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56 posts and 15 image replies omitted.

Yeah, they're saying the minerals deal is no longer enough for restarting aid and intel. Maybe the US is bailing for good, though, because there are reports that it has completely dismantled transport hubs in Poland that were used to deliver aid into Ukraine.

it's the same concept, just applied to external viewers instead of one of the involved military force. Valid usage imo


Why didn't anyone check the pipe? are they stupid?

oh no no no nazi /k/isters what is our response???????



<vidrel: The SDF released footage of an incapacitated TFSA fighter getting run over by a Turkish-provided M113 APC in the recent fighting southeast of Manbij.
Recent news:
First statement by Bashar al-Assad ever since his ouster. Israel takes more land, this time south of the Golan. More sectarian incidents. US-mediated temporary truce between the SDF and Turkey + SNA, with an impending offensive on Ayn Isa, Sirrin and Kobani.

t.me/Medmannews - Well known channel (Egyptian owner). Posts frequently about MENA
t.me/Slavyangrad - Also posting a lot of news about Syria recently
t.me/Middle_East_Spectator - Iranian owner
t.me/Suriyak_maps - Posts maps/latest news. Less prone to hype/hysteria but slower.
t.me/rybar - Russian channel. Posts a lot about Syria too
https://nitter.poast.org/SAMSyria0 - Local Syrian army soldier. Used to post in Arabic. (Account deleted. RIP)
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sunni salafoids love massacring religious minorities in general and that includes christians, druzes, alawites, yazidis and shiites

the pro government revolt is already over daawg Assad is actually straight up eating rocks

The trauma inflicted by this event upon the new regime and the people it governs may be far greater than the best expectations of its initiators.

>secular democratic (with middle east characteristics) government
That's Rojava
>tear the multinational country apart
Already done by Assad
Islamists in Syria isn't the SDF/PKK's fault. It's the endpoint of Assadist Syrian failed-state policies.

In Damascus the residents have protested against the ethnic cleaning campaign of the Alawite minority in Syria at the Syrian coast.

Syrian Government forces have opened fire on the demonstrators to disperse them.



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A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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This is definitely the BEST time to embed in the UKR armed forces.

the glowing will stop?

3 months after "helping" Trump get elected, the ACP is tearing itself apart internally and externally. This is a shame, because even though I think maga-communism is retarded. A Socially conservative communist group isn't necessarily a bad thing. Especially if they could be brought into a unified front with a much smaller influence. They could be the righist controlled opposition any future American socialist system would want.

>he's probably just making a shitty joke
>yeah but he said…

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is this mma bro dugin?



genuine question. whats wrong with reformism and social democracy? objectively, all marxist experiments have failed, and china is only successful because it became capitalist. these old revolutionary methods dont work. but what does work is state intervention in the economy which doesnt simultaneously erode civil liberties. marxists might think of social democracy as a means to an end, but why not an end in-itself? the rational principle of a balanced economy with representative democracy seems most acceptable with the general public, and with the demands of history. so, what exactly is wrong with social democracy?
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>marx theorised that the collapse of capitalism was immanent.
Perhaps you meant to write "imminent"? In which case; no he never did.
If you actually meant to write "immanent" you wouldn't be so wrong. Although there are no inherent reasons which would bring a system to its death except for the will of a certain class,
earlier Marx would have still claimed there were (by relying on what people nowadays call Historical Materialism). In this case he would've been flat out wrong.

>what other "theories" are you suggesting?

The tendency of the rate of profit to fall, the reserve army of labour, Capital's overproduction crises etc.
All of his theories about the mode of production of Capital itself.

so when do these various crises destroy capitalism? and what does transitioning from these crises look like?
if your answer is "i dont know", then your "scientific socialism" is functionally useless as a tool of analysis, i hope you understand.

