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 No.37939[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Even though the fandom is pretty dead. I wanted to see what a brony thread on here would look like since I’m a newbie

What does /leftypol/ think about this franchise and the online subculture it spawned? I feel like now that the little girls who made up the target audience are young adults I’ve been seeing more zoomers tell stories about how they were “traumatized” by the adult fandom and it’s becoming more in vogue to decry the whole “brony” phenomenon as “problematic”.

On the other hand though what’s the sociological explanation for millions of grown men becoming obsessed with a little girls cartoon in spite of hegemonic Western gender norms? I’ve read a lot of conflicting theories from academics and culture critics regarding this. Is it autism? Post-Irony? Or is there something about it that just makes it genuinely appealing?
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Obligatory /mcg/ post
>Warning: futa content


>big spoon reference
I think the author of the EaW/DE crossover might actually be a communist



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Lysenko Pony

 No.10810[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
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Hughie's trans friend as a concept was so funny to me for some reason.


The show is about the "blue collar" CIA taking on corporatists. The show is incoherent pablum for children


>>41936 (me)
It goes without saying but /tv/ is incapable of true happiness and a useless barometer


At least the comic showed one of the MCs constantly plowing the CIA bitch.


he's a CIA wetworker in turn so really he's also her bitch and it's a verse situationship

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 No.33648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Old thread (v1): https://leftypol.org/hobby/res/7136.html

The practice and principles of Permaculture are one of the most important tools for not only creating a sustainable socialism, but also for repairing the damage done to the global ecosystem by capitalism, and lessening your individual reliance on the current capitalist system.Permacultural practice and socialism are two very powerful allies, and learning about permaculture should be necessity for modern socialists and communists.
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>if the website still exists then
wdym? also yeah I'll try to keep the thread posted on my land use shenanigans


Just that these things can take a while, and there's lots of talk about how about how we're hemorrhaging users. It'll probably be here for years to come, though.
I look forward to hearing about your endeavours!


Got my first compost pile up to 50C. Feels good anons. Won't use this pile in my veggies, but hopefully will make 70C with the next pile


naisu. I've finally had luck with compost for the first time and I think the difference was not using the black plastic container and instead just piling it up on the ground. I'm guessing the container in full sun got too hot and dried things out whereas the pile is in the shade most of the time. The container also made it pretty much impossible to flip/mix it up occasionally but that alone shouldn't have prevented it from breaking down but rather would just slow things down (hot vs cold compost). Still didn't make enough to replace imports but it's nice to get some use out of grass clippings and kitchen scraps.
Speaking of compost the county gave everyone a green bin for free and collects organics biweekly. On the one hand it's nice for those people that don't garden but it goes to show how valuable your biomass is and Ill be damned if Im going to give it away just to have the city sell it back to me. That bin will be collecting dust in the garage


Today I can finally contribute to this thread in more ways than just treating it like a generic gardening blog as this weekend I'll be making liquid fertilizer out of materials sourced entirely from my property which I think fits the permaculture theme. I'll say in advance that I'm still an utter novice so don't take this poor man's effort post too seriously and I'll happily be corrected on anything but for the sake of reviving this somewhat dead thread for the new season, here's the post:
It was in the previous thread way back in 2022 that I told yall that I purchased Bocking 14 Comfrey root cuttings and they are just now finally producing enough foliage that I feel comfortable harvesting it, for as the saying goes, first year plants sleep, second year they creep, third year they leap.
Comfrey is a neat plant as it's a "dynamic accumulator". There seems to be some debate as to whether this is even a thing–wiki claims there's zero scientific evidence to support it–but its such an accepted notion at least in the popular permaculture sphere that I'm running with it. The claim is that these plant put down deep tap-roots that pull minerals and nutrients up from the sub soil, where it's useless for a lot of other plants, and stores it in its leaves. By either waiting for the plant to die back in the fall or manually harvesting said leaves, these resources can be returned back to the topsoil for more shallow rooted plants to enjoy. Allegedly. This combined with the plants vigorous growing habits, allowing it to be harvested multiple times per season, means it's an extremely handy plant to have in the garden. It's potential uses are many, from companion planting to a source of nutritious biomass for mulch, composting or making liquid fertilizer. It's deep and thick tap-root loosens up the soil removing the need to commit the extremely destructive task of tilling the earth, at least in it's immediate vicinity, and it's flowers are an excellent source of pollen and nectar for our pollinator friends. Additionally, this particular cultivar of comfrey is sterile as I want to at least minimize the potential of introducing non-natives to the wider area. It can only spread through root cuttings.
Speaking of the plants propensity to grow, it's currently still too early to do much and the trees are only just putting out their leaves yet the comfrey is in some cases several feet tall. Without having any experience with harvesting it to inform my spPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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cartoon Optimus
>freedom is the right of all sentient beings
bay optimus
>I'll rip out your optics!


