enchanted-fairy-esque.


Very cool, especially the mist. I think it’s still too hot where I’m at for misty trails sadly.


Just went to a Texas state park, of course the leaves were down on most of the trees but it was still beautiful. I wish this state weren't so giant, some of the most fantastical looking of the state parks are so far away…

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Based on true events or realistic fiction, what are some films, TV shows, specific episodes, or characters you've seen that represent the far-right movement with disturbing accuracy? Let's avoid talking about American History X. Its 90s skinhead nazis are now Hollywood stereotypes that are less relevant in the era of siege culture and active clubs.
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Aren't they basically incel/redpill/PUA people that pay loose women to be on their show though? Not exactly compatible with Islam


Patriarchal islam in their worldview, no matter how contradictory is when men are in control, beat women, and are polygamists because men are naturally fuckboys or somethin, also they kill trans people.
Not what that word means.
That they are yes.


Are they actually Muslims though??


I think a large chunk of them believe in family, traditionalism, and prayer to Islam and what not. As far as I know, Andrew doesn't drink anymore, at least as much as he used to and from what I can tell he hasn't in recent clips since his conversion to Islam, it's very tough to say if they are or aren't or what is or isn't allowed in Islamic law, but even their own followers have pointed out that he has done degenerate stuff for money before. It's only expressly non Muslims like Tristian and a few others who seemingly do drink and objectify whores they also fuck on the side for views and money that still do that kind of stuff. I would say it's mixed but the fact that it is garnering legitimacy, and has multiple actual Muslim followers who are falling for it, it just tells me that it's enough if that makes sense–
Wait why are you focusing on the Islam part of that? Islamic Nazism is a totally real thing, I'm saying they're fascist, not Nazis but are Islamic or Islamic theocrat adjacent.


Agreed. That really pissed me off when I first watched it a few years ago. This movie is, ironically, propaganda. Minus the laundry black man that Derek befriends (Lamont) and the teacher (Dr. Bob Sweeney), minorities are the cause of his grievances, and the movie justifies it with the gang murdering his family and breaking into his car. Derek isn't ever properly defeated or made an ignorant fool for holding these resentments during the kitchen debate or the news interview scene. The only thing this movie does right is show that nazis can and will turn on each other (the rape scene). "You're not really one of us. You're not good enough." You either fold or become a traitor to your race and the group. This is a good historically based warning message, but I don't think most viewers will get that because they're not Nazis, let alone ones dealing with organizations or prison politics. Overall this movie doesn't seem to serve anyone.


there should be a Heat-like movie about the 1907 Tiflis Bank Robbery that Stalin/Lenin and other Bolsheviks organized, which was carried out for the purpose of securing funds for the RSDLP.
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Maybe anon just means like a character study with a focus on careful choreography.


Also, a killer soundtrack.


why the FUCK can't my hair look like Stalin's


>How would it be Heat-like?
aesthetically and with a similar attention to detail and realism. There's so much scope to explore the political context and interpersonal dynamics leading up to the raid too. It writes itself ffs, I can picture the steam train sequence now lol.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.


>How would it be Heat-like?
Cinematography, pacing, tension, soundtrack.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.
This theme is what would make it unique, even if the aesthetics are more derivative.

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