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post meme templates and objects with transparent backgrounds, etc. for our OC makers to use.
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За Победу!

Post photographs, videos, documents, maps, medals and stories relating to the Great Patriotic War.
Post about WW-II history you know or want to know about. Primarily Soviet focused but includes others too.

If you have a soviet veteran in your family history, feel free to create an account and register their name, photo and any other information at http://moypolk.ru
No shitposting
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What they saying?


Part of it was translated here >>21443
I'll translate the rest later in the >>>/edu/ translation thread.

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Was she a Stalinist? She sure as hell never did anything wrong.
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Trickster, what the fuck was he thinking?


He was arrogant and overestimated his own capabilities, and when his failures began to catch up with him and his deteriorating mental state, he became a follower rather than a leader.


Trickster wasn't hateable for me, annoying and stupid sure, but he has nothing on the utter vileness of the Slaughterhouse Nine. The fate of Mouse Defender is something that genuinely made my stomach turn, and I've seen a lot of vile shit in my life online and IRL.


Trickster was a charismatic antagonist, far more so than Jack Slash.


To me the S9 didn't really piss me off in-character but they more annoyed me because I don't like 'uber powered serial killer' as a trope and it felt lazy and cheap, especially their dumb trials and tests and stuff, like come on who seriously acts like that. I can't even think of one instance where serial killers worked as a team in real life.

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Post general thoughts, comments and marxist or any analysis on the show.

Ep 1 and 2 is out, Ep 3 comes out today.

Never seen GoT and enjoying the show so far, decent political intrigue so far.
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good episode but the uncensored cock sucking was distracting. made me think of the 80s movie caligula which was as much a hardcore porn as it was a swords and sandals epic


It's funny they went out of their way to make sure Alicent knows she fucked up. The show is really going hard for team black and putting all the bad stuff on Daemon.

The prop department was probably a little too proud of the fake dick (and lingering on it made it more noticeable).


I thought it was pretty fake looking. But it was impressive that they filmed it so "directly", it's not something you usually expect. Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.


> Also get over yourself, we've been seeing tits and pussy in film and tv for a long time now, it's about time cocks became a norm.
I also find that distracting to be fair. I'm equal opportunity with it.


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GoT had plenty of cocks but as pointed out by South Park they were never erect, let alone showing penetration. There are actual censorship laws in some places that classify an actual erect penis as pornography, which is a big reason why they don't do it. HBO has been showing hog in their programs for a while (often gratuitously), but they don't really get this explicit. AFAIK it's a first for the network (certainly for the franchise) to show something like that. If it was just a background thing I doubt most people would have noticed, but they put it front and center because that's how HBO does it.

Probably the most ridiculous example was from their limited series The Night Of where they had a scene of investigators discussing the plot next to a cadaver and they did multiple insert shots of a photo right next to the cadaver's penis (picrel).

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so i finished watching the entire series and something made me feel uneasy. starting with episode 6 and going into episode 7 the show takes a very political turn. a turn against capitalism and an actual, intended or not, positive portray of communism. almost directly actually. at least, it takes the blame completely away from communism, portray some of the communist in the show as actually good people fighting against the evils of capitalism. at least those to be heavily hinted at as being communist. which made me very delighted but then it dawned to me, this is a amazon prime production based off a video game from bethesda who is now owned by microsoft. three massive, very capitalist, corporations that have shown time again to be very for profit.

but even if we remove the debate whether or not communist being portrayed as good did happen in the show, the show itself was extremely critical of capitalism and that makes me wonder why these billion dollar corporations that are the epitome of why capitalism is bad, be telling its viewers, the very nature of amazon, bethesda, and microsft, everything they stand for, the people who made the show and games, are bad? why would they want their consumers to hate the very thing that allows these elites, these companies, to exist in the first place?

is it some sort of chess move i don't understand? have we reached a state where capitalism could very well nuke the planet and people won't care so these companies don't care if criticism about them is made? or more wishful thinking, they think this will spare them from the revolution? i don't understand their move here. i don't expect capitalist companies to allow people to hate them.
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>That belongs more in the Chernobyl thread TBH >>9068
But it's about fallout lore and the fact that becoming a ghoul has some real world basis in biology and if it was real would probably affect or be affected by skin color which might have some complicated implications.
>Also did you take that from >>>/edu/21949 ?
I thought of separately from that.