>do not solve imperialism, unequal development and international exploitation
>cannot overcome capitalism, simply limit some of its ill effects temporarily, but stay slave to its inner logic
>accept liberal bourgeois democracy, and will always stay shackled by it, and thus eventually defeated
>on a constant decline since there is no pressure from real communists

it doesn't. its right there in the post
>there are no inherent reasons which would bring a system to its death
crisis happen every 4-7 years and offer an opportunity, if capitalism was going to automatically fail there would be no point in organizing you could just sit and wait

Because the state interventions don't resolve the contradictions inherent to Capitalism. Capitalism cannot solve itself. This is metaphysical brainrot. Social democrats are not socialists, in that they seek to preserve capitalism by any means necessary. They're so loyal to fascism, they rolled over and let Hitler take power, unopposed and were more dogmatic in fighting communists than the fascists. This proves their allegiance. This doesn't mean every social democratic reform should be rejected, but as a vehicle out of capitalism they are counter-revolutionary.


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just for womans day, they did it las year too

Me every time I see her

I see thank you

I love Teto!


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/leftypol/ has been nuked Edition (Remade the thread because of it)
I draw on occasion, mainly my OC Zhenya (aspiring femboy with black hair, when he transforms it's pink) and sometimes Dina (his tomboy classmate and first real friend in this bitch of a conservative school)
This is an art trade thread, so exchange doodles or full-blown drawings, or just share what you've drawn, even though this is more of a personal art dump :>
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Been a while, sorry

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Zhenya Birthday :D

Happy birthday!!

omg happy b day uwu



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Some highlights:
>long history of violence from which the PKK emerged
>emphasis on hundreds of years of alliance between Kurds and Turks
>need for democratic solution, faith that now it is the time
>respect to Bahceli and Erdogan’s calls to move on with a resolution
>PKK (all armed groups) to leave weapons to engage in a democratic resolution process
it's so over
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What's sad is they aren't even ethno-nationalist either.
They are at most a collection of American paid mercanaries with some pseudo leftist branding.
Anyhow, no one really cares about them, they get shilled on here because glowies want to raise some support for their bottom bitch in Syria.

>I'm not owned, I'm not owned.

the mercenaries in syria are various islamists, the kurds were already there. PKK is not synonymous with rojava/YPG, even if the limit is quite porous.
I have a lot of criticism for them (chiefly collaborating with the US in the operation to bring the downfall of syria), but lets not fall into retarded oversimplifications either, and they definitely seem to believe in their ideology, and they dont act like ethno nationalists (not that they can really afford to). Collaborating with the US does not mean being nothing more than their appendix. US collaborated with talibans against communists, and they then fought each other.

>muh mods persecution
grow up newfriend

< Thinking that the mods care about some no-name self centered protagonist
Lol, lmao even



My expectations were low and I’m still disappointed. People are genuinely hyped over this garbage just because the sound design is half as good as battlefield 4’s.

Gamers deserve all the slop they get.

> half as good as battlefield 4
I refuse to play anything that isn't a Battlefield 1 v2 anyway.
European front WW2 shooters have been done to death



Apparently, the UN is working alongside the Congolese army to prevent the m23 terrorist group from advancing into Goma—a city near the Congo-Rwandan border. Reports have found that UN soldiers have fired artillery directly at M23 positions.

Other African countries (mainly Nigeria and South Africa) have confirmed that some of their soldiers have been killed trying to contain M23.

Personally, I think it’s kind of relieving knowing that the UN for once developed a spine to do anything right. I also am deeply concerned about another continental-scale war erupting in Africa like what happened during the Congo crisis.

As for the Sudan war, it looks like it’s going to see the RSF obliterated
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this is the one ive continued to recommend

>no, its a pretty bad series of episodes they misunderstand and misrepresent some very important aspects of the conflicts
I'm just about to listen to the second episode. If you feel like it could you lay out what they misunderstand and misrepresent? I'm gonna read that pdf you linked and reread the post after listening to the episode.
>i love RWN

OP here (proof >>2126527)

Look man, all you need to know is that the Rwandans and the m23 group backed by them are villains and that the heroes (the Congolese) have a massive corruption problem limiting their ability to fight for justice.

I hate how comically simple that description is but it is shockingly accurate to the situation. Don’t stress yourself trying to learn everything happening.

>villains and that the heroes
you must have taken us for libs. Most people here (I hope) require more than that.

For some reason TikTokers covering the invasion are doing their best to affirm that Rwanda is 100% innocent, while their enablers at best or outright stand to gain from the invasion at worst ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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Based and tailpilled

The connection to the Marxist Library in mainland China seems to be experiencing issues at the moment.

Works from Italy. Are they blocking it? If so, why now?

