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 No.5237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comrades let's have a thread for martial arts, combat sports and self defense. Striking, grappling, all styles welcome (except fake ass shit). Let's talk about training, techniques, fights, fighters, etc. Here's a fun fact: One of the many achievements of the soviets was founding their own combat system, sambo, which proved to be extremely effective and is still widely practiced today. Also, Judo orange belt here (AMA if you want)
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Thanks a bunch man, I remember making knock-off nunchucks with sticks and rope and trying to imitation Bruce Lee, and failing completely lol. You may be interested in the HEMA thread BTW >>3859


I'll look around the KB and Muay Thai gyms then, thanks. I don't know the sauce for that pic, but I think I found it on Facebook


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No problem. Another tip: to resheath hold the sheath at the very top then run the back of the blade along your thumb until yhe tip gets to the hole. Sure you probably have seen it in movies.

I also learned a little on tonfas and sais. Shotokan they basically teach you all the ninja turtle weapons + tonfas. Intersting truvia, but the reason that collection of weapons came into being is because they were all originally farming tools and peasants weren't allowed to own swords so they came up with farmingjutsu.


well I looked up a club that does Shotokan and K1 so I can do both of those, there's no kyokushin nearby, I'd like to move somewhere to do it someday


Found this too
>Training that will Expose the Lies of Your Katana Swinging

 No.3859[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

:Broadsword Edition:

>What is HEMA or WMA?

Historical European Martial Arts or sometimes Western Martial Arts are attempts at decoding, studying, and practicing the history, art, and fighting of everything from the Medieval Period to Early Modern Combatives.

What traditions are you lot studying at the moment?

Me? Going through George Silver's "Paradoxes of Defence" to expand my regimental broadsword/sabre repertoire.
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I love how this video got so many sword-fags on youtube agitated.


v nice

I also got two new 2nd-hand copies of McBane today. Feeling pretty good rn


>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Buckler?
Lets Ask Seki Sensei is an interesting and informative channel IMO.


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I have an old book about Knight armor, it's pretty thick, I gotta find it and upload the contents sometime. Link is archived at archive.is if you want to avoid the actual site


The guy also did a video on fighting with a Rapier
>How Would a Katana Swordmaster Fight with a Rapier?
The description has other such videos, such as analysis of use of a Longsword.

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 No.20[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comics and cartoons are the industried were the contradictions of capitalism are the most noticeableYou know them I know them.
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You mean Katia? Duh.


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Why are like half of all memes today just variations on "le soy face?" is this the inevitable end point of casual reaction image posting?


>The apple juice
Does Karkat know?


 No.4772[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I love you guys lol
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Interesting new developments in the weeaboo slash furry fandom.


shark tits


Hatsune Mako


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We need a sharktits renaissance yesterday.

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 No.36917[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Warning : There's currently CP in the "recent images" on 7chan right now.
creators called that a "gray area" so it's not surprising,



Is the best thread on the board IMO


What are you trying to reply to? Different boards went to different bunkers and most didn't go to junku.

im OP Filename threads are a solid /co/ tradition going back at least a decade, and it was probably borrowed from other boards. They can be hit and miss but they go hard when they hit.
Did you check out the other boards? /baw/ is just the off-topic board, /co/ is the beating heart. Some boards are super slow so read timestamps before your reply to a ten year old post, and fair warning, the three PRRROMOTIONS boards are porn which once 4chan's /aco/ and /trash/ were created, became mostly the stuff that isn't allowed there.


I think they meant for anon.cafe because when I checked that's where it redirected me.


&ltthe Art Deco enthusiast, like the devotee of Expressionism, is by that interest making a statement about the nature of his or her soul. He or she is impatient with surface images, bored with frippery, and drawn by the weird and the outré. Art Deco portrays the human being as one secretly wishes to be: a kind of _Metropolis_ robot[rix] with a dispassionate, cool, and cruel disposition. Art Deco is never warm, cozy, reassuring; it is glacial and impersonal. Those fearful of, dissatisfied with, or contemptuous of human emotions seek in Art Deco a mirror which will show them - and reinforce in them - only the non-human aspects of their souls.

Post pics of your favourite pieces of art deco.
Pic related: Hoover building, A40 (Western Avenue), London, England.
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It is bourgeois. But is it any good? That's another question. the better question depends on whether you're looking at it from the viewpoint of hobbyist, or from that of a town planner, in my view.


The quintessential art deco skyscraper.


No I do not believe so. Art Deco was an aesthetic exploited by the bourgeoisie but I do not believe it arose from that, as it impacted architecture and urban planning in ways that ignored class divides, although obviously the most grandiose examples belonged to the rich, since they had more money to throw away for vanity projects and additions.


Having studied Corbusier as part of my Urban Planning research, this article has quite a few inaccuracies, gonna talk about it sometime.

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 No.3558[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for those who like to read and write including fanfiction. Share drafts, look for beta-readers, ask for writing advice, give recommendations and do all that other cool jazz. Just remember to not bully anyone else no matter how shit their taste might be.
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Thanks, probably won't continue. I was excited to write it but I've never done anything like it before.

I was going to call the story 'The Death Of John Smith'. It was vaguely inspired by The Madness Of Hercules.

The plot was going to revolve around a husband's murder of his wife, split into two narratives.

The first narrative would be his release from prison after serving a life sentence and his struggle thereafter. I was going to send him through the stages of grief, and eventually he would suffer a psychotic break as he experiences hallucinations of his dead wife speaking to him. The story would end with him being consigned to a psychiatric ward.

