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I haven't had the chance to play Homeworld 3 but it's out now and I've heard mixed things about it. Any other Homeworld fans on this board? The first game is one of my favorites, the rest of the series is still good but it feels like it gets progressively less interesting.

I haven't played 3 either, but one of the problems I've heard with it is that for some reason Homeworld 3 has a character-driven story, and does it in a way that essentially retcons some of 1 and 2's story. Specifically, it isn't like an unfolding history like the first two games, but specifically a story about Imogen S'jet who is apparently the protege of Karan S'jet and has some kind of personal, face-to-face conflict with the big bad, and to make this work they've essentially retconned the whole "integrated into the ship" thing. In 1 and 2, Karan S'jet was almost literally the voice of the Mothership, but that's questionably canon now because she kept her personality now somehow.

Totally agree. Homeworld was better when it was a story about people trying to survive, not prophecies or chosen ones or any kind of special characters.
It feels limited in its scope as well. In the original game, were were introduced to a bunch of new cultures and nations, whereas the rest of the series feels like it only brings up new villains.

Never played them, but I like the lore, it's nice.

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