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/AKM/ - Guns, weapons and the art of war.

"War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun." - Chairman Mao
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What it says on the tin - I've seen a couple threads about preparing for a Guerrilla war or whatever, but not much about defending yourself and others at a demonstration or during a riot, which is obviously a much more common situation to find yourself in. I specifically had defending from riot police in mind, but anything would be interesting/useful.
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This one is apropos
Mods spoiler plox


The picture was of one of those plastic cock and ball torture condom or whatever the perverts call it things I think

I don't actually know what they look like, but that looked like it.


Rioting from kenya live, watch and learn

The Kenyans do it better than you do.


thanks anon

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Meme thread for /AK/
Post memes, stories, funny shit and /k/ screencaps.
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>Embedding error.
File Version here

Also just realized the OP I made 3 years ago has 222 GETS… for a MEME thread lol


Also similar vibe.
>Self-defense: Point-blank Shot Dodge + Submission


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>If Military Recruiters Were Honest - Honest Ads (Military Commercial Parody, Army, Marines)


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Stupid shit from a while back

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What can we learn from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and this example of relatively modern warfare? Strategy, tactics, operations, geopolitical responses, information warfare, civilian pov and response. Anything related. Not the thread to talk about "who is in the right".
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>It's all those North Koreans! They're starving commies that can't make anything!
>but are also somehow producing more than Russia!
I hope you're making a joke, because you are grossly incorrect.


Gavin's all grown up


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A stryker was destroyed along with a crossing bridge recently. It proves a point made in >>2374 - the lack of amphibious capability. The BTR-80 series or BMPs could have forded that little stream on the fly, no bridge needed. Such bridges are ample targets, I'm more than willinvg to bet that Russian drone surveillance saw the bridge but decided to not destroy it and wait for a bigger target to come, killing 2 targets with one strike. And yet redditors and /k/opers will claim that "amphibious capability isn't useful anymore" because some amphibious APCs got taken out during combat near a river.


As a side note, there's ZOV sites popping up for different Ukrainian cities: https://news-kharkov.ru//society/2024/06/02/105601.html


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Germany and the West have been ramping up production… or at least attempting to, with new tanks and equipment for the next generation of mechanized warfare. Things like the Leopard 2A7 and 2A8, the Panther prototype, the Ascalon turret etc. However in the light of over 11 thousand companies going bankrupt and the immense production problems mentioned ITT, I have doubts the German War Machine and the rest of Europe's is up to the task of mass producing these expensive, heavy behemoths. A good example of this is the Katana smart-munition having severe delays in delivery to being accepted into service.

11000 companies

German military buying over 2 million Artillery shells

Katana round issues.

Leclerc Ascalon turret demonstrator


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Italy is going to be sending Puma APCs to Ukraine. Yet another Big Cat to hunt.


I see a lot of talk about how Russia n China could shit on the west with hypersonic missiles. which is cool af but I also don't know if thats even true or what a hypersonic missile even is(I assume it goes faster than sound?). Are they a big deal? I really do hope the hype lives up this time
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China has demonstrated its Aero-Ballistic hypersonic missile. It is obviously a copy of the Russian Kinzhal.



The S-500 reliably intercepted a Sineva SLBM during its testing, which is a very modern ICBM and is not easy to intercept by any means. This is excluding the S-400 system which is very capable as well as the A-235 and A-135 ABM systems.


If S-400's are so good, why does Ukraine destroys them?


The number of S-400s hit can be counted on 1 hand. I know of 2 possible S-400s knocked out and even then it was the launchers, not the actual S-400 system.
Furthermore, as explained multiple times, SAMs are not magical shields, they have limitations and reaction times that can be exploited under mass barrage, as there exists no SAM system in the world to have a 100% kill rate.


So I was right about the Corvette's damage being superficial. Russian Navy has announced the repairs of the ship

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excavating tunnels, trenches, ditches, ramparts, moats, holes, any kind of defensive earthwork where industrial machinery isn't viable

you can get most stuff off of amazon or any hardware or milsurp store
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>Be a billionaire
>Start looking around anxiously
>My fellow people, I will create a hyperloop for the good of mankind
>I will need to create and buy tunnel boring technology to create this hyperloop
>I will also need to create a company to bore these large tunnels
>Yes these large tunnels could also function as billionaire bunkers
>Look over there!



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Basically an immense underground complex in Greenland ice to be able to launch nukes at the USSR. Reminds me of the USSR's subterranean submarine bases and the Underground Nuclear Tank.


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Revive this thread



Want a gun but its impossible to get a gun license in your country? Buy a repeating crossbow. These things will nail the target in a wall behind them.

<Tactical Repeating Crossbow – Maybe this is the biggest innovation in the crossbow market ever – this weapon changes everything.

<The 7.5 inch arrows (or bolts) have screwed-on field points and reach a proud 30 joules at 130 pounds tensile weight. The arrow speed is approximately 78 m/s (256 fps), which makes the Adder accurate even at distances up to 50 meters (55 yards). In our tests, the standard field tips penetrated through several layers of clothing and a thick layer of ballistic gel, then perforated a coconut poured into the gel block. By using the special High-Penetration Bodkin tips, which have razor-sharp edges, this penetration power can be further increased.

<The removable tactical rear stock is adjustable. The weapon can also be used without the rear stock, which makes it even more compact if required. The all-metal red dot visor supplied with the weapon can be adjusted vertically and horizontally.