I'm not sure. A month ago, the Chinese site of Greasy Fork had a similar issue.

I saw someone say it was 'blocked.' Hopefully, it's only temporary.


If it's blocked, then why only block it temporarily?
That aside, it is possible that they changed IP/their VPS provider has changed their IP, and it ended up in a blocked range.


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Average Latino right-wing "Nationalist" when they see a white German online say anything at all about them

Average indian hindutva india for hindus "Nationalist" when they see an Israeli saying anything at all about them

Average Iranian "retvurn" Zoroastrian monarchist when they see a European luxury product

Average serbian macho woman hater when they see Russian women

Average Siberian when they see grace

>Average Siberian when they see grace
me frfr

>Average Latino right-wing "Nationalist" when they see a white German online say anything at all about them

Wholesome gay scenario

It's funny how human love doesn't really care about race.
I'm half Asian, but my bf is American and I love him dearly. What a fucking retarded concept race is.

>It's funny how human love doesn't really care about race.

Really dunno about it, the tragic thing therefore is the case when one of the parties are hypothetically a sludge monster and the heart ask itself a question: will I still love that thing? ( what was the 'love' in the first place ? )

It seems to me, that love is not only aestetic beauty but an objectless being. But it is mostly mediated with the beauty part- ( like: you won't love a thing if you can't see or sense it, thus, your senses- aka nature is limiting ) A human wouldn't easyly have a mysterious urge to be in a cockroach's presence, but preferrably an another human-


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Has anyone else noticed the absolutely insane level of discourse around cycling. Any social media post involving a cyclist and the logic of 90% of the posters is GET OFF THE ROAD HOW DARE YOU IF YOU GET KNOCKED OVER ITS YOUR FAULT?

This is a Western thing and I'm sure it wasn't like this always. Part of it is the same reason that people blow up at vegans because they feel inherently judged by someone's lifestyle, but there's also something deeper happening here. In an individualistic and capitalist society we are being trained to break down any barriers between work and non work. Every second of the day is seen as OUR TIME, and if you're in a car and a guy on a bicycle happens to be in front of you, they must be winning at this insane game of every man for himself life that we've been trained to believe in.
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You can get a lycra outfit for like £20 lol

Oh really, do they regularly mow down pedestrians and kill them? Cyclists get murdered so much it isn't even news

There's a very specific kind of cyclist, who doesn't give a fuck about anyone. They overtake cars at traffic stops, are too fast to react much to pedestrians or
even other cyclists and often wear lycra. My mon once fell because one of these assholes almost rammed her bike.

So basically they act like a motorist?

Again, you're doing the thing where you single out a bad example minority within a lower social class and use that to justify discrimination and even violence against the entire class

Yes, and I will continue. Fuck cyclists


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What if instead of recognising Israel, Stalin creates Yiddish Soviet Socialist Republic on the territory of former Eastern Prussia and encourages Soviet and Polish Jews to move in there? Would we be living in a better world now?
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You guys seem to be forgetting that back in the 1920/30s there was in idea to create a Jewish state in Crimea.

It is not innate it is a result of religious ideology that proclaims "chosen" and by extenstion "non-chosen"

>replacing the opression of Arabs with opression of Germans and Poles
Psychotic Jewish revenge fantasy

That's so fucking stupid
Not only will that inflame racial tensions between Jews and Germans, why would Jews want an ethnostate in Germany? Or Crimea or Siberia for that matter? For the Jews, Israel isn't just a distant place in the Middle East, it's the origin of their culture and their folklore and tradition. It's the same reason why Serbs keep chimping out about Kosovo and why Indians and Pakistanis keep trying to nuke each other over the Kashmir valley

This is not true but after the holocaust here was no way an Israel in historic palestine was not coming into being.



