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>you arrive home
>there's a manila lrt 1 series 1200 lrv train on your bed
>they're looking at you in the eyes and smiling

what do you do 😳






As an actual communist I lead the missing train back to its proper railyard, after making sweet tender love to it of course.


>arrive home
>house is destroyed and there's a train in its wake
idk I guess I'd start freaking out


Headpats, or nosepats depanding on scale


File: 1693240944262.webm (9.23 MB, 1280x720, train SÉX.webm)


Probably something like this:
>*Arrive home*
>*Go to my room*
>*Sees manila ln the bed*
>Oh~ Manile. I didn't expect you to still be up
<Sweety, I run 24/7, I'm always up
>Oh yeah, haha
<*Manila raps around my body softly*
>*I look into it's front window, completly losing myself within it* x
<You look tired, how about some coffee?
>*The butterflys in my stomache go into my throat, and the only thing I can do is nod in approval*
>*We go to bed, and manila rails me from behind, killing me, and spattering my blood everywhere*


File: 1693242890718.gif (262.82 KB, 220x198, da fuq.gif)

Take the pills for the mental illness that is clearly delluding the mind.


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>after making sweet tender love to it of course
Checked and keked. You might say you were… railing the train.


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i remember someone posting about how the humanised furry porn of us jets is a psyop to make furry military nerds, would anyone be willing to discuss the possibility, because there seems to be a tendency of furries being in military.


my stepdad loves classic trains, I should definitely show him this so we can bond

tbf there's furries everywhere


Probably. Could mean the key to getting more of a certain infrastructure would be to make 'morphs of public transit or furs with related theming. Get the nerds thinking about a subject in need of nerds.


oh fug i want her to squish me



I want a train run on me


File: 1693307676535.jpeg (8.56 KB, 300x168, IC125.jpeg)


it worked for the internet, furries are already responsible for its upkeep


That was me LOL. I was basing this on aeromorphs used for this, partially because I read more than a few people got suckered into recruitment because of plane porn.


That's an unexpected acid trip


>I want a train run on me
>2023-08-29 (Tue) 07:10:33


Watch the rest of aimkids videos, they're nice


I will, sounds fun


File: 1693518354094.webm (2.8 MB, 1920x1080, yang wink train.webm)

This is far too anthrofied, I don't even know what she is supposed to be other than a tanuki. Even Gijinka isn't this abstract.

>my stepdad loves classic trains, I should definitely show him this so we can bond
So how did it go? How many beatings did you get?


I always guessed Rad was a sable, but then again most mammals kinda look like a sable if you squint. Tanuki makes sense.


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Meet Wilson


my bed isnt that big


Guess you'll have to get a new bed then.


Yang is so cool


She was very cool… until MKEK ruined her in later volumes.




These mofos are in LA too. Their capacity is limited for their price.


>>446913 hi wilson


MKEK is an abbreviated term in the fandom for some of the main VAs of RWBY. Basically a lot of Yang's changes post V4 were because of her Voice Actor, who essentially stated that she just wanted to insert a yuri ship because she wanted to make it happen. Later they tried to claim (using an old video where the gang was planning with Monty) that the Bumbleby ship was Monty's idea, even though that wasn't true and people called them out on it.

Yuri isn't even the problem, the issue is that the ship is not only toxic but also essentially made Yang and Blake lose their character traits for the sake of a middling, contrived romance plot that turns Yang from the fun, rough-rider character who learns to be more mature into a walking, barely repressed anger-management issue while Blake is her simp. It's by far the worst ship in the fandom because of it.


Weirdo time?


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File: 1694737727608.gif (751.2 KB, 300x300, wat.gif)

>What's going on in this threa-


i did not give you permission to leave my monitor and enter my home, naked no less


File: 1694779525368.gif (6.1 MB, 600x600, pizza.gif)

Would this make up for it?


I love these png-type gifs


>>449478 no because no matter how hard i try i cannot grab the pizza this is bullshit(!!!!!)
i want a refund


File: 1694970463254.jpg (25.03 KB, 486x206, what the (2).jpg)

LMAO how did I get such absurd trips talking about plane porn glowops?


