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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues (bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use /meta/.
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If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

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Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

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Works on my reader (Flym)

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Made as an extension of the main moderation recruitment thread, this thread is meant specifically for developer recruitment for /leftypol/.

We are asking for tech-orientated volunteers to help with development of the site's code and features, especially if you have experience with web design, common website coding languages, and/or development of mobile apps.

To Apply:

1. Log into your e-mail site of choice, and compose an email directed towards [email protected]
2. Decide on a short code word or phrase to identify yourself with, using it as the first part of your email and posting it on this thread.
3. Answer a short questionnaire, outlined below:

How would you describe your personal political tendency?
How long have you browsed or posted on /leftypol/ or her alt-boards?
Have you any experience working with leftist groups in the past?
How do you want to help the administration of leftypol.org?
How often will you be available to your work described above?
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Is there a simple solution to have a parallel /leftydeutschpol/ thread on the site, but translated to english?


Simple? None to my knowledge


This place needs an AI chatbot thead, so this is it now.

To start things off, I've made a card for Alunya: https://chub.ai/characters/xalkoi/Alunya
Fuck Fork and modify it to oblivion

Don't want to give money to capitalist but want to try it out? First download SillyTavern: https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern

Then create an account on Poe.com and follow the guide on SillyTavern to get the API key (just copy the value of the cookie)

Now download the png of the bot and import it on sillytavern, have fun.

And if you don't mind being unable to lewd the bots, you also have https://beta.character.ai/
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It forces you to use their unintuitive AI image generation tool exclusively for the pictures. There's literally no tutorial for how the tagging system works, so I couldn't get her to look anywhere close to accurate when making the profile pic for the bot based on the one I made earlier.

The bot is here; I'll probably make it private or just delete it if it becomes too cringe to have it up in public:



I'm not the only one who finds the AGI cultism intolerable am I? Really hate these guys.


The people who think LLMs are a path to AGI are retarded. It's just the latest thing a certain set of bourgeois mouthbreathers have attached to. The AI alignment people were the "new atheists" a decade ago. I don't know how they will cope when AI doesn't bring us heaven on earth (for tech bro evangelists only of course).


gotta agree, the idea we will make something smarter than us by feeding it our own shit including pretty stupid one is retarded. Its an excellent bullshit generator though.


Post less computery hardware you think is neat or have question about.
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I like the idea of just being able to slap more hands / devices onto a clock as needed. Fill a whole wall with time related information of varying usefulness.


this is tech. self powered, elegant, zero maintenance. post more please.


Snatch blocks, they're a pulley you can put on a rope, rather than having to thread it through. So like how zipline hooks work.


Calligraphy pen splitting open to draw a wide line using the arcing film of ink.


🎨: scribblewise

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Linux thread including trends, technical knowledge (i.e. sysadmin/automation) and more
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BeOS was a nice modern take on a PC operating system yet HaikuOS development is so slow.


>53 years of ugly hacks in a trenchcoat kept around, supposedly for legacy/compatibility
<backwards compatibility of any meaningful program is substantially worse than Windows
>fetishise doing everything of value in the shell as cope for incompetence at GUI design
<the shell is ugly, unintuitive, inconsistent shit by the standards of CLIs, with dumb command names, inconsistent syntax, and patchy documentation saved only by the fact you can now just use google.


I agree with the overall sentiment, but xahlee is a notorious comp.lang.lisp troll and praises powershell's of all things. For a good shell syntax, look no further than plan9 rc or s6 execline. There are also alternative command sets and many replacements for single programs, like the ones the rust people keep write for no reason at all. I don't think most shell commands are necessarily bad though and find is tolerable even. The unix shell command set is relatively small and well-known, so i don't think naming should be an important consideration. As opposed to the different brackets in bash, the meaning of most commands can be clarified in the sentence on top of the manpage (cut selects parts of a line, paste collates files with a field-separator per-line).


you can replace bash
zsh and fish were linked above
python is a good scripting language as well
and if you can criticize gui design, why not make your own apps with gtk or qt?



So something went wrong with last Windows update, it wont boot, recover, or do anything at all, my laptop appears to be completely bricked, Ill have to do factory reset (and even then Im keeping fingers crossed it will actually work). This is the last fucking drop, Im switching to Linux. The thing is, I have virtually no IT skills, so what is your advice? What type of Linux is most noob friendly? I use computer basically just for internet browsing, some graphic software and bideo games.
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All right, solved that one, I think, I can use Nvidia driver, so I guess its solved.
Immediately encountered 3 additional problems: 1st - cant change my monitor refresh rate
2nd - cant switch between integrated and dedicated GPU
3th - on Windows, I had Lenovo Vantage limit my battery charging to 60%, which it did though BIOS, so now even after clean install of Linux the battery never goes above 56%, and I dont even know if its because its actually charged to that level, or if Linux now displays fully charged as 56%, or how to change it.

I am going to waste an entire Saturday trying to fix this thing, but if its still broken come tomorrow, fuck it, I am going back to Windows.


2nd problem appears to not be problem at all, I do have both cards functional, I was just for so long used to my old laptop with Inter integrated card I didnt even realize the current one has AMD.
The other two still persist, for first one I had to beg forum to spoonfeed me solution, 3th one is technically working how I want it to, so Im just going to deal with it later.