Post in this thread every time you play a new game and rate it, I'll start, currently playing Dread Dawn, pretty jank and honestly not that good but I'm desperate for more zombie games to wait until PZ 42 comes out. 6/10.
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Picked up Project Zomboid last week on sale and holy shit I’m hooked. I could never get into other survival sandbox games like Day Z or STALKER Anomaly, but this one has the perfect blend of realism and fun to make it really addicting. It’s complex enough that it requires decent thought and careful planning, but simple enough to be intuitive. I also love the wide range of customization options in sandbox mode, it let’s you simulate different scenarios and creates a ton of replay value. This is going to be one of those games I constantly return to. 9/10

Check out the workshop if you havent already. There are so many good mods

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lol look at this stupid dog, its always got some bug in its mouth hahaha

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Finally playing Baldur's Gate. It's bretty gud
Bounced off of it a few times since buying it in the summer due to being intimidated by the tutorial/UX but got hooked pretty quick after finally committing to a play through
The game is hard (core rules), I'm bashing my head against the wall with much save scumming and aborted playthroughs but I've finally made it to the game's namesake.
Played on mute so I can't comment on music/VA but the writing is nice and I dig the artstyle. The quests are just O.K. but the overall story is interesting enough so far

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>That is why we shall strive to formulate our tasks in this new, higher stage of the struggle with the greatest, with treble caution. We shall formulate them as moderately as possible. We shall make as many concessions as possible within the limits, of course, of what the proletariat can concede and yet remain the ruling class. We shall collect the moderate surplus as quickly as possible and allow the greatest possible scope for the development, strengthening and revival of peasant farming. We shall lease the enterprises that are not absolutely essential for us to lessees, including private capitalists and foreign concessionaires. We need a bloc, or alliance, between the proletarian state and state capitalism against the petty-bourgeois element. We must achieve this alliance skilfully, following the rule: “Measure your cloth seven times before you cut.” We shall leave ourselves a smaller field of work, only what is absolutely necessary. We shall concentrate the enfeebled forces of the working class on something less, but we shall consolidate ourselves all the more and put ourselves to the test of practical experience not once or twice, but over and over again. Step by step, inch by inch—for at present the “troops” we have at our command cannot advance any other way on tbe difficult road we have to travel, in the stern conditions under which we are living, and amidst the dangers we have to face. Those who find this work “dull”, “uninteresting” and “unintelligible”, those who turn up their noses or become panic-stricken, or who become intoxicated with their own declamations about the absence of the “previous elation”, the “previous enthusiasm”, etc., had better be “relieved of their jobs” and given a back seat, so as to prevent them from causing harm; for they will not or cannot understand the specific features of the present stage, the present phase of the struggle.
Lenin (pic unrelated)
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Italy is a republic founded on labour and india is constitutionally socialist for thst matter

Nah, let the workers of China wake from their apathy and figure it out.

It's the narcissism of the lost cause.

>you could argue that they will eventually fail in their restriction on the political power of capital, and that the vertical and centralized structure and dependence on the central government of all civil society (unions, neighborhood administrations, city and county-level councils, etc.) has put them in an extremely vulnerable position in which the leadership becomes ossified and alienated from the base, and the base (the working class) becomes complacent and depoliticized - so they can be easily overtaken and/or destroyed by the bourgeoisie
All of that already happened. You are just coping.


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Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

🛠️ Strike Tracker ⚒️

🇺🇸 Deeds of the Burger Reich 🇺🇸

📺 Live News 📺
(sponsored by USAID)
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>Glowing Margaret Thatcher


this little tour bernie seems to be doing is so sad. you had your moment, dude.

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Why the UA buttplug?

Trumps going to stick it up his asshole. Make it easier for Putin to ease his dick up there later



We thought of making a new board to discuss and vent about your daily prole grind and how to fix that in a more permanent manner~
Organize your workplace, share job advice, rant about annoying bosses and colleagues and the latest tricks porky tried to pull on you all in
19 posts and 3 image replies omitted.


As I've written before: the board is in its worst position in its decade+ history, and the current moderation is only focused on bikeshedding, useless additions and boneheaded stunts.
Step down.


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Am I biased and have a strange perception of history, or did games really have a separate subculture and identity around it 15 years ago? Now it's been completely subsumed and merged into the major culture if that time was real. Sure, games were popular then but never to this degree. Same thing with anime. Sometimes I feel this sense of pride and superiority because it's like "I was here first, I've been doing this longer than some other people, so therefore I'm more actual than them when it comes to gaming" or something. Sometimes it's less about a superiority and more like having an in group, an identity, a people I belong to. Everybody wants that, right? I just chose gaming as my group I belong to, and I'm really attached to that. But the thing is if the group has everyone in it, then the concept of the identity disappears. It's hard to explain.