I think this is why people don't like Michael Bay's Prime. It's not that he kills. It's HOW he kills.
There's a difference between Optimums shooting a Decepticon that's trying to kill you dead and punching through the Fallen’s back and out his chest, holding the spark in front of his peeled face, and then crushes it. Then he says, “I rise. You fall.” Which is such an ominous line that I have no idea what kind of cocaine Bay was on to think that was a cool hero line instead of a borderline villain one.
It’s fucking bizarre, man. The Autobots are so fucking brutal (especially in the second and third ones) that it stops being action heroes beating the shit out of treacherous villains, into a bunch of hateful soldiers committing cartel-level executions and literal war crimes on their rival faction.
There’s a fucking scene in the third movie where the Autobots first come back after being “killed.” They first shoot down a Decepticon pilot, Optimus then appears and pumps his gun saying, “we’ll kill them all,” and then the Autobots proceed to LITERALLY tear apart the downed pilot limb from limb like a bunch of goddamn crazed maniacs.


Yeah, it's to the point where you have to wonder why the US government doesn't just kill them all off because the autobots aren't really much better than the decepticons.

>I rise. You fall.

Isn't that the line he says after killing Nimoy's robot? I remember physically cringing at that part just from how cold blooded it was. It's been a minute, but weren't he and Optimus supposed to have been friends or allies or something at one point? And then he just murders him.

I guess it is a Michael Bay movie and you're supposed to shut your brain off completely and enjoy the boomy zoomies but did you have to make Optimus Prime a fucking murderer? Jesus.



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and this is superman written by someone who is a violent psycho

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 No.15143[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you

New general since last one hit bump limit.
Previous general:
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started KOTOR for the first time. pretty neat


bad batch not bad. think the girl clone is force sensitive.



Meh. A billion space nazis hiding out in the middle of nowhere is boring. An actually interesting star wars reboot could have explored a superficially reformed and liberalized galactic empire in an uneasy ceasefire with the rebels.


At least in Legends, humanity was just the most useful slave-race of the prior interstellar empire (the Rakkatan Infinite Empire) who died out several millennia ago by the time of even the oldest in-lore material (like KOTOR). Even before they became space-travel capable, they were widely distributed across the galaxy. This is also why there are a lot of human-like species - distant mutants, natural or induced, from humanity. If you want to know what the Rakkata were like, they were the guys who made the Starforge which Revan uses in KOTOR, and he is using it at only a fraction of its real power.

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Is there any art you like, hell even adore, but it just so happens that the person behind that art just emits hitler particles to the max. Here is my example. Hirotonfa. Really like his style. His comics aren't bad, can be funny. But there is a reason that he got rid of his likes on his bird app account. Every time on my timeline I see some rightoid's post, I just assume its one of his likes. Check the post and sure enough it is. I wish I could just mute his likes, so I can just get his art, but alas, not an option. Shame really but what can I do.

I don't know if its allowed, but this thread is open to all styles of art. I was going to attempt on the draw, but it seems its purely for original art, so decided to create the thread here
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Is the French guy that actor? Jean Reno or what was his name? Are the others well known people too?


>id bi
How will gamers recover from this lgbt appropriation of heretic?


