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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

379 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Lmfao and not only that but there's other thread of literal fucking racists arguing how brown and black refugees in Europe is capitalism or something and nazis wanting to use live bullets against them and kicking their out is "based" and communist.

At this point y'all feel like home at 4chan's regular /pol/, most of you are the same fucking bigoted reactionary garbage


Use the report button please. Or at least link the post in question.

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This thread is for feedback, suggestions, complaints, questions etc. regarding leftybooru, the main image repository used by /leftypol/


Leftybooru FAQ and Rules:
93 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


cancel that and delet these two posts pls, I can't delet >>33911 because of a password issue.


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I'll try and fix that, or at least not make it click the wrong link.
Shimmie (the base software) expects Source to always be a simple link and I had just quickly hacked a fix to make it show plain text unless it starts with 'http', which you've just proved was a false assumption; starting with 'http' doesn't mean someone only entered a link.

Glad you love it! booru.org was basically stuck on 15 year old software, so even the relatively lightweight Shimmie is far ahead in most areas. The tag autocomplete is like night and day.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

it's been up for over 20 min on /siberia/
331 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


good odds it is CSAM from leftychan retards being mad I won't let them spam MAGAcommunism shit


Nice try, wobbly. It's verified Japanese porn. SUWK-022(Spammer's mobile IP)


I am not interested in the specifics of your CSAM collection


That somehow feels worse than if it was just /pol/.


they're posting it in threads now >>>/leftypol/1902587

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There is this one chubby femboy that spams pictures of himself. He showed up in stonerchan not too long ago and flooded the website with pics and gifs of himself too.

Please IP perma-ban that fuck, hell RANGE ban that creature, it's way too annoying.


Poor guy is locked up in mental institution, have some solidarity.


Well, i wonder if anyone ever told him to stop posting himself and just be a well-behaving anon.


Speaking of spammers in /siberia/, is anybody going to do anything about the MAGA spammer that thinks this is Biden Central? He's moved to /leftypol/ as well. He's gone from somewhat amusing to cencerous.


Kind of feel /siberia/ brought this on itself when the gooners on there lavished that wacko with praise and lust.

If that's true, refer them to /GET/, unironically.


its a leftychan guy, we get him as he pops up but they are nothing if not dedicated in their severe mental illness.

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Why is there not a recycling thread for the Ukraine conflict? We're on like thread 36


Archiving a cyclical is impossible


Yeah bro let's have a thread have its responses die when every 500 posts instead of having threads die when they get bumped off page 30. Cyclicals are shit.


My bad, I didn't know that


Sorry for the aggressive response.


Is there any imageboards that support thread pagination? Like what minecraft forums has?

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Jannies please tell me you're not gonna allow /usapol/ threads here now that with their election approaching. I g-get this place is supposed to be a shithole and it'd be consistent, but…
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Just to clarify that this thread was originally made on /siberia/ and that's what "here" refers to.

t. OP


Not a mod

/meta/ is about discussions about the website /leftypol/ in general, and referred to the "Jannies" in particular. That means is a /meta/ discussion, not a /siberia/ one.



Trump -> P01135809


Maybe Hexbear would find this funny.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How different is contemporary /leftypol/ from its past iterations so to speak? Be it on back on 8ch or the splits in the past few years. Are people more or less retarded than back then?
220 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Well the 8ch days were a long time ago so I'm going off memory but it's about the same with less focus on e-drama and more 'multipolarist' garbage


After Max set himself on fire, the board could pick up the few stupidpol participants who were committed to the Marxist critique of essentialism. The risk is that those trying to wheedle Marx into sparing or supporting their rustic superstitions would come along, and those elements are best added dropwise lest they take over.


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The old Leftypol was called LeftcomPol and it was founded in secrecy on June 8th, 632 after the Judeo-Christian-Islamic coalition of anti-materialist Stalinist-Hitlerites decided to assault the anarchists of the neo-Akkadian kleptocratic regime. Bordigists killed and beheaded over 15 trillion of these Hitlerist-Liberal Zionist Maoist cunts and got tired of it. They have been resting asleep or sitting waiting for the endgame of apocalyptic kabbalist right hand path satanists while enjoying recreational substances to cope with the mental witches sent forth by the psyochoattack attempts of brainrot ultra-sadist memory deterioration. An order older than Plato and Aristotle. The order of secret knights who stabbed LaRouche to death. Bordigists. Bordiga is but a collective image in our minds. Bordiga lived to die. He rests in the shadow so you may die in the light. Revisionist-oppurtunism is what Religion is. Ultra-Rightism stands with the fear of Herbert Marcuse who cried every night before bed in the fear of what Bordigism will do to the World once awakened in its full potential. Council Pannekoekist parallel-civilizations living alongside us as we walk through our daily lives. Everytime you had an UnBordigist and AntiBoridigist thought you were stabbed a thousand times by advanced scientific socialism of the future. To experience the same suffering as now forever and in future is the horror of criticizing the eternal flame. The struggle comes in the suffering of mortalist anti-lasagnaist rhetoric. Forever's gonna start tonight.


the george floyd uprising celebration threads were great


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Being on leftypol since back in the day I've been around long enough to realize "the online left" is inherently worthless.

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did the .onion just go down?


Should have been dealt with

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the cytube is down, maybe related to the maintenance idk
getting a cloudflare error page


There's people who use it?


Changed a thing. Is it fixed now?


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It is indeed. Many thanks, devanon!

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>Fascists shitting up every board
>Chinafags shitting up every thread
>Anarchopiggers shitting up every reply
>Class collaboration and lesser evil nationalism everywhere
>Retards who haven't even skimmed Marx 101 acting like authorities on topics
>On the other side of the table morons who uncritically uphold low-level slop text and poorly interpreted Marx like scripture
>Communism reduced to spirituality and great man worship
>Constant disguised idpol threads
>General ruin of any sign of a competent, rational left

Perscription: we need to ban all the /pol/yps, and clamp down on /bunker/fags and /GET/fugees. Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels. Would weed out retards in a snap.
35 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>The worst part is mods not clamping down on Nazis like they used to. I think the site has been compromised
Leftychin wreckers go back


>We are at a point, where we have absolutely no common ground, what leftism constitutes.
Good, lol


Your point falls apart when you retardedly chose to go after anarchists as well, as if this board is only meant for Marxists and Stalinists fucking each other in the butt till they knock out


follow your leaders nazi chinlets


>Maybe put up a moderated wall that prevents any IP from access unless you answer a couple long-form questions on basic Marx and Engels.

terrible idea but it would be very funny to see the clusterfuck of trying to implement this

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