It makes me resentful that one Tumblr post that said that gamer should never have been an identity in the first place, like an outsider who identifies as one personally attacking me.

Everybody's against gamers. Not saying that self identified gamers are oppressed, but serious, we're like the laughing stock of the entire internet.

it feels the same with music related subcultures

Identifying as gamer is very silly at current age though. Back when it was a niche thing, sure, but now it is like calling yourself "reader", or "movie watcher".

Gaming was likely way more popular than anyone realized, but it was in a bunch of redundant copies of the same subculture with mild to minimal overlap that eventually merged as the internet came about, and then further merged as SEO fenced everyone in. We may see a false sense of decline of it as the internet re-decentralizes. Already kinda seeing that as the gaming community polarizes and cuts off allong political lines as centrism dies off.

it used to be like a kinda cool nerd hobby for most people, now it's a lifestyle and career option thanks to streaming and the mainstreaming of nerd shit.

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as the sterile bourgeois culture decays, entertainment that was considered infantile and low quality becomes the mainstream. what is happening with games now is what happened with cinema at the start of the 20th century, but at a much higher speed. I haven't found the words to describe it yet, but when you look at modern big-budget videogames you probably get the same feeling you get when you look at modern big-budget movies

your mistake and the source of your confusion was taking consumer identity too seriously, you got too invested in your funko pops, but they are just objects with price tags. your other mistake is assuming there is an innate emotional need for community (there is not): it used to be that society instilled in people a sense of community and a need for community, but for better or worse capitalism has been working relentlessly against that

<The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom - Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation.

<The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honored and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage laborers.

<The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.

so here is my advice, if you are bored get a better hobby, ideally one that isn't exclusively about buying products. if you are lonely, get friends, if the things you like are now mainstream it means now youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Been seeing lots of art of her recently on the Xitter. Post all you got
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billions must

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I got to say. I think I like most of these Mary Burns pics whether they're AI or not. I think I just like porn and nudes in general

I like how her tits are covered in some kind of liquid. It makes it hotter



man's world edition

Old thread: >>616845
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Anyone here tried groupsex?

its a psychopathic game of pretend. none of those couples actually love each other, they just date to look good and achieve higher social status

yeah i feel similarly. i don't find anyone attractive so i find i need to be emotionally attached to someone to even pursue anything, which is why i struggle with apps. Problem is i'm basically putting the cart before the horse. I guess I need to just find someone attractive and hook up before any sort of bond forms.

Anyone here tried sex?




The average man likes too many kinds of women, why can't I have my own niche and esoteric kind of woman I like instead of even the most unconventionally attractive girl online having 2 million suitors surrounding her at all times.

Picrel drives me up the wall btw and I think whoever made it should get the guillotine.
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I made it up

it is common knowledge

I can't be arsed to find the study, but yeah, average women have higher body counts than beautiful women. The potential explanation was that they feel like they have to put out sex to keep a man while the beautiful women felt secure enough to not do that.

Is that backed by any statistics? Or is it just that most women dont have particularly high bodycount, and also most are by definition average, so women with high bodycount just mathematically would be mostly average.

>so women with high bodycount just mathematically would be mostly average.
That is not mathematically definitive but rather resting on the assumption that women with high body counts are evenly spread across women of various attractiveness levels for average women then to have the greatest share of them, merely because most women are of average attractiveness. If the sexual behavior of women of average attractiveness and high attractiveness differs, then you can't make that assumption anymore. Not to mention that investigating that was the point of the study. The average number of sex partners of average looking women was higher than those of beautiful women. The average would have been the same if their sexual behavior was the same.

>Or is it just that most women dont have particularly high bodycount

The average body count reported by women and men lies around 7 to 8, but another study conducted showed that women usually underreport the actual number of sex partners they had and men overreported them, each by a factor of 2. This means that many women definitely are in the double digits.


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Is there ANY reason to attempt to convert liberals into radicals anymore?

The liberal says: save the existing elite institutions.

The radical says: burn the elite institutions to the ground.

