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Would anyone be interested in a group stream of some Soviet era red westerns such as "At Home Among Strangers" ( Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих; Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh)? I am also up for streaming other films if anyone has any suggestions

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Man it's a shame this thread never took off.


Yugoslavia is famous for Westerns, Soviet Union not so much. Soviets are better known for sci-fi.


Solaris 1972


>Soviet Union not so much
I grew up on Soviet "Westerns" so that's only true for people in the West


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I grew up on Yugoslav westerns (partisan films). They were also very popular in China, "Valter" is a household name over there.


Land and Freedom
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (Somewhat)
Cargo 200
The Trotsky
Baader Meinhof Complex
Judas and the Black Messiah


I've watched Reds and Baader Meinhof Complex and Judas and the Black Messiah
All of them seemed mediocre artistically and cowardly centrist ideologically


Reds isn't even really about politics, it's just a really long romantic melodrama


>Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
always hated that translation. "Nice Villages Burn Nicely" is a better translation, because the word "lijepo" means both pretty and nice in serbo-croatian.

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This thread was made to post or ask for lost leftist YouTube videos or other media.
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Looking through some booru pics there was this old leftypol eceleb called Muke back in 2016 or so. Are his vids uploaded anywhere? I can't find them



I seem to recall Zeria had a video about Code Geass and anti-imperialism but I can't find it any more.


That's old as shit and yes it got deleted a while back, same with an old Kill la Kill vs Fascism video


 No.932[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Porky punching lumpens to get his kicks or class traitor who directly and indirectly helpi people?Also general capeshit thread i guess
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he is a furfag that larps as a bat, of course he is mentally ill.


>He's a furfag
How lol? Animal motifs =/= furry you internet poisoned silly anon


>Porky punching lumpens to get his kicks or class traitor who directly and indirectly helpi people?

Depends on the version you're talking about

>Miller, Burton, Nolan

Porky punching people

>pattinson movie, animated series

class traitor

>Adam West

silly fanciful lad


Eh, like any commodified pop fiction genre, it varies. Most of it is slop but there's some occasional gems in there


Honestly? It's one of the better cape movies to have come out. The script isn't without its flaws (The third act is kind of rushed and comes out of nowhere) but for what it is, it's pretty well-made. I enjoyed it a lot more than most capeshit

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I've seen only a few other threads about horror on here and they seemed too specific, so I thought I'd make a broader one.

How do you feel about the current state of horror media? To me it seems at it's always been in a way; a mixed bag. However I feel like I've noticed this trend and, correct me if you think I'm wrong, a lot of more successful recent horror seems to be more creator-driven than in the past.

This is natural I think, as the internet has opened a lot of opportunities for more unique visions and riskier decisions that large studios would otherwise reject.

In a strange sort of symbiosis, though, these large studios attempt to acquire these successful creators and even properties for themselves; see the phenomenon of Slenderman for example. Once an entirely community made, solely internet creation has gotten several of his own movies, and has by and large become an 'artifact' of sorts of 2010's-era web. Studios cannibalize these unique properties and, once they've made some modicum of a profit, utterly destroy the integrity of them, leaving communities to look for the next big thing in horror.

With that aside, feel free to discuss almost literally anything horror related here; movies, books, ARGs, games, creepypasta (the rare good kind, if you can find any).
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Not even the foremost scholars in the field know what conditions give rise to consciousness and neither do you.


>trying to school John Carpenter on literary theory
>doing it by linking to TVTropes
This is what bad education has done to this country.


>Not even the foremost scholars in the field know what conditions give rise to consciousness and neither do you
Get off your high horse and read a fucking book yourself, or better yet learn reading comprehension, you strawmanning smart ass.


Anyone seen this? I'm reading the book about Showgirls by Adam Nayman, and apparently he really liked this one.


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Post leftist political cartoons, current or old.

Preferably originals, but edits are welcome too.

caricatures and political posters also welcome
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These are extremely cool and all but these are posters, not political cartoons… right?


They're technically both since their messages are political.


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Poster thread >>>/draw/2929


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Share coins you've got, /hobby/ists!


I got a bunch of them from all over the world, and a lot of american ones that are decently old.


Cash too?


yeah pretty much
post what you've got here

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modern simpsons fans are like trots in that they heap praise on the early seasons while they decry later seasons as "not real simpsons!". in reality all seasons are actually existing simpsons and while the later seasons may not be perfect they are still deserving of critical support from dedicated fans. some fans go so far as to point out that even the early seasons had their problems, despite what trots claim, most notably Some Enchanted Evening and Homer's Odyssey. as good Groeningists we should realize that the simpson is not a state of affairs that is to be established, an ideal to which episodes have to adjust themselves. we call the simpsons the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. the conditions of this movement result from the episodes now in existence.




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spectacle moment

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Does this website have anything meaningful to say in terms of media analysis or are their tropes just invented by a couple of redditors that wanted to develope a niche project?
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The Whateley Universe?


Aw fuck, yes, that was it


i have no opinion on tv tropes or whatever but yeah these major internet cultural touchstones and online collaborative projects all peaked 20 years ago, if you're an older millenial who had internet as a kid, you probably are emotionally attached to some goon project or some obscure vbulletin board or whatever. it was all downhill from then.


There's so much garbage on the internet now it's impossible to really get new stuff started or get attention for any unique projects/ideas


I'm not significantly emotionally invested in that or stuff like Newgrounds etc. but it's a bit nostalgic, in part because modern GenZ shit is stupider than the shit back then - capitalist decay.

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Recommend me anything to watch.
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Is that TV/Movie, or TV Movie?

How about film-length youtube videos like The Haircut?


Watch Showgirls. Jacques Rivette considered it Paul Verhoeven's best film about America. I agree with him.


Youtuber Quinton Reviews made a roughly 36 hours long iCarly cinematic multiverse video essay/review/recap, nothing of value but fun as a filler noise for background. He will likely do even more videos since iCarly, Victorious, sam and cat and Fred are only things he has done videos about and thats barely the half of nickelodeons shows that are in the same multiverse. I am not proud of the fact that I have watched these videos at least twice.


Vansploitation Movies


there can't be a "film about [x country]"
that's just an unrealistic claim

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