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You have
>seasonal and shonen kiddies who consume exclusively slop which they treat as unironic masterpieces, have never watched anything made before 2010
>blatantly reactionary loli-avatar culture war types who see themselves as "gatekeepers" and literally only care about fanservice and mindless violence because they mean a manga is "based" and sticking it to the cucks, and hate classics like Utena or Ghibli stuff because they have too much appeal to the wrong crowd
>SJW morons who think sex is evil and make the most superficial video essay brained criticisms (did you know young superheroes are literally "child soldiers" and should be treated as such?) and will doxx you to your employer because you said you like something like Made in Abyss
Is it possible to talk about anything these days without having to either walk around eggshells to avoid offending people who will assume a million things about you based on your tastes and choice of words, or tolerate the company of literal Nazis?
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Yeah, that's pretty weird.

I think that's another ideological artifact of the wish fulfillment aspect. With RPGs effort always results in some sort of cumulative progress or gain, which is the opposite of capitalist society.

I mean, it's fine if slavery is just a BDSM fantasy and monarchy is just a setting but when the author is trying to imply that these things are cool then it weirds me out.

All internet fandoms are unbearable I'd say.
Doesn't mean you cannot share your thoughts but it's really hard to come across thoughtful posts unless you're actively outputting your own.

X is shit for this though, it was supposed to be a microblogging site to post about your epic lunch for today or to inform everyone that follows you that you happen to be posting from the shitter - it got too big for its own good and now people try to use for long deb8s even when the medium itself is actively hostile against this usage.

>Isn't that Eva's premise tho?
I wouldn't say so. The central premise of Eva according to Anno [1] is a classical toku / super robot setting of invaders being repelled by a super weapon, but the catch is that our protagonists are very neurotic and afraid of pain instead of being classically gung-ho and courageous, and this angle is explored in depth.

I'm not saying the kid hero = child soldier thing is not part of the show because it is, but it's not the premise.
Zambot 3 is the show you're looking for if you want to explore that aspect as a central point of the plot.

[1] : http://www.evamonkey.com/writings_anno01.php

I just watch anime with my friends I don't care about fandoms.

>I just watch anime with my friends I don't care about fandoms.
Gigachad. The best way to enjoy things is in a company of friends. Although I assume going to conventions could be fun too.

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Anime, even as it is more popular and mainstream than ever before in the West, has really lost its relevance. What do I mean? Anime doesn't really inspire people anymore. It's not a statement about its quality, but I mean its real life impact.

In the 70s, 80s and 90s anime was almost a youth movement. In the Philipines, Voltes V was a symbol against the Marcos Regime and was banned because of this. Gundam inspired millions, it caused massive quasi-political rallies of young people who followed the show's idea of a new generation building things better. The police literally had to shut this down. Then by the 2000s there was Haruhi and so on which, if maybe not so political, really did get people out onto the streets and again got the police called on them. Conventions were a serious culture. Even if anime at this point was really inbred, it still brought people out. But nowadays there's no such thing. It's not really that subversive or exciting. Conventions go on but they aren't like what they were (no yaoi paddles). We do still get like loads of children wearing Demon Slayer cosplay but it's not like Yamato. There's this energy that just isn't there anymore.

Perhaps this is because in Japan itself the street movement has died down and become so neutered? It's sort of related to how anime has lost its left wing creators. The people working in the 80s grew up in a really radical time where socialism and anti-imperialism were normal and most people directly interacted with that crowd. Naturally, even if works weren't explicitly socialist, the attitude was reflected. Nowadays that political movement is completely dead. Radicalism is hated in modern Japan. Serious topics are still covered in progressive ways, but something is lost. I don't know, lets take season 2 of GITS SAC where Hideo Kuze is just openly right, the show tells you he is correct. And then in Psycho Pass which is only 10 years later but with a completely different set of people making it who have a different philosophy (the director only really started working in the 2000s), the bad guy just does bad things and is a psychopath, and then the only reasonable option is to uphold the system when given a chance to change it. Maybe the issue here is just GITS is much better written, but I think this can explain a sort of change in anime.

