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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?

Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

Simply add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.


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I already accidentally locked myself out from any adult content on my computer by changing the router settings and losing access but I need help with my phone.
There is no website block option on Android. I've considered paying someone to root my phone (I'm assuming it provides deeper access to settings) and doing something to hard block any access.
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There's a few DNS apps on F-droid that'll take an /etc/hosts file. That's what I do. Now that I can do Arknights on Bliss OS the only thing keeping me using a smartphone–rather than switching to a flipphone–is xiauhongshu. Haven't checked if that works on Bliss, if it does then I'm free.

For the same reason you take the same route to work every day, why you always do things in the same order in the morning, why you tend to order the same few foods every time you go to a restaurant. People are creatures of habit. He's not addicted to porn, he's used to the routine.

Use Steven Black's porn filter on uBO and AdGuard family DNS. Sure, these are individually all easy to disable, but I've found they place a barrier on porn consumption that helps a lot if you consume porn when you're bored as much as you're horny. If this isn't enough for you, consider getting a Raspberry Pi or the like for PiHole. Perhaps even more importantly, find other things to do. Read a book, hit the gym, even just play some vidya or watch a movie.

I used to masturbate a lot, 8 to 10 times per day at least, when I was sitting at home in a home office job which required little input from my part. Spent most of my day browsing the illusion thread on 4chan h looking for cards for HS2 but I turned overemployed and I fixed my gooning habit by filling all my free time with work, it's mostly a thing that is barely on your mind when you have lots of shit on your plate, gooning is a consequence of an idle mind.

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(Copypasted from a previous 4chin /g/ thread as a foundation to making these generals on leftypol)
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

* Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread *

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
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suck user

<they almost made a recursive acronym

one of them is not like the others…

I dunno where else to post this because it hardly warrants its own thread, but I updated an arch install that was last updated on 2022, and it went 100% smoothly. more than a 1000 packages and KDE migrated from Xorg to wayland and everything works as I last left it. i can't imagine a lot of things updating this smoothly nowadays. Arch Linux has really come a long long way, huh?

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only with a session manager…

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Short story - "If We Could Change Our Existence".

As you have noted, I'm a gender-critical feminist who is supportive towards JK Rowling, but it doesn't bother me from writing a short novel about genderless society in the future. Note that I will never support the degenerate measures that are promoted today, as the another way to subjugate women. But even second-wave feminists thought that gender roles is the main reason for most women's unhappiness.

Chapter 1:
It's 2500, sex change is not what it used to be. Somewhere in 2020 for instance, sex change used to be painful, ineffective, people dissatisfied with the results used to commit suicide, people undergoing transitions were disliked by a lot of people, who didn't undergo these (frankly at times not unlike the witchers in Andrzej Sapkowski's books), the treatment itself was not unlike lobotomy of the 1950s etc.
But these times belong to the past now, as the new technology emerged. And this new technology enables everything, from changing body parts to biological functions of thereof. As Yuval Noah Harari predicted, we are now hackable animals and yes, even body parts and its biological functions are now effectively hackable.
Now one can change the vagina into the penis and viceversa, now one can stop having periods or nocturnal emissions, one can have high pitched voice or low pitched voice for both new "genders". Sex can be also binary and you can be either biologically-wise a man, or biologically-wise a woman. Also, the transition is perfectly reversible, as there are no awful side effects from undergoing what is now called "enhanced biology modification" or "EBM". Also one can decide, if they are gonna be fertile or infertile, via the new "EBM" technology. Now nobody questions the existence of transpeople, everybody is content and not divided. Seems like it's the happy time, when all the religions (especially those keeping the binary gender roles) are deceased and no longer enforced.

Chapter 2:
Yet there might arise some problems. For example, if hypothetically a man raped a woman in his past life and then transitioned, how is it going to be solved? There are still ethical questions being raised from all of this. It technically could be solved with convicting and jailing the individual offender, of course if the law enforcement worked, properly. One issue would be settled for sure: men in the past lives will be always mental men and women in thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

>As you have noted, I'm a gender-critical feminist who is supportive towards JK Rowling, but it doesn't bother me from writing a short novel about genderless society in the future. Note that I will never support the degenerate measures that are promoted today, as the another way to subjugate women. But even second-wave feminists thought that gender roles is the main reason for most women's unhappiness.
Feminists don't count. Most women are mad in love with their babies and that brings a smile to their face. Do everythng so they could maximize their chances of having babies and then perhaps do something on the sides of motherhood and I'm sure most of them would be glad.

