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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.

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>He was critical of French Revolution and was deeply disturbed by the Paris Commune which he saw as a destructive insurrection of the vulgar lower classes that made him feel "annihilated for several days"

I haven't read any Nietzsche but If I had to guess it would be his whole philosophy(as far as I can tell) boils down to suffering being necessary cuz le superman will overcome and embrace it or sum shit like that. I'd imagine you'd run into a similar problem socialist do with abrahamics since both philosophies see the suffering on earth as a giant test to separate the good from the bad people that you can never ever change that ergo trying to alleviate this suffering is "cheating" so to speak. From their perspective Its like we're handing out an answer sheet before the final exam. Anons have recommended me the destruction of reason by Lukacs which I believe has a section on Nietzsche and is all about how a huge chunk of western philosophy are just elaborate excuses for empire. That being said this whole post is just guesswork and conjecture.


tech sector in general functions largely in the rent sphere, because of IP

But also in general monopolies form out of competition as smaller firms fail to be sufficiently profitable. You'd expect this kind of monopoly firm to have lower margins. Once this happens, monopolies can raise prices to increase margins, but what this is in effect is lowering of the price of money of the whole economy, i.e. reducing wages. In this case consumption suffers and what prevails is necessities. Land rents, utilities, and food (also priced based on land rents) are the most profitable. We see empirically a shift in the economy for a while now in the US e.g. first away from industry, then away even from commerce, to finance, (tech), and land rent. In terms of both top companies, sectors leading gdp growth, and overall share of profits. So there's a long-term trend away from capitalist profits towards rent, as capital burdens production rather than promotes it. Anyways tech is tied heavily with finance and IP rents (and also state intervention and military needs) and so is doing relatively well. I'd see it in that light. Also expect more state expenditure as surplus value with nowhere to go builds up. So again, military spending, infrastructure (lol if we're lucky), state investment and buyouts, etc.


A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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not to mention the repressed anti de-stalinization protests that khrushev also repressed



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ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topics

Feel free to post your own resources and tips too.

I'm going to post a lot of my own that I have gathered over the years.
I ask that random chit-chat in this thread is kept to a minimum except regarding technical questions & answers on the topic matter.
This is so that resources are kept as compact as possible, and so, readable.

First I'll dump resources and tips for researching various topics.
Note: I don't even have access to or use some of these myself (e.g. LexisNexis which seems to be pay-to-use), but I figure they could be helpful in some narrow cases. I use most of these myself. If the initial things I post don't interest you, keep reading anyway. I'm going to be dumping a lot of content.

Find key terms in newspapers and magazines.
I would say this is more helpful for finding sources that do exist rather than for reading them, per se. You can try to read the articles elsewhere than PressReader if you know their titles or part of their body text. The site appears to brand itself as pay-to-use, however you can use the search tool anyway and even read some resulting articles.
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Does anyone got the book "Anarchism, Organization and Management: Critical Perspectives for Students" pdf?


>>22276 (me)
Found a book that is quite close to that, did someone already read it? It looks exactly like what i was looking for:
"ephemera: theory & politics in organization management business anarchism"


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How does capitalism, and its most retrograde right wing layers, even keep the idea about race in the public discourse to begin with? I don't think "race" is even really an apolitical and scientific concept to begin with, but if we take science as mediated through the superstructure, then something like race may be naturalised and justified through "genetics" and ancestry/genealogy databases.
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Racism is an extension of nationalism. Think of it as a biological nationalism. It's about trying to find a common biological descent that the majority of the population of a nation have (or at least come up with one), and using that to determine who's an outsider. People ultimately believe in it, because it can raise their social standing and get them favors from the "biological majority" bourgeoisie and also because it just ends up becoming a powerful ideology.
Did he actually think there was a master race on Mars and Venus?


>Racism is an extension of nationalism. Think of it as a biological nationalism.
There is no point in conceiving of it in that manner. You are explaining one construct with another construct when their actual origins and development are distinct.

>It's about trying to find a common biological descent that the majority of the population of a nation have

You operate under the naive assumption that races were laid out based on genuine scientific inquiry. Race came about to justify the exploitation of colonized people and the categorization of these races were merely due to historic and economic happenstance. If races had been set based on common biological descent then people would have concluded there is only the human race, unless you were an American race scientist who believed in Polygenism. Europeans believed in Monogenism and still distinguished by more than on race.

