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site got nuked edition
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very nice

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Seeing how there’s multiple /co/ related threads on the board. I think we should just put all of them into one general just for clarity’s sake.

Discuss anything related to comics and animations from comic recs, leftist animations to comic writers’ attempts to larp as leftists.

Seriously is there a worse anarchist in the UK than Alan Moore?
468 posts and 228 image replies omitted.

readcomicsonline dot li
or to download them getcomics org

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Allen Moore wrote that comics were once a artform for the people because they where readably available and cheap, now they're so expensive the only people who care are the ones who grew up with them and are now mad that they're no longer made for them. A artform for the working people would need to be affordable for them. Comics are not dead but the audience has become bourgeois while the young working people finds the new artform with more artistic freedom then the last.

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This screencap is fucking hilarious.

as a sandman enjoyer, gaiman of all people being a dick is a fucking shame

Didn't this guy get revealed to be an abuser or something?

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I would never forgive this overrated reactionary weak-chinned motherfucker for ruining fantasy forever via choosing the word "race" to describe difference between elves, orcs, dwarfs and hobbits, instead of "kind", "kindred", "ilk" or something other. Now all speculative fiction (no, really, not just fantasy) that deals with multiple sapient species co-existing in the same setting is connected with a real-world race theory/white supremacy, which is absolutely monstrous. You're a fucking linguist, Professor, you SHOULD have known better!
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>What about his WW2 letters though?
The private ones to his son where he preferred that Nazi Germany wins the war? Or the single public letter where he sent a tongue-in-cheek answer to the Stürmer?

OP here. Nah, CS Lewis is even worse. At least Tolkien, even at his worst, does not non-stop shill for Christian God in an embarassingly blantant manner.

>The private ones to his son where he preferred that Nazi Germany wins the war?
Which ones?

Lesser evilism

Is he, or are you thinking of Lewis Carroll?

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RIP you glorious maniac. May you forever chill in the big Bob's Big Boy in the sky

riparooni to a real one

When the Burgerreich actually collapses, the executives who kept denying his projects should be hunted down.


Ranking installments of everyone's favorite transphobic white angloid attempt at writing shonen with antisemitic undertones because my 50 y.o. mom is a Rickman/Snape fan and forces our entire family to rewatch all of the movies each holiday season.

Worst - Prisoner of Azkaban. Really unpopular opinion, but I feel this is the messiest out of the early books, with a generic "believe in yourself to deafeat a monster (dementor)" shonen message told with the help of the atrocious time travel subplot (JKR's worst mistake besides, y'know, becaming a far-right grifter) and untolerable for me at least amount of quidditch padding.

5th place - Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows (ranked as one book because HBP is just a set-up for DH's story, it would have pretty much zero literary value as a standalone book) A dissapointing end to the series. Voldermort fully turns into a cartoon villain and stops being a credible threeat to any minimally adult reader (despite showing signs of being capable of more in GoF and OoF). Also I hate how Voldemort invokes Hitler symbolism despite, if anything, having more in common with Grand Wizard (pun intended) of the Klan. The story becames irredeemably reactionary, with Voldemort being defeated by the mystical "power of love", Dumbledore being venerated as a saint by the narrative (despite there being a fucking perfect set-up to make him a "second main villain"), Hermione accepting the naturality of the House Elves' slavery and Harry becaming a wizarding cop treated as a happy ending.

4th place - Philosopher's Stone. I know it was intended as purely children's book originally, but it still looks intolerably cartoony and cheesy compared to the later parts.
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I think goblet of fire really solidifies how shitty Harry is as a protagonist. At no point is he ever on the initiative. Everything happens either around him or to him and all the actual legwork falls on the supporting cast to drag his dumb ass across the proverbial finish line.

Harry is a vessel for the ensemble cast. I hated the more plot-ish moments for this reason, tbh.

The series started going to shit after the Goblet of Fire, because Voldemort stopped being a cartoon villain that essentially ended every book saying "FOILED AGAIN! BLAST THAT HARRY POTTER AND HIS MEDDLING FRIENDS! I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME HARRY! NEXT TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!" because he got resurrected and became a clumsy Hitler allegory instead. After that point, it felt like the books forgot that they're whimsical fairy tales about a magical school and started trying to be serious, which put Rowling a bit out of her element. What's more, she basically set herself up for failure because she essentially began to make the books more and more into a sort of faux political allegory, which meant that she doomed the books to have a shitty ending because her own politics wouldn't allow for anything that would approach a good ending.