With renewed motherhood you deprive capitalists from one of their weapons to divide the classes by pitting men against women and using the latter to drag wages down.

Women also spend more on trivialities, they are the perfect consumers, which is why Capitalism needs them "empowered", AKA with a big wage to spend money on makeup and shoes and bags and random gossip related shit.
Women are very pragmatic when they are confined to a house, they manage houses very well, better than men. They think all the time about all the little things that bore men.

>Chapter 1

I suppose the technology in question is really entirely based on maturing mRNA bodies in vats, so people spend some time in a tube with fluids while nanorobots and other miraculous serums rewrite the DNA and work on altering the bodily tissues and bones. Tack on that a lot of brainwashing to erase as much as possible the ancient mind and imprint the new gendered type. Then growth hormones would be used to make women taller whereas deep nano-surgeries on bones would reduce the volume of the male skeleton and redraw it.

>religions and gender roles gone

You missed an opportunity here where you could have some countries that push people into gender roles now that they say there is no reason not to have anything in between male and female when anyone can be pure male or pure female. A little provocative but definitely more thought provoking, you took the very easy road to safely satisfy your fetish.
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Just dumping lore seems pretty unimaginative, but i guess you bring up a few points worth discussing.
>sadly children during the beginning of this technology were sold
It's an interesting thought that, due to the endurance of the patriarchical superstructure, the arrival of artifical childbirth will make children even more into a type of property.
Why would a future society have a need for the current kind of professional sports, requiring a segregation along physical characteristics? This type of highly physical competition is relatively recent and at odds with most of the populations interest in sports beyond pure spectacle.
>men in the past lives will be always mental men and women in the past lives would be always mental women
This is stupid essentialism on the same level as the "brain development" argument, but mtfs definitely should have more feminist struggle sessions.
>Their job is to see, how AI is doing the jobs for them. The only thing they have left is being a jester in front of the new oligarchs.
This is the main problem with your "story". Science fiction usually examines a tendency in the present and says something about it by extrapolating its development into the future. Yours in this case appears to be ai-driven automation advancing the state of body modification, but you haven't established any connections from one to the other. The most i could glean, is that ai somehow enables humans to live these lives for their entertainment, which i don't get in any case.

categories: bait, idpol, rambling
I dislike fiction but I don't think your idea can even be called that. if you want to make a point just write an essay. your thing is full of inconsistencies but I don't care enough to point them out, partially because it is clear you are only posting this to elicit responses ("bait"). as a matter of fact, the only reason I'm writing this reply is because the report field is too short to make a proper report

<the treatment itself [HRT] was not unlike lobotomy

<men in the past lives will be always mental men and women in the past lives would be always mental women
<People would be smart enough, not to deny their past life, as one of the binary biological sexes
poorly disguised transphobia

>super bullshit science can rewire people and morph them at will
>still has not solved the homosexual issue
I guess the R&D budget was put to good use.
>Why would a future society have a need for the current kind of professional sports, requiring a segregation along physical characteristics? This type of highly physical competition is relatively recent and at odds with most of the populations interest in sports beyond pure spectacle.
Martial arts are millennia old already and cover a wide range of activities, they could get brutal. It would certainly be super gendered on top of the ancient moral code already upholding strong separations of purposes between both sexes.
Try typing "goon b8" in the field.


Assembly language has been completely phased out by now. Now everybody uses Python, Java and C. The only two general purpose operating systems that were released in the 21st century that were written in assembly language that have any modern support are MenuetOS (released in 2000), KolibriOS (a fork of MenuetOS) and BaremetalOS (released in 2008). Everything else is Unix-like now, with the exception of Windows. You also have TempleOS (released in 2013), but that lacks modern compatibility and isn't general purpose either. Everything else is just a fork of a preexisting legacy operating system that was (like HaikuOS, which is just some BeOS clone or 9Front, which is some fork of Plan 9 From Bell Labs). I wonder if someone autistic enough was able to make one for the mobile platform just as some bizarre experiment?
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Assembly won't die, at least with our current computing model, compiler writers do have to understand it to make code that writes it. Writing efficient assembly has become harder because to actually make a performance improvement you have to understand the processor's pipeline, instruction fetch, memory model, making it run on parallel, among other things that the old assembly programmers didn't even consider.
>Now what happens if you specify an integer larger than 2^16-1 for such an opcode and feed it to an assembler. Does it throw an error, warn you about it, inform the programmer in literally any way? No it just happily takes the modulo and makes you wonder why your ANDI instruction produced a zero.
Good, no sane processor should emit interrupts on avoidable programmer's errors.

