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I saw a mega.nz link somewhere, but lost it. Anyone have it ?


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I'm interested in what sort of consumer goods were there in the USSR, Maoist China, etc.
Like what kind of toys, games, books, snacks, clothes, drinks, etc. they had?
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USSR couldn't build instruments worth shit. Look at this unholy abomination. Thinking about adjusting intonation on that bridge makes me wince.


Looks normal to me.


That wolf looks fashionable as fuck




Really awesome.

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In this thread take two countries or two gorups of countries and guess who would win in a hypothetical war. I'll start, Brazil vs Argentina and Chile.
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<I can only enjoy fiction if it’s officially supported by corporations
Who cares. Headcanon is best canon. It’s not like the new Disney’s “lore” is anymore cohesive. If anything it’s an even bigger jumbled mess than the expanded universe.


>Yeah,except the Borg wouldn't do that. They're drowning in their own ideology. Perfection or bust.
<The Planetary Assimilation Probe is a type of Borg frigate. As its name implies, it is designed to land on a planetary surface and release nanoprobes into the atmosphere that assimilate all life forms on the planet.
6 of 12 scrap the planetary assimilation frigate it's too imperfect. Send millions of drones and make them chase after people on foot to stab them in the neck with tubes. Perfection achieved.


So now nanoprobes can be aerosolized and inhaled? What even bother with ship boarding?


brazil wins because obviously


Yeah they take it apart for scrap metal and sell it to Russia

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What do you guys think about the UFC?
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If you're talking about sports, maybe. There's also competing in pure wrestling sports that don't involve strikes like Judo, catch wrestling, shoot wrestling, etc. Your potential for different sorts of limb injuries tend to be a bit higher with wrestling though but the danger of head trauma isn't so much. There's also plenty of sports with rules that focus on points rather than knockout blows such as Taekwondo. Alternatively, if you simply avoid sports there are plenty of martial arts that constrain their discipline to teach useful skills without putting yourself in as serious bodily harm.


Extremely vulgar showcase of capitalist society.

People capitalizing and enjoying seeing two people trying to brain damage each other.

Literal blood money. Fictional media and video games are superior in every way to get my rocks off regarding violent tendencies.



I hate it because of the extreme health risks. (I think there should be a general regulation that sports that lower your average lifespan by more than X years like wrestling should not be promoted at all.)
I've always wondered how one could make a sport as close to boxing/kickboxing/wrestling as possible aesthetically without the brain-damage issue (aside from video games). Maybe moving fighting human-size puppets with sticks and ropes?


Ive done martial arts for years and I think its garbage. Theres no reason to watch it over any other competitive martial arts match. The rules are garbage and the fights uninteresting as fuck. Also it’s 100% not “more close to street fighting!!!” Just pure capitalist spectacle and a worse one than boxing.

Watch K1 max instead.

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im a suicidal young male; I tried everything but life just doesnt show her smile upon me. I decided i will try to die from (and JUST from)sleep deprivation;i will keep making notes,diary,notebook,documenting my descent into the netherworld. I also considered death by fasting. maybe death by a combo of sleep dep- and starvation? What should I do with my last months on the earthly plane?anarcho-nihilismAnarcho-Nihilism
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keep me posted


fyi, nobody takes this seriously, people think you are either faking this for attention, or some convoluted psyop stuff, where you think this will demoralize us or something.

For the very remote possibility that this is real, get help you moron.



my friend, you situation my seem hard to get out from but it is not. The simplified way to get out of anything is first: Endure and try to surive, then to try to increase your power over your surrodings and life. If you have a bad home situation mby to try to move out. Maybe it is to stay home and get a job so you can start doing shit in life. Then when you have power to change and decide what happens in your life you can change your life to what you want. Here are some links that maybe intrests you. It has some real good info:
all of these are about your brain and things you can do to improve your brain chemistry so you can get out of depression. I have started to think this is a big problem in our world, and the cause of many ills. Dont give up hope brother! Survive and then thrive. Walk if you cant run, if you cant walk, then crawl. One day at a time. One hour at a time. You can make it brother.