The best moment in the entire franchise was when in Fantastic Beats 2 Grindelwald revealed that another World War was imminent and that it was the Wizard's responsibility to reveal the secret to prevent it. In this moment Grindelwald actually became for a brief moment a somewhat cool and serious villain, an not basically just gay Voldemort 2. Two bad they never seriously followed up on that motif and went with some shitty convoluted electoralist story instead, again.

The true synthesis between

-wizards stay in hiding and fight the supremacists


-wizards reveal their existence and oppress the humans

would have obviously been:

-Wizards reveal their existence and use their powers for the good of society abolishing the present state of things to live with humans in harmony or whatever.

But no the noble lie needs to persist because le system works liberalism something.

>antisemitic undertones
When the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about money is grubby goblin bankiers with gigantic hook noses, then thats not an undertone lmao


How do you feel about it (and its creator)?
also please spam Charlie pics
298 posts and 117 image replies omitted.

you better follow up on it, even if you get to 100 in 2069


>they are right
>right about the same inaccurate copy and paste opinion
twitter users spotted

zrqqq_torpedo on xiauhongshu

Don't watch this show but I kinda want to fuck the little red dude that gets picked on. I saw a bunch of art where he had a fat ass and it got me torqued

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Previous thread: >>36889
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Being hot won't stop making it an obvious cosplay. It's not even an out there look anyway.

Kapital's founder died and got bought out by a firm from LVMH, lol. I hope their quality doesn't go to shit.

Wearing a tracksuit and a newsboy hat?

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Been wearing that jacket (technically just uniform top) for a couple of months


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> In the immediate post-war years, French existentialists, New Left academics, and bohemians started wearing the style to show solidarity with blue-collar workers.
That's funny.


Since Star Wars got a thread why can’t this? Discuss anything you like of the universe. lore, art, diy modeling or even Marxist critique of the setting and gw parasitic relationship with it.

To start of the part 5 of Astartes fan film and the promise for more.
235 posts and 58 image replies omitted.

>Why waste the time and resources for the extra step required
Something the imperium famously never does! You might as well argue against the gold armor or get offended by female members of the imperial guard.

My point is that a highly patriarchal empire isn't going to go for females because they won't see the point of it and again the point stands, the lore on it is that they are the SONS of traitors and are called MEN by the Emperor so the claim that there were always women in their ranks or the claim that the lore does not contradict there being women in the Custodes ranks is untrue and IS a retcon. The company CAN retcon it, but they cannot legitimately claim that it "isn't actually a retcon" as they and their defenders have attempted to. Furthermore, it's a tabletop game, literally nothing is stopping people from playing it how they like, including making a female Custodes and ignoring the lore (as people have been doing for Space-Marines and others for years anyway, it's been done before. The company knows this so the only reason they're making this a public retcon announcement is for liberal clout and Edrama, successfully so.

>The lore literally says there are no female Custodes and explains WHY, so retroactively changing this is retarded tokenistic pandering
>The lore literally says there are no female Custodes and explains WHY, so retroactively changing this is retarded tokenistic pandering
I think people want female space marines because they're noobs so accusing them of tokenistic pandering is just jumping to conclusions but you're otherwise correct. I also used to think it would be cool to see female space marines (I like Samus Aran) but now I know the lore and the fact that Sisters of Battle exist.
>in doing so, you lose the entire Roman-fascist satire that The Imperium is about as >>41704 mentions
I thought it meant to be an ironic twist on the progressive Enlightenment values that shows how they themselves can become conservative. Stirner pointed out the hypocrisy of liberal humanism and pious atheism a long time ago, 40k is just a more blatant attempt at that. So I think the Imperium is meant to be a kind of progressive fascism, the kind of fascism Marinetti originally envisioned, and 40k shows how much it would still suck ass.

So yeah, I think the Imperium is meant to be progressive. But progressive in a regressive way, the kind of progressivism we mock nowadays. Not the same as idpol tho, more like Enlightenment values driven to their logical conclusion of human supremacy and a religious devotion to the state and the God of Atheism (personified in-universe as the God-Emperor as a form of twisted irony).

ones of the problems with making fun off rightoids is you can say the dumbest shit you can possibly think of and they'll unironically be like "literally me bro". I could deadass make a joke abt rightoids not showering but they alr go on rants about the fucking showerjew.