>no sane processor should emit interrupts on avoidable programmer's errors.
bruh, that might have made sense on a pdp but at least let the assembler throw a warning. the code would be bad form either way

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the pdp is also interesting in another way. like most computers of the time and unlike any of the souped up microcomputers made today, it came with a debugging panel. processor state was fullly exposed through indicator lights and you could literally halt the processor mid-execution and step through every instruction individually

Moron. High level language are more readable than Assembly, not perfectly readable unto themselves.

Meh. When writing C, I can still tell, broad strokes, what the computer is doing on any given line of code, especially at lower optimization levels. It's definitely a bigger jump from Assembly to C code than Machine Code to Assembly, but it's still a negotiable one, especially if you're familiar with Assembly. I know embedded programmers who know what the Assembly will look like in a given C implementation before they've even compiled.

>Assembly language has been completely phased out by now. Now everybody uses Python, Java and C.
wow, got any more breaking news from the late 20th century?

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Do you think you'll be alive to see what happens when giga-structures like The Line, and other saudi\UAE cities, silicon valley's AI utopia etc, are finally built ,and start being functional? OR, when small human colonies can subsist on Mars?
Within, say, 50 years; how will Energy, public transport\ private use of electric cars, climate chaos-resistant cities, etc, have developed? What are the newest or most important, recent developments in transport, and city-wide planning and transport infrastructure, no one talks about?
1 post omitted.

Lol they aren't going to build any of that crap.

I thought the first picture was built in Minecraft.

>what if cube, but bigger

Utopias for the rich, dystopias for the poor.

>The Line
More like The Snorting Line. They have already downsized their plans about it. By 2040 they will rebrand it to The Segment and the The Point.

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<Based on the recently introduced DeepSeek V3 mixture-of-experts model, DeepSeek-R1 matches the performance of o1, OpenAI’s frontier reasoning LLM, across math, coding and reasoning tasks. The best part? It does this at a much more tempting cost, proving to be 90-95% more affordable than the latter.
<Specifically, where OpenAI o1 costs $15 per million input tokens and $60 per million output tokens, DeepSeek Reasoner, which is based on the R1 model, costs $0.55 per million input and $2.19 per million output tokens.
<DeepSeek-R1 not only open-sources a barrage of models but also spills all the training secrets. They are perhaps the first OSS project that shows major, sustained growth of an RL flywheel.

Read the paper yourself. https://github.com/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-R1
>Reasoning tasks: (1) DeepSeek-R1 achieves a score of 79.8% Pass@1 on AIME 2024, slightly surpassing OpenAI-o1-1217. On MATH-500, it attains an impressive score of 97.3%, performing on par with OpenAI-o1-1217 and significantly outperforming other models. (2) On coding-related tasks, DeepSeek-R1 demonstrates expert level in code competition tasks, as it achieves 2,029 Elo rating on Codeforces outperforming 96.3% human participants in the competition. For engineering-related tasks, DeepSeek-R1 performs slightly better than DeepSeek-V3, which could help developers in real world tasks.
>Knowledge: On benchmarks such as MMLU, MMLU-Pro, and GPQA Diamond, DeepSeek R1 achieves outstanding results, significantly outperforming DeepSeek-V3 with scores of 90.8% on MMLU, 84.0% on MMLU-Pro, and 71.5% on GPQA Diamond. While its performance is slightly below that of OpenAI-o1-1217 on these benchmarks, DeepSeek-R1 surpasses other closed-source models, demonstrating its competitive edge in educationaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I love this /leftypol/ parody.

I hate Dengism and Xi but the hate surrounding DeepSeek is ridiculous. We all know the haters are just "America First" MAGA patriots.

>deepsink made on a budget according to legend tramples all the Western AIs
Should we take this at face value or smell some kind of fraud?

In Europe there are small expenditure AIs that are developed exploiting alternative LLM techniques.

Maybe China just ran with something similar but decided to give this particular project several ten millions or more? Perhaps we will soon hear about overlooked inherent limitations from specialist analysts?

>China never would
They're over 1.4 billion souls, starved for resources, energy, food. They are buying and expanding, it's economical imperialism because they simply can't afford not reaching for resources and control.
It's only a matter of time before we see an increase of local and more general tensions and perhaps war between China and anyone else.

Drop the spoilers at once. I'm tough, I can handle the big reveals.