>People ultimately believe in it, because it can raise their social standing and get them favors from the "biological majority" bourgeoisie

You virtually don't benefit at all from being a part of a category that everyone else is a part of. People in Western Europe believed in the existence of the white race and all of them were a part of it. They don't gain anything from being a part of a group everyone in their society is a part of and they also didn't gain favors from the "biological majority bourgeoisie" (?) from that. The point of these constructs was to justify what they did to people in the colonies.

>and also because it just ends up becoming a powerful ideology.

People have no way of knowing that beforehand and that's just a claim made in hindsight.


Race is the kind of thing where the more you promote it at an institutional level, the more it can reinforce itself. Like with science, if you do studies where you sort people into race categories, any differences you find are going to be put in terms of those race categories (as opposed to things like income level or something). The more you do that, the more ingrained that category becomes in the institution. Another big factor is just lack of social mobility. People generally are in the same stratum as their parents, and if you have generational poverty and a group that's intentionally ghettoized with zoning and home loan policies, then it's going to contribute to a difference in material circumstances that's reflected in culture and socioeconomic status that can be lazily interpreted as race differences.


I'm not saying it's done in good faith. It's obviously a vulgar form of "science" that comes out of the construct of nationalism. Not all nationalists are racists, either, of course. But racist nationalists can become more popular at certain times. Long-term institutional ingraining of these ideas is definitely a factor as well.


Like the church need the devil to reconcily the existence of evil with the idea of an omnipotent and ontologically good deity, capitalism need an essentialist classification of people to justify the misery and brutal exploitation of some.

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Drop those PDF's or else
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Does anybody have books on the history of the US?


Check this out: https://eregime.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=17670

Also I have a ton if you want anything specific. Black history? Labor history? Those are mainly what I got


Thanks man, i was specifically looking for book that depict the US from the end of the civil war till the modern say since i've already read upon the american revolution and antebellum period.
Also generally looking for economic history of any nation for that same matter.


I like Geopolitical Economy, it's basically an economic history of the US post WW2


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So /edu/ this site is full of threads debunking standard chicken headed talking points but what are some legit criticisms of leftist thought?

I found this book Black Marxism by Cedric Robinson and his thesis runs as following. Marxism and European socialism, instead of being an ideology of the proletariat, was a petty bourgeois ideology born out of a ressentiment for the bourgeoisie and the belief that the proletariat could be better managed. Leftists falsely understood capitalism as a rationalizing force which would create a homogenous proletariat, while in truth capitalism exacerbates racial differences to manage pops more efficiently. Leftists mistake nationalism and racism as essentially reactionary, while in truth it has always played a huge and sometimes preponderant part in history.

Second Kolakowski's book Main Currents of Marxism makes two important claims. Terms like "materialism" and "dialectics" are not well defined leading to ambiguity and confusion. This is why Lenin and the Russian Marxists misinterpreted Marx's materialism as an ontology of matter. Second leftist materialism is determinstic and offers a telological history in which outcomes are predetermined. This undermines human creativity and autonomy and is why the Soviets and "actually existing socialism" became totalitarian in practice. The party led by masters of Marxist theory and technocrats can guide society through more and more bureaucratization cancelling out the need for democratic participation and subordinating individual agency to the needs of the bureaucracy itself. I believe the Maoists saw this and tried to break from it but China ended up producing the same results because even the red guards embraced the same interpretation of historical/dialectical materialism.

I want bring out Carl Schmitt here for all the leftcoms and anarchists. If you have a radically open society you can easily get invaded by an influx of new people. /pol/ stormfaggot colonization of online spaces proves that anarchic environments are highly vulnerable to this type of invasion or the emergence of extremism within. Anarchist societies would not have the means to resist these invaders. Probably why the Zapatistas are scrapping their communal autonomy model because of cartels moving into Chiapas and causing trouble. The anarchist army could resist an external military force. Its been done before. But an anarchist society is prone to collapse and reversal through inabiliPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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80% of the Chinese population think their country is great and will become better in the future, while almost no one in america or europe think their countries are great, much less that it will get better anytime soon.