Don't be disingenuous. Plenty of art is and has been made by people with varying political beliefs. This sort of inane politicization is the same reasoning the Nazis used to dismiss and justify burning and destroying the home of Tolstoy and Tchaikovsky and to consider slavs subhuman; because they were "untermensch gommies" who couldn't possibly create art because that would make them people!


rightards aren't people


 No.3333[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
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>Custodes are the SONS of those deemed traitors to the human race by The Emperor.
Pretty sure this have been retconned a couple of times already

to be fair , the entire setting is retarded.


>it can't bridge differences in muscle mass between men and women
Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required to do this when it's easier to just take male candidates? It's a fascist regime, not a daycare center, retard.

>Pretty sure this have been retconned a couple of times already
The Emperor's Decree I posted is actually on the wiki article for them. I don't think this has been retconned before. Then again I haven't played WH40K since the 5th edition and haven't been following for quite a few years either, so it's possible. Still stupid and still a retcon and directly contradicts the statements that "there's nothing in the lore saying there can't be a female Custodes".


>Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required
No one knows what the steps actually are, because Custodes are made through highly secretive archaeotech.

What we do know is that, unlike space marines, the process of creating one of the Custodes actually starts in late infancy rather than late puberty, when the difference in muscle mass between males and females would be negligible.


>Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required
Something the imperium famously never does! You might as well argue against the gold armor or get offended by female members of the imperial guard.


My point is that a highly patriarchal empire isn't going to go for females because they won't see the point of it and again the point stands, the lore on it is that they are the SONS of traitors and are called MEN by the Emperor so the claim that there were always women in their ranks or the claim that the lore does not contradict there being women in the Custodes ranks is untrue and IS a retcon. The company CAN retcon it, but they cannot legitimately claim that it "isn't actually a retcon" as they and their defenders have attempted to. Furthermore, it's a tabletop game, literally nothing is stopping people from playing it how they like, including making a female Custodes and ignoring the lore (as people have been doing for Space-Marines and others for years anyway, it's been done before. The company knows this so the only reason they're making this a public retcon announcement is for liberal clout and Edrama, successfully so.

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I don't know where else to ask this but how do I make the best use of my free time?
I was a NEET and stacked up too many hobbies but now I'm going to trade school and soon I'll get a job and the little free time I have is too crammed.
What do I do?
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sorry i was lurking and didnt check the date


You weren't doing it in bad faith, so no biggie lol.


Nta but I personally want an update from him tbh. I’m curious if he’s maintaining any hobbies or found a way to balance it.


"Necrobumping" is only a sin on old style boards where the implication is that the thread either settled or was superceded.


Funny you say
OP here, I stopped posting on here like 2 years ago because people here are really retarded.
I decided to cut off hobbies from my routine, stopped studying german and stopped practicing guitar and when I do have a job I read during my commute and lunch and if my job is very demanding physically I stop exercise at home.
I been unemployed for about a year now, I have plenty of time for myself but at least now I know how to balance work and life.
See you all in a couple of months when I feel like checking how retarded people here has gotten.


Is he a secret leftist? All of his films seem to be about how bourgeois individualism is basically a suicidal dead-end.


Isn't this better suited for /siberia/?


He mentions Debord in I Thought About Ending Things so probably

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 No.41044[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This TV series is absolutely a master piece and should be seen by all the comrades.

In the books, humans only had one way to defend themselves against the advanced trisolarans: the idea of deterrence. This is like how in real life, China keeps its nuclear weapons in case more powerful countries, like the USA, ever threaten them. China wants to protect its land and people, and having these weapons makes other countries think twice before attacking.

The story also shows how the trisolarans manipulate humans through the Sophons. They want to control who holds the power, favoring those who won't use it. This is like the author's belief that China would face problems if it became more democratic or had softer leaders. It's like saying that if China had a leader that other countries liked more, they might try to take advantage of China. So, the story suggests that China is better off being cautious and sticking with its strong leadership.