Now the question for all the big-brains here: How do I update BIOS on Linux for Lenovo laptops?


you can install fwupd and use the fwupdmgr command to install firmware updates for various devices including UEFI updates. it uses signed firmware from vendors

you can check the documentation for it at fwupd.org:
https://fwupd.org/lvfs/devices for supported devices
https://fwupd.org/lvfs/vendors for supported vendors (including Lenovo)
also check https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Fwupd for the basic commands and GUI options for updating firmware


Had to reinstall Windows to update BIOS.

Problem 3 solved, it was just matter of changing value in conservation_mode file. The refresh rate issue though seems unfixable, plenty people posting about refresh rate issues online, but they fix them by updating drivers or other things I already tried.

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Since US tech embargo on China is still in effect and US plans to squeeze Chinese tech companies by restricting their access to computer chips. China's reaction to this was to make one of their goals to have a home-grown alternative for Intel, AMD, TSMC and the like to decrease dependence on the US. So I was wondering what kind of progress have they been making lately and what are their prospects of ever having a viable alternative to Intel and AMD?

There is all this talk about SMIC, Loongson and Zhaoxin and that in early 2020 Zhaoxin allegedly published a chip comparable to 2017 level intel and AMD tech and they are planning to have parity with Intel in a few years. Then there are Some sources are saying that China is failing horribly at acquiring manufacturing tech for more advanced processors. And I really can't make any real sense out of it.

So when will I be able to buy a computer that uses a hardware that dunks on burger made tech and sends my personal data to Beijing instead of Washington, if ever?
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Why do you think it was posted, anon? Why would somebody post a laptop with those specs?


Chinese SoCs are notorious for not running mainline Linux and having weird proprietary drivers.


ARM and Risc-V architectures are both Risc, but ARM is not Risc-V nor are they compatible.


Framework also has RISC-V (dev) mainboard coming to their laptops. It's all Chinese I believe.


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How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
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Every block downloaded on a torrent is verified against a checksum, the only way to get malware from a torrent is to download a malicious torrent file or magnet if everything worked as it should. What was the case here? did they spread a malware that affected torrent users, tricked their users into downloading malicious torrent files or did they exploit a vulnerability on a torrent client?


> How do you even protect yourself against your own ISP trying to fuck you over like this?
Lots of ISPs are untrustworthy. Use a VPN. Or Tor. Or git gud. In today's day and age, you should be treating your local network as a hostile environment, nevermind your Internet connection.

It's an exploit targeting a garbage proprietary Korean client. Imagine Western Digital MyCloud meets Dropbox with bittorrent integration for p2p distribution. It may not be as dumb as it sounds. It's popular enough that this ISP decided to break the law to stop it on their network.


install gentoo


This seems like a uniquely South Korean issue. South Korean law allows it to happen. In the States, I imagine this is yet to emerge as an issue. DMCA claims go largely unanswered.


USA law is retroactive though. Unless the exact same situation has happened before somewhere else, it goes to court years after the alleged crime and it gets appealed over the course of a year or two too before it's decided whether precedent applies to this case.

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Is the FSF going to die with him? That's sad to think about.
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idk i don't live in america lol. Gonna search for it.


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I made these meme for Richard


Hurd is a microkernel, which makes the OS more secure and composable. Think of it as being vaguely similar to Plan 9.





Has anyone taken the time to examine "left wing market anarchism"? and how open source software relates to it. The way I see things open source software can help entrepreneurs and small business owners make money without having to pay royalties or subscription fees to companies like Adobe and give up their right to own software. After all "capitalism" requires patents and IP law and heavy Government involvement where as FOSS is decentralized and allows anyone to profit off it without all the legal government middle man stuff.

Am I a deviant for thinking this way because since late 2018 I always got the impression that FOSS was synonymous with free market socialism - ect anti capitalist but pro personal property rights and entrepreneurialism. Some people say FOSS is communist and I have disagreed with that; as if it were communist there would be a strong centralized government body controlling things and forcing people to work on FOSS projects.
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I lol'd.


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OP here, I don't know if my political views are left wing or right wing I Just want to know how to prevent this kind of world


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OP here, yes any physical object can be given that attribute but FOSS is something special because it forces "capitalism" to stay decentralized. When capitalist is decentralized people get the best out of it without any of the yucky stuff.

When capitalism is decentralized and free from state protectionism I no longer consider it capitalism and prefer the term "markets". markets can be practed with both a boss or worker co-ops. its a free will choice of whoever voluntarily participates.

Communism is problematic because without money, banks or credit I don't know how a society would function, it makes my head hurt just thinking about it. But if you can figure out a way you should be free to voluntarily practice communism


>That's how I know you're an orange ancap, read theory plz. Communism is just marketless mutualism, there's no money involved in smaller projects except from outside donations, people make software for themselves, not for anyone else, they just put out their own work in hopes somebody else finds it useful or can help them develop it, not to sell it.

yes, I am an "orange an cap" because I see evidence that whenever communism is practiced it turns into a centralized state. Right Libertarians like Mike Rectenwald, Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul are right in my opinion about communism always turning into a centralized blood bath terror but wrong about capitalism being its solution.

Individual liberty, markets and property rights exist better in a anti capitalist frame work.


The FOSS movement is majorly libertarian, no big surprise there.

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