In the future humanity will be glowuyghurs or will not be.


that would be cool
gives me eraserhead type vibes
you could also play up the racism to show how irrational the pre-war society and culture was
but its a sanitized amazon show, i doubt they would try to make people feel weird watching something like that


holy ADHD zoomer


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>Repressive desublimation is a term, first coined by Frankfurt School philosopher and sociologist Herbert Marcuse in his 1964 work One-Dimensional Man, that refers to the way in which, in advanced industrial society, "the progress of technological rationality is liquidating the oppositional and transcending elements in the "higher culture." In other words, where art was previously a way to represent "that which is" from "that which is not," capitalist society causes the "flattening out" of art into a commodity incorporated into society itself

fancy egghead talk for "they took our politics and turned it into a shiny toy they can sell us"

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A general for "western" animations/cartoons.
Gonna start off with a recommendation to watch The King and the Mockingbird the 1980 version especially, absolutely comrade-pilled movie.

Good torrent sites (massive pop-up warning, put on an adblocker):
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Good film!

Why do all the animals have big asses?


Scavenger's Reign was great. It's exactly the sort of exploration of a harsh and dangerous alien world which I love, and which is severely underrepresented in visual mediums. Books like this are really common in the sci-fi genre but when it comes to TV or film that fit this kind of genre, all I can really think of is Made in Abyss and this. I think it is something that can only really be done in comics and cartoons, since with live action you'd have to rely so much on CGI and you wouldn't be able to do it stylistically so it'd end up a mess. Live action alien exploration stories always downplay the aliens.

I liked it a lot. Overall its a really good film. I didn't really like the character designs but the rest of the art was great, especially for a Western Animated film of which I am not really into the cinematographic tropes of. A lot of thought was put into the detail. Action scenes were kinnetic and exciting, even though as I said I don't really like the tropes of Western fight scenes. It kind of had a wierd ending which didn't sit well with me though, its kind of like a reverse GitS. But, I don't understand why in all robot films where their minds are directly copied from humans, they are still discriminated. Surely if you are going to have a robot backup activated once you die you'd want them to have the same rights you did. Every single person would have the motivation to give robots equal rights because they are all going to die and become robots anyway one day. I will say the story is not exactly the most original ever, but its good enough.

I legitimately hate Invincible. It's such rubbish. There's no consistent world building, and no themes other than exciting alien superhero vs CIA and good guys!!! I hate superheroes. I also hate smiling friends and South Park so much. How can anyone enjoy that rubbish. I feel sick just trying to watch either of them.


>Both, some anime like one piece is extremely mainstream and some other anime like “my little sister can’t be this cute” or whatever it’s called appeals to another kind of audience.
Almost like blanket statements about a whole medium are fucking retarded.


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It pains me that Regular Show was cut short. Pains me even more when I remember what happened to JG's second show. It's extremely disheartening that the crew never shared all that openly announced cut content. At least with Regular Show you had to poke around to know they had more plans for Season 8 but it got cut. Quintel came out and talked about Close Enough's episodes getting cut down with half of almost each one in S1 gone. Plus if you pay attention you can see bizarre inconsistencies in those episodes that imply the cut content had been fully animated and removed at the last second without the chance to revise scenes.

After Close Enough I just gave up on new shows entirely. I'm tired of trying. It's hard enough as it is to find something to enjoy, Close Enough was even a little disappointing since it obviously leaned more into Californian writing, but I still stuck with it because I did ultimately enjoy the characters and I wasn't going to drop a JG show. But even when I do find something to enjoy there's always something that fucks it up for me, usually in production.