As much as I despise Trump, I actually support him revoking federal funding to prestigious universities like Columbia and UCLA given that unis like Columbia and UCLA serve the AmeriKKKan imperialist war and genocide machine. I also support gutting USAID for the same reason: USAID is the "humanitarian" wing of the CIA and its primary purpose is to foment colour revolutions and keep the exploited nations (such as those in Africa) dependent on western hands to feed them. I also support ending aid to Ukraine but that's a no-brainer. However, liberals have largely reacted hysterically to these policies on the basis that elite universities, USAID, etc. are "progressive". Do I think Trump is anti-imperialist? Hell no. He's overtly imperialist and reminiscent of old school 19th century European imperialists. But liberals can't see how their own policies keep the imperialist machine running.

I know there are material reasons as to why liberals are liberals and not radicals. The easy answer is, they largely make up the "professional" class and benefit from the status quo. However, I'm certain there's much more to it than that and I'm curious to know your thoughts.
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The goal shouldnt even be to convert them, dont be naive

make them not care, passive. Thats enough.

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>Is there ANY reason to attempt to convert liberals into radicals anymore?
As if the majority of "radicals" were not liberals at some point. Many still are liberals.
>The liberal says: save the existing elite institutions.
>The radical says: burn the elite institutions to the ground.
Both are reactionary statements. This forms a non antagonistic contradiction that does not threaten the system because neither offers any alternative. They both revolve around the debate of "elite" institutions and not the system that begets the creation of such institutions or how those institutions function.
>I actually support him revoking federal funding to prestigious universities like Columbia and UCLA given that unis like Columbia and UCLA serve the AmeriKKKan imperialist war and genocide machine.
OP you are engaging in liberal thought. This whole discourse over USAID is steeped in so much liberal mindrot it just shows how many so called leftists just fall back on liberal arguments. USAID was (and still technically is) an arm of US imperialism. Just because that arm for now seems to be getting weaker does not mean US imperialism fades away or the CIA becomes a nonentity. We know that the current regime is shifting towards more hard power in securing American imperialism. One arm is left be weak while another is strengthened. Everyone is focused on one arm but not the body that is at its center or the many other arms that are being bolstered as well ie the capitalist system and how it connects to all facets of life. This is the crux of liberal critiques.
>should we ignore the "liberals"
We shouldn't think of people as static objects that cannot change or fit one single mold. The pure liberal does not exist, nor does a pure conservative. People, like all things are in constant flux. Liberal thought, petty bourgeois thought amoung the working class does exist, and can be combated and struggled against but only through class struggle. Without class analysis one can only fallback on liberal arguments.

Libs are closer to socialist/communist ideals than any reactionary. To think otherwise is cope or reactionary in it of itself. And with libs I mean a worker with lib beliefs. "Institution libs" are another thing, the ones keeping the status quo running.

People convert to socialism mostly due to material conditions. They just need a little push to go the right path. They don't "choose" to be "anti-imperialists", "revolutionaries", or "radicals". Liberalism and capitalist contradictions made them that way.


This. But leftists love to be contrarian faggots it makes them feel "punk".



Edição Trixie Lulamoon & Grace chan Edition

"O lugar mais web-revolucionário para competir com outros anons sobre quem consegue jogar mais merda no ventilador e vício de debate and seethe edition"

Edições Anteriores: >>2703 >>3731
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Então é estranho, que a esquerda defenda tanto "lumpen" marginais.

isso vem da bandidagem policial contra os perifericos que acaba criando um coitadismo a presos em geral ou coisas como cadeia sendo subhumana para todos.
pelo historico a esquerda nunca deve baixar a guarda para lumpen.

sou comunista mas defendo a ideia de ficar bem longe/ostracizar esse tipo de "gente"

Sabotar as movimentações proletárias e expandir seus mecanismos de poder afim de gerar mais capital. A mesma coisa que sempre fizeram.

É só olhar as dificuldades que a EZLN tem com os cartéis mexicanos.

As facções ainda operam dentro de uma lógica capitalista, devem ser limpadas na bala. ponto.

Mas eu discordo com a aproximação dos outros camaradas no tópico, existe lumpen e lumpen. os que vão ser do lado da revolução, e os que vão ser contra, assim como vai ter proletariado lutando a favor da burguesia.

