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I guess it's better than the guy they shot for being deaf and not listening to their instructions as they yelled at him from behind.


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>Married Kentucky pastor arrested on child sex charges for relationship with minor that he claims was 'consensual'
>Zachary King, 47, the former pastor at LexCity Church in Lexington, was arrested on Monday on charges of rape, sodomy and sexual abuse, according to an arrest citation, according to Fox56 News.
King told the podcast Off the Record hosted by Pastor Brian Classen about his relationship with his wife back in February 2022.

>He revealed: 'At times, where I am frustrated and my needs are not being met - and annoyed by things I shouldn't be annoyed by - is when my wife and I are disconnected and we haven't talked about it and we just kind of let it sit.

>'We become really good co-parents and roommates in those seasons - where it's like we just got to get the kids to the next place and get through the next day, almost like surviving until you can go to bed.

>'So things that wouldn't never really bother me normally you are treating the symptoms, but you are not treating the root of the problem and I just have to sit there and pray and ask the Lord to reveal the root - typically it's me - my frustration is actually something I'm not doing - so it is really not you it's me in this scenario.'

>He also said of his marriage: 'I actually find I am guilty of not just comparing your partner to someone else, but comparing them to the former them.'

>Last week, megachurch Pastor Robert Morris, 62, the founder and senior pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake - one of the largest megachurches in the country - was accused of sexually abusing former family friend Cindy Clemishire in the 1980s, when she was just 12 years old.

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is now the OFFICIAL 2024 LEFTYPOL ANIMAL!!!!!!!

are you happy about this outcome?!?!??
what does this mean for the future of society?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??
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hey they're all good, but i'm happy to celebrate the jellyfish. congratulations friend

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Eugenics and advanced transhumanist biotechnology will end capitalism
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>Hell is the firm itself, and so on
Yes, based Bordiga. Although I make the claim that technology can continue to exist without a mass industry. And whatever factory work is needed can be automated. It all needs to be in accordance with scarcity against unlimited growth.


>And what does a "better world" look like exactly?
Something like this video.


I am more landian in my reading
There is something inherently capitalist in the trend of technologisation (even where capital is self-destructive, like how teslas blow up).
Where we give Dasein to automata, it reigns in the death drive of its endless repetition. This is a vortex human beings should guard against.


We can have technology without a mass-industry through organizations in dedicated research groups for specific developments in the field of medicine once the conditions have been met and the means of production have been seized.
>Marx talks about how for example, much of scientific progress directly depended on capitalists investing into strategies for multiplying the production of commodities. Therefore all science in capitalism becomes rendered as capitalist science, like all labour becomes expressed as the capitalist commodity.
All correct. This is why all the technologies from the current mode of production can only be beneficial to the status quo. Luddites didn't wreck because they hated the machines themselves, but how the machines were being used against them. Neo-Luddites don't make that distinction. In essence we have to go Luddic to be able to create what can be of benefit for the interests of the proletariat.

>I am more landian in my reading
Could tell, that's not a bad thing though.
>This is a vortex human beings should guard against.
They should. The problem with the late Land however was precisely that he just went along with it, rather than combating it.


>the trend of technologization
This is also something to be considered. Technology doesn't need to be inserted into every part of life. Transhumanism doesn't either. I look to Masanobu Fukuoka when it comes to growing crops. Technophiles like to think that everything needs to be "upgraded" and fail to analyze the current situation because most of them are driven by consumerism where they just want more "NEW" even if it isn't practical or is outright harmful. Unconditional technophiles are themselves tools for the ruling class and the status quo, because they don't ever want to consider ending exponential growth and commodity production. They would rather have their food made with GMOs that potentially cause disease and an industry that fucks up the soil than a sustainable way of living because it's "upgraded" - in reality causing their own demise.


Answering that anime avatar weirdo:
>are you implying that there can be ethics without morals?

No. Ethics involve morals, but a focus on ethics rather than a focus on moralism is more useful, for moralism is inflexible and primitive, especially religious moralism. Killing can be a good thing, and so can dishonoring your father and mother.


>counteracting anime with children's cartoon
you 2 are made for each other


making a thread just to reply to one guy is crazy work anon, I have to say I respect the dedication though.


I thought the point of ethics was to replace morals with logistics and consent.