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the funny part of that is that the russian planes became the more popular subjects for it.


that was discussed too! I noticed how russian jets play the role of the sexy villain who is also dominant and we all know that sexual domination is something very appealing to reactionaries. This whole niche is actually very interesting in my opinion, it’s not a secret that western feds used civilian art for psy ops during cold war, there is nothing stopping spooks from throwing around a few thousand bucks to create a trend of furry war propaganda pornography. And there is a trend of militaries “humanising” their tech to make them more appealing to coomers.


> we all know that sexual domination is something very appealing to reactionaries.
That's a pretty common thing for a lot of people i think.
I like aeromorphs, in any case.



But in general it is very big part of reactionary ideology. Look at all the race related erotic materials, look at reactionary propaganda. One of the main driving ideas of reactionarism is the fear of being dominated trough different ways one of which is sex. There is a good reason why reactionaries love committing acts of sexual violence, I would even go as far as to say that committing an act of sexual violence is in itself an act of reaction and that I question any leftists ideological integrity if they have committed a sexual crime.


I don't doubt that they get off to it but it's not like they're the only ones.
They just dont control themselves very well about it and develop disturbing complexes about it rather than just being a remotely normal person and enjoying things.
They do the same shit with their cartoons, for reference point.


Yes a while back I made the case that the psy-op has somewhat backfired because of this domination fetish, notably in RentheDragon who joined the army as have many aeromorph "fans"


>I like aeromorphs, in any case.
So how soon until you join the air force anon?


Astromorphs are pretty fun, harder to look up since the term "astromorph" hasn't caught on yet.
rollwulf, cettus, vxair3p


> harder to look up
1) Go to e621
2) type the tags living_machine + spacecraft into search
4) Profit

Havoc63 and Guodzilla does a lot of spacecraft morphs and some others have done them, primarily of the space shuttle, but satellites, fictional-spaceships and Soyuz rockets also get featured


>s-sorry i have to be somewhere else


Knowing the train service here, if it wanted to sleep with me it would arrive in the morning, just after I have already left for work.


Why do they all look like lizards or dinosaurs or something?


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Good thing she's a train, she can give you a ride lol


You mean the trains? It's part of a joke How to Dragon Your Train, playing off the HTTYD name.


trains look like snakes and snakes look like lizards etc


Well yeah for what e6 has, I've seen a lot that aren't on e6 tho. (I mean I could upload it but it's kind of a coin flip if artists appreciate that or hate it. I could ask but it seems like a weird thing to ask.)


When planes get fat tits and vore their pilots and their biofuel.


>I could upload it but it's kind of a coin flip if artists appreciate that or hate it
Post some here then instead and just upload on furry.booru it's a mirror for e6 that isn't moderated by DMCA so far as I know.



Trains on a snake


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should get a snkaebortion


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>should get a snkaebortion
Why are you like this…


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Pic rel but a train lmao


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Considering what you've done to this site, I'd agree to that.


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>Aero "artists" seething about AI taking over this area of anthros now too.


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gif related


So you live in America then?


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Most Americans don't rely on public transportation though, with the one exception being air travel.


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>Most Americans don't rely on public transportation though
>the one exception being air travel.
For now


File: 1696042310939.jpg (382.19 KB, 1920x1249, Airbus Vahana_FF_02.jpg)

i used to have an autistic fascination with eVTOLs before I knew how much better public transportation is than anything else. I don't think that personal eVTOLs are going to happen in this century, maybe not even in the next one. Current battery technology is way, way, way behind where it needs to be; plus designing and producing an evtol is much harder and requires much more testing, meaning they'll always be much more expensive even if a battery technology breakthrough happens out of nowhere.

And this Alef Model A eVTOL from your picture has all of the signs of a vaporware product: a company that has never produced anything, no specifications were given for the motors or battery of the Model A, no videos of the Model A flying, ridiculous performance claims for the Model A (according to their numbers it performs much better than the eVTOLs that fucking Airbus and Boeing are designing), the list goes on.