De todo o tempo que eu estou estudando socialismo, abolicionismo penal é um dos assuntos mais interessantes, confesso que estudei muito pouco, mas sempre achei fascinante a luta contra esse aparelho de dominação, e como ele foi moldado pelo estado burguês.

Então acho muito estranho quando falam que "a esquerda defende bandido", pq obviamente isso não é a maioria das pessoas de esquerda, e tbm pq isso nem é o argumento 99% das vezes.

E claro que, ser abolicionista, não significa "abaixar a guarda pra lumpen", e sim uma crítica ao aparato de dominação burguês


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If you post here you are a woman. Sorry them are the rules. Except me im chad. Take that foids



Seeing the failures of Marxist Leninism I believe that the left communists have the best analysis of the situation from a Marxist perspective, that is of the implementation of State Capitalism, which Lenin admits to establishing in the USSR in The Tax in Kind however never progressing to socialism. This is why Russia today is capitalist as there is never a return to the old system, i.e capitalism going back to feudalism. All other subsequent Marxist Leninist states have followed this path.

Is there anything within Marxist Leninism to suggest this is false beyond just making excuses for whatever the party does? I see a lot of mental gymnastics with China defending the obvious fact that it is just state run capitalism.
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>capitalism built up within feudalism

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>when the "indepedent worker cooperatives" exploit another unfortunate lesser coperatives, and the "proletarian automanagement of the economy" recycle into capitalist exploitation again.

I really don't care what you have to say because you are a fucking MLtard lol

MLs think china today is communist, so they cant be helped

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Helped with what?


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Thread for erotic contend made with women's pleasure in mind. Primary 2D, but if you have some good 3D stuff dont be ashamed to post!
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>Thread for erotic contend made with women's pleasure in mind.
How come no one flamed this thread but everyone flamed my thread bout female mangakas?

To be fair, what is even a topic of your thread? Posting picture of women who draw hentai? Posting hentai drawn by women, regardless of contend, so effectively it is just hentai dump thread?


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do you think that Bernie Sanders is a legitimate communist or do you think that he is a shitLib or at least a socialist or do you even think there’s just a typical Democrat?
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He seems like a keynesian guy like FDR

Bernie is the fifth classic of ML. Not Mao.

This. As shameful as it is, the reddit Bernie movement in 2020 introduced me to 'socialism' and then socialism.

I am not a burger and Bernie Sanders is a capitalist (therefore anti-socialist). They are a social democrat, which is not socialist in any useful definition. They endorse private property.

MLibs and ziggers coping about the fact that leftistm/communism/anarchism is barely relevant on the US and the anglo sphere cause of this guy.

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Bernie is the second Stalin, nothing less.



Like not in the sense that its morally better for companies do away with dei programs then to have them but just in the sense that these policies existing did more to politically help the right then it ever did the left.
None of these programs ever trully addressed the systemic issues of racial inequality in America and they reaffirmed fascist rhetoric both about minorities giving preferential treatment over whites and the idea that capital itself was "woke" allowing them to larp as revolutionaries against the capitalist class on that basis.
lt just kinda seems clarifying in a way to have all the corporations either cowtowing or supporting the right and dropping the pretence that only served to confuse the issue.
Maybe l'm just looking for a silver lining in a bad situationg but l will be glad in a way if we move past this and the left no longer gets tied to corperate bullshit because it hires a black spokesperson and raises the rainbow flag one month out of the year.
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It's really a non issue, it's kind of a reverse racism but minorities won't really go against it because they benefit from it

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Yes it's good. Because we need to base things on merit and talent and experience and education. I know it's unfair that this doesn't benefit black and brown people as much as it does white and yellow people, but we need to fix that at the bottom, not the top. Get these kids equal opportunities. Don't wait until it's time to take some top job and then toss them in to see if they can swim. That's not how our enemies do things. We can't afford to try that experiment. Fix the system so that in a generation from now there are more opportunities for the minorities. But if the scores come out and not everyone is equal…. too bad. We still go by the scores. And often it's NOT white people with the highest scores, it's Asians. So as a white guy I don't care who's at the top, as long as it's the best person for the job. And no one is the best person for the job just because they've historically not been able to have it. That's nonsense.
Even if it does benefit the right more, it's better for the nation if people in power positions are there based on something more than skin color or identity. It doesn't make sense to have diversity quotas when the applicants may not even reflect that diversity. Are you going to keep jobs open until the right shade of skin applies? Are you going to lower the bar for qualification so the right shade of skin makes the cut?
Both of those options are objectively unacceptable.