>get job
>get apartment
>find hobbies that dont involve social interaction
>post on this place and scroll generic social media posts if i ever feel lonely
<dont interact with people outside of work or purchasing thing
<dont have sex or romance; jerk off occasionally to release pent up libido (but not to porn, porn sucks)
is this a solid idea for a mental/social wreck that people are better off not being inflicted with the presence of
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if this is true, then it's just an inevitable negative feedback loop anyways
no one wants to baby a special case
also, i feel like online is even worse for me
idiosyncrasy is even less tolerated in online algorithmic social media, which encourages being a lowest common denominator


Stacking shelves


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p sure long periods of isolation helped to bring the schizo out of me


FNAF player


i legitimately believe that isolation and neglect from a young age gave me a strong decline in cognitive function. i dont think i will ever be able to recall or think normally

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post comics u drew


How do you debunk race realism?


it is simple, look yourself at the mirror, fun incel.


Class (caste) realism seems like a better orientation.


Move to India.


Race doesn't exist scientifically speaking but you cannot deny that certain phenotypes are predominant in specific ethnicities so you're asking people to rise above appearances


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It's genuinely over for me, I give up. On everything. Life, living, seeing tomorrow. There's nothing for me other than crippling self awareness at how worthless I am. Every minute I'm a live is a drain on everyone else around me. No, I'm not just "in a bad place". Yes I want to die, I know I do. So if you're coming into this thread to talk me out of it please dont.

But that said I'm afraid of pain. Terrified actually. Even when I dont want to live I still cant bring myself to so much as prick my skin because I know the pain will be ungodly. I have nothing in my house strong enough to hang myself from, nor do I have access to any pills or drugs that can kill me through overdose. With that all said, is it possible to just…will yourself to die? Gradually shut down your body through sheer force of will until your brain shuts off? I've heard it's apparently a real psychological phenomenon primarily observed in POWs, but at this rate I'm ready to experiment on myself. Any tips and tricks on how to accelerate the process? I've got the whole refusing to eat and get out of bed thing down, I can barricade my door in case some fool tries to "rescue" me, but people still might be able to get in through the windows before I can properly cease vital functions. Is there a specific meditation I can do to will myself to die faster?
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Why do you people keep doing this? WORTH is not a concept that applies to (regular) humans. It applies to animals and slaves as they are sold on the market.


we hate ourselves and want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
you aren't going to fix us we are worthless


>want others to give us meaning he probably used women i use older men
Well don't ask what others can do you for. Ask what you can do for others


I know how bad it gets, trust me. I am glad I can treat you like a human and not a problem.

Speaking for myself, I can do nothing, I am mentally ill, a sexual deviant, untrustworth, a child abuse victim, poor and due to my education think of myself as above the average man. I am *worthless* to both the capitalistic class, and as a fellow comrade. I use older men to give me stability in my life to fill the need for a father. I am worthless and nothing you say here today will shake my conviction in the truth, but I do appreciate your kindness.


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Well, slight update. I'm ashamed to admit it but some weed and hanging out with family did for a time give me enough hopeium to keep the grip of depressing reality at bay, but that's all broken. Turns out I do in fact qualify for unemployment benefits…except none of that matters, as my parents are pocketing all of it as their price for not kicking me out onto the streets, complete with my father smugly telling me how he wouldn't know how this system works because obviously he's NEVER been in such a low position as to have to rely on unemployment benefits, he's had a job straight out of law school and kept it since as has my older brother. Any delusion that my family had hope for me or felt love for me is now gone again, I can feel the sheer undercurrent of contempt in their voices, their jobless black sheep child still clinging to life even though I'm basically just a dead man walking, a drain on everyone around me. With no job prospects in nearly a month despite sending in like 50 applications and nobody so much as even getting back to me (despite the fact that we supposedly have a GREAT ECONOMY with MANY JOBS thanks to Biden or something) I dont know what I'm supposed to do. At least they helped remind me of my abject failure. Sorry for the blogpost but I needed to give context to those who think I dont have a good reason to die.

With that all said, is it Sodium Nitrite? Or Nitride? Everyone just abbreviates it as SN so I'm not sure which one they're talking about, and I dont want to accidentally cripple myself for life based on faulty dosage and thus leave myself even more a burden. Or do they work the same?

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Holy faggots of /siberia/, I have come to your exile to implore you to use your psychic powers to evaluate whether the new leader of France is straight. I am in dire need of a reading. As a mere mortal and straight man I don't possess the psychic gift colloquially known as 'gaydar'.
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>white male autism aesthetics

Not even once


yep i could fix him


Asbergers are usually stiff as fuc. Not prancing and sashaying.


Ummm, youd be surprised


Absolute majority of homophobes are straight males


>this is what liberals actually believe

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