>I don't think that personal eVTOLs are going to happen in this century, maybe not even in the next one. Current battery technology is way, way, way behind where it needs to be; plus designing and producing an evtol is much harder and requires much more testing, meaning they'll always be much more expensive even if a battery technology breakthrough happens out of nowhere.
I agree, but that's never stopped dumb shit from being a fad before.


Maybe a decade or 2 later, even then they'll have a massive amount of shoestrings attached.

Like we already have helicopters, and they're basically flying cars, so just imagine issues with you owning one, and that's what flying cars have to get over.


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>just imagine issues with you owning one, and that's what flying cars have to get over.
Porky will find a way to spin it, people already spend millions on cars they don't need.


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Don't you deRAIL this thread with your cars, aut/o/ fags!


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>Don't you deRAIL this thread with your cars, aut/o/ fags!




Courtesy of the 3D thread


I guess we really did kill God


You realized this only now?


>I guess we really did kill God
Good. He should stay where he belongs. In the trash.


File: 1696351110499.png (691.09 KB, 755x566, ClipboardImage.png)

Bugger off and quit derailing


File: 1696389555181.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 7c2f980f4bae6ce9742524f65….webm)

You've not seen anything yet, let me go beyond that.




Yes, yes it is. It'll be coming in for the passenger inside next


That can be reversed



Erm that is not a 40cm difference, that’s more like 90cm


Eh, who's counting


Where did you even find this?



I didn't see that on there lol, iink?


When I first came to this thread I wanted to ask the mods to put it in the /hobby/ train thread just for laughs, but it's actually become quite something


File: 1696733764238.gif (1.59 MB, 1280x780, ivxair3p uwu jet.gif)

here you go, cumrade: https://e621.net/posts/4176566
artist is ivxair3p


File: 1696735947381.png (604.31 KB, 2760x836, 1677805044438.png)

Thanks LMAO.


>The fetish horseshoe


Anyone have part 2?


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It's a good thing this stayed on /siberia/ it may really have DERAILed comfy posting on /hobby/

Someone needs to make the Blacked Hand meme with a train and anon


>Furry glowing raccoon
>in a train porn thread




did you read the thread leading up to it? It was relevant to the conversation.


I've been posting in this thread since it began and I'm the Aeroschizo-psyop anon who proposed it, I don't see how it's more than tangentially relevant to the post.


Most of the newfangled eVTOL business is a gay Climatefornian venture capitalist scam there are a number of working prototype aircraft propelled by ducted fans or propellers attached to electric motors.
Startup shit aside some of these seem like a childhood dream come true if not for the pathetic sub-30 minute flight time and microscopic range exhibited by virtually of all of them.


It is precisely tangently related, having been brought up in a tangent.


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>>460931 aw shit, someone as autistic as me!!!!! :3
I think that hydrogen fuel cells could potentially help bring eVTOLs to market sooner than expected, due to the fact that they allow for a much higher energy storage density, meaning much larger ranges. But it's also more complex to design and manufacture, as well as more dangerous. Also not much more efficient than combustion engines, so not as exciting, even though it's silent and futuristic and emission-free.


Sorry I missed your post, I was offline for a bit, needed the rest.
>hydrogen fuel cells could potentially help bring eVTOLs to market sooner than expected, due to the fact that they allow for a much higher energy storage density
True, and it's also pretty good in terms of emission reduction
>more complex to design and manufacture, as well as more dangerous.
Technology has leaped ahead, so I think safe manufacture is going to be far easier soon compared to the past as technology develops and improves through practise. It's not really that much more dangerous than a high-octane fuel engine, especially if you properly section off the cell-storage unit kinda like in Lamborghini's which pop off the engine block in case of fire or crash so as to prevent the engine from blowing up and taking the entire car with it.
>not much more efficient than combustion engines
You can word it differently, it is as efficient as a combustion engine for far less of a fuel cost and without emission issues, not to mention the quiet motor which is actually pretty important in airtravel.


>lamborghini's fuel cell tech and safety measures

That's neat, I didn't know they were investing in this. But I'm still a bit skeptical that hydrogen fuel cell tech can be made as safe as other alternatives.

