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/games/ - Games

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File: 1712095028670.jpg (Spoiler Image,298.45 KB, 750x764, Old vs younf.jpg)


I’m tired of woke, sensitize, I-drink-craft-beer-exclusively-beard, nu-Kratos. Bring back old, horned up, rampaging, dont-give-af, old Kratos.

File: 1712095766352-0.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1712095766352-1.png (427.85 KB, 602x504, ClipboardImage.png)

is that you David?

I was unaware Jaffe was like this.
That’s hilarious.

And I thought "Agent 47 was based on a very sus pizza boy we had" was hilarious.

David Jaffe is just deeply embarrassing in general. He's too dumb to grasp the concept of a hidden/secret wall, and too immature to take criticism when he acts like a moron.

>muh hidden rooms without way too obvious visual clue
lmao hasn’t ha been in the gaming industry for decades? why is he like this?


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