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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.



Free onions:

Previous thread >>36480
79 posts and 11 image replies omitted.

If you're gonna ban newgene then ban the anfem poster too

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Hello /leftypol/ users. This is a thread to post ordinances, i.e. ad hoc rules voted on by the modocracy, which are not covered explicitly by the rules in rules.html, though most are arguably applications or clarifications of actions prohibited by the existing rules. Any posts violating these ordinances will be removed, and possibly banned at the mods discretion. This post will be periodically updated to reflect new ordinances, or to remove old ones.

  1. H*z is banned. Any mention of, depiction of, video, audio, or image (including memes) of, or related to, the individual known as Adam Tahir (more commonly known as Haz Al-Din), including associated projects such as the media collective "Infrared", or the US-based "American Communist Party" founded in 2024, etc. are BANNED.
  2. No non O.C. Wojaks, Pepes, or Groypers. Any Wojaks, pepes, groypers, etc. which are not /leftypol/ original content are considered spam.
  3. The Wojakifcation/wojak script is banned. This is a bit of javascript, commonly used on bunkerchan, which takes a post one is replying to and posts a greentext version of it in a pre-made wojak template, which is used as a reaction image.
  4. 'Real Proletarian' rhetoric which implies a large percentage of wage workers are not proletarians is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2024-12-25
  5. For original posts outside of /siberia/, "coomer bait" images which are sexual, sexualizing, or appeal to the prurient interest in any way are BANNED and will be spoilered or removed. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  6. Evading original post word minimum outside /siberia/ is BANNED. - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  7. Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
  8. "Feral" furry porn (i.e. drawn or cartoon pornography depicting a character that is a four-legged animal, or to a significant degree non-anthropomorphic) is BANNED, and will be spoilered or removed at the moderator's discretion - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11 Superseded by extension of rule 10 on 2025-02-17
  9. Climate change denial, especially to the extent of excessive doomerism and BP shill tier takes, is banned - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-11
104 posts and 15 image replies omitted.

not a USAsian, barely know who Haz is, but this response comes across as bitterly sectarian and abuse of mod power for personal ends.

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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions).

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
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> This is funny but I imagine its an iPad issue since it can't be replicated on a Safari for iPhone. Is it an issue with your IPS or network?
Browserling doesn't have an iPad option for me to confirm where the cause is. This only occurs on leftypol. It doesn't even happen on Lainchan otherwise I wouldn't have even brought it up. The full images load when clicked on. I tried using a proxy and same thing happens. So it isn't likely my ISP or the local network. Didn't make a difference with javascript turned off.

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there's one lone nazi poster in /edu/ who makes most of the posts and spams long long long psycho analytical schizo babble and basically makes the board his own personal diary and unusable outside of the PDF thread. Very depressing. Imagine being a new user, checking out the /edu/ board, and finding out the whole thing is a soapbox for one reactionary. Not very promising, eh?
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Not Newgene
But yo guys always say "LeftyPol isn't one individual" yet you act like one individual.
Also, pretty ironic when you guys obsess over Reddit drama

Suuure, you just type exactly like him out of coincidence, typos and all.
>yet you act like one individual
Anon has access to everyone else's post history holy shit
Get a hobby

I already have hobbies.
That's something you guys need to get instead of whining about liberals

wait are you seething about newgene or the nazi?

Don't you guys complain about work being a hellish punishment?


We are thinking of buying ads on 4chan for leftypol.org

>Positions/Dimensions: 728x90 Leaderboard in both header and footer positions in desktop view, 300x250 Medium Rectangle in both header and footer positions in mobile view)


We need ads in both the formats and we're crowdsourcing it to you.

Also, theres a chance the ad buy may not be accepted by rapeape or whoever runs the site
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thanks for everyone's input. We will move this thread to /meta/ for now

Why waste money on 4chan when you could post anti capitalist messages on Times Square billboards and get huge attention? Maybe they would refuse them but hey someone might hack them some time it has happened before.

based and correct take.

This place has been slowly turning into reddit and like it or not the majority of the userbase has zero problem bringing onboard 4chan users, most of whom are probably sick of poltarded nonsense ny now anyway

I found out about Leftypol from Lainchan. The userbase there used to lean more apolitical or leftist (usually anarchist or some sort of cyber socialism) till Fascists and AnCaps came in after 8chan shutdown and shit it up which they try push back against but there still are leftists on it mainly quietly posting in /DIY/ and sometimes /hum/ and /lit/ but a lot of users are sick of /pol/yps flooding boards like /hum/ and even the programming board. They dont run ads though that ive noticed at least.

