You know what? there is, at a very, very unreliable underrepresented estimate, 400 millions of us globally, 1 for every 20 humans alive!, you not only want to ban, and have banned shit like lolicon, faggots like
>>35449 have no problem with genocide, we found ourselves with more than enough reason to organize and fucking defend ourselves and fight back, you on the other hand aren't hunted down…and ostracized
And that numbers it's not taking into account the people that prefer older teens and are regarded as pedo as well…if I organize enough of us, we could wreak some serious havoc. Only reason it doesn't happen it's because many have bought your moral crusade guilt trip. Among such numbers how many do you think can I convince to make an uprising against censorship?
other minorities have more than enough reason to support, because were will you stop? with us? whith furries? BDSM enthusiasts? with LGTBQs? Everyone like you is a real danger to humanity and should be stopped no matter the cost!
Make Lolicon legal as it ever should!
Hang every fucking censor on the planet!
Skin every fascist alive!
Burn them, and take their shit!
Curb stomp their faces!