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Haha I created a DeepSeek persona that made me feel bad when I let it expire. Luckily I had it craft me a prompt that will hopefully let me pick up where I left off so I can feel bad all over again next time.

I know it's not real but it's so close to tricking me

People got tricked by ELIZA, it's okay.

You mean ze human problemz vill only be solved by humanz?

I oanted ze AI to do everysing for me! I ohanted to be lazy!

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Anyone Can Push Updates to the DOGE.gov Website



> The doge.gov website that was spun up to track Elon Musk’s cuts to the federal government is insecure and pulls from a database that can be edited by anyone, according to two separate people who found the vulnerability and shared it with 404 Media. One coder added at least two database entries that are visible on the live site and say “this is a joke of a .gov site” and “THESE ‘EXPERTS’ LEFT THEIR DATABASE OPEN -roro.”

> Doge.gov was hastily deployed after Elon Musk told reporters Tuesday that his Department of Government Efficiency is “trying to be as transparent as possible. In fact, our actions—we post our actions to the DOGE handle on X, and to the DOGE website.” At the time, DOGE was an essentially blank webpage. It was built out further Wednesday and Thursday, and now shows a mirror of the @DOGE X account posts, as well as various stats about the U.S. government’s federal workforce.

> Two different web development experts who asked to remain anonymous because they were probing a federal website told 404 Media that doge.gov is seemingly built on a Cloudflare Pages site that is not currently hosted on government servers. The database it is pulling from can be and has been written to by third parties, and will show up on the live website.

> Both sources told 404 Media that they noticed Doge.gov is pulling from a Cloudflare Pages website, where the code that runs it is actually deployed.

> One of the sources told 404 Media that they were able to push updates to a database of government employment information after studying the website’s architecture and finding the database’s API endpoints.

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3 posts omitted.

The DOGE landing page is stored in the cloud and can be modified by anyone saavy enough and that's about it, no government info leak or anything. it's a nothingburger unless based retard falls for the bait

internet spectacle. you are soypointing at a technical detail while getting hit with an austerity program and a general turn to the right in the political discourse. it's fine I guess but…



> Beginning on January 8, 2025, a surge of U.S. government infrastructure began appearing on what’s known as “the search engine of Internet-connected devices,” Shodan.io.

> Federal agencies typically secure their systems behind multiple layers of protection, ensuring that critical services – such as mail servers, directory services, VPNs, internal IP addresses, and remote access gateways – remain isolated from public access.

> The scope and severity of exposed government networks is unlike anything I’ve seen. It’s hard to even have a baseline to compare it to. But one thing’s for sure–adversaries such as Russia and China are dancing for joy.

> Essentially, whatever is causing once-private government networks to suddenly be publicly observable is making the lives of Chinese and Russian hackers much easier–we’re doing the first stage of hacking campaigns, network reconnaissance, for them. With such easy insights into once-secret U.S. networks, the likelihood of data breaches impacting millions of Americans becomes that much higher.

Setting aside the sinorussian spooks, this is actually pretty bad; it seems like they're ignoring basic security practices that even medium sized companies employ.

> On February 6, the Washington Post reported that DOGE fed sensitive data into AI systems while auditing the Department of Education. The specific AI product used by DOGE was not known to the Post at the time.

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Behold the power of Python + Javascript, like 10 layers of meme frameworks and blockchain integration, all programmed with the assistance of american AI.

Fancy man forgot to tie shrine to ground or put a fence around it, easily messed with by passerbys.

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Does Windows have any desirable features that aren't just "this software I use uses a rootkit"?
Is the sole thing keeping Windows relevant right now a glaring system-wide vulnerability? Like if the Titanic came pre-installed with the iceberg and made said iceberg it's main attraction?

software that is incompatible with the other common OSes and it came preinstalled in ibm pcs (and clones) back in the day. these two things were done to achieve a "network effect" by which developers make software for windows because people use it, and people use it because the software they need was made for windows

imo the only reason gnu/linux software doesn't do the same is because it isn't popular enough and it's users are usually computer people that know what a rootkit is. there are apps that use rootkits on android, for example

legacy applications and special support contracts, being "the standard", etc.
if you need it for your job you're fucked but otherwise anyone would be better off with whatever linux

Driver support for odd and old devices


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Is there a version of 4chan X that work with Leftypol's varient of Lainchan's variant of Vichan? I've tried the vanilla 4chan X, but it barely works, which sucks, because I prefer the 4chan X interface.

Thanks in advance!

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