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How much do you guys read a day (time, pages)? What do you consider ideal? Do you devote markedly more time/note-taking to theory/philosophy per page than other non-fiction or they pretty much the same?

Reading for the first time in years, I'm not really sure what I should be aiming for as a baseline, especially since my schedule is pretty open. I'm reading a rather long history book at the moment at the rate of about 20-50 pages a day, yet it takes me hours to get through due to extensive note-taking and writing down words I want to commit to memory. I enjoy it and it seems to pay off, but I can't deny it's almost prohibitively meticulous. There's so much I want to read between now and this time next year that I'll never get to if I keep this pace. Just wanna get a ballpark from you guys.

Also discuss whatever you're reading now, plan to read, other questions you have about reading, note-taking, and so on that isn't fit for /edu/. OP is just a springboard.
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the guide

first, choose a nonfiction book you’d like to read and set aside an hour or so. I recommend something that feels like reading it would be nice, but which you do not feel a lot of pressure to read.

second, read the title page and scan the preface. at this point, try to set aside your impressions and see what the author thinks the book is actually about. the title and subtitle might actually be a better guide to this than anything you’ve heard about the book.

third, using the table of contents as a guide, take a few chapters (the first, the last, and any which seem particularly vital or pivotal to the book), and sort of x-ray them. read the first and last few paragraphs; read the section titles if it has any, read the first and last paragraph or two of each section. you don’t need to be strict about this, the point is to get a sense of the contents of these chapters and their relationship to the book as a whole.

fourth, examine the remaining chapters in the same manner. any order will be fine. just adjust as necessary if you find you’re losing sight of the whole work or of the parts of the chapter at hand.

again, you should spend no more than an hour on these four steps. you want to get a feel for the contents of the whole, and for the contents of each chapter that comprises the whole. this sounds like a difficult task, but it’s actually fairly straightforward. you just take an hour or so and apply these steps.

when you’re ready, you can now read the book in full. you will have the bones, and much of the meat, in your head already. the book should be far less intimidating, and your comprehension should be far higher. but there’s no reason you need to do this any time soon. hopefully, with some books, you will feel compelled to give a more thorough reading right away. if you don’t, that’s fine and now you know. move on to another book.
an optional step
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30-100, sometimes more.


just read when you want idgi

and take a note if something is interesting, or you think of something interesting




ayo what the fuck is this book of "death of ivan" aboout?

the dude is mad at artificiality and his wife but then by the end suddenly feels no longer mad because of the black sea and some light?

what is the lesson of this book? someone on a chan reccomended it

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I kinda like roller coasters though.
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>Are amusement parks/theme parks just bourgeoisie decadence?
The business models that they arose from (bread n' circus) and their modern exploitation in most countries outside of the USSR is bourg, but they are not by default bourg, and the USSR had plenty of them.


I don't necessarily have a problem with amusement parks if people actually enjoy them. But I don't really get it. You are never in danger on a roller coaster, yes you go fast but you're just sitting on a bench for a few minutes. Jumping from a branch on a tree swing is much more exhilarating and much easier, cheaper and accessible. Like there are a plethora of things that are more fun, cheaper and keep you fit in the process.


you literally just pulled this out of your ass
the speed and the stomach drop
i never really got roller coasters though, the bigger ones only last 2 minutes at most for like literally an hour or 2 of waiting in line, and the sheer wind-blast means you can't see much
i like the ones where you spin around and get dizzy, it's a nice effect
also they usually have nice restaurants and snacks and places to just chill


>literally just pulled this out of your ass
Wrong. Amusement Parks and the like arose from 1890s circus entertainment like Coney Island and involved a lot of fucked up exploitative shit. But the rides in and of themselves are just means of entertainment, and the USSR had rides in various parks, they just didn't make them into viciously exploitative and consumerism-obsessed industries, as under market systems.


fellas is it bourgeois to have fun

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 No.8338[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

post artwork for a nice socialist futureavoid, dread-mongering, collapse-porn and techno-phobia.
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Deep Space 9. Awesome writing in addition to being actually based as fuck.


looks neat as hell very much appreciated


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they're both shit


cry more

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Anyone into this shit? The upcoming housing crisis is an open door for more backyard pools to skate.
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Anyone ever had one of these two wheeled things?
I had it as a kid and aside of some smooth turns the overall control is crap, you have to constantly swing your knees and ankles for it to move and it wouldnt even go uphill, it needs both feet on board all the time so tricks were also a no
It was interesting to learn though and it teaches you balance, and the funny falls were worth it


Any of you inline skate here? I got some dope new rockered frames coming in


Skateboarding is technically illegal in japannaziNazi


fixing due to the site move >>>/anime/562


Huh, strange that they don't have a lot of delinquent skateboarding media


people who makes ARGs be like


Moved to >>>/games/16847.

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been shinnying up as of recent through vegetarian diet and and prescribed meds. always been a bigger dude but I'd prefer to be lighter as im pretty overweight. I'm decently strong which has helped me with fights and I want to maintain some strength for self defense. Exercises, nutrient suggestions, and other general info wanted.


theres a whole ahh thread for this shit


>>24463 i only saw one for bulking


youre asking about exercising and nutrition which is literally about fitness




Do powerlifting

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Grilling season is now open in the northern hemisphere.

What are you grilling?


you can grill in the winter if you’re dedicated enough



it's so fucking hot in india, i can't take it
someone adopt me to antarctica

how would that work? wouldn't the flames die out from all the moisture everywhere, from melted ice?


>how would that work? wouldn't the flames die out from all the moisture everywhere, from melted ice?
Nah, it's pretty much the same. The only hard part is getting it to start. Its harder to start a fire when it's cold. If you have lighter fluid, then there is no difference. It's just more uncomfortable.

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ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
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Not even a punk but, the shit you have to read on "lefty"pol.


you’re probably a butthurt LARPer if this is the one post on this entire site that sets you off


This makes no sense lmao.


watching the decline of western civilization (on the 2nd one now)
komsomol made some points


Moved to >>>/music/4666.

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It's the new frontier in the makerspace.

hacking and modding…………clothes.

A new jacket with tech fabrics and active ventilation (zips that can open to allow moisture to escape) are over $200. shit works though. need that functionality.

A cheap ninjastyle cycling jacket that fits real well and looks fine is $30, available almost anywhere. It's not at all breathable tho, like wearing a sauna suit after a few minutes activity.

So I brought it to a home-business, an alteration service that added armpit zips and two additional mountaineer style vertical ventilation zips on the front, features that usually only appear together on jackets over $300.

Cost of alterations were 35 dollars, attention to detail was good.

Shit works really well.

Will post detailed photos if 10 people post verifiable pics of their bikes. Don't fucking dox yourself in any way, doesn't have to be the entire bike, strip any exif data from photos or w/e


Damn. Sounds cool.
I have a really shitty commuter bike I hate.



Sounds like your sadly ignoring one of the most important aspects of cycling, aesthetics. Pride in your ride means more time in the saddle©.

Post bike and I'll post mods.


Techwear is all about spending literal thousands of dollars on clothes you will only wear in the city where it will mostly be sunny and warm.


Fishing thread
Talk about your gear, what fish you caught,…. you know the drill

Because fighting animals is fun!


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Do you guys think its immoral to torture worms for our own ammusement?


Can't remember the specific gear, but
bog standard course fishing rod
bread mixed into a paste with aniseed balls
maggots if above keeps falling off the hook
rainbow trout

t. Norfolk poacher

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