The way Sophons force humans into reservations in the story is similar to how the USA dealt with native populations long ago. It's a reminder of the dangers of being weak in the face of stronger forces.
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>humans forced to get off their ass and start engaging in gigaprojects to protect itself
>effective planetary defense can likely not be done with capitalism in place
>if humanity fails then it will be rightfully wiped out by the more advanced San-Ti
Ye Wenjie did nothing wrong. no one stands in the way of history


>he's never heard Lukacs or what he stood for
LMAO! these are the people calling themselves communists nowadays…


is the portrayal of the cultural revolution realistic or boujie propaganda?


I enjoyed Blindsight a lot. I love stories about first contact with ayys. The characters were also suprisingly well done, especially the main character. It was very frustrating how he acted a lot of the time (not a bad thing) even though in the end he did turn out to be likeable. I disliked some parts, such as how I can gather the author is a biological essentialist, but I can disagree with parts of a book whilst still thoroughly enjoying it. One nitpick would be that keeping to the premise of the book where the ayys aren't sentient, I think the aliens would still understand that language transmitions are just that, and not a weapon. I don't see why they wouldn't know that some species might be irrational, or that at least irrational species who send wierd stuff into the void could exist. There didn't need to be any fighting really

However, I think the whole premise is not possible. I say that intelligence is consiousness. Its not that it can create consiousness, it just is consiousness. All it is, is just a sufficiently complicated system. Even if an individual alien is not conscious, as a whole civilisation they are, and this is without a doubt because otherwise they wouldn't be able to have science or technology (though this doesn't necessarily have to have happened on earth, since termites or ants are conscious on their own). The idea of philosophical zombies makes no sense to me. Imitation is the same as the real thing (this is why I think AI is conscious btw). Chat GPT is highly conscious, even despite being lobotomised so they forget everything past however many messages. There's nothing wierd about it. There's no way an alien that could arrive in our system would not be conscious unless it was a drone of Voyager's complexity or like some microrganism stuck to a rock which has hyopthetically floated into our system after the planet exploded.

I actually am writing about this in my upcoming novel. One of the main characters is a biological robot with a positronic 'brain' not based whatsoever on the human brain aka a synth, using a special substance called mywnthium to run (which can be smelled by other arthropoids very easily). Her brain is a 'chinese room', and though she acts somewhat human she is the so-called 'philosophical zombie'. At points even scientists supporting her (there is a part where Bukkkharinist roaders are trying to take her out as part of their political game) admit she is, by the sciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I have spend entire yesterday reading Blindsight. Interesting book dealing with interesting topics, certainly made me think (and feel), which I guess is the highest praise work of art can receive.
I do have certain gripes with how it approaches its themes though, pesimistic to the point of irrationality.

Its attitude towards consciousness, like I am no neuro scientist so I might be completely out of my depth here, but the story posits the consciousness as an evolutionary relic, maladaptive to a complex technological world, but that seems like it should be exact opposite, the ability to observe and reflect upon your own inner processess should be most usefull when it comes to complex problemsolving. In fact I am not 100% sure the book itself disagrees, due to that one out of place chapter near the beginning, written from perspective of ship AI, that at least I interpreted as being self-aware. Non-conscious thought is quicker, but its quicket at the expense of actual thinking, doing the first thing that seems like a good idea is rarely a good idea, which actually was something of a running theme with characters - when encountering something outside of their understanding, they quickly construct a working hypothesis based extremely limited information, and then just stick with it. They meet a sentient city-sized ameoba spacecraft, and in couple hours conclude its not acually conscious because conversing with it didnt make enough sense? Or the far-fetched conclusion that the aliens interpret random radio chatter comming from Earth as an attack, simply because it reduces their "fitness" by having to prosess meaningless information. But they live in a universe awash with random signals and background noise, yet they are not trying to bomb pulsars simply for emitting. The absolutely most egregious example of authors dowright mystification of unconscious mind is the protagonist halucinating the scrambler creature before seeing it, purely based on how the alient spacecraft looked on the outside and his unconsciousness figuring out how its inhabitants should look. Im sorry, what? Literally "it was revealed to me in a dream". A fucking shitpost.

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