DEI is pretty meaningless. It can mean any number of things so one has to be more specific when addressing whether something is good, bad or neutral.
>Diversity sensitivity training: bad at best maybe neutral but overall ineffective
>gender and race quota based affirmative action: bad
>blind affirmative action: neutral or good
>not being an asshole in general: good

IMO it's as simple as this
>In the 90s class war was abandoned entirely for various reasons but mainly the end of the cold war and social democracy reaching its zenith with won privileges
>Neoliberalism instigates hyper-individualism as a positive excuse for why people should abandon class war
>This works for while people think they're middle class enough to not require socdem economic policies any more, that broad support for idpol is coming from a position of privilege rather than equality
>It stops working now there is widespread anxiety over the shrinking middle and therefore idpol/DEI/Woke is no longer about performatively celebrating whatever identity or background the "poors" have, there's actually a real risk that citizens (including the children of immigrants born in the west) and immigrants will be on the same level as the poor people being brought in to do the "shit jobs"
>This gets blamed by the current bourgeoisie parties, obviously not on the abandonment of class war, but instead on people not embracing the apartheid nature of mass immigration, that this idpol intended to pacify the oppressed has backfired (with some petit-bourgeios of minority background also beliving this, but suggest it's good) so now it's the citizens being oppressed by minorities
>Throwing immigrants, sexual minorities and basically anyone disenfranchised under the bus now ensues

Class warfare should be back on the menu, but I think unfortunately it's going to be barbarism while people get the fuck over themselves either from thinking being middle class is their Thatcher/Reagan-given right for their loyalty during the old and new cold war or from thinking idpol will actually bring their identity group themselves to a position of individual privilege.

DEI is actually exististing meritocracy. Anti-DEI is reactionary DEI.



Why do so many guys think a beard looks good? It just makes you look like a hobo
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knife is easier than everything else, it just doesn't look as good. imo the actual problem is finding a goof knife, like, if you live in the third world you probably know someone in your neighborhood that makes artisanal knives. mass produced ones don't work (not enough weight)

too much work, nobody ever died from irritated skin

cut the tips, that's how you grow long hair

>too much work, nobody ever died from irritated skin
shaving stubble multiple days in a row WILL wreak havoc on your skin if you don't follow basic skincare protocol. i swear most moids get away with having bad shaving habits because they're only expected to look decent enough from a distance

You sure?

Bruh, this board is so dumb with the gender stereotypes
Straight guys shave like crazy.

You really think femboys, twinks, and trans women come here as a majority?
Bruh this board is gynophilic.
Also, I think beards are overrated for male beauty.

Having a sharp jawline and nice cheekbones is a man needs.

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I'm going to be honest with you, I have more important things to care about than my skin (videogames, for example)

Shaven face is female gaze, having a beard provided you don't have a soy face adds character.


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A thread to talk about the rapidly failing state known as Great Britain (twinned with Haiti)


<The published excerpts from Patrick Maguire and Gabriel Pogrund’s new book, Get In: The Inside Story of Labour Under Starmer, lay out the strategy of this rightwing faction. “Occasionally they even spoke of their leader as if he were a useful idiot,” they write. “Keir acts like an HR manager, not a leader,” his chief of staff, Morgan McSweeney, is quoted as saying. They saw Starmer as a convenient empty vessel, whom they could deceive a Corbynite Labour membership into voting for, then use their yes-man to permanently bury the left before replacing him with a true believer, the ultra-Blairite Wes Streeting. Alas, the Tories managed to implode and the man they see as a useful idiot sits in No 10, pretending to drive a train.
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Hope youall did a demo or education or March or smrh for int woman's day today!

Christmas for woke.

UK is finished isn’t it? Certainly feels like it.

Half the RMT leadership are Communists and not that young anymore and half the problem with the CPB is that they are all ancient.

Stood with the fired workers of Super Awesome Deluxe. Was fucking gas to speak to them one of them literally said to me "I hadn't even heard of a unite the union before this" actual fucking bread and butter workers' politics.

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