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Edição Alunya chega ao Brasilsilsil!!! (+natal/ano novo talvez)

O lugar mais web-revolucionário para discutir as idas e vindas de nossa amada pindorama que irá revoluciona em aproximadamente xxxxx

Edição anterior: >>1641
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"Eu sou contra matar bebês recém-nascidos no liquidificador"

"vOcÊ é EsQuErDiStA, mÊo?"

o problema é que hoje é meio impossível mesmo.
vejo que uma das questões modernas dos comunistas é lidar como a necessidades modernas de organização, inclusive métodos de auto bancar em geral.

Coloca um "palestinos" depois do "bebês" que a escumalha reacionária te pergunta isso não ironicamente

Financiamento na esquerda e principalmente no campo radical é uma coisa bem fodida. O PT ainda está numa situação melhor pq usa e abusa do orçamento da CUT, dos seus sindicatos, das assessorias de parlamentares e outros canais de recursos. No campo radical ter um sindicato já é coisa para se comemorar de pé. Por isso é mais comum no nosso campo o auto financiamento, já pedi a conta de quantas vezes ouvi no PCBR que devemos superar esse auto financiamento, mas falar é fácil, fazer é bem diferente; isso é tão sério que em "sobre as greves" de Lênin, ele diz que é importante os sindicalizados pagarem em dia a cota do sindicato, o auto financiamento era uma realidade no passado e hoje. Tina os assaltos mas via de regra deviam ser exceção, não tenho muito o que dizer pois não tenho os dados. Já fui secretário de finanças de uma célula.

Nesse momento eu estou em um comitê contra o aumento das passagens e outro de solidariedade da palestina. Provavelmente em ambos os comitês 60 ou 70% dos recursos captados foram de atas pedindo recursos nos sindicatos, 20% doações dos partidos do comitê, pessoas físicas ou parlamentares e o restante de vendas de alguns produtos desses comitês, normalmente camisas. Todos eles são em maior ou menor grau auto financiamento entre esquerdas, o que muda qualitativamente de um para o outro é a ordem de grandeza, uma coisa é a vanguarda financiar de seu bolso a luta, outra coisa são categorias inteiras de trabalhadores contribuindo um pouco no seu sindicato, não tanto como no passado pelo fim do imposto sindical.


This is the craziest most capitalist thing zi ever seen. All the guys making videos keep saying, dystopian, dystopian, dystopian.

La Rinconada: Human sacrifice and slave trade
>Known as the Lawless City of Peru. The highest mine in the world. A dangerous world where we find violence and crime of all kinds, from murdedrs and human sacrifice to slave trade. Life is worth nothing. Why would someone live in a place like this? The answer is simple: gold. Welcome to La Rinconada.

I also watched this whole vid on it. I think the first video I posted was a little more interesting because he came prepared and was staying with a local who showed him around and this guy came with 0 preparation, but maybe that makes it interesting in different ways in its own right. At the end he does end up getting the local cops to give him an impromptu tour lol. You can just go up to a police station and be:
>Hey I'm a travel vlogger
>Can you give me a guided tour so nobody kills me?

I stumbled on this the other day randomly. I started following that miner on instagram and he uploads interesting videos. you get a local perspective because he lives there permanently.
he also has some interesting stories like he saw goblins in the mine once.

I have two friends whom had worked there at some point of their lives
And I have the opportunit to work there (although they have disssincouraged it a lot)
And its shit
From some anecdotes from them:
>Once almost got killed for doing some cab for some miner (he had just being paid)
>Once got a granade put in the door of his hotel
>Witness s* explotaition (in other cities and in the rural countryside people will see adverts for "hosts / servers" that are just facades for the oldest profession. They are paid to be company and for something more (which ends up in girls being held captive)

Capitalism + reactionary traditions breeds monsters. And it is not just limited to the city high within the heavens, but other mines in the jungles and the coast

Are they not organized?
Yes they are, in some mines there have been enough support even among the population to expell venezuelans from their towns (in others the the decree passed but without effect)
And they have enough union force to extend the law of formalization for small and artisanall miners in congress. Of course with support from the right and the left, and criticism from anyone that knows about law, climate, etc.