>My theory is that most people outgrow 4chan by their 30s.

Bruh. You're delusional.
Most of 4chan users are usually twenties, thirties, and early forties.

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thoughts? fuck word filters. these should be autoflagged especially tor node users.

use "dem cell" -> automatic GOP flag

use "putler" or "drumpf" -> automatic donkeycrat flag

use "n_gger," "subhuman," "tr*nny", "orc", "vatnik", "wagecuck," etc. -> automatic nazi or /pol/ flag

it would be even better if they couldn't take it off after
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>I heard transhumanist actually originated as a term of endearment ironically
it would make sense becuase the -y ending is a dimunitive to make something small and cute.
>adult entertainment
i've only ever seen people call it sissy, shemale, trap, or futanari.

yooooooo that's sick

bump -> onwards

>We are not like liberals who obsess over labels

LeftyPol trying to go one day without idpol challenge: failed

I am hazbin hotel poster. I sympathize with your good ideas but you cant filter the truth. I will just find way around it like i always do. I will post less in character. Main people who would filter me are my opps who i must destroy

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>board is called "Leftist Politically Incorrect"
>can't say anything politically incorrect here


The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.The body was too short or empty.
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The junkie pumping out 10 kids is actually a 100% genetic problem, because literally plenty of social welfare and stuff was offered to her and she still can't keep way from smoking crack and getting railed for more crack, her brain is literally hard weird in a different way that she just get that high from crack that is so powerful that she can't keep it away from it, her kid will get her crack fucked genes and will have higher risk of becoming crack addicts to, but you will say, "bro, that just social poverty and stuff, socioeconomic and stuff", until you get o see a rich kid from a extremely good socioeconomic background doing the same crack addict behavior too despite her good upbringing, truth is: if you are born with shitty genetics you will be fuck in life, that isn't much to do, unless we find a way to edit person genes or do selective breeding.

Okay, but that will make trying to talk to him about anything extremely embarrassing from that point onward

your entire political cosmology is a result of operation gladio, what are you even talking about

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You can't make a pol pot thread without it being moved to siberia

Maybe hereditary phenomenon isn't always biophysical.
Maybe it can also be psychological

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ban ai images/videos in threads unless the OP explicitly asks for ai content
nobody likes it and the only reason anyone ever posts it is to trigger people and dilute the quality of the content here. in politics in particular the only reason why right-wingers use it so much is because their objective isn't to make something good, but to annoy the libs - that's the entire meme
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taking screenshots of all the AI generated titties and reposting them to own the person who made the posts

Wow. I never imagined that LeftyPol would such snowflakes over harmless art media

>one or two anons

This is a recurring sentiment though.
If it is only just a couple anons, they have too much free time

If you would read the screenshots, they show an example of OP's point ringing true: AI images being used by a debate addict to shit up a thread intended for drawings.


All it is just whining about "no bitches" or blaming men for all women's grievances.
Not to mention the edgy rape jokes on there or the "age gap relationships are pedophilia even if the younger partner is over eighteen"

It just needs to be better moderated tbh. Now that newgene's banned half of the problem is gone, the other half is incels and rape posts. But mods treat the thread as containment rather than an actual topic of discussion so I stopped browsing there a while ago.

It's easier for them to moderate it when more people use it to post according to the normal purpose and report the rule breaking posts.

Newgene is one-fifth of the problem though


Its on siberia again
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4chan doesn't have this spam problem

>even 4chan can't stop vpn spam

Fine, I'll rephrase. Technically they can ban VPN datacenter IPs and TOR exit nodes which I think /leftypol/ already mostly does, but it's impossible to detect if a post came from a residential proxy, which is what 4chan has been struggling against as of late resulting in wide sweeping changes that significantly degrade user experience (15m timer, hCAPTCHA & Cloudflare captcha, browser/user agent based trust, etc). CSAM does get posted on 4chan at a similar rate, but jannies there are on the ball much quicker. So I'm saying the only effective solution is quicker reaction times.

cloudflare should already block any CSAM that matches its fuzzy hash database

another one is up in siberia

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