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 No.4483[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Going off this >>4480 anon's point about post-apocalyptic films; how does such fiction reproduce capitalist ideology generally?
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that doesnt mean anything, you can find any kind of person on the internet

>The game was just too silly for a post-apocalyptic hell scape with all the legionaries and gambling cowboys
<the best one was the game with 99% mindless raiders
butt scifi


bait used to be believable (not even gonna bother getting the image)



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A thread dedicated to the study of wild / cultivated mushrooms. Hallucinogenics included*

Useful links:




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wow epic awesome kool based alpha top kek lmao rofl owned sneed feed





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Has anyone trier any unusual fruit? I found the channel of a Yuppie who has traveled thr world eating all kinds of exotic tropic fruit or having it delivered.


It makes me want to grow some unusual trees. I'm starting with a miracle berry tree. supposedly once eaten the berry causes sour things to taste sweet for thirty minutes. I am excited because it would allow me to basically give up on having sugar in soda. I could just drink lemonade without sugar, and eat bitter healthy food without suffering.

I'm also interested in growing Chico, a cinnamon tasting kind of apple. And there are a ton of sapote I'd like to try eating, and also snake fruit. The truth is most of the food and fruits we eat at super markets are only there because they're easy to produce or shelf long. The best kinds of fruit which are grown for personal taste by farmers are usually not mass producable.

That's why we as lefties need to take the time to plant more exotic fruit trees so those trees will always keep giving back. Then we can share the fruits without relying on supermarkets with the same damb flavors. We can literally eat more gourmet food once we fight back against big agriculture and capitalism.

There are for instance many kinds of bananas and mangoes with different flavors and textures but you'll never see them, when all the bananas at the market are literally from a tree that has been cloned millions of times. Check out his channel or google "exotic fruit" if you've never left your home and don't know what I'm talking about.
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Jicama is pretty common in mexico as a snack. Outside Mexico, people seem to not know it. It's watery like a pair, but also firm like a potato. Usually served with lime juice and some chilli powder.


Tons of shit has honey cooked into it. If cooked honey was poisonous, every person who ate honey wheat bread or put honey in hot tea would be poisoned.

Honey CAN kill you, but only if you have a bee/honey allergy. That has nothing to do with cooking the honey.


In Cuba I had this battered and fried thing that tasted very nice: like fried mash potato. We all guessed it must've been a fried plantain of some kind, but who knows.


You can have contaminated honey. It's usually pasteurized for that reason when you buy it commercially.


How did he go on CK if he died

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Yo, I wanna knit some shit. I already have the sticks and the yarn. Hook me up with some basic patterns and tutorials. I want to do a scarf first, something straight and simple.
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Wow, thanks for that.
>Have you finished any projects?
I'm >>3256 and >>1729. I was trying to get it right the first time, but your post encouraged me just to knit. You're right, the first one shouldn't matter. I hope I'll have something significant to show in the next few days.

Gonna check out continental knitting as well.


After you learn how to knit and purl you should spend some time to learn about the different types of fabrics you can make by combining knitting and purling. This video shows how to make the most basic stitches.


It's important that you learn them because you'll use a combination of two or more in most projects. But don't worry they're not difficult (except for the seed stitch maybe). Other than that, have fun! (and be patient)


Hey… hey kid! Yeah you! Come over here…. Wanna knit some sweaters?


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I know this is a bit of a necrobump, but how would one learn to Knit? It looks both tedious yet mysterious


Very nice info, thanks.


This Soviet TV series is probably the best TV show ever made.
It is pure кино and deeply anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, and anti-USA. It's about a Soviet spy sabotaging peace talks between the OSS and Himmler (to allow the USA and Nazi Germany to team up on the USSR). It was made at the request of the head of the KGB. The tension and drama in this show is outstanding!

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No discussion, you have to watch 17 moments. Did you try 1337x.to and all the other torrent sites? I downloaded it a couple of years ago and saved it somewhere


Just search on YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/@cfrancocnjap/videos 720p
https://m.youtube.com/@Igor17moments/videos 480p broken up into 10 minute clips


English subs too, thanks!



>Does anyone have suggestions for other cool spy films from the Soviet Union? https://www.rbth.com/arts/337309-10-soviet-spy-movies

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>Genosha joining UN
>Magneto being pardoned for war-crimes and leading Genosha
>The whole "media doesn't really likes us" sub-plot
>A party at the island is interupted by a possible "terrorist attack"
>Magneto's holocaust flashback

Am I reading too much into this? I really love X-men in general and I was liking the series until now. Am I consuming sionist propaganda?
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Mutants as allegory for real-world oppression falls completely the fuck apart as soon as you run into the fact that they have actual superpowers, which is not true of anybody IRL. Both perspectives in-universe make vastly more logical sense than their equivalent does IRL.
<Yes, mutants are "superior" to everyone else, because by definition they have what you could call the opposite of a disability, making "normal" people effectively disabled in comparison.
<Yes, mutants are actually dangerous to everyone else because so many of them have what are effectively weapons of mass destruction built into their biology which a very large percentage of them consistently use to hurt innocent people and do crimes against humanity.
No, allegory doesn't have to be 1:1 for it to work, but if you take the allegorical value of a story seriously when the power dynamics involved are this divorced from reality, you are a clown.