And keeping at it is one of the most important things.
This world has a space for you my friend. This world may be ugly and sad sometimes but it is also beautiful, so beautiful. It is so vast and the oppunities are endless. Dont be stuck in where you are now. Who could know where you are in 1 year, 5 year. My friend i wish you all the luck in the world, good health and that you make it!!

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Not sure if you nerds watch handegg and this was a boring superb owl but what is a materialistic explanation for Tom Brady's success here? Is he just very good at picking out teams that aren't shit?
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I think the sport you're thinking of is baseball, now that is a truly boring sport.
Football just has a lot of pauses but that's because it's a generally rough game.


Baseball is more of a drama than a sport, truth be told
at least American Baseball isn't played over 5 fooken days


He's an above average QB that's had insane luck and teams built around him.

This guy is mostly known for his twitter shitposting but he actually went in depth into it.


His son’s ass gives him the Super Bowl power.


Baseball players make everything look easy. Honestly it is hard for someone to like baseball from just watching it on TV or a stream. You have to have played it or at least grew up watching it. Most people who don't like (not trying to be an asshole) it don't understand it.


This is basically a 120 yard sprint.

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I'm going to make video game
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What's this game about?


I'm still hammering out a lot of broad details with a creative partner

but essentially
there is a man who lost his job at a prestigious university and got divorced because he was caught having an affair with a same-sex student
months later, during a amphetamine/ketamine binge, he discovers an insanely innovative and groundbreaking implementation of CRISPR modification technology
he contacts a student he knew from the university to assist him with his project, and together they each help each other mature and cope in various ways
and they are trying to create solar powered photosynthesis children to sell to infertile lesbian yuppy couples for loads of money


Is this your first time doing a big arts project (not necessarilly a videogame)? Also I'm rooting for your success



Great, good luck anon!

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Ingerlund 1-0 Italy at the half time
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lmao, they can't stop losing


Daily reminder that these subhumans controlled 1/4 of the world.naziNazi




thought i'd post it during some big HAPPENING or at the start of the season but i will now


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I need a creative hobby but don't feel any inspiration towards anything. I have some physical activities and I like to read that's pretty much all I do. Anyone want to throw out some random ideas?


Why exactly do you "need" one?
What hobby sounds more appealing and affordable to you?


Try out different things, OP. If you like something stick with it. Here are some ideas:
>art (whatever medium)
>playing music


Also lemme suggest drawing on paper, doing pixel art, painting, painting murals, designing posters in Photoshop, sculpting (wood or clay), making music videos, playing the accordion, making desserts/pastries, repairing furniture


Literally watercolors. To paint with watercolors you'll end up thinking about how water interacts with paper, which is a relatively novel thing to model that most people aren't used to considering. Paint the world outside your front door (sunsets are fun), or make a shitty sketch of a robot or a unicorn in pencil and then color it in. Also, they're cheaper than acrylics.


Shitposting on /b/ is a creative hobby.

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the fuck is up with the hate of wizards in nerddom these days?
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Modern day nerds have become super autistic about plotholes and having a story that makes sense and is serious. This isn't neceserally a bad desire, but it fucks wizzards in the ass. There is a reason 99% of fiction nowadays has the trope where wizzards are treated like subhumans or something of the sort - its the one trope that works, and no others are really available. The only other thing is making an extra autistic magic system that makes wizzards into scientists with "eh" powers. I'm actually sorta building a fantasy setting right now, and I just decided to say "fuck it" and just have no wizzards because they don't add anything that cool on their own. So I'd say unless you want to make magic a lynchpin of your setting, just don't add it in.


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fuck you wizards are rad


I always love how the archetypal wizards were given their powers from genetic privilege, while wizards in games all studied hard in wizarding school.


>makes wizzards into scientists with "eh" powers
Can't it be both?


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>Modern day nerds have become super autistic about plotholes
I noticed this too, the other day I was reading some anime reviews and reviewers were like THE NATURE OF THIS POWER/EVENT WAS NOT EXPLAINED WHATSOEVER LAZY WRITING. I also remember a YouTuber whining years ago about Mad Max Fury Road not giving detailed background to the enemies and creatures moving on crutches in the dark.

For some reason, people don't want any mystery or sense of wonder in their media.

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