It's not that radicalism can't be shown since the 2000s, its just they are always single characters acting as lone terrorists. I think tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The fucking mechas even where Nazi helmets. They use potato mashers and panzerfausts. HOW COULD ANYONE NOT GET IT?

>Isn’t the show just the adventures of white base going around fucking shit up against a group that justifiably seceded? (I didn’t really watch much original gundam to be honest, this hand of mine does glow with an awesome power, though.)
The basic premise of the show is that Aryan spacenoids want to create a spacenoid master race and do away with Earth people because living in space gives you psychic powers. The show follows a good spacenoid with psychic powers fighting to stop the bad spacenoids. Hope that made it clear for yuh.

One of the cool things about Gundam unicorn is that it briefly talks about the political dynamic between Earth and the colonies and how existential this conflict is for the Earth government because the colonies have the (theoretical) resources of the entire solar system, so Earth has to keep their boot heavily on the spacenoids' neck for as long as they can, otherwise the balance of power is going to rapidly shift.

They do the same for music and movies.
Irony is, methinks the dumbing down of pop culture is due to people trying to make things more profound than they need to be.
As the popular saying goes: Art for Arts sake.
.most of our genuinely profound masterpieces are often made when the creators were just noodling around wanting to make something because a mood struck them.
They weren't intending to make a statement in the first place,it just happens.
Meaning is only found when you let the art speak for itself.

Fukuyama was onto something with his end of history theory, but it was Stalin who described its true nature decades prior as correctly pointing it as a period of blackest reaction.

In this era, capitalism is more insidious than ever - From the creative side, it stops being about the human spirit and becomes a vessel for mammonism up to its very core, and this trickles down not only from the investors but from the creatives themselves as they, as most people, struggle to see a way out for our modern troubles that isn't straight up apocalyptic.

And even if a work about positive societal change being good and possible gets popular, it still won't resonate with the audiences in a way that propels them into action, we're all too isolated for that to happen spontaneously nowadays.

As an aside, IBO was an excellent yet not perfect show which portrayed bottom to top change (revolution) as messy, violent and even morally unsavory, but ultimately justified and even righteous.

The main gripes I often read about it appear to be born from the same malaise affecting otaku since the '80s, as many renowned directors have observed (and lamented) them over the decades:
>constant, relentless nitpicking at inconsequential "plot holes"
>boiling rage at the ending not being happily ever after for the main cast
>obsessively watching how the plot develops through the lens of the producers (as an outsider no less)
>plot developments that otaku disagree with are derided as shitty writing no matter what
>"too little action" and too many "boring" scenes
>show had no proper waifu war bait and not enough booba
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Do not read Welcome to the NHK, No Longer Human, all of Haruki Murakami, etc. Worst mistake of my life.
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I think OP isnt saying these are bad just depressing and hard on their mental health?

Thanks for the warning bro. I watched the anime, and listened to the no longer human audiobook instead


read chaos;head NOAH if you enjoyed nhk's protagonist.

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>yukio mishima

I understand this sentiment coming from some reactionary 4channer, but it's always mystifying whenever I encounter it in an allegedly leftist website.


How come there isn't any Alunya impersonator!?
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Both Kizuna and Korone are too tame, I prefer indie vtubers and Hololive Indonesia, they don't have to be too family-friendly or always act nice. I don't mean I like coomerbait or whatever. I mean, Gura couldn't even play Metal Gear Rising because of her management forbiding it, imagine that. Even Pomu played it, c'mon. So lame. You can shit on Nijisanji all you want but Pomu and Finana are cool, shame they didn't go indie.

>>26681 (me)
But of course the best vtuber is obviously HeavenlyFather. How can you not love that handsome guy. Just look at him.


man I decided to check out the new hololive-en gen and I hate it. zero seiso, they can't spend 30 minutes without bringing up ao3 tags or tiktok brainrot. I understand when it is VAs like kiara that have been doing this for 4+ years, it's natural that they have completely tuned out of it by now. but this generations tuned out at like day 0

and the software is bad. the open source variants are way ahead but for some reason agencies refuse to switch over. like, hololive still has eyelid stuttering on some riggings

they let them play new vegas but they have to skip nipton. I'm not joking

unhinged collab between the new holo-id and holo-en generations

My favorite 2view twitchtuber said some retarded racist shit a few months ago, got cancelled, and now I'm sad.