Europe and US are just everything they can to embargo China now that it is producing the vast majority of green energy in the planet, while still investing billions in gas, oil and not renewable sources of energy. While your IMF is forcing poor countries into debt slavery and forcing then to give up all their mineral and natural resources, China can't stop pardoning loans with no interest rate, literally giving free money to Africa so it can industrialize in the first time in history.

Socialism is not about "getting all the bitches you want", is a question of life or death. People already voted hitler for power, no one can unironically believe bourgeoisie democracy is real. No one is happy, this capitalism world is shit, you need to be blind not to see the decay of late stage capitalism.


> people think communism is when you can get whatever you want, no matter how much, just by thinking hard enough
This is what Reddit leftists think. Zoomers just want free birches and free shit. That’s what socialism is about to them. Free stuff.


> Leftists falsely understood capitalism as a rationalizing force which would create a homogenous proletariat, while in truth capitalism exacerbates racial differences to manage pops more efficiently.
I couldn’t give two shits about “racial” stuff. Capitalism cannot stay unrestrained and MUST be regulated, otherwise it gives way for monopolies and WILL destroy free market. Capitalism and TRUE education are the only ways to liberation; whatever children are taught in public schools is COMPLETE bullshit.


anarchists believe human nature is essentially good. the biggest mistake in their entire ideology. it’s why they always fail. Catalonia got its ass kicked because they decided to run a democratic army. they thought human goodness meant everyone could agree on the best course of action and actually follow it. they didn’t think some people are cowards, some people are insane PTSD schiizos, some a blood hungry psychopaths who like to kill. So their army could never agree on anything or get anything done besides a bunch of war crimes.


This only makes any sense if you think the marxist dialectic is identical with the hegelian dialectic. In that case it's necessary for them to be in total agreement for there to be a clear definition. But they're not the same, so if Engels lays out a clear, concise definition of what dialectics means to him, then it's false to say that materialism and dialectics are vaguely defined. Which is the case, because Engels does this. Whether or not his dialectics agrees with Hegel does not matter.


Are they the most revolutionary class, or are they reactionary? I think they are the most revolutionary because they are the most oppressed. In fact, I don't see how you can make a revolution without the lumpen.

Especially in America, where the regular proletariat (labor aristocracy) has been fully bourgeoisified and proudly supports the imperialist bourgeoisie in everything they do.

Fuck jannies btw
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>The lumpenproletariat is passive decaying matter of the lowest layers of the old society, is here and there thrust into the [progressive] movement by a proletarian revolution; [however,] in accordance with its whole way of life, it is more likely to sell out to reactionary intrigues.


Karl Marx was lumpen so pretty reactionary typically.


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I've met lumpens with class consciousness but most of them in my country are incredibly reactionary and cutthroat, people that would set an orphanage on fire in exchange for nike shoes and a big TV. They also tend to be extremely anti-intellectual and violent so trying to educate them feels like playing monopoly with a coked up chimp.


who is this faggot


>They also tend to be extremely anti-intellectual and violent so trying to educate them feels like playing monopoly with a coked up chimp.

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Thread on the Indian Peninsula and Surrounding Areas Closely Tied to the Country
To unite various Indian topics that cropped up: Post historical and modern geopolitical discussion, memes, photos and pdfs on the topic. Keep it civil and no bad faith dogma, spam or bait, keep that to /siberia/
Contribute to Leftypedia: https://leftypedia.org/wiki/India >>3780 thread
Articles on Britain, Pakistan and more needed.

Important Topics
>Pre-Colonial Indian History
Indian history that isn't just British colonialism. Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs warring over each other sounds way more exciting but you rarely hear anything about the era and the place. Recommend any books to easily get into the settings of the culture(s).

>Colonial India

History of British colonialism and it's exploitation and impact on the country(s). British humanitarian crimes such as the Black Hole of Calcutta are welcome to be posted.

>Modern India

Modern political, social and economic issues of India ranging from international conflict to internal turmoil. Environmental issues also welcome.
An Indian Dentist that does political writing on the state of the country and has soviet sympathies: http://bill-purkayastha.blogspot.com/
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He means England should make capitalism (the material base of Western society) the dominant form of production in India through their colonial policy and commerce


In case Embed dies
>The C-Word – Episode 1 – 1991: The Silent Coup
By BlackFlag India


Recommendations on Post Independence economic history of India.


