>>23408i would rather say that most people are particularists. the jew represents capitalism in particular; "international capital", or "rootless" cosmopolitanism. this is why most people are anticapitalist in proportion to their antisemitism (again, ask your average joe about "elites" and see him froth). you can glean the antisemitism of industrial nostalgia for example, which seeks to embody labour in a domestic, rooted and national concept. a commodity "made in america" is more attractive than something "made in china".
as zizek says, antisemitism assigns the jew as everything, and therefore he is nothing in himself. the jew is both wealthy and "clean", while simultaneously being filthy and poor. henry ford in his "the international jew" speaks on the instinctive prejudice humanity holds against jews, the same as gypsies and other nomads. alain badiou says that all identities are permitted besides the jewish, for the jewish identity is only in negation to gentiles. this is why israel is such an international contradiction, or what many have claimed, "nothing is more antisemitic than the creation of israel". rabbis clamber to criticise the jewish state, while others laud it as meschiach. jews appear to be behind capitalism and communism; right and left. everywhere is the jew, and thus he is nowhere in particular - this makes the jew an abstract negativity, or "universal" identity.
only a few who like the early christians, call themselves jews, are entered into a jewish self-abolition, like marx speaks of in "on the jewish question". nietzsche asks why christians hate jews yet worship a jewish god. it seems strange. but this makes more sense in a hegelian context; to enter into one's identity is to become alienated from it, like how Christ comes for the jews, yet they reject him.
i consider myself critically inclined and so i begin with my own confession. i am a spiritual jew, yet i wish to be saved from myself. i yearn for the baptism of my soul, or the shabbat, to which the qabalists signify as "the world to come".
now, i spake earlier of christianity's judaism. this was in fact noted by Hitler, who instead devised of a program called "positive christianity" which removed the old testament and paul's epistles from the bible. here, we are presented an aryan Christ in theosophical fashion. i prefer contradiction however. we
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