>You can word it differently, it is as efficient as a combustion engine for far less[…]

I didn't think of it that way. When you put it like this, it does look much better than combustion engines.


>hydrogen fuel cell tech can be made as safe as other alternatives.
It took a while for gas tanks to be made safer too, it takes usage and research for safety progress to be made after all.
>When you put it like this, it does look much better than combustion engines.
Exactly my friend.


>horny train porn thread
<anons still manage to debate actual materialism and perspective transport
Only on leftypol


>>466650 very cool
>>464466 very cool



Glad you think so.


I Am Become Train, Ender of Worlds




Looks nice as a thumbnail, but the blurriness at full size is a pain


File: 1702230133082.png (9.64 MB, 3818x3000, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought this one looked fun


Anyone got photos of old locomotives in deserts like pic rel?


>Walter Sache is making aeroshit again


File: 1703607962900.jpg (142.67 KB, 1280x720, Mothra Train.jpg)

Sauce on pic rel?


I dunno why but for the longest time I thought that pic was a weird pigeon costume, and only later realized it's some kid sticking Perry the Platypus out of his neckhole.


>You arrive home on christmas night
>Your 2T10EM gf is under the tree





File: 1707153204209.png (4.7 MB, 2160x3600, ClipboardImage.png)

>Oksana and Liza.
>Both were born on June 27, 1990. Both are bisexual. They work together on the Kuibyshev railway.
>Oksana belongs to the 2TE10M series (1978 project). She is quite thin, has an easy-going nature, calm and kind.
>Liza belongs to the series 2TE10U (1989), has no significant differences from her twin. Unlike Oksana, she is a little plump and has a larger penis and breast size. Liza is more persistent and horny.
>They don't mind a third partner, so you can join them if you're not afraid tall ladies ^^


>Thread Theme
How has nobody posted Crazy Train?


File version


Cripper? Ow, man…


I did not know there's an anthro train fetish specifically.


File: 1707974133436.png (892.78 KB, 1865x1112, 5d85ac1e59b94089.png)


This is like Gijinka, it's so far divorced from the actual train that I can't really associate it with one.


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Would you anons?


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File: 1709517231792.png (5.03 MB, 1242x1900, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have pics rel in finished format? It's called Prize Bomber.
I want it just because of the faggoty watermark calling out Kemono.su.


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>someone made R34 of the Oceangate submersible
Fucking KEK


>RentheDragon is fetishizing being fucked by Russian futas again
As usual


File: 1710375488151.png (10.26 MB, 4096x4096, ClipboardImage.png)

A neat trainmorph head design


are these guys or gals? i need to know if it's gay to be attracted


I dunno, I think the submarine one is a guy but could also be a futa



postieplus catalogues delivered right to my door
also the girl from spykids in the leather suit thing


I think you meant this for >>462227


File: 1711890238186.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Garden Dragon.png)

We need more dragon shaped machines. Even if it ain't practical we'd make up for it in morale.

sauce: https://cohost.org/kobold-factory/post/5266000-walking-garden


This is actually an interesting design as opposed to others I've seen.


>>518451 is this frutiger aero


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gonna tell my kids it is


Gonna be honest, until this post I'd never even heard of Frutiger, sounded made up.


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Pic rel needs an edit/continuation with a Soviet ATGM or a Lancet 'penetrates her armor'


>Primitve Nazi futa jet


A week later and I heard someone make a meme reference to Frutiger and aeromorphs on youtube lol.


For any pony-fags here >>>/hobby/37939


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Meta meme for this thread



not even once


Come along and ride on the fantastic voyage

- Lakeside, Fantastic Voyage


Thomas was cross. He had never seen such rubbish in his life.
"Cinders and ashes", he exclaimed amd puffed away.

(insert early 1980s synthpop soundtrack here)

We didnt kill God. God is just simply viewing us from a two-way mirror.
He kmew this was coming from a mile off and used SPF cream.

If anything, its Lucifer whose horrified.
He and the demonic beings are cringing amd amused at the humans they so dearly want to lead astray.

Lucifer is begging God for forgiveness because he realises he has to share Hell with cringelords.


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Unique IPs: 59

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