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Tava pensando se eu devia imigrar para a russia, uma boa ou pessima ideia?
Estaba pensando si yo debería imigrar para a russia, seria una buena o mala idea?
Was thinking if I should immigrate to russia, is it a good or bad idea?

tipo, parece ser muito mais facil imigrar para a russia do que pra china
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>afirmar que foi só uma "liberalização da economia" forçar muito
Não acho que foi somente isso, apenas disse que, durante seu governo, Gorbatchov iniciou o processo de liberalização da economia.A partir disso, deu-se início ao sistema capitalista atual da Russia.

não deixe os ziggers desse site te enganarem. a russia é pior que o brasil na maioria dos aspectos

É verdade, mas pelo menos eles têm indústria.
Na realidade o Brasil só é muito foda. É o melhor país do sul global pra se viver depois da China. Apesar de todos os seus problemas, esse papo de ser "o país mais corrupto do planeta" ou ser completamentr miserável é só propaganda liberal pra tentar privatizar a porra toda e aumentar margem de lucro da burguesia financeira.

Talvez em 2012, não em 2025

>brasil melhor q a russia em literalmente qualquer aspecto
nunca foi nunca sera

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¿Qué les queda a los venezolanos? Son el verdadero lumpen de América Latina, seguida de la gusanera cubana y los reaccionarios argentinos.

¿Es posible que "algo" suceda el día de mañana?
22 posts and 4 image replies omitted.

Se cree inteligente.

>por que los comunistas no deberian defender un estado burgues contra otro estado burgues?
Retraso mental.

Venezuela además ni siquiera tiene estética, el retrasado de Maduro aún con todo no declara ni el socialismo ni el comunismo, la última vez que se habló de Marx fue cuando estaba Chávez (Y no, el oximoron del bolivarianismo no cuenta)

Cuba es el único estado comunista, los demás son burgueses porkys mal pintados de rojo

>Maduro aún con todo no declara ni el socialismo ni el comunismo
Y mejor que no lo haga, así no mancha aún más la reputación de los marxistas/comunistas. Ese socialismo le saldría mal como todo lo que hacen los venecos.

você jamais vai ser branco argentindio


>La Matanza (Spanish for 'The Massacre') refers to a communist-Indigenous rebellion that took place in El Salvador between 22 and 25 January 1932. After the revolt was suppressed, it was followed by large-scale government killings in western El Salvador, which resulted in the deaths of 10,000 to 40,000 people. Another 100 soldiers were killed during the suppression of the revolt.

>On 22 January 1932, members of the Communist Party of El Salvador (PCES) and Pipil peasants launched a rebellion against the Salvadoran military government due to widespread social unrest and the suppression of democratic political freedoms, especially after the cancellation of the results of the 1932 legislative election.

>During the rebellion, the communist and Indigenous rebels, led by Farabundo Martí and Feliciano Ama, respectively, captured several towns and cities across western El Salvador, killing an estimated 2,000 people and causing over US$100,000 in property damage. The Salvadoran government, led by General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, who had assumed power following the 1931 Salvadoran coup d'état, declared martial law, and ordered the suppression of the revolt.

>Most of the people who were killed during La Matanza, which has been described as an ethnocide, were Pipil peasants and non-combatants, causing the extermination of the majority of the Pipil-speaking population, which led to a near total loss of the spoken language in El Salvador. Many of the rebellion's leaders, including Martí and Ama, were executed by the military. The government's repression also forced several communist leaders to flee the country and go into exile.

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<Translated from the Spanish statement of the PCS.

>It was Sunday, March 30, 1930, on the shore of Lake Ilopango, 15 km from the city ​​of San Salvador that a group of 25 to 30 workers, shoemakers, tailors, carpenters with two teachers among them (according to Miguel Mármol, who was one of the founders), made the historic decision to found the Communist Party of El Salvador, inspired by the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 and the aspirations of the working class for a better world.

>That young party began a revolutionary struggle under the administration of the President Pío Romero Bosque, who had a liberal but also repressive vision. This was in the midst of the great world economic recession at that time, which had started in 1929 and hit the working class and the peasantry hard. This situation caused a serious famine among the impoverished people and especially the peasant masses. In addition to all of this there was the coup d'état of December 2, 1931 by General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, overthrowing President Arturo Araujo.

>In this economic and political context, the PCS worked intensively to organize the working class of the city and the countryside. In 1931 it organized for rebellion and participated in the mayoral elections in December of that year and January 1932. Those elections were a grotesque mockery of the working people and the mayors of the parties supporting the dictatorship were appointed.

>The PCS was involved in preparing the rebellion that began on January 22, 1932. 30,000 workers, peasants and indigenous people were killed in this rebellion that also saw the shootings of Farabundo Martí and the students Alfonso Luna and Mario Zapata on February 1, 1932.

>The Communist Party was decimated and forced to work underground. It resurfaced in 1944 with the fall of General Hernández Martínez and continued its heroic struggle until 1995, when it was dissolved by the Ninth Party congress. In view of changing circumstances and the historical necessity of its existence, the PCS was re-founded on March 27, 2005.



