Short story - "If We Could Change Our Existence".
As you have noted, I'm a gender-critical feminist who is supportive towards JK Rowling, but it doesn't bother me from writing a short novel about genderless society in the future. Note that I will never support the degenerate measures that are promoted today, as the another way to subjugate women. But even second-wave feminists thought that gender roles is the main reason for most women's unhappiness.
Chapter 1:
It's 2500, sex change is not what it used to be. Somewhere in 2020 for instance, sex change used to be painful, ineffective, people dissatisfied with the results used to commit suicide, people undergoing transitions were disliked by a lot of people, who didn't undergo these (frankly at times not unlike the witchers in Andrzej Sapkowski's books), the treatment itself was not unlike lobotomy of the 1950s etc.
But these times belong to the past now, as the new technology emerged. And this new technology enables everything, from changing body parts to biological functions of thereof. As Yuval Noah Harari predicted, we are now hackable animals and yes, even body parts and its biological functions are now effectively hackable.
Now one can change the vagina into the penis and viceversa, now one can stop having periods or nocturnal emissions, one can have high pitched voice or low pitched voice for both new "genders". Sex can be also binary and you can be either biologically-wise a man, or biologically-wise a woman. Also, the transition is perfectly reversible, as there are no awful side effects from undergoing what is now called "enhanced biology modification" or "EBM". Also one can decide, if they are gonna be fertile or infertile, via the new "EBM" technology. Now nobody questions the existence of transpeople, everybody is content and not divided. Seems like it's the happy time, when all the religions (especially those keeping the binary gender roles) are deceased and no longer enforced.
Chapter 2:
Yet there might arise some problems. For example, if hypothetically a man raped a woman in his past life and then transitioned, how is it going to be solved? There are still ethical questions being raised from all of this. It technically could be solved with convicting and jailing the individual offender, of course if the law enforcement worked, properly. One issue would be settled for sure: men in the past lives will be always mental men and women in the
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