The second narrative was going to be the lead up to the murder. I was going to interweave the narratives so that they ran parallel.

I had so many ideas for this. It was going to be about the failure of his struggle to forge an identity seperate from that of a murderer.

The next chapter was going to be about a barbacue in his family home with his wife and daughters, as well as their friends and his mother. The chapter was going to end with him pouring his cup of red wine on a myrtle plant in his backgarden, transfixed with his anger at his wife and invasive paranoid thoughts of her cheating on him. I was going to describe the wine mixing with the soil and appearing as though it were blood (in a vague allusion to a part in the Aeneid).

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Keep writing. Also if you're concerned about how something sounds, try reading it out loud or having someone else do it for you.


Dont get discouraged anon, its the first thing you ever written, of course its going to suck, nobody ever made a masterpiece on their first attempt.


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always looking for stories, like horror the most, articles too, can't pay, unemployed


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 No.1782[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some good dystopian sic-di movies.

(mod edit: cyberpunk goes in here too)
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As I reiterated in >>>/alt_archive/5937 Cameron's recent ventures have given me little faith in him. The same applies to Ridley Scott with his abysmal Alien Covenant and how he essentially killed Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 attempt by basically pressuring the studio to prioritize his shoddy Prometheus trilogy, dooming a promising sequel that offered an alternate Alien 3 scenario. I bring this up because Alien Romulus is coming out soon and while the teaser doesn't tell me enough about it's quality, the fact that BOTH Ridley Scott and James Cameron not only publicly supported the film (giving me Terminator Genysis/Dark Fate vibes) but also gave input/criticism/advice (i.e. pressure a la Dark Fate) to Director Fede Álvarez, who stated:
>"It’s also fascinating because [Cameron and Scott’s] notes and comments are completely different. (Laughs.) They wouldn’t repeat a note. Whatever Ridley said, Cameron said something different."
Although innocuous in a vaccuum considering the similarities to behind-the-scenes regarding the Alien and Terminator franchises, it makes me wary.

However it's not all doom and gloom. The trailer's atmosphere reminded me of the recent Dark Descent video-game which really embraced the grimdark aspect of xenomorphs. I only hope they don't do shitty, dark lighting, as often happens nowadays, a la AvP: Requiem . Álvarez seems to be genuine about his appreciation for the franchise, though simply saying such things isn't much with how often that claim is used.

The cast has potential although they're a little too young IMO, but we'll see, maybe they're just the survivors while the adults die, or some adult characters may feature as secondary roles.
Isabela Merced is a wonderful actress, playing one of the leading roles, so I have hopes for her. Amara Namani wasn't great in her break-out film Pacific Rim: Uprising, but she wasn't terrible either, I think it was just bad directing that undercut her, so I think she might pull it off, especially with that Ripley visual reference in the trailer. Tommy Collins is also a pretty good actor, being quite real in the roles I've seen.

The plot summary so far is promising, reminiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Just saw the teaser, not hopeful. CGI face huggers chasing people around, and it looks basically like a remake of the original. I love that film, and other works that use the Alien license, but I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film. Why do we need it? It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers.


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>it looks basically like a remake of the original.
I don't think so, it's just a similar aesthetic, which makes sense given what its about.
>CGI facefuggers
Yeah that is pretty lame NGL.
>I don't reckon this will stand out from any other monster-in-space film… Why do we need it?
Alien and Aliens is a pretty damn high bar tbh, I'd just appreciate a good movie in the same verse. The older films and media are fun, but something new (that isn't schlock like Prey or Covenant) would be nice.
>It's like that The Thing prequel that nobody remembers
I 'member… it wasn[t that great but I thought the prequel was pretty decent for something made essentially by fans with a budget. Although if you're looking for a similar movie to The Thing, try Harbinger Down (2015).

Honestly I'm just sad we'll never see Blomkamp's ideas realized


Really not a fan of the second film, but I loved the first one. The scene where the protagonist drops to his knees at the ruined Statue of Liberty was perfect.


They should just adapt the post Aliens comic books where Hicks, Newt, and Ripley team up to kill the Queen Mother and the Earth gets wrecked by mind controlled xenomorph cultists.

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 No.4680[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Its about time we talk about the connection between Harry Potter, Liberalism, and idpol.

and also how JK Rowling is the biggest blair simp
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>I can (…) holocause denial?
Oh noes leftypol gonna be canceled by twitter intellectuals


ah but she only denied the holocaust of trans people, not jews, so it's fine.



almost every character besides the main cast of harry-ron-hermione is far more interesting than them combined even with barely any focus
it's why its so popular for fanfiction (besides just its general popularity)


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this seems ominous

 No.22171[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
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Every commentary video with a thumbnail that has giant text with a character making a facial expression like that is made by a retarded asshole producing hours of pure brainrot that has nothing to do with the story of the show. The worst part is that a lot of times this shit influences the creators themselves to giving into fanservice and implementing the wack shit proposed whenever its a running series and video gets enough popularity. Then it follows up with the channel owner making a live video or a short showing their ugly funko pop figurine collecting face and going "OOOOOH GUYS WE CALLED IT, IT REALLY HAPPENED!!!", actual fucking parasites these youtubers.


Of course. The show should've happened then and there, now it's just too late.


Reminds me of those channels from the mid-2010s like Wisecrack, thinking things like Rick and Morty are "deep and philosophical".


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In the case of TADC the author said at least the first 5 episodes have already been written and that she's going to stick to her initial plan for the whole show.

Before the 2010s you had pop philosophy books like "The Philosophy of The Simpsons" littering libraries.


or "zen and the art of X"

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