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India's military development is a strange one. They primarily orient themselves towards Russian technology, but in recent times have been trying to develop their own armaments with limited success. The Arjun tank being a clear example of this problem, with poor performance despite excessive spending on it.

Recently India has been courting the idea of production of Stryker 8x8 APCs with licensing and collaboration from the USA but why is unclear. The Stryker's performance is abysmal and its price-tag is staggering, and the USA's position towards India is not at its friendliest so this move is confusing. India has, in the past decades, done dealings with the US military, but this particular instance is strange. The stupidest part is that the Indian government announced its reasoning as a need to replace their BMP-2s… never mind that the BMP-2 is an IFV and significantly superior to the Stryker in every capacity by default. The decision is not finalized yet, especially as the more successful indigenous APC production in India is pushing back on this.



So, how is the PPW going?

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I started being interested in eastern spirituality in general since i started training physical yoga last year. It changed my life i would say, i stopped feeling any physical discomfort caused by sedentary lifestyle and many times at the end practice, laying down on floor in "corpse pose" i felt something approaching a bliss, my mood also seems significantly lifted, i no longer give a fuck, even tho my material situation has not changed much.
This in turn caused me to get interested in eastern philosophy itself, i started reading Yoga Sutras, translation by Swami Satchenada (most popular translation from sanskrit i think, this guy was pretty famous with american hippies back in 60s).
Many of Satchenada commentaries are pretty interesting, they are modern and straight-forward, for example there are explamples including driving cars or going to the mall, there are also fragments that made me ask, is this guy reactionary? Can i reconcile at all my marxist tendencies with my interest in eastern philosophy, or are those things contradictory? All i know there is some one movement that says "actually buddhism and marxism has lot in common", are there more?
Here is the quote i am talking about:

"Suppose some people drive up in a big car, park in front of a huge palatial home and get out. Some other people are standing on the pavement in the hot sun getting tired. How many of those people will be happy? Not many. They will be saying, “See that big car? Those people are sucking the blood of the laborers.” We come across people like that; they are always jealous. When a person gets name, fame or high position, they try to criticize that person. “Oh, don’t you know, that person’s brother is so-and-so. Some strings must have been pulled.” They will never admit that the person might have gone up by his or her own merit. By that jealousy, you will not disturb the other person, but you disturb your own serenity. Those people simply got out of the car and walked into the house, but you are burning up inside. Instead, think, “Oh, such fortunate people. If everyone was like that how happy the world would be. May God bless everybody to have such comfort. I will also get that one day.” Make those people your friends. That response is missed in many cases, not only between individuals but even among nations. When some nation is prospering, the neighboring country is jealous of it and wants to ruin its economy. So we should always have the key of friendlinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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every time I read about eastern spirituality inspiring some belief or movement, it's always some super right wing cause or some insane cult. I've yet to see something good come out of it.


>can I reconcile materialism with philosophy?
Marx disliked philosophers for a reason.


Tbc you can enjoy philosophy and be a communist, trying to mix them is completely unnecessary (and you can't do it anyway).




Like, thought terminating and sincerity terminating cliches, like what Joss Whedon uses in his scripts. Usually used in movie critique. It's why people find characters saying quips like "well that just happened" so vicerally unpleasant, because they've been sensitized to whedonisms.

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There are people who spend their entire lives reading Hegel and still manage to come out empty handed.

ITT we discuss the great thinker, Karl Marx's teacher, and he on who's shadow we walk:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>What are good things to read/view to get an understanding of Hegel from a philosophical neophyte?

<What service can Hegel's philosophy provide us today?

>What an be done to make Hegel more accessible to the masses? Why is it so unpenetrable?
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Thoughts on recent readings placing Hegel in a revolutionary and nonconservative light?


What took them so long?


A nice lecture on Hegel's Philosophy of History.
Well, arguably Marx's and Marxist reading of Hegel got in the way, as well as the conservatives that took on Hegel and tried to make it theirs.


Good secondary sources on Science of Logic?


this is literally what zizek believes

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