They can't, already sold it to some other distributor, so unless they somehow try and get out of that contract , they don't have a say
also sad that WB, the studio that created and is the homes of the looney tunes, sold off a classic 2d LT film because they have no faith

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No thread for the European Cup yet? First match tomorrow, Germany vs Scotland. Already met a bunch of drunk Scots on the train.
>hurr durr professional sports is capitalism
>hurr durr this is like the olympics 1936
>hurr durr cheering for national teams of capitalist states is fascism
>hurr durr it's called soccer
Let people have fun for once, this is called /hobby/. Political discussions are okay, shitting on some countries is okay, shitting on retards on and off the field is okay, but please none of the dumb stuff above.

Who do you think is gonna win? My bet is on Spain, but that's just a gut feeling. I hope none of the most boring teams amongst the faves, France and Portugal, wins. England has a decent shot this time with Bellingham. Austria could be the underdog that surprises.
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What do these bums even do?


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They actually did it


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Thoughts on sports betting? been making some profit this euro's


it's risky and very addicting but if you're doing well, more power to you.


Be careful kid… The house always wins!…

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Thread for talking about webcomics. Share your favs, discuss latest updates.

I recently discovered "basket of guts"
A story about a lich that comes out of his crypt for world domination and find the world evolved and then quickly end on the run from a "modern" state security services.
Really liking it so far. Good mix of genres, starting from a standard fantasy world and instead of freezing it in time add societal and technomagical development. Also I find it pretty funny. Not everything translated yet sadly.

its on leftypol that I discovered Out Of Placers (apparently created by a furry artist, which explain the horniness)
Pretty interesting world building.

Finished since quite a while but at the time followed schlock mercenary. Goofy SF about a mercenary company.

On a more smutty side, I like alfie by incase.

For the non storyline webcomics, existential comics, oglaf and SMBC are my favs.



damn, started reading, that kid is really an insufferable, entitled little cunt. Well played to the author, now I have to keep reading in the hope of seeing the brat get some retribution.


I guess it doesn't bother me as much since I like brats.

Seriously though it gets better as it goes on IMO.


Been meaning to get back into https://www.sabrina-online.com/archive.html lately.

Also https://halo-head.com/ is fun, very colorful and solid characters.


This isn't about the vilification of real-life revolutionaries or even characters that were from the start had any sort political context, but characters who were always meant as simple villains. For me the most obvious case is with the Decepticons and their leader Megatron. they were a toy series turned into an animated show where they were just evil for the sake of evil. It was good robots who would turn into fire trucks, ambulances, and taxis versus evil robots who turned into fighter jets and tanks. Sometime around the late 2000s, there was both a fandom and source material change to the origins of this faction, where they changed their origin to be moderately political, making Optimus and Megatron former friends and casting Megatron as someone born in the lower classes who became a revolutionary but went "too far" and caused a 4-million-year-long war which destroyed his planet
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and this is superman written by someone who is a violent psycho


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>Stardust slander


>first comic page
insert jojo part 2 reference here

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Talk space socialism to me. Was recently rewatching a few series with my fiance, both old and new Trek, and we both feel like Deep Space 9 is our favorite series (closely followed by TNG).

Everything else in order from best-to-worst would be:
Deep Space 9
The Next Generation
Voyage Home
Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country
Picard Season 3
Lower Decks
Motion Picture
Strange New Worlds
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It has aged pretty well. The low production values make it more like a stage play in some aspects which gives it kind of a timeless quality. Not every episode is great, with the pulpy ones being really hit or miss (like the space roman episode). But when it's good it's really good.


Twilight Zone


One of the big strengths is being mostly episodic since it allowed the show to experiment with a lot of different ideas. Serialization has its strengths too, but TV has really moved too much in that direction that it's hard to get stuff like Star Trek or The Twilight Zone that has the opportunity to try a bunch of different ideas and be hit or miss. If you're going to try something more daring and unconventional, you're going to fail some of the time and that's fine. People don't remember these shows for the duds. They remember them for the bangers.


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Bell Riots are due in 2024 and Unification of Ireland at some point in the next few years, going by Trek. Anyone remember any other Star Trek Predictions for the 21st century?

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