I don't know if this new series is but the original 90s cartoon was a bunch of Chris Claremont stuff so maybe ask him.

Also I hate the change to Magneto's costume and voice.


Most mutants are just weirdos. One guy in the comics looked like a plucked chicken. I think his name was beak.


Idk, just didn't want to spoil the new episode for anyone watching so I thought marking it as spoiler would help.
I know that, in the comics, Magneto has been portrayed as being anti-Israel in some issues. And even through I agree that people project too much of their own struggle / politics in X-men, it's was kind of a predictable outcome, and I don't see it as negative (even if some people are a bit insufferable about it), it makes the series unique or at least a vanguard of this kind of story telling.

I disagree. The "mutant struggle" works in universe because, like anon said it above, not all mutants are x-men. And even for those that are, a lot of mutations are more maleficial to their "hosts" and others around them than beneficial. In the real world, we have people with autism that are geniuses and others that are non-verbal.
Also, most mutants doing "crimes against humanity" a lot of times are products of people's hate on them and their kind. Even fucking Apocalypse has been given some kind of tragic backstory related to his powers (not that it entirely justifies what he does, but eh)


>just didn't want to spoil the new episode for anyone watching so I thought marking it as spoiler would help.
Fair enough


I assume you mean to reply to >>41215

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 No.28486[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
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>They would not produce some kiddie cartoon
Uhhhh… I guess I shouldn't mention HBO Max then. Although technically Max's adult cartoons are still Cartoon Network/Adult Swim's production. But HBO and Cartoon Network/Adult Swim are subsidiaries of WB Discovery anyway, they cross over (in Multiversus it's taken literally). If we'll see a cartoon adaptation of GoT it'll probably be made by Cartoon Network Studios if it won't get closed before this ever happens. Or Frederator Studios. DEFINITELY Frederator, they've made Castlevania. Although CNS has made Primal afaik so hard to say.


Funny that you say that it should be fully animated for better visual quality while we have hundreds of cheaply-made 2D cartoons, both targetted at children and adults. Realistically speaking, the animated GoT will probably be like Velma or that Star Trek cartoon because animated sitcoms are a form of incureable cancer. I know I said that Frederator would most likely produce it but on second thought it's the BEST CASE scenario.


Me too, soyjak fandom will like it tho. Relax tho, it's just the trailer, which is all about advertising, usually not produced by the showrunners at all


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That's kind of appropriate for this story. That's not why they're doing it, thoughever. It's very effective marketing to have different "teams" in the fandom arguing with each other because it keeps more attention on the property. Different industries figured it out at different points. Movies/TV production probably realized it with Twilight and the whole Edward vs Jacob craze that everyone and their dog had to hear about even if they hated it.

If Gurm wanted to get his shit animated he should try to make more connections in Japan. Maybe Miyazaki (not that one, the other one) could hook him up with some anime studio. The prospects of an adult animated ASOIAF show is straight up not going to happen because Gurm is under the HBO umbrella. If he had jumped on Netflix they would be all over it. They love animation. Warner-Discovery-whatever fucking hates it due to the new CEO David Zaslav who clearly hates animation (canceling and pulling a ton of it from the HBO/Max catalog). Partly because animation is costly, probably partly because he is a boomer who wants to make low effort reality TV and thinks cartoons are for babies.



Ahahaha. This fatass will probably rather kill his cousin instead of writing the books. I'd be surprised if he has even written a single chapter from TWOW that wasn't left over from the ADWD script.

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 No.4441[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Holy shit, I've rarely seen a movie as on the nose and blunt in its critique of capitalist society, and yet Americans seemingly cannot comprehend what it's a criticism of. I've seen "It's about authoritarianism" "It's about the death of free market competition" "It's secretly about socialism!"
Holy fuck, how can it be possible to be as retarded as burgers? It's like unless a film blatantly jumps up and down shouting "CAPITALISM BAD" they literally can't parse out any form of symbolism or allegory at all. Why are these people such idiotic apes?
The writer/director was literally part of the South Korean Socialist Party, tf is the dysfunction in burger brains?
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This was surprisingly compelling for a hot take



He has got a point. I wish for more minority actors in movies and TV.


I wish for more movies and TV shows that didn't have shitty scripts instead.


Also, minority where? America isn't the world.

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transfer window edition
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Pure europoor and British cope.


"Premier" League: Could Arse actually win this shit?
They are gonna bottle it, right? Right?


I knew it
Anyway Internazionale Milano is quite likely to advance to the CL final which I see as a win for leftists


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top 10 best football chants


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 No.5031[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hey all, I was curious at to what you guys think about the SCP Foundation shared universe.
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>SCP-4078 was Trofim Lysenko, a Class IV Reality-Altering humanoid entity, biologist, and political ideologue in the former Soviet Union.


I wonder, what's the consensus on GRU-P?


What the fuck did I just read lmao


A SCP smutfic


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Interesting thing is mal0 isn't actually all that connected to SCP-1471. Pic rel was where the skulldog design came from.


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