>I also used to think it would be cool to see female space marines (I like Samus Aran) but now I know the lore and the fact that Sisters of Battle exist.
On the other hand, trans space marines can still be a thing. Like, space marines were already turned into these giant throbbling pieces of meat so they already had surgery on their bodies technically, it only makes sense to go even further and just transition.

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Kie estas mia genigruloj? Ĉu iuj parolas la sennacian lingvon ĉi tie?
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Mi nenion scias pri Indianao. Mi rigardis la mapon kaj ĝi ja ŝajnas tre ebena kaj senarbara. Ĉu vi ŝatas loĝi tie?

Verdire mi neniam pensis pri la Karpatoj tiel, sed laŭ VIkipedio niaj nordaj montaroj apartenas al ili, do mi devas diri ke ili estas proksimumaj. Kiam mi estis infano, mia familio feriis en la Mátra montaro ĉiujare kaj mi ĉiam ĝuis tion. Mi amas arbarojn kaj montojn. Bedaŭrinde en Hungarujo la montaroj ne estas tre altaj kaj la arbaroj ne estas tre sanaj, ili plejparte estas kultivejoj.

Oni kutime iras al Slovakion, Rumanion, eble eĉ Aŭstrion aŭ Italujon por plej altaj montoj sed kiam mi estis infano mia familio ne havis tian monon. Unufoje mi vizitis la Tatroj en Slovakio kaj ankaŭ la Malaltaj Tatroj, ambaŭ kun amikoj sed ĉiujare pli malfacilas ferii kun ili pro manko de tempo kaj tiaĵoj. Tiuj montaroj ne estas tiaj proksimumaj ke mi kuraĝus iri sole.

Mi ŝatas loĝi en Indianao. La klimato estas milda, kaj la loka ekonomio estas bona. Kaj la ŝtato havas bonajn lokojn por ekterdomaj agadoj, surprize.

Mi ankaŭ amas montojn kaj abarojn. Mi nenion scias pri la Matra kaj Tatroj montaroj. Sed ili aspektas bela kiam mi regardis bildojn de ilin. Ĉu vi ankoraŭ ferias en la Matraoj? Ĉu vi ŝatas loĝi en Hungarujo?

Unufoje, mi vizitis la Alpoj. Mi feriis en Germanujo en la jaro 2017. Dum tiu vojaĝo, mi vizitis Kastelo Neuschwanstein. La kasteloj (estas du kasteloj en la loko) kaj la montojn estas tre bela. Mi ankaŭ flugis super la alpoj dum tiu vojaĝo. Mi nur vojaĝis ekster la Usono unu fojo.

Ĉu bona ekonomio signifas ke facilas trovi laboron? Ĉu vi laboras? Ĉu la bonaj lokoj estas la montetoj?

Mi ferias kun amikoj kaj kutime aliaj decidas kien iri kaj mi nur akordas. Verdire mi neniam proponis iri al la montaron Matra (aŭ ien ajn), eble ili konsentus. Lastatempe ni iris al la montaron Bakony, kaj ili diris al mi ke ni promenos sed kiam ni provis promeni, kelkaj da miaj amikoj laciĝis tre frue kaj ni devis rezigni la promenadon.

Mi ne ŝatas loĝi tie ĉi, sed mi ne kredas ke mi ŝatus loĝi ie ajn.

Ĉu ĝenas vin ke vi ne estis ekster Usono pli foje? Ĝi estas tiel granda kaj varia, ĉu oni vere bezonas viziti aliajn landojn?

Mi ne sukcesas afiŝi tien.

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Elf edition.

Since a bunch of the old threads were basically nuked with the server transfer, I wanted to revive some of them.

General discussion of the fantasy genre.
21 posts and 6 image replies omitted.

>Wouldn't that just be the tallest ones or do you mean proportional to their bodies?
The latter.
The thicker the shelf, the hotter the elf.

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What are the best aesthetic inspirations for fantasy cultures? (Especially non humans)

Elves love gazebos, collonades and arches.

I remember reading about a society following the elf archetype that lived in a grand city made entirely from light tent fabric, like a more dignified version of dwarffortresses hippie elves. The first pic has a somewhat similar vibe.

I finally understand now

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