I wanted to believe she wasn't racist since the original incident made her look dumb rather than malicious, but since then she's been schizoing between apologizing and not-apologizing over it for the last 2 months which makes it much worse imo.
Like just do a charity stream for blm or whatever and stop with the ambigüity, the chuds already went away lol.

>shame they didn't go indie.
Honestly idk if you're for real or not but Mint seems pretty different from Pomu for me so I guess you're right in a sense.

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My headcanon is that Ozai was sexually abused by his father as a child and never got help, and this is part of the reason he ultimately had became such a monster.

I would say this is believeable both because Fire Nation is a pastiche of Edo Japan and Imperial Japan, first of which is one of the infamous examples of pederasty-tolerant societies, and the second of which is infamous for perhaps commiting more wartime rape over the course of a single war than any other society in history, and because from what little we had seen of him, Fire Lord Azulon seems like the type of person to whom it would be not out of character to molest his younger son.

Now live with this, you all.



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This 1st chapter for new manga came out and it has certainly made a impression on western anime fandom. They are claiming it is racist, xenophobic, etc. And honestly, I can see it, with the characters saying some similar language to said people. But someone also brought up as an anti-west or anti-colonialist themes, with them being against the occupation of their planet. Ultimately, its barley 1 chapter out, so I don't want to judge it just on this
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anti-posadist garbage

>anti-posadist garbage
if ture sad
don't bully posadist gang :^C

>The whole car scene with the alien getting away with crime is a Japanese right-winger talking point with kurds having access to cars and crashing them, supposed mass crime and gangs, and believing the media is covering for them
Or it's a reference to American soldiers getting away with fatal hit-and-runs in Okinawa which has happened multiple times.
Ultimately none of us can tell what's going on in the mangaka's head, but I guess it's fair to say that if you write a story trying to communicate something (seems to clearly be the case here) but the audience has zero idea of what you're trying to say you probably fucked up somewhere.

You sure about that? Childrens media has had revolutionary messaging before.

> i do miss when people just didnt read something they didnt like as opposed to making it everyone’s problem.


Bruh, you really feel for the nostalgia cool-aid.
Bruh, people always sought out things to be mad about.
When comic books first came out, adults were buying them to showcase its "corruptive influence on the youth."

Bruh, you guys trying to make it out to be somekimd of anti imperialist series lmao. It seems to me that there is something up with mc and that she is making shit up about getting “beaten” in first chapter there are like 3 times hse gets “hit” but we never get to see it happen, just the result.

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One Piece is leftist
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I wouldn't say that One Piece is particularly concrete in its politics but it's pretty fucking explicit and consciously done. Unambiguously heroic characters like Luffy or Whitebeard repeatedly give speeches that it's hard to imagine aren't just Oda's opinions, considering the context in which they occur, as the capstone to a particular arc where it culminates and sums up the themes he was building. Artists aren't necessarily intentional propagandists, but they're not stupid. And the most basic point One Piece is trying to get across is the importance of believing in something greater than yourself. It's hard to see how it's not Oda's intention to inspire people and give them at least some kind of framework for grappling with politics.

Also, independent of Oda himself AFAIK the Fan Letter animation Toei recently did is kind of beating you over the head that the Straw Hats are not just toppling tyrants but inspiring the people a la propaganda of the deed. Which is pretty relevant at this particular moment.

I finally caught up on the anime. Should I read the manga to catch up, or just enjoy the freedom from a 1122 episode long prison?

The nika thing destroys the themes though
It makes so human/character actions are not their own but fate
Which destroy a political interpretation of it

I disagree. I think it works because devil fruits appear based on human desire and Nika appears when he is desired by humanity.