El thread con más copas del mundo™

Ahora que tenemos nuestro propio board, es hora de tener nuestro propio hilo también.

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El libertarianismo platense de Milei es la evolución lógica del peronismo, dale las gracias a los kirchos que dejaron vacío el lugar de la tercera posición

tengo una obsesión con recorrer los lugares más turbios posibles (aislados, toxicos, peligrosos, pobres) de la Republica Argentina: que trabajo\trayectoria laboral, me conviene seguir para esto?
Pienso que trabajo social, y de ahi meterme a algún ministerio regulador del trabajo, o quizas nada mas maestro de grade (Magisterio) e ir eligiendo escuelas en lugares extremadamente turbios, o rurales-aislados, etc…

mi abuelo hace zapping de las noticias y estamos de vuelta en la era todo es robo y asesinatos 24/7, que cosa hdp las noticias loco

Saludos desde Brasil!
¿Cómo está la Argentina, especialmente las universidades públicas?

estoy muy fanatizado\ideologizado, o soy un "garca" ,si considero que los cartoneros, trabajadores golondrina, TEP\informales\tercerizados\precarizados, son todos unos PELOTUDOS; por laburar? No soy anti-trabajo…el sindicalismo es una pelotudez enorme, abismal: se base en los trabaj*dores.un culto a la ESTUPIDEZ humana, en (((producir)))


Camaradas, há algum tempo venho pensando como é importante ter algum meio de poder compartilhar as notícias que importam a classe trabalhadora, e penso que um fio de notícias onde coletivamente compartilhamos notícias ou versões digitais de jornais de nossas organizações, caso você seja organizado, seria uma forma de ficarmos mais informados sobre as novidades da luta de classes.

Camaradas, desde hace algún tiempo he estado pensando en lo importante que es tener alguna forma de poder compartir las noticias que le importan a la clase trabajadora, y creo que un hilo de noticias donde compartamos colectivamente noticias o versiones digitales de periódicos de nuestras organizaciones, si estas organizado, sería una forma de estar más informados sobre los últimos acontecimientos de la lucha de clases.
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wtf how is this possible

There is no source other than "we think…", that's why it only says they want to allow for a 12 hour work day (from 8, or 9 if you work fewer hours some days) with nothing on whether or not the 48 hour work week limit without overtime would stay (if it stays, it just allows for work week schemes like 10 hour x 4 days and 12 hour x 4 days). We know that Milei doesn't like having any limits at all or even a minimum wage, though.
Overtime can add a maximum of 3 hours in a work day, 30 hours in a month and 200 in a year. If the conditions for allowing overtime legally are met, it still can't be used to turn the 8 hour x 5 day week into a 10 hour x 4 day week by paying overtime either.

I thought chattel slavery was abolished

Some other examples
>48 hours: 8 hours x 6 days allowed
10 hours x 4 days + 8 hours x 1 day (5) / 12 hours x 4 days not allowed
>40 hours: 8 hours x 5 days / 8 hours x 4 days + 4 hours x 2 days (6) allowed
10 hours x 4 days not allowed. 13:20 x 3 days wouldn't be with the supposed new law either, but it was never very popular anyway
>36 hours: 8 hours x 4 days + 4 hours x 1 day (5) / 6 hours x 6 days allowed
9 hours x 4 days / 12 hours x 3 days not allowed

There aren't any Argentinian polls on it but many people would actually ask for longer work days

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odio los pinches fariseos, los norteamericanos son una bola de esclavos capados. la verdadera izquierda tiene que reconocer este problema…….. ,,,,, mendigo regla de insuficente caracters en el post

Que lle queres aos pobres cabróns, viven propagandizados pola CIA 24/7 e nin o saben

Hay manera de despropagandizarlos?

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Ego sum led to:
Je suis in French
Eu sunt in Romanian
Eu sou in Portuguese
Sono in Italian

YO SOY in Latinx
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The mods should allow this one just because it's anti-kkkolonizer

>yo SOY
yes, spanish speakers indeed say they are soy each time they refer about themselves

El meme se hace más irónico cuando recuerdas que Francia fue quien forzó el sentimiento "latino" en la ibero esfera

Hypnotized hypnotist


Podemos dejar el liberalismo a un lado y admitir que los comanche fueron los chicos malos del viejo oeste? Si, más que los americanos o los españoles.
Si hubiera retribución obligada en formato de reparaciones, los comanche pagarían más de regreso a otras tribus y los estados norteamericanos.

Por quê?

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