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Now i have ideas about crossbows as a tool of revolutionary potential.


need help on deciding which one to get for killing enemies of the working class, anons. please help


this is interesting. hope this isnt simply shilling


bump any recs


the cheapest one you can make. train on it for like a month and boom, you can bolt your class enemies.

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The talk of a new civil war has been going on for a long while now that it almost sounds like a worn out trope.
But how does leftypol feel about it? How could it start, run and end?
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what model you use for your art




> This is when we may see the pool of dissident elites growing. I personally doubt many of them will be communist or socialist because the elite seems to consistently absorb this strata so we may see many more reactionary or neo-reactionary dissidents.
examples of this anons?


Thiel and co



 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since tank warfare is a hot topic right now I'll drop some good tank vids.

First vid is a long one covering American tanker school.
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Tanks are kind of obsolete anyway. But I guess I wouldn't be surprised if someone tries to automate them eventually.


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I disagree for the reasons I listed in >>4884

>To keep this on topic, do you guys think drone tanks will become en vouge this decade? Perhaps a hybrid solution with just a driver to drive the drone back if the coms are cut might work.
They've already tried both anon. For the latter The T-14 is basically an isolated crew capsule with an automated turret and so on, as is the KF-51 Panther.
The other option of a remote-control tank has been around since the Soviet Tele-tanks and German mine-laying/detonating tanks. In more recent regards, both Russia and the West have developed various designs (such as the Uran systems), but none are truly combat ready. The real problem is the inability to mount heavy enough weaponry.

>erhaps one of the gossip forums would have more details.

Definitely not most /k/s they love to wank this guy. Got any suggestion where to start?


I don't think there has ever been a one man tank with the rest of the crew being remote. Also, what do you mean by inability to mount heavy weaponry? Surely you could just have a cannon with an auto-loader.

Also kiwifarms is usually the best place to find embarassing facts about ecelebs.


I stay away from kiwi-farms because it's like /pol/ but with quadrupled autism. That being said, please link me that good shit

>I don't think there has ever been a one man tank with the rest of the crew being remote

It's been tried, hell recently Russia jury-rigged a T-55 with full remote control, so it drives, aims and fires while remote controlled.
>what do you mean by inability to mount heavy weaponry
There's a reason why the Uran series don't mount 125mm guns. You need very heavy calibers and heavy caliber weapons need a chassis that has a good amount of weight. The T-72's 45+ tons is already pushing the limit. It's gun is so powerful that firing the gun rocks the whole tank with recoil. Building an unmanned vehicle in that weight range is arguable in terms of viability and design, although I suppose the argument for it could be made. .


That T55 was fully automated though. What I propose is leave the driver in so that he can drive back if the signal to the remote control breaks.

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I genuinely struggle to imagine what automated warfare would be useful for outside of defensive purposes. The idea of trying to use a self functioning machine for practical warfare feels pointless. That’s not to say automated weapons don’t exist. After all, automatic rifles, auto cannons, self propelled artillery, guided missiles, and other forms of self-firing and self-guided weapons are used all the time in warfare—hell most countries’ governments have mechanized their militaries already. However, the idea of completely relying on machines to perform every primary task a soldier would normally do, and to leave soldiers to perform all the other work necessary in wars feels as unrealistic as it would be difficult to pull off.

There’s a few questions that would have to be asked about how something like automated warfare would work. Whose gathering and analyzing all the data, what types of machines are supposed to be fully automated for combat, whose going to be maintaining and repairing the machines once they finish fighting, is it even cost efficient or necessary to automate warfare in all settings, what types of machines are going to be responsible for the things infantry men do, what are the carry limits of a machine, and more. Obviously, as humanity’s currently most used weapons incorporate more already-existing machinery, soldiers of the future can come to expect that their weapons have some level of self functioning, but the idea that wars at some point will become fully automated sounds unrealistic; it even sounds utopian even.


Hello comrades I'm a transwoman who owns a Bersa in 380 (pic rel) that I purchased in more prosperous times. Is it suitable for home defense? I live in a pretty crap apartment and am concerned about over penetration and efficacy. I don't have much money for another option. Please advise.

TLDR trans femme comrade needs caliber advice
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1. A gun you have is better than one you don't.
2. A gun you are adept at using is better than one you just have.
yeah sure that's fine.
>concerned about over penetration and efficacy
looks like you got hollow points which reduces penetration and increases tissue damage. don't waste those on practice shooting though, just get some cheap boolets designated for target shooting.


It'll kill people for sure if that's what you're wondering. Cheap ammo and easy to carry as well.


define "suitable". will a .380 kill a man? yes. is it wise to shoot indoors? no, few guns are. hollowpoints are safer though
find a good range and practice. get some click rounds (not sure what the term is in English but blank rounds you can fire without damaging the firing pin) and practice loading, unloading, safing, unsafing and handling it in general


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Birdshot round are good for home defense. Hit an intruder anywhere near the face and you'll ruin their objective without killing them.
Home defense is different than having a body count, try to avoid that if possible.
A blank, a couple round of birdshot and then HP for the final rounds if things get serious. I like my shotgun because I've been able to dissuade one potential intruder with the sound of racking it, glad I haven't had to kill anyone.


The best form of home defence is owning a home that’s not in a place that needs defensive equipment.

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