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Tomoko thread… why? Because I like the character… and other reasons…
Post lewds (spoilered), memes, edits, pics and anything else related to the subject
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She is sex

Anyone still reading the manga ?

Has she kissed…a girl yet ?

I stopped reading after she went on the overnight trip and shaved her pubes

>Anyone still reading the manga ?
Yes, it's great.
>Has she kissed…a girl yet ?
No, but she's got a harem of girls.

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I wish this was real
I would hold her so tight


gunsmith cats full anime on youtube
>In the dangerous suburbs of Chicago, skilled bounty hunters Irene "Rally" Vincent and "Minnie" May Hopkins run Gunsmith Cats, a firearms store of questionable legality. One day, Bill Collins, an agent for the Chicago branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, blackmails Rally and May into working with him on a case. The stakes are high, but Rally’s gunmanship and May’s knowledge of explosives are unmatched. As Rally and May unravel the secrets of the case, the two will need to use guns and grenades while being faster, stronger, and better than everyone else in order to stay alive.
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i love john woo, i'll call it that from now, but Exploitation works too.

not sure about hardboiled, the black and white noir genre has taken over that word

fellas be honest would you want to see a gunsmithcats continuation today or is it best left it as it is? i'm not sure it can survive the current dead internet discours, it'll either be praised for being, how you say based ancap anti-woke animu by retarded xitter crowds or the reverse

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>Uh, hardboiled? Exploitation fiction? John Woo?
i used to call them grindhouse lol

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Hardboiled is generally a sister-genre to noir, with a private detective protagonist solving a mystery related to prohibition-era organized crime. Stuff we're talking about tends to borrow elements from it, like being about freelancers and often having a conspiracy to uncover, but it's definitely outside that very specific subgenre.

Exploitation and grindhouse are more about graphic/explicit content and being edgy, not just being about the "seedy underbelly" of society. The point is that they're provocative in an attempt to grab attention. Like clickbait. It's more about the spectacle than the vibes.

"John Woo" implies a pretty specific visual style and action choreography that's usually intentionally paying homage to John Woo. It's often included in modern action stuff but it's more related to the style of action than the story or setting.

None of these things are mutually exclusive, but it's more like they're adjacent to or a component of this kind of story.

Not everything needs to be remade/updated/continued. If somebody wanted more of this type of story they should come up with something original that fits the present better.

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bumping the thread with gunsmith cats mixtapes

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Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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i dont disagree but saying this in a thread about artists is funny, like theres anything to be gained in bothering with them as a communist

I'm not so stupid as to think we can win just by having the artists on our side, but we're talking about people who produce stuff that gets seen by literal millions, often tens of millions; that's not nothing. Zero percent of communism has been built, we gain more from having these people as propagandists than from trying to ban drawings of big titty women.

lol propaganda. every idiot here always places ideas before reality. and quoting a fucking video game?

before i get the usual reply theres a huge difference between IRL agitating and educating proletarians who are already mobilizing and vaguely leftoid media made by and for the middle class. morons always want to pat themselves in the back for doing irrelevant shit because their class position makes them completely impotent

>and quoting a fucking video game?
A quote you recognized :^)
>every idiot here always places ideas before reality
And everyone who pretends to have read Marx thinks proles will automatically become revolutionary when the right time comes and no effort is needed to persuade or direct them, after all they'll be "already mobilizing". Guess we'll just see how that works out!

>Just how involved is she with the JCP really?
She is VP of Human rights now! https://hrn.or.jp/eng/about/board-members/, the president is Niikura Osamu, who is more closely linked with the JCP, endorses them, and does seminars for them. Both are apart of the attorney associations IADL and JALISA, you'll see all their names sat right beside rows of JCP members if you look up any petition letter from them directed at the government. You'll just find anyone associated with the tokyo attorney bar linked with the JCP. It's no coincidence the same politician she met with made the call to ban it a few days after the meeting or perhaps it's the NGO that should shoulder the blame
>Tetsu Kariya
He has been travelling china for the past for years championing the uyghur issue, he's really invested into it and I'm